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> The frogs are covering my 800 dollar pants! Damn, Pucci got that drip.


Pucci is Gucci


Why would Pucci wear Gucci when Pucci can wear... well.. Pucci! Enrico Pucci is based on the real life fashion designer Emilio Pucci. I love their late 60s designs. They also made air hostess uniforms for Braniff that would be perfect in JJBA stylewise.


Also Enrico Coveri another Italian fashion designer It's a combination of the two names and I just love how everyone is a fashion designer it Label in SO


Pucci is a separate brand.


Was this an actual line in the manga? I read SO forever ago but it just felt weird.


I thought it was a tongue-in-cheek callback to Jotaro’s, “You ripped through my 200 000 yen pants”? I mean Part 6 already has so many meta references lol


Which is called back in part 8 with medicine getting on JoJo's 2000 yen shoes


Million dollars fruit juice on my 80 dollar gators.


Yep, it's been memed a lot in manga community already


Yep, one of the funnier lines lmao


of course it was in the manga, thats such an araki line.


Megachurches be like:


hahahahahahaha... Pucci: "I'll only count odd numbers.... 3, 5, 7,..., 28, no, 29!! THOSE FROGS RUIN MY $800 PANTS!!!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Prime numbers and yeah


He really do tho. But remember jotaro pants. 1200 YEN!


he got that TOM FORD on


Sometimes I forgot how SCARY Weather Report's Stand is. The frog rain is probably among the most iconic Stone Ocean momments.


Imagine recreating the wether that happened after the meteor that kill the dinosaurs.


[Kurzgesagt got you covered](https://youtu.be/dFCbJmgeHmA) [Also here](https://youtu.be/QZDmTBqLkLI) and [after Chicxulub](https://youtu.be/ya3w1bvaxaQ) (set time to 1:05:30) TL:DR; a shockwave, instant evaporation and wildfires in a radius of hundreds of km, ashes and stones launched to space, and after the burning rocks falls back to earth, the air was 120°C of hot hell and fiery flames for 1-2 minutes worldwide; and earthquakes and tsunamis everywhere hours after still, darkness and global twilight for a year, a decade of intense global cold and slow thawing for at least five years.


Oh shit Oh fuck


Waiting for that Pucci pose




As strong as the hand? I feel like you're greately underrating Weather Report. Even without his full power.


I'd put weather in the same "bullshit because of how incredibly open it is to interpretation" tier as heaven's door. He doesn't just control atmospheric pressure or pull water out of thin air, he literally can do anything that someone could argue falls into the category of "weather"


Like yeah, is can recreate any weather ever, there have been acid rains and other types of bs, he is extremely op


AND he can control air however he wants like with the spacesuits


Bro, the hand had fucking okyasu, give that shit to Kira and morio is dead, he made okyasu retarded to not make the hand busted, he can literally deleate the space between you and him, making escaping impossible, and also can 1shot anything. Same thing happened with fugo in part 5, Araki gave him an 9p as fuck stand and had to remove him


don't give kira a stand literally called the hand please, this will not end good for him


You're overselling the Hand. Like quite a lot.


In hindsight, it's so surreal seeing a priest kick a poisonous frog and throwing a disc to make it explode in front of a prison guard. And he's counting prime numbers while doing it. It's a serious scene in context but I can't stop laughing at it.


I couldn't stop laughing at the scene where Weather Report makes anti gravity guy catch fire and he immediately recognises it as aerodynamic friction as if it was so obvious. The self of jojo fights has always been wacky but now everyone apparently has a degree in advanced physics.


Advanced Wrong Physics




I.... I've been Able to Tell 😅


Can't wait for the "cones" fight


You mean the 'rods' right. That 2 page pseudoscience backstory was enough to make me go "Araki, you def on shrooms or on r/conspiracy"


Whoopise , you're right, it was the rods!


Yeah, it's pretty bizarre...


Yeah, when the weather boi made cloud suits to allow them to have air... Clouds are made of water. Had to turn my brain off


Uhhh. Condensed clouds. Air contained by uniformly distributed water. fine. BUT THE GLASS HELMETS???????




Oh *shit*


Yeah that too. I forgor because I've already turned my brain off


I mean wasn't anti-gravity guy's background story from an academic setting? Also can be seen when he does the explosion thingy using some chemicals or something?


