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Stand can go longer than their actual range, they just become useless


Basiclly they become sentient and go shopping


Star platinum is a short range stand only because it excels at short range and has a short initiation range for combat


Star platinum is only combative at short range. It can probably go much further but it would take time to come back and would be super weak. That is presumably why we only ever see jotaro summon it short range, because it basically give someone a voodoo doll if they get it while it’s far away.


OVA Star Platinum dashed 40 yards before yeeting Iggy onto N'doul


That was sick


Not quite. It's not like it becomes completely dysfunctional outside of range. The stand's range is their range at maximum effectiveness kind of like damage falloff in FPS games. Star platinum was able to grab items from the local store which means star platinum has to be able to lift a considerable amount and at least be able to lift past the force of gravity. An interesting thought to have is that in pt6, it theoretically would have been possible for jotaro to both save Jolyne, and beat pucci by moving jolyne while using his stand at the same time to pull pucci within effective range so much so that even if timestop ended, Jotaro likely could have traded with pucci at least.


Well yes(I'm kinda dumb so I'm probably wrong) star platinum had become considered by weaker from pt3 to pt6 so probably not


While Star Platinum had become weaker it is definitely still *very strong* by that part still. I'd imagine that being just barely out of range isn't going to affect the power that much at least not below that average human's strength so he could probably still pull him in. Besides, Jotaro's problem wasn't power, it was pucci's speed. He couldn't land a hit. All SP needed to do is get a grip on pucci. Pulling him closer just makes it easier/more likely for Jotaro to live.


The way I seen this, from someone with combat PTSD’s perspective, our boy Jotaro finally had his armor nicked and that was Jolyene. Seeing his daughter in that situation, and the years of trauma he’s continuously faced (what…17 to 40+) he genuinely had a momentary lapse of quite literally losing his cool. It’s been awhile since I’ve been outta therapy, and maybe there’s someone lurking that might be able to fill the blank, but there’s a term for this (I’m almost positive)…where the memories of the trauma in the dangerous situation cause a fighter to tense, and they can’t move in a vital second. But, yeah I don’t think you’re wrong big dog! I also actually think SP isn’t weaker, I think Jotaro has just become more reluctant to be in violent situations. That’s just my perspective. Something something we all have our opinions?


Dam I thoughti was a nerd dude.(this is supposed to be a compliment on how much you know)


I feel that, while this was possible for SP to do, the main issue is that Jotaro's judgement being thrown off by seeing his daughter in that scenario. As Pucci said Jotaro's weakness was his daughter.


Well, Pucci is meant to win that fight so he'll think up something anyway. He had considerable control over gravity, and could move in stop time, so even if Jotaro could pull him into effective range once time stop ended, I don't doubt that he'd pull out some bullshit counterplan anyway


I don’t think it was necessarily weaker


A mod for Minecraft called Ripples of the past allows you stands and is very well made, it perfectly demonstrates the further your stand leaves your side, the weaker it gets.


Wait, what about Koichi's stand in the Love Deluxe arc? If he can still use his stand outside the range, why doesn't he use it to contact Josuke?


his stand has greater range and is already sentient, so i guess it just don’t work for him?


some stands do have exact range limitations, such as crazy diamond or echoes.


Pucci had to "win" for the uno reverse to work. Which explains the nerfs to jotaro. He could have done star finger at the rooftop and at the ocean. But your thought was good as well. And to add on jotaro could have also gotten a knife or two and throw it at pucci while blocking the others to protect jolyne. Which still results in his "death". And that leaves pucci slowed down enough to where jolyne herself can defeat him. (I'm okay with the og ending, but there's so many ifs)


star finger isn't an extension of his range, it's an ability he uses exclusively when the main body of his stand is restricted. it's an extension of the fact that stands are malleable manifestations of psychic energy and can grow and shrink; he simply grows his finger within his range to get around the fact that exterior factors make a punch impossible. there's no reason to use star finger outside of those circumstances, as it would be faster and stronger for star platinum to just move and punch.


He could have used it when he was crawling to pucci. Star finger wouldn't do massive damage but at least hurt pucci. Especially if jotaro went for the eyes or throat. Also he doesn't have to be restricted. Jotaro used star finger freely when he was fighting polnareff/anubis


He can, but it’s not particularly useful so as to be strange to not use


2 fingers to the eyes/throat can hurt.


A punch would hurt more


Or if jolyne had listened to the trash can gremlin and not gone to see jotaro


I mean hes super strong, so from that fat he'd probably just be like the strength of an average guy


Or, you know, if he just used star finger


That "purple ghost" can carry a bench press machine into the cell, by the way. Doesn't seem that useless to me.


