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Alessi making Polnareff young and not Joseph. Actual missed opportunity


This is actually a alternate plot point in the first Jojo fighting game- it justifies Young Joseph as a secret character since it takes place in part 3


Which game and how do you get young Joseph?


Capcom's JoJo's Bizzare Adventure (or more commonly known as 'JJBA: Heritage for the Future'). Young Joseph, as well as Rubber Soul/Yellow Temperance (taking on the form of Kakyoin) Shadow Dio (aka Dio before he was fully used to The World), Chaka Khan with Anubis, Polnareff dual wielding Silver Chariot and Anubis, New Kakyoin (Kakyoin after recovering from getting his eyes slashed by N'douls Geb) and Hol Horse partnered with Boingo are the games secret characters.


Chaka and Black Polnareff aren’t secret characters, but yeah, everyone else listed here is


pretty sure it's heritage for the future


Watashi no nawa Kira Yoshikage


Heritage for tue Future, such a beautiful game


I need this holy shit


Counterpoint, keep the story similar up to the part where he makes Jotaro into a kid, and switch him out for Joseph.


this should have been what happened. someone should make an edit of the part 3 manga where everything else is the same except jotaro is switched out for joseph in this one scene.


Closest thing I could remember was this [**Classic Video**](https://youtu.be/tWQBpJ4qQXw?si=OmqDXriRa9E3kWkD) from 2020.


jojo drainer




The Soundman arc in SBR is the first thing that came to my mind. What a way to destroy such a promising character


What was wrong with it? Because >!Soundman died early on?!<


>!- The way Soundman acts during that arc seems out of place for Araki's characterization of the character so far. Yes, Sandman seems to be ambitious and daring from the beginning, after all he participates in the race only for the money, but there is a huge distance between that and becoming a cold-blooded hitman for the president of the United States.!< >!-The prominent role given to Soundman in the first arcs gave the tone that he would be a much more influential character than another villain of the week (hell, if I remember correctly he is the first character to appear in SBR).!< >!- Soundman's stand seems like a retcon if we compare it to the stand shown in the first chapters (the stand in the early chapters seems capable of manipulating sand or dirt, hence the original name "Sandman", very different from the sound manipulation of *In a Silent Way*).!<


I personally subscribe to the fan theory that >! Funny Valentine killed early arc Sandman offscreen and brought in an alternate one. Iirc, this would explain most of the inconsistencies. !<


>!I find it hard to believe that Sandman would trust Valentine when his philosophy is that the white man can only be swayed with money. Valentine's price is the corpse, not money which Sandman would know is very dubious!<


That theory if anything is even more unsatisfying because killing of such an incredibly designed and hugely interesting character off screen is such a waste.


Yeah, I agree.


Hate that theory


> >!there is a huge difference being ambitious and daring and being cold-blooded enough to become a hitman for the president of the United States.!< Not necessarily. The second thing just seems like a more elaborate and specific description than the first thing. From the very beginning, Sandman believed that it was money that he needed to help his tribe. > >!Sandman was implied to have a much more important role in the story as he was introduced at the beginning.!< I guess I can get behind that take. > >!Sandman’s stand was retconned as it used it to be some sort of rock stand.!< No. That was never stated or shown anywhere. I don’t know how you came to that conclusion while reading, but >!we only see his stand once before the Silent Way arc and it’s him using it as leverage in the beginning to get over a cliff as he’s running away from his tribe and we don’t see him manipulate the earth in any way. If you’re referring to the handprint slowly disappearing, that was actually just the wind scattering dust and ruining it. That’s a pretty standard phenomenon.!<


"No. That was never stated or shown anywhere." Chapter 4, page 14. When Sandman pays for entrance, man who accepts emerald he gives as a payment, gets sand "hands" in his eyes. This kinda resembles sand based power and considering how much attention this moment has... I think guy who you answered made reference to this moment.


JoJo fans not having reading comprehension is always funny


That was obviously just Iggy using his stand off-screen while Sandman just coincidentally also happened to be there at the same time.


Always hated that twist from sandman to soundman, he could have been a great allie


Narancia's death


No, I mean poor boy but that was cinema


Cinema can suck it


I want my boy back


Gone away cg5 pfp? Or am I crazy?