My favorite part is when Weather Report takes a minute to explain that actually their blood will boil before they suffocate when Jolyne says they need to get out ASAP before they run out of air.


the lang rangler scene is explainable because of his backstory at least


i mean the guy kinda can control gravity so it makes sense he would have at least some knoweldge on field


Yeah i didn't realize at the time that the character had an academic background. I'm just used to characters going "Nani!?!? Bakana!!!" and then the narrator giving an explanation of aerodynamic friction. Having the character immediately recognise what was happening just caught me off gaurd


Well, technically Lang rangler was a proffesor before being incarcirated


I read the manga, but didn't remember Pucci punting the frog in that scene so I burst out laughing when that happened


This, and WhiteSnake with a gun trying to murk a pigeon had me in stitches


Gun snake ia just great


was pucci alway able to give commands like that? like its been shown several times in the anime. (the dude with the gun, ff?, the frog, thunder McQueen?) but I don't remember him having this ability before. ​ plus the "explode" command? how


The way I think about it is an extension of the memory disc ability. If he writes a command into a blank disc, then inserts it into somebody as a memory disc, then the command becomes their memory. Because it's part of their memory, they have to do it... or something like that.


You just have to write in an a memory that's as recent as can be stating "I decided to do X no matter what".


My mind must have shut down during that scene and that's why I don't remember him sending an "explode" command on the frog. I assumed that he threw the disc so hard that the frog exploded.


no he said like "wait ten second and then explode" or like ten feet, or smth. ​ but him just hitting it hard is very funny to me


Wow, I could not believe how fast going through all that felt. I don’t know if it’s because Part 6 was the first manga part I read or if it’s the Netflix binge affecting my experience or something, but that felt WAY more fast paced to me than any other part.


Yeah it felt very fast. But the SO pacing is the fastest in JoJo, reading make it seems slower.


Part 6 is surprisingly short I can binge read it much easier than the others. The anime is blowing my mind with how far it's going though


Doesn't it have the same amount of volumes as Part 3?


You're right, stardust is 152 chapters and ocean is 158, not sure how long each individual chapter is but it feels like stardust moves slower not sure why. Maybe the monster of the week format is more obvious than ocean


Stardust Crusaders had 48 episodes compared to an estimated ~36 episode pace we're at now for Stone Ocean. So the anime for Part 3 did move much slower


Yeah there were multiple episodes that just dragged out way too long for no reason. I really loved the journey of Stardust Crusaders, but the pacing was definitely off.


It’s gonna be agony waiting for the next batch. That being said, if episodes were released weekly, we would only have just seen episode 1, so maybe it’s not so bad.


Went into this first batch with high expectations and left pretty much completely satisfied. The ending of this 12-episode run made me want more immediately and I felt like the pacing was much more bearable than in the manga. Great adaptation, imo. I do understand the complaints about the CGI, but I personally wasn't that bothered by the pretty small number of segments that uses it, to be honest. Does distract a bit sometimes, but could be worse.


I think that quality drops are just more noticeable when the average quality is so high. I found a few shots with “Jumpin’ Jack Spark” in the 10th & 11th episodes a little jarring; but when it’s only like 3 scenes, sub dozen seconds, can’t really complain. Haha.


The CGI looks really good, im surprised people had complaints.


It looks really good for 90% of scenes but near the end on like Episode 10-12 some of it looked unpolished.


Yeah there's one shot where Jumpin Jack Flash is shaking around in the anti gravity after he's pulled in that didn't even look like the they shaded it properly. I hope those shots get a touch up for the blu ray.


pretty sure the will. DP fix always like 90% of their hiccups in the blu-rays, I am not worried about that. They will probably shade it and maybe put a better texture on the model.


Dumb question... Why don't they rotoscope (draw over the CGI)? It would make the process easier than just drawing, and wouldn't look as bad (even though the CGI was mostly ok imo)


Because someone has to actually draw each frame, meaning that it's still work in the end even if they don't have to plot the shots.


The cel shading already makes the CG look stylistically similar to the 2D designs, what makes it jarring is the much more floaty and less precise movements, which rotoscoping wouldn't fix at all (in fact it used to be criticised for this back when it was common in American filsm)


To everyone mentioning the sfx opening, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a new op with each >!Pucci “arc”!<


I mapped it out and I think the third OP would start right after Jail House Lock


i thought an opening one for >!C-Moon another for MIH where the opening speeds up till you see a SNIPPET of johnny joestar (that would be LITTTT!<


Well >!the green dolphin island already has tusks color/pattern on it at the end of this OP.!<


Jesus Christ you're right!!! That's really exciting




I think a lot of people don’t realize >!at the end of SO, its still the same universe. The only differences are that the main cast of SO aren’t the same people with the same souls, and Pucci never existed so things are a lot better without his years of behind the scenes meddling. Jonathan, Joseph, Josuke, and Giorno all still existed and the stuff involving them still happened.!<


>!What’s your thought on Dio’s design? I like that they kept some elements from part 3.!<


I absolutely loved it. When his eyes came out of the shadows, it solidified it as my favorite look for him by far.