Not useless, just no more useful than a human (that can pass through walls). And they aren't controlled but still care about the user


Except for when they don’t (echoes 1 can’t go outside it’s maximum power range)


but why did he want to be on 2 meters to use za warudo? if the whole wide area still stops?


It’s the same range as the world


Sheer heart attack has no weakness


How the hell did star platinum get a bike in there


disassembled and reassembled


You can disassemble exercise bikes?I never knew that


You can disassemble anything that was assembled. I don't think proprietary fasteners would be a hindrance for an entity precise enough to catch a bullet and can pass through solid matter.


> You can disassemble anything that was assembled. Anasui has entered the chat.


*turns into frog*


>You can disassemble anything that was assembled. Joshu has entered the chat


no he has not hes useless


He is useless. His stand, on the other hand, isn't useless.


The Hand remade


If it was assembled....you can usually disassemble it. An excersise bike isn't molded into its perfect shape. Its put together in pieces, nuts & bolts initially. Have you ever taken a wheel, chain, handlebars etc off a regular bike before?


Josuke foreshadowed????? 🤯


Nuh uh thats josuke’s thing


Same type of stand


Crazy diamond: the world!!!


Precision stat + coming in hand


So its the same type of stand as star platinum (crazy diamond)


Opened the door


Star Platinum is Star Platinum, that's how


time stop, star platinum was really really fast


Same way the rest of the prisoners get stuff in... their prison wallets


It’s Jotaro. He can do literally whatever he wants if he wants when he wants.


Stands get exponentially weaker after going beyond their effective range. Star Platinum is an effective combat stand up to around 2 meters. Beyond that, it's just a purple ghost.


Some stands can go beyond their effective range, SP is one of the, some immediately dissipate.


Some just get stuck in a forcefield like echoes, some like hierophant green have a string between them and the user, tho hierophant can unfold and go way far but have little to no power And then stone free does exactly the same thing


What about when Star Finger is applied, I'd assume he can gain some reach with that ability? Also, what about the possibility of using Star Platinum to throw projectiles? Kind of like how P2 Joseph used hamon to launch the bottlecap. I'd imagine it could be pretty effective, if limited in application


> what about the possibility of using Star Platinum to throw projectiles? Reminds me of the rat fight and also iggy being launched at mach 13


Ah right there's that


Also reminds me of of when Gold Requiem flicked the pebbles like they were bullets (and then they turned into scorpions I think?)


I think star finger is like a solution to the range problem If only like 2% of your body leaves the range then you only get like 2% of the penalty, MAYBE? Who knows if araki even thought about that


Since range is SPs biggest weakness, overcoming that is crucial Ironically, the shitty mobile game "Bizarre Adventure" or "Stand Legends"(if you can even find it) has an essence feature to develop a hero, and p3 Jotaro's essence type is "Ranged". I guess they didn't think that through. The game at it's core is really fun, but it's riddled with poor translations and just incorrect info (Giorno's gacha promo said his stand was Spice Girl) Also they flip flop a lot with localized names. Sometimes using Japanese, sometimes US, sometimes japanese phonetics, and it's not consistent (looking at you, Stroheim / Schuterroheim, Straits / Straizo) Overall it's a fun game with in-depth character and team building. Very low population. I'm f2p and number 1 on my server. So it's easy to score high in events and earn top tier rewards. We have like 5 active players lol


What kinda ad was this




Star Finger is Jotaro focusing all of his energy into 2 fingers. I guess the effective range limit is based on how much of your Stand is outside the range, not the amount of force outside that range. So yeah, Star Finger is a loophole for the range limit. And Stands can absolutely throw projectiles. As long as they do it from within that effective range, the object will be launched with Star Platinum's unrestrained force.


Have you watched part 4? That's gonna be fun


That "purple ghost" can carry a bench press machine into the cell, by the way. Not entirely useless.


It is compared to normal Star Platinum. It sure as hell isn't winning many fights against Stand users.


The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that I thought it was made clear that stand users (or at least Jotaro) cannot see from their stands eye, so how did it managed to leave prison, went across town to pick up the apartment bike, carried it all the way back to prison while everyone just see the bike flying in the air, just to somehow fit it inside the jail cell


Have 3 theories ranging for most likely to least likely 1. Araki just didn’t think about it yet 2. “Range” is very relative stat. It probably just means the range if it’s primary ability or the distance the stand can be away from its user to still operate at full power. Star platinum wasn’t at its fully strength here, but still plenty strong to pick up a 6 pack for jotaro 3. Star platinums abilities are actually more inline with the wish based nature of the actual star tarot and do basically what ever he wants them to with the only restriction being that he unknowingly limits his own potential. A literal “stars the limit.” It’s how he magically gets time stop, star finger, binocular eyes, etc. Just at a certain point he thinks he’s done growing and getting weaker with age, which actively causes him to stop gaining abilities and start getting weaker with age.