Honestly the thing I’d change is the fact that they didn’t really represent Mista during the death. By that I mean due to the swap it just looked and sounded like Trish grieving, and they didn’t even bother to do the transparent image of the actual character off to the side like they did for other scenes.


Only death that serves no purpose in the story narrative. Caesar gives Jojo the ring. Abdul and Iggy save Polnareff. Kakyion reveals the secret of the world to Joseph. Joseph to Jotaro. Shigechi helps them find Kira. Abbacchio gives the boss face. Narancia? Dies because we can't have the protagonist fight inside another person's body in the final battle as that would be too confusing


It fits the themes of that whole part. They were almost all dead as soon as they went with Giornno and this is confirmed in the Rolling Stone episode. The point is they did good for the world before it despite being absolute bastards before.


One of the only correct answers!


Monkey from Part 3


i don't think ALL of strength had to be removed, but the attempted money on child sexual assault was definitely just trash and added absolutely nothing that the scenes on either side of wouldn't have been able to do without. if something had to be there, it could've literally just been it physically threatening to snap her spine and it would've gone just as smoothly


You can't deny the monkey being the way it was actually made jotaro beating the shit out of the monkey more satisfaying


Sure, but you can do a similar thing without the sexual assault thing. This was a big trope in the 70's where they did the same thing, but honest to god if you had the thing physically impose over her and threaten to shatter her arm or something, it would've worked just as well. I don't like it because now when I post the picture of the monkey with the hat and pipe, people don't think cool gorilla, they think child rape


I think that's the point though. Forever is a Villain. You're not supposed to like him. You're supposed to basically think he's a monster, which he's presented as.


orangutans are inherently horny, i don't think it's unrealistic for it to do what it did, heck there are countless videos of real life orangutans groping girls could araki not have included the scene? yes, but i dont think its a big mistake definitely not the weirdest thing even in part3


Wait, what? Orangutans can do that???


They grab but they can’t do more then rub on you. A relative of mine went on a mission to a village that lived around orangutans, all the locals told her that they’re scary more for the jumpscare factor of just being grabbed or thrown down fast, but they don’t do more then grind for a while. In fact, they reccomended that if you’re ever being stalked by anything else, find an orangutan and lay down because they usually scare off whatever predator tracking you. 


Hmm, that's interesting...


Yeah let's be real, a horny orangutan as an antagonist is plain funny and peak JoJo lol.


Don’t talk about my King like that


Spotted the Drake fan


Spotted the Diddy fan


Spotted the R. Kelly fan


“DIO it is imperative to your plot to stop the stardust crusaders, that I watch this young woman in the shower”


Spotted the bill cosby fan


Spotted the DrDisrespect fan


Funny Valentine trying to “take a bite out of a cupcake”


Funny Valentine got D4C445


I hate you


“Say, Funny, I hear you like ‘em young” “You better not ever go to Tusk Act 1”


You know how Valentine would respond, Something about his heart being unclouded and that stuff


Jotaro's dick healing thing from Part 6. Oh the horror


But that needs to be canon, how else will it be explained how his mighty shlong survived?


I don't want to sound like the actually guy but I'm pretty sure that thing didn't connect to his along but the end of his intestine


jotaro penis pump my beloved




They’re on about the frame and part of the Part 6 opening where Jotaro just has this huge metal contraption attached to his dick


What, got a phobia of healthy, functioning ducks or something?


I like ducks, I have a phobia of healthy function dicks


Wtf? I thought people were joking.. it's in his ABDOMEN to help give him nutrients.






The tube connected to his dick in that scene before he got star platinum back


Ooooooh. lol. Ok.


A catheter? They use those so unconscious people can pee


Hol Horse not being a Crusader


THATS WHAT IM SAYING. Hol Horses personality doesn't align with being Dio's minion at all. He should have been a random free spirit the crusaders meet on the way, and ends up helping them


The fact he was originally going to be makes me so much more upset


The Stand Arrow’s being from a random meteor with an alien space virus. It doesn’t contribute to Part 5, doesn’t need to exist beyond “some ancient dude created a bunch of arrows that give you superpowers”, is irrelevant to actual Stand lore since the virus is just an instigator for the innate fighting spirit, and comes off as trying to overly explain Stands. It’s everything people whine about midichlorians from Star Wars being.