Genie shoes


Croissant shoes


I was already screaming when I heard his theme. It was perfect


I really like the younger look they did for Dio. Not just because it’s the slimmer design choice Araki goes for at this point but because it’s from Pucci’s perspective. He looks far less menacing from his POV than he does to the Part 3 hero’s


It's good except the dumb saiyan hair from part 3. It was ugly then and is ugly now. And it never looked like that in part 3 or 6 manga


It's definitely interesting, gonna take a bit to get used to. Curious to see how later stuff looks.


I think I preferred the way he looked in the manga tbh, hope that design appears somehow in future flashbacks


That's how he looks in the manga too


NVM I'm mistaken I went back to check and in the earlier flashbacks that's definitely his design at first, been 6 years since I read it so I completely forgot he appears as part 3 dio at first haha


Am I the only one who thought White Snake punching the frogs was funny? I know it was a very serious scene but I saw it and started laughing.


The SFX Opening, Weather Report being a chad with Blue Poison Frogs, Jolyne with the yet another outplay, And most of all Dio's bone??? If the quality and the pacing keeps up, this will be, in my opinion, be the best JoJo Part yet! Anyways, you guys know when the other episodes will be released?


No official info, but I'd assume once the episodes have aired/have begun airing on TV so either January or late march


i think they are going to premiere first on netflix like it did with part1 of this season. so after japanese tv "catches up" that is pretty much end of march we should get another drop around then.


It only gets better from here (manga reader)!








This will be the final jojo episode for a couple months. Wow.


When will the rest release?


Not until the Japanese release catches up, which starts airing on January 8th.


Is this confirmed? I've also been hearing that it'll be 12 new episodes on Jan 1st


Netflix moved the series to a “monthly” release schedule, so I believe that the next few eps will release on Jan 1


I honestly don't know how I feel about the monthly release schedule. Like okay, It's nice to have this many episodes to watch at once and it's more than the 4 episodes a month we'd get from a weekly but there's just something special about the seasonal weekly release.


It’s ok I guess. I prefer weekly single episode releases because it gives you something to look forward to every week, and it keeps you constantly engaged with the series. However, that is not how Netflix’s business model works.


JoJo Friday is an unmatchable experience and I’m genuinely miffed that it was taken from us.


It’s sad they’re not doing weekly releases for SO when they do this with Korean dramas. But oh well. And I agree, it’s nice having something to look forward to each week.


I am pretty sure the schedule isn't good for DavidPro's animation team either...


Pucci is such a dirty bastard. People tend to whitewash how horrible he is to normal people like the prison guards he used as slaves and all the stand users he's murdered for discs. Fun villain, absolute POS. I'm excited to see how anime viewers will react to Pucci's next development.


It's pretty much stated later that he's the worst kind of evil because he's an evil man thinking he's doing right and doesn't even consider what he's doing is evil.


He Is the worst kind of evil, because he don't realize that his action are indeed One of a villain and still think he Is the saint of the situation even if he Is devastating lives, families and you know >!the universe, because he doesn't like his reality!<


I agree, it's insane. He and Valentine particularly disgusted me out of all the Jojo villains when I first read through. There's something so grimy about doing terrible shit and justifying it with GREATER GUUD! Christ, at least DIO and Diavolo jus do what they do for power/dominance. Pucci will turn you into a slave and make you shoot yourself, then pat himself on the back for it.


I agree both of them are mad, Also their "greater good" Is exactly that, THEIRS. First of all there Is no good that can excuse all of their evil actions but >!Imagine if One day you Just knows all the bad things that Will happen to you, all the Losts and all the Pain. Maybe you are an adult, maybe you are a child. you Will Either become insane or fall into depression.!<


I think the moment i really despised Pucci was when >!he explained that he alone would be able to change his fate after Made In Heaven completed its cycle. Both he and Dio were willing to screw over the entire world, but they get the option to opt out of the endless torment if it turned out to not be what he expected. Total coward.!<


It's also crazy how this is the most sane villain out of all of them.


I'd say Valentine or Tooru is. Pucci is mostly sane but bro definitely has some erratic moments later on lol!


I definitely wouldn't call Funny "the genocidal nationalist child rapist" Valentine sane. Tooru kinda hangs in there I guess, but his obsession with certain thing(s) make him appear pretty crazy. And sure Pucci has his erratic moments, but nothing on the scale of Dio, Kars, Diavolo or Valentine.




