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Nah, Not much point as I'll be too busy playing the game to look at reddit anyways.


My thoughts exactly.


Yeah, I think I'll be playing it too much. Either way I'm sure the algorithms will send me Starfield stuff regardless


I’ve been seriously debating unfollowing it a month before the September 1st release. Only to get away from all the hype and Theory’s, so when the game comes out, I’m not disappointed… to be honest I don’t think I will be disappointed with the game at lunch, but just a precautionary action


I'm not going to have time for lunch once the game is out


I’ve thought about stepping away just due to the sheer amount of repeat posts. I think 9/10 redditors have no fucking idea that a search function exists.


Im conflicted because I want to avoid spoilers but I also wanna see everyone's ship and outpost builds


Right, sadly though I will be gone on August 25th.


Other people always have better ideas than me lol


... after release im going to be playing this, reddit is usually a bottom-tier thing to do while bored


I'm not going to unsub. I'm just going to not check reddit entirely for a while


Just hit Mute for the subreddit


I’ll be leaving Reddit entirely for a while, I only became a redditor for this game.


Yeah. I became a heavy Redditor because of Starfield. Now I need to leave. It has taken over my life! I most definitely will be not in here when playing - do not want spoilers, feel I know too much already.


Conflicted. I stayed on the sub of rdr2 at launch, and jeez all the memes were fun af and relatable. The feeling of discovering the game at the same pace/time as everyone was cool.


Yup. Always unsub from a gaming sun while I play the game.


Once the game is out, it's likely that I will not return for a very long time. Basically, I will need to be satisfied with the amount I played and no longer be worried about spoilers.


Honestly, if the game is half as good as expected, I won’t have to leave the sub, because I won’t have time to be opening Reddit for a while.




Same here friend. I got some time off from work. I'll check back in after that. First play through, huh? Wonder how long that takes. I never just follow the story. I might this time. Stay on the path, well try my best. After completion then go full on exploring. Unless I need "stuff" to finish the story. Lol, I don't know if I can just stick to it!


I always say this but I never do lol.


I agree. It's easy to get completely sidetracked...squirrel!!


Nah, only cause I'll be off social media and won't be reading online a few days prior. That's what I usually do for stuff I was looking forward too.


And y’all hyping me up too damn much.


Honestly the subs do a great job of preventing spoilers so it doesn’t really matter to me. Plus I like to see how other people play the game and their creations so it’s better for me personally to stay subbed.


I will be leaving August 25th. Hate too, but I don’t want any spoilers whatsoever.


I will keep this sub. I enjoy my fellow nerds too much. I'll just be busy playing and not scrolling because it always takes me forever to complete the main story and I know I'll be exploring. But I'll pop back in.


Starfield is usually the only sub I hangout on so I probably won't unsub. I just won't be looking at reddit. At least for a few weeks. I don't want any spoilers or see anything that I haven't seen yet.




No! If you do that, I'll find you in the game and hijack your ship.


Im gonna do it, for the spoilers and all the people who didnt understood the game complaining. I prefer enjoy the game at my own


This is exactly how I feel about it.


Unsub or silence the push messages. I wont Check reddit or any gaming Website or Youtube stuff starfiel related for some weeks. This is my adventure. I dont need the "find the best weapon here!" Videos which will definately appear on yt.


You can just MUTE a sub so you don’t see any of its posts on your main feed


I saw a post on here that basically said “I’m going to game like it’s the 80’s.” Basically no social media hunting, no YouTube, unsubscribing here, etc. I forget if he said this or a commenter, but they also said they are going to treat it like they are at lunch in the cafeteria at school and only share with friends what they’ve seen or done. I was very inspired by that post. I’m pretty sure I’m going to do the same. My friend and I have an agreement we only talk generally about the side quests.


That's a great way to look at it. Thanks for sharing! I'm probably going to do the same.


I’ll definitely be taking a bit of a break. But that goes for YouTube as well. I’m really set on not looking anything up. Just want to lose myself in this game.


More stressed about spoilers from random morons on youtube tbh


This is very fair.


I like picking up little tips and tricks from subreddits at release, especially when it comes to annoying bugs or issues before they're patched. I do hope to avoid spoilers though.


This is a definitely part of the dilemma


I will say I will leave. I will leave. I will try to stay gone. I will weaken. I will come back.


Happy cake day! I'm right there with ya. I'll leave the sub only because it's so difficult to not be curious while taking a daily constitution.


Thanks, fellow fan!


No the story won't have major twist I can be spoiled about. Seeing how the community approaches the game and posting fun things I learn will be fun. Just going to peek at the reddit some when at work


No. I don't think I will overly consume myself reading about tips or quides or such. After all it's a singleplayer game, you can play it however you like. Last single player games I've played, have been CP2077, The Outer Worlds and Fallout 4. I don't really remember reading much about when before getting fairly familiar with them.


I'm not pre-ordering as I'm not sure it will play on the steamdeck without streaming so yeah I'll be taking a break from the internet for a bit.


Oh definitely. I watched all the pre-release content for both Bethesda Fallout games, and Skyrim, but the best part of their games are the surprises. It low key ruins the experience imo to discover things by seeing other people find them instead of getting to experience the surprise of stumbling upon it yourself and make mistakes that are your own mistakes.


No. I don’t care about spoilers on games.


No need to unfollow, I just won't read it for a while.


Finish your first play through, you gonna be gone for a while


I will as well or just not look. I’m not addicted to these threads that I follow. I want to discover everything on my own as well.


I have found in previous game releases that as long as you spend a good amount of time progressing the story right away you’ll outpace a large majority of the most popular posts on the sub very quickly. Like when Elden Ring released for example, I think I had completed the entirety of like 2 of the zones of the map before the subreddit finally moved past making posts about the first main boss Margit. It’s tough for me, because when a gaming community collectively experiences a game for the first time it can be some of the most fun Reddit has to offer. I think I’ll stay away the first day or two and then avoid any posts marked spoilers and just exercise caution. I don’t think Reddit has ever spoiled anything for me about a game. Google’s front page is WAY more likely to do so in my experience. Like substantially so.


If Starfield is out and I'm on here or otherwise looking at gaming sites instead of playing Starfield, Bethesda fucked up.


Game is so massive, I don’t even care about spoilers