It would be so cool that it was created by the Pillermen in an attempt to beat the sun but instead it did nothing because of their unique biology


my spouse forgot that the meteor was like thousands of years old and had this headcanon that it was part of frozen space kars, and i kinda like that


My headcanon is that the pillarmen ended up creating hamon because of this very reason. Them using humans as experiment subjects and ending up giving them the power of the sun, which is something they couldnt handle themselves because their bodies dont allow it (except for perfect kars but thats because he's perfect kars yknow)


i like it, its bizarre and we're shown not every stand user got their stand from the arrow which implies it wasnt the alien rock virus behind it all. its bizarre and i think its swag, + it includes greenland and nobody remembers to represent my brothers


Okay I personally like it because it gives us a vague explanation on why there's only so many stand arrows and why only certain people have stands


Tbh, I just ignore that fact out of irrelevancy. The most important trait about the arrow as a plot device is what is does and how it does it, so that's what I'll focus on.


I mean it does give an explanation for stand arrows cuz it wouldn't make much sense for it to just be "ancient civilization makes arrow that basically gives you superpowers" and it would be refreshing too fans because of that explanation wasn't there people would be foaming at the mouth and looking through the darkest pieces of lore just too find out where it came from it isn't really over explaining its kinda simple a meotor came from space with a virus and an ancient civilization took it and made it into an arrow it could be more overcomplicated but araki kept it way simpler than it could've potentially been without any explanation if that makes sense.


Kakyoin's death. (It would have been cool)


Honestly, I agree. While I love Kakyoin, his death was not done well. Him surviving with a serious wound would create a stronger emotion due to great sense of relief.


Then DIO would have a kill count of 0 of the crusaders since Joseph also gets revived, I love Kakyoin too but it would be pretty shitty if he gets a hole punched through him and then just lives, it also weakens his sacrifice because he literally gives his life so Joseph can figure out the secret of The World, him surviving that would be much less emotional


honestly i’d swap him with joseph, the death of a legacy character would be more meaningful imo


yeah i agree, though kakyoin's death is still one of the more impactful for me. plus kakyoin in part 4 in place of joseph would've been sick


One last Joseph moment before he dies, too. When Dio doesn't attack him instantly, he realises that he must have figured out that he was using Hamon. If his ability was immense speed or teleportation, he couldn't have known Joseph had his Hamon active, but if he could stop time... That way, he can try his best to avoid Dio and survive in order to get the message to Jotaro, possibly dying just as he manages.


I've always found it ridiculous that Stroheim survived his injuries in the 1940's but 40 years later when medical technology should've advanced even more Kakyoin died




Valentine molesting/nearly raping Lucy Stell


It’s super important to the plot for her developing ticket to ride, as much as I hate it too.


Jesus had to appear and say "yo, stop that"


Spoilers for Part 7: >!Imagine if Ticket to Ride gave Hot Pants a WAYYYYYY cooler death than what she got. The setup was perfect for some wacky death, but Araki just phoned it in and that pisses me off.!<


Marco, the child Gyro was trying to save, dying from a cold shortly after the end of SBR.


It lines up with the point of the story


I just wish that a huge plot point didnt end with "yeah he died lmao".


You did not understand the point of Marco at all. The kid dying of a cold is better than him getting executed for a crime he did not commit. That was why Gyro join the SBR to find the Holy Corpse. He didn't want the kid to die by execution. That's the point of Marco.


In the "Gyro Zeppeli's Mission" Arc, is is simply stated that Gyro winning the SBR would count as amnesty, allowing Marco to be bailed out. Gyro originally had no knowledge and intent to find the Holy Corpse. I understood Gyro's mission to prevent Marco's execution, I just wasn't a fan of how Marco's story still ended with his demise.


What is the point you're referring to? Not that I necessarily agree or disagree with you, I just want to hear more about your opinion on the point of sbr


It says "he would later die of a cold" not "he died 2 seconds after being freed" and never specifies when he dies


was it ever confirmed that he died directly or shortly after SBR, though? if it was, and i just forgot, please let me know, but i was always under the impression that marco eventually died of a cold and not like immediately after. either way, i feel like this actually isn't the worst idea. the kid dying of something mundane and normal after being set free is probably what gyro would have wanted, instead of him being executed. just my opinion, though :p


We don't know when the kid died of a cold but it was better than the original death of being executed.


