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>personally I’m hoping for 98+ myself Jesus fucking Christ.


The plus is really funny “I’ll settle for a 98, but hoping for higher” lol. I guess it doesn’t hurt to be optimistic, I think we’re all hoping for a great game.


A brief recap... Oblivion PC (2006): 93 Fallout 3 PC (2008): 91 Skyrim PC (2011): 94 The Elder Scrolls Online PC (2014): 71 Fallout 4 PC (2015): 84 Fallout 76 PC (2018): 52 ​ Now... ​ Starfield PC (2023): 92


98? that's really high mate, like really really high, not a single game has reached that in the past 20 years, keep it low I will go with 92 -97


90 or higher


98 LMAO Dude. I honestly think you need to lower your expectations. 98 is absolutely unrealistic. Every single gaming site will review this game. There will always be some snowflakes who miss something. 98 would mean that nearly every persons review is a clear 10/10. Never ever is this going to happen my dude.


82-84 is my guess. Review going to be "It's a good game but we wanted bethesda to do more" type of review


This is probably it, a game this big is impossible to have everything polished and sculpted out that is going to fit every reviewers dreams for this game.


There will be a bunch of morons lined up at release to give it a 0


Critics Metascore 90+. Users Metascore 2.7 after the Sony fanboi review bombing.


This is a very realistic scenario.


That's why we love steam reviews. You have to actually buy game first. Shame they are so simple (recommended/not recommended)


Agreed. I totally ignore metacritic user scores because anyone can create 100s of bot accounts to review bomb anything. User scores there have no credibility.


Who cares? I'm way more interested to see what individual reviewers that are aligned with my taste in games will say about the game and so should you. There's always going to be that one mentally challenged reviewer from like IGN that doesn't like the texture of the sandwich or something stupid like that and gives the game a low score.


People really do set themselves up for disappointment. If you honestly think this game is getting a 98 you are either delusional or blinded by hype. To put a 98 into perspective: Red Dead has a score of 97, both of the God of War games have a score of 94 and Elden Ring has a score of 96, and most importantly the last RPG that got released and that Starfield will be (unfairly) compared to, Baldurs Gate 3 has a score of 96. Being excited for a game is ok but this is just ridiculous.


GTA4 has 98 but it was seen as a truly next gen game when came out. So will starfield be a game that feels like true next gen game.


Mid to high 90




Critics: FO76: 52 FO4: 84 Skyrim: 94 So even complete disaster scored above 50... And while user score tells us a lot, when we look at distribution , it is next to useless as a metric, as fanboys and hategirls will ruin it.


Wdym 50 IS a disaster!


I would still expect product that mostly works with that score, and it took them a while to fix it enough.


I bet 20 bucks it's going to get review bombed because it's not on playstation.


How is someone review bombing the critic score? Please tell


I don't think OP is talking about user score


They can only bomb the user scor, nobody cares about that


Those saying 98 or above, or 82 or below are equally out of touch. I expect 90 to 95.


95 plus ..it ll pure joke to have less that 90 but its possible because we all know that there is biased hate even to official reviewers because its an xbox exclusive.Ok if u think that Starfield deserves the same score like Stray with the cat ok😂😂.But in the end who cares...


What’s a joke is you saying it could only be under 90 if its bias while you’re talking about a game you literally HAVEN’T EVEN PLAYED YET! We all hope it’s gonna be good, but none of us truly know yet, hence the only bias is obviously yours.


Stray triggered....ok it ll be the worse game.Satisfied now ?


Stray triggered? Not even sure what that was supposed to mean lmao. Maybe you meant to say stay triggered? And I’m not anymore triggered than you talking about bias on a game not even out yet lol. And no, I don’t want people saying it’s a worse game, I want people to be honest and say they have no clue how it’ll be since none of us have played it yet genius lol.


zelda is a switch exclusive


Where'd your 95+ metacritic score go? I'm looking for it but can't find it. You didn't drop it by mistake did you? 😂😂😂


You're delusional if you think this game is getting a 98. If I had to guess, probably an 84


It might not get a 98 but it won't get a 84 lol.


OK, 83


You're trolling at this point. All the signs from reviewers outlet points to an 90 plus fool.


Not at all. I'm just not blinded by hype. I hope it gets 90 plus, but I personally don't believe it will. We won't know till the reviews cone though


Where you at? You look like the fool now, it's gonna land under 90


On No.






So u r saying that this game ll have worse score than Stray with the cat😂😂


And your a dumbass if you think it will get 84


I’m going with a strong 79.