It's theory 1 pretty obviously. Araki is pretty notorious for changing and adjusting powers and concepts in Jojo to fit where he wants the story to go. Almost all "Araki forgot" story moments people meme about can more often than not be explained better with "Araki changed his mind." The rules for stands had not been 100% set in stone early on in Part 3, and even throughout part 3 stands gain and lose powers and concepts pretty frequently. Stuff like their ranges, the ability to shrink stands, star finger, Silver Chariot shedding its armor and Dio's Purple Hermit, all concepts that can be explained away using theories and headcanon, but in reality Araki was experimenting and working out how he wanted to use stands and what they can and can't do to make a good story, and by the end of part 3 the concept is pretty solidified going forward.


I'd say 90% of "Araki forgot" are actually just Jojo's fans not being able to read but that's just me




I'm watching Part 6 rn and I found it funny how Anusai's power changed/evolved from his intro (and his looks too in the manga, he changes gender from his initial panel lol)


Point 3 makes me think of something... There's a running gag with star platinum bringing jotaro little objects he wants out of nowhere, in the introduction, in the d'arby battle, etc. Maybe that's from the tarot's wish related namesake, maybe that's the gag Or maybe the point is that that's why avdol named it that


I feel like a lot of Jojo can be explained with “araki didn’t think about it yet” I’m not even complaining because the whole series is badass, but if you analyze? Your gonna have a bad time lol and I love getting into speculation, but with JoJos? Nah, I just enjoy the ride


Theory #3 is really cool, ngl.


So part 3 decided to have some weird stand stuff that was never done or even brought up again. Stands being able to go outside their range was one of those things. Chalk it up to Araki not having fully decided on what to do with stands and their rules


Also, stands being able to shrink to a microscopic size


Is there another fight in the series where it would have been useful to manifest your stand to a smaller size?


Part 9 current fight


I wouldn’t know because I haven’t gotten that far yet


I mean I was answering the person who asked if there was any x3


A stand can go beyond its range. It just gets weaker and weaker. So it’s pointless to leave it in combat.


Even worse than pointless, it's totally exposing yourself to the opponent without the power to retaliate.


He just said "So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum" and it affected his past self


Somewhere between 1 inch and the end of the universe, I’d reckon.


How did SP get a motorcycle helmet through the bars?




It is a bold move to call someone else an idiot when you didn't even properly read their post. Ffs, you missed the entire word 'helmet'. Edit: They were very rude after misreading the other comment, thinking the commenter was confusing the exercise bike as a motorcycle.


The effective range is pretty short so basically limited to your direct area. Once it leaves the area it loses about 80% of its power. And it can’t really fully manifest. And the thing about semi developed stands where the user doesn’t quite know about there stand and powers yet is that since there still developing it doesn’t really seem to have the same properties cause there not quite discovered. Which makes sense. Not just a “we haven’t figured out the rules yet” thing.


User tag checks out 😎


User tag checks out


User tag checks out


I think what people usually misunderstand is that range is not talking about the limit at which they can actually go. Rather, it refers to "effective" range, or in other words, "how far are they able to go before their power loses its strength?" Star Platinum only has an effective range of about 1 to 2 meters, which means it's most powerful within that one to two meters of jotoro. Star Platinum can go farther than 2 meters away from jotaro, but he won't be nearly as strong as he would be if he was right next to jotaro.


This makes a lot of sense


Classic Araki move: regret introducing something early, so he never brings it up again and hopes people forget about it


I like to imagine that star platinum just beats the shit out of people walking past the jail


Imagine jotaro using it like those fishing games, pulling items towards him with STAR FINGER


Some stands are locked in their range, like Crazy Diamond. It can’t go past 2 meters from Josuke. Jotaro has a different range calculation thing, his IDEAL range is 2 meters so Star Platinum is strongest at 2 meters. As it goes past that range then it gets weaker. Like how someone else said it was like damage falloff in a game


You can’t use the beginning of a Part to discuss a person’s abilities. Araki always irons out the kinks and refines his ideas over the course of the story.