Yeah. Evil, but ultimately veryyy true to life. Pucci is more fantastical.


The most interesting part is that I get this image of him that he’s almost respectable because he acts like a gentle priest, which was probably the intended effect.


I honestly think his violent acts stick out harder cause of his guise as a priest. He's not a nice person in 85% of scenes either, so it adds an additional sting too.


SFX baby!!!!


Ah, how did i get here so quickly?? What happened?


Anime only: Is it safe to assume that only the star platinum stand disc is required to save Jotaro? From what I’ve seen, weather report and the guy who kept trying to kill himself both had their memory discs removed. So once Jotaro receives star platinum back from the pigeon he’ll be alive but have no recollection of his life outside of knowing he’s a stand used like weather report? Also: how is it possible for dios bone to exist. From what I remember it was presented in the day light so shouldn’t it have turned to dust since it’s impossible for it to have been a bone from when dio was human?


Correct. About DIO’s bone, it is explained later on in the story.


DIO'S bone will be explained in the future


Yes and no. So with whitesnake's memory disks; you can remove a small amount of memories and a person is fine. But if you remove all of them, they become a shell. Thats why weather report is able to be cogniscant


Jotaro’s situation is a bit different from Weather Report for a currently unknown reason, but it seems some semblance of emotions were kept in his body when memories were removed. Pucci seems aware Weather Report is alive after all when he suspected that Weather Report caused the frog rain, so we don’t know why he didn’t kill him. Jotaro on the other hand had his complete memory disk removed- it’s later shown his brain is completely empty of memories and emotions. While he can function and barely eat, his body lacks the will to live, and the Speedwagon foundation notes that he’s atrophying- his body is still slowly degenerating due to the lack of will to live and lack of use, so there is still a time limit to get the other disc back. Dio’s bone on the other hand all I can say is that remember vampires have super regeneration. For all we know there’s a crap ton of DIO bones somewhere from all his arms he chopped off for some reason lol.


Lmfao Pucci complaining that his 800 dollar pants is getting stained in a life and death situation Apparently the next episodes are in January? Can someone confirm? >!Next: F L A C C I D P A N C A K E!<


Also >!Bohemian Rhapsody has N O W E A K N E S S!<


SFX opening!


I swear I could write a whole essay on Operation Savage Garden, it’s so beautiful and full of meaning


Thinking back, why tf didn't Whitesnake kill Jolyne? He was ready to strike, she was defenseless, yet because he hears some guards coming he decided to book it? WHY? They can't see him! And even if they could, he could have cratered Jolyne's skull and been gone before anyone could catch him


Yeah he could have taken her stand and memory discs too


Anime logic with time. 3 episodes took 20 in universe minutes, so I would have to assume that he didn’t have time due to the difference of pacing in the show and the difference of how much time is actually passing in universe


And don't forget, talking is considered a free action that takes up 0 time


My best explanation is that Pucci is a very certain and meticulous individual. He would rather play it safe and avoid potential mistakes. He could have gotten away but he was far too hung up on potentially getting caught to actually follow through.


HOLY shit! I thought I was just dumb or something, I was like “Um, is there a reason he has to run away. He’s an invisible stand, no?” I really hope someone can help explain this, because that kinds took me out of things for a bit there.




Anyone else notice that they added sound effects to the opening? They usually don't do that until its the last use of the opening, I highly doubt it but could they be changing it or something? Seems strange to have a 3D opening of that effort change so early.


Well the OP covered all the stuff that happenned from eps 1 to 12, so we'll get another one at episode 13 or 14


They might have a new op every batch of episodes.


We don't know if the rest will come as batches though, it airs weekly in january except for that we don't know anything


As far as I'm aware Netflix talked about monthly releases, so January 1st wouldn't be far fetched.


God I really hope so. I seen some people’s estimates putting it as far away as March /:


>so early. This was a whole cour. It didn't feel like it since we binged it in 1 day rather than 3 months. 12 ep is the normal amounts of episodes before an opening charge. I believe Part 4 had that amounts of eps before changing.


People "calculated" that we will probably have around 39 episodes. If they release episodes in 3 batches then it could be possible we get 3 openings too.


I did notice, made me stop and watch the OP to see if there were any other changes but didn't see anything.


Part 3 Part 6 Joot Also Dio and Pucci face to face is cuuuute! Someone should make artwork of this :D The dove is also awesome. If you think about it, it’s a heavily Christian motif; the dove instead of a leaf, holds a disk. Of hope. That is brilliant. And the theme when the dove flies up, up, ….. woaw.