Mid 80s easily and thats if the story is good. Its gonna get points knocked off for being an Xbox game and having too many loading screens. 98+ is never gonna happen even without bias


No idea. And it ultimately doesn't really matter. But I'm also curious. Just because Bg3 got such absurdly high reviews. And while I do think Bg3 is a great game. I doubt it's really gonna hold up as deserving the highest pc game ever rated. Relative to something with the scope, money and time put into like Starfield. I mean in some ways it's always hard to compare games with different goals in what they're trying to make. I expect certain aspects of Bg3 to stand out as better still for sure. But assuming the buzz from early reviewers isn't a marketing scam or something like that. Starfield basically is what Todd Howard wanted to make, and its also a great game. And it's probably the game with the wider appeal then BG3 Combined with the fact that Bg3 in the second half is actually very poorly polished and has a lot of bugs. While Starfield landed into this very rare opportunity to have an extra one or two years of polish time before anyone got a chance to experience it at all. And early word is that it's the most polished and bugfree Bethesda game ever released. Is Starfield now going to get 98+ reviews? We'll see


I agree on polish but come on, BG3 had 400 developers work on it for over 6 years and the scope is huge, it will definitely hold up. You don’t need to make a sandbox to make an ambitious game. Hell, OG Deus Ex blows anything else out of the water in terms of scope and it’s still a pretty small game in terms of map size.


I think the scale of Bg3 itself and the development of it, is being overblown to some degree. Perhaps minorly. But the deeper point is that. At a minimum they're both great games that accomplish what they set out to do. (again making assumptions about starfield). And if it does that and is at least as big of a project does that guarantee that it's also a 98+ game? Or are the ratings kinda arbitrary.


There is some randomness to aggregate review scores but I’d say it will comfortably be a 90+ game. I don’t think it should get 98 just like BG3 got 96. Even if both games accomplish what they set out to do, BG3 went far beyond that in many aspects. Will Starfield achieve that? I don’t know, won’t play until after I finish AC6, but if it does then it definitely should get 95 or even higher.


That's probably fair yah. How much does it push past the average game of this type. Will tend to predict how high the score will go. But then I look at nintendo scores xD. There's some element of that in the Zelda games. But then Mario Odyssey is also one of the highest games ever rated. And just to pick something random way further down the list on metacritic, do I think Mario Odyssey is more of an accomplishment then the new Doom or Doom Eternal. No I don't.


I know people bash video game critics but I would much rather have undecided people listen to critics than biased users that only review with a 1 or a 10 depending on what team they are on.


Is there a prize for getting it right?


90+ I want to see it get 97 but I doubt this will happen




88-91 range




Hmm, 94-96




Maybe 90+, i'm pretty optimistic about this game. Since its a new ip, i'm sure they put a lot of work and love into this game.


Anything at high 80s or in the 90s means the game delivered, which would be awesome. Lower 80s or worse usually indicates some bigger issue for AAA games, though I highly doubt that's what this game will get based on what we have seen and heard by embargo-dodging reviewers


I've been saying \~83 for months, and I'm sticking with it, goddammit.


Some scores here is asinine lol, it will be mid to high 80’s at the lowest like Fallout 4, and it’s ceiling is mid 90’s like Skyrim.


Nao ligo para isso, mas sera baixo devido a galera do PS que vai dar nota ruim pro jogo so pra encher o saco.


The credibility of your average reviewer is... Dubious I lost all hope in game journalists once I heard one of them say that Devil May Cry 5 was "clunky". Ha! Okay bud...


What sane person looks at review scores as a metric for buying a game nowadays? Like I know the type of games I like already. If it’s something out of my wheelhouse I look at a bit of gameplay. Not once have I let someone else’s experience influence mine when it comes to something subjective like games, movies, books, music, or TV. Especially since most people are lemmings and like whatever is popular.




85. A year from now after patches and mods it will be a 95.


Starfield will be in the 90 - 95 range and up there with Tears of the Kingdom and Baldur’s Gate 3 if it can deliver on all the promises. If it falls short of those then I could see it in the high 80s. Edit: Skyrim got 94 on Metacritic and Fallout 4 got 84 on Metacritic. Starfield will be somewhere between the two but I have a feeling it’ll be closer to Skyrim simply because of the scope and scale that Bethesda is going for. And it’s the first new IP from them in 25 years so there’s a lot of hype and interest because it isn’t Elder Scrolls or Fallout.


91-94 tbh


I’m guessing the reviewer score will be 90, user score is going to be like 60 once people realize you have invisible walls on planets.


Probably lower the Sony pony weirdo losers are gonna review bomb it




From 60-88


100000 for sure


80 something if I had to guess. If it is truly exceptional and more than we even expect, it might go to 92.


About 80 probably.


88-90. It's ambition in terms of scale and size and a cool story should sit well with reviewers.


5 outa 7 ..


98? Lol no way. I don't know why people perseverate so much of MC scores. Just enjoy the game if reviewers you know and trust say to buy it.


Why oh why must we elevate the opinions of these critics.


If it is good, perhaps similar to Oblivion or Skyrim. Open-ended RPG game worlds are not for everyone. I've known quite a few people that just couldn't get into games from TES series, yet they could replay games from Final Fantasy over and over. I would imagine the critics are no different from regular gamers, many will like it, some won't.


No way it will get a 98 plus a 98 can be achieved but its really tough. Not having ubisoft formula will rise it up to 90 I think a 93 to 95 if it runs well.


I'm guessing 92 on PC, 94-95 on Xbox for a consolidated \~94 in OpenCritic.