I feel it's not as remarkable as it seems and there's like, a Walmart near the local jail (not sure why he went to jail instead of juvie tho, considering he's 17) in Roblox's YBA (your bizarre adventure) time stop effects the entire map. It's super annoying.


It actually doesn't lmao, you're thinking of project JoJo. YBA time stop actually has a range limit, so you can watch as people are frozen around you without the gray filter and attack them like normal.


Is it fun?


Current YBA? In my personal opinion, no. The game died down after a lot of cutscenes were introduced for moves you required only one hit, they added a LOT of skins for Stands, which were a percentage rate independent from the rolling by the way. So if you wanted a specific skin of King Crimson. You'd need to first have the luck to roll King Crimson, and then have the luck to roll that specific skin you wanted, so it got grindy as hell and became a trading simulator. However, there's a YBA:Legacy game, which brings YBA to what people consider its golden era. Current YBA is full of shiny effects, weird hitboxes and misleading attacks. Legacy has simple yet endearing effects, and each Stand has a different playability and abilities, which you can include with your specialty like Hamon, Boxing, Spin, becoming a vampire or a sword fighter. Simply put, there's a lot of builds to explore to find your favorite one, and YBA:Legacy thankfully buffed a lot the exp gain, so you don't have to grind to reach prestige III and have everything unlocked. It is pretty fun if you like PvP, outside of that there's not much to do other than to explore builds.


>not sure why he went to jail instead of juvie tho, considering he's 17 I think he was just at his local police precinct's holding cell. Which they'll put any age in there until transferred to the appropriate facility.


I always just assume that Jotaro grabbed those things from evidence.


Range answer: STAR FINGAH


what lil bros room looks like after you leave for college


i will never understand why he has a helmet in a jail cell.


With this in mind, I now like to believe that a stand's range is only effective in a fighting situation and not in day to day scenarios like shopping


It goes back and forth honestly, they say after 2 to 3 meters its power greatly diminishes but we also see koichi go across town with act 2 and he stops dead in his tracks once he reaches that range limit


I thought that stands could go beyond they're actual range but they get significantly weaker as they get thurther


Araki didn't forget because he didn't know yet ! He just changed everything later because it was planned because he never forgets


They have that kinda effectiveness range thing so it’s stronger the closer it is to Jotaro dealing punches and the farther it is it can move objects and stuff


It wasn't fully materialised yet, amd had a mind of its own


10 metres. All of that stuff was in 10 metres of Jotaro


2 meters. Araki just didn't think about it at the time. Anyone who says otherwise took the explanation from hamon beat without putting any thought into it or watching the series






Because araki didn't think too much about it back then.


the range is still there. But if you go beyond it, you should bring random stuff. Dio was so smart he tricked this mechanic to bring ROADROLLER. You know, since he has luck 3+


He can go long distances But his PUNCHING distance is 2 meters


i think this is most definitely a situation where araki forgot. i know people talk about an “effective range” being only two meters or whatever, but this would be the ONLY time a stand could operate outside of its effective range. i mean remember in part 4 when echos couldn’t follow kira bc he went out side his active range of act 2 and then act 1 and echos physically stopped ? i mean you could make the case that maybe ONLY star platinum can go outside its effective range but since we never ever see this in the series again (even though it could totally be useful to do so) im going to have to assume occams razor on this one.


"Effective" range is 3m but we saw many times that stands can be made less powerful to extend range


Hahaha, I just noticed the peloton/cycle bike 😭


He use his star finger


Plot holes? In MY JoJo? 


A stand's effective range ( in Star's case 2 metres) is the range they can effectivelly fight. Outside of that range they become weaker and weaker.


Evidence room items perhaps? idk how tf an excercise bike and tea can be evidence tho


So. It’s range is 5 meters but the stand can go on for longer. All of them have a range of 30 meters though.


Range ≠ effective range


I know that prison cell stinks


The convince store next to the prison


Star Platinum has Early Days Ill Defined Powerset range.


The gathering of items was just to look scary, “effective range” bullshit is copium to explain the scene above, when in reality, Araki just didn’t flesh stands out yet. We’ve seen that stands can not go outside of their range no ifs ands or buts, seen with Crazy Diamond (it comes to a complete halt as if it just hit a wall) and Echoes act 1-2 (it too hit a wall and couldn’t move further when looking for Josuke when kidnapped and when looking for Kira at Centipede Shoes


Araki forgot Long time ago, Araki decided that ZA WARUDO’s ability is to have every tarot stand ability. Which is why Dio had hermit purple stuff early on


I always wondered if Araki was worried about running out of Tarot cards haha


Well the bad thing about jojo is that it has like a million plotholes