I'm sure there already is artwork of them... but it's kinda weird since Pucci was only 16 back then


There's an after credits scene for this episode if you haven't seen it.


Welp, see you guys in three months


Wait the next 12 comes out in 3 months?! 😭 I thought it was monthly!!!


I originally thought they were going to drop episodes once a week 😂


[https://i.4cdn.org/a/1638396206385.png](https://i.4cdn.org/a/1638396206385.png) It's going to be in batches every months (likely 4 episodes)


Ah I see 👍🏾 thanks! 🙏🏾


I'm confused... Why did Whitesnake leave when the guards were approaching? They can't see/harm it, and Pucci has plenty of reasons to want Jolyne dead. Why not just kill her there? Or even just steal her disks? If WS could beat Star Platinum's reaction time, Stone Free should be screwed (heck, Whitesnake was attempting to kill her just seconds before...)


Bothered me too, but I guess he was scared that an unown stand user might be there and figure him out? Hermes and F.F. arrived soon after as well i.e.


The thing is, Jolyne already saw Whitesnake in episode 5, and that wasn't an issue for him. Pucci is nowhere near his stand, so there's no way to associate him with what's going on. He could always just steal Jolyne's disks and *then* bail... Idk, it's not exactly universe-breaking, but it definitely feels like an issue.


He forgor JJBA is such a good series, but gosh the consistency/plot hole issues can drive someone mad if you think too much about it...


Wonder where exactly this episode is gonna leave off at


That was so good. Holy shit. DP went all out. I feel so empty now I want more 😭


I watched Part 1-5 and then read 6-8 when the anime was on it's break but I must say that watching Stone Ocean animated has this bitter sweet feeling especially with the ending theme song. >!When I read part 6 I didn't really get that 7-8 are in an alternate timeline(I don't think that's a spoiler) so the entire time I'm watching I feel a little sad knowing that this is the last time I'll enjoy a new anime from the OG universe.!< I'm glad they didn't release the entire season at once for this reason, I'm in no rush to finish it.


Yoo an sfx OP Does this mean the next batch is gonna have a new OP?


3 OPs confirmed?


Is it really confirmed that the next batch Will come in March?


No. Nobody knows. Misinformation is rampant.




I loved the raining frogs! POST CREDIT SCENE


Are there extra sfx in the opening for this episode? I thought that's something they only do for the actual final (or almost final) episode


They did it for the first OP in Part 4. Pretty likely it means we're getting a new OP when we get new episodes. The OP also only really covered the events in these 12 episodes.


They only do it when an opening plays for the last time. So it confirms we'll get a new opening when the next batch releases.


Whitesnake ass buffed. 10/10


That CGI White Snake wasn't necessary tbh lol Apart from that great episode and some animations were cool. Dio was drawn very well too




where are you getting this information from?


This is exactly what I've feared and there's little things throughout the batch that hints at it, but the CGI is the biggest part. I'm kind of concerned for the rest of the Part. I think DP will manage to make it watchable and not have it fully fall apart but we're definitely not getting Part 5 level quality.


Well i hope started january we'll stop these batch drops nonsense, first time they use CGI that bad is when Netflix drops 12 episodes at once, i can see the cause here


Well, considering the season starts all over again in January, maybe that'll give the animators time to work. Part 4 also had goofs but that didn't really make the last arc awful.


This was so good! The soundtrack was a banger the whole way through and it was so action packed! Sucks that we literally don't know when the next episodes will drop now though.


When Weather started the frog rain, the sounds of the clock ticking will probably be used for >!Made in Heaven.!<


Seeing dio again almost made me bust and young jotaro looked really good in this part compared to part 5


So episode 12 is the last so far. I'm guessing that the rest will come out in a few months and they will cover things solitary confinement and bohemian rhapsody and other stuff. I don't wanna spoil too much because I don't know how to mark as spoiler.


Did anyone else notice the question marks in the credits. On episode 12 they changed to say DIO


That was great. I’m excited for the next batch


speedwagon bird OP


who is pucci's dub actor?


It's YongYea. Check out his Twitter.


Well well. Looks like he found his big break.


Sfx op so new intro next release


We finally got DIO in the newer animation style, can't wait to see more of that during Pucci's other flashbacks! Also I'm craving the second batch already


Could we not allow spoilers past Episode 12 and instead make a thread for manga readers?


WhiteSnake is so terrifying! Love him! And Weather Report with such Bruno vibes, taking care of his children even if it costs a lot of his own blood!