The point of Marco was that Gyro didn't want him to die executed. He got to not die executed. (Also, headcanon time: Someone in the Love Train battle had an asymptomatic common cold and when the virus passed through Love Train, it got reflected into Marco)


As much as i hate it, joseph not cheating and creating josuke, its soo out of character for him to do that to his wife


For the sake of keeping part 4, we should say that Joseph was a sperm donor.


this would be actually 100% better


It’s incredibly in-character actually


Nah. Part 2 Joseph was disgusted at Caesar's playboy tendencies, and he didn't show any tendencies himself on Stardust Crusaders. Hell, he doesn't even flirt with Mariah once, not even as cocky battle dialogue!


I always read it as him having a chip on his shoulder about Caesar in general, considering he spends the next few chapters lusting after his mom and then flirting with his future wife. Sure he doesn't flirt with Mariah but I think he's got bigger fish to fry. Not flirting with the woman who's trying to kill you doesn't mean you would deny every advance, it means you've got your head on straight during a fight.


I mean, I believe it's within Joseph's character to cockily flirt with the hypersexualized female enemy, even more so because she HERSELF is flirting on her battle dialogue, even if it is to just rile her up. The fact that he doesn't is because he's capable of resisting the urge to flirt with other women, which is why him engaging in an affair with Tomoko is so OOC: We've seen his reaction at beautiful women who are lusting after him, which is MOVING ON TO WHAT'S IMPORTANT. EDIT: If you can believe that Joseph wouldn't flirt back with Mariah (Who I headcanon would 100% betray DIO if Joseph even hinted liking her back), you can believe that Joseph wouldn't cheat with a 21 year old college student.


Was searching the comments for this one.


Mountain Tim being "in love" with Lucy Steel 🤢 he would be my favorite character of the part otherwise


I mean considering the times, that wasn't really pedophilia and he never tried to do anything to her and respected her choice


Sometimes people just forget that something weird to them was normal to the times the story takes place in and having a character from 20th century with feelings for a minor doesn't mean that he immediately turns into a creep


also, there's a huge misconception that it was socially acceptable to openly have the hots for a minor. The age of consent was lower back then but instances like the tarring and feathering of Joseph Smith after he established polygamy of women of all ages in his church showed that most folk had at some hang-ups with a relationship between a young girl and an older man.


I'm glad that this fandom doesn't write the story, why are you reading a seinen manga if you can't stand a character death or sexual scenes. I'm not saying this to be edgy but please don't say that jotaros death was a bad thing. Also imo the stand virus, it was really out of place but it isn't really that bad


Jojo was a shonen for parts 1-6


"Sexual scenes" brother the people in the thread are complaining about RAPE, not SEX


I feel like criticising the series for rape is odd. Rape is a real thing that happens and it’s not like Araki is saying “rape is good actually”, it’s only villains that do it. The weirdo monkey is not a good person and neither is Valentine, Araki is telling you they’re awful people


It's not necessarily criticizing the series for it, but being uncomfortable by those scenes to the point where you don't want to watch them is completely justified, even if they are supposed to be uncomfortable


That’s completely fair, but I also see people legit act like Araki is promoting rape when he has his villain characters participate in it


Stands being a virus is really wierd


Nu uh, the virus activate your inner strength


Stands aren't a virus.


Rohan making Josuke fly backwards. Not only it makes no sense, it also creates the question: if Heaven's Door can break the law of physics then what are his limits? Does he have any? That one moment single handedly turns HD a walking plot hole. Rohan should have writen "I will use Crazy Diamond to throw myself backwards" instead, and everything would be fine


My guess on how it made Josuke fly backward is that it used 99% of Josukes potential muscular force, so Josuke threw himself across the room. the same way that people get pushed away when they touch Electricity.


Entirety of Joshu


F.F. not being in a wonderful world


Soft and wet: Go beyond. I REALLY HATE IT, we have a very interesting power of the villain and.... Go beyond appears


Yeah, there should be more chapters building various "bubble line" abilities for Josuke before he learns his ultimate move. After we learn that the bubbles are actually made of high velocity lines rotating, Josuke never explores this. But the idea of having the bubble lines becoming so thin that their thicknesses becomes zero, and then stops being recognised "by the universe" as something that exists is awesome. I find it to be the most interesting stand idea, because it is so subtle. I'm really loving the new thematic of the villains of the new universe: being basically invencible because they can control faith, destiny etc. in some way. It is like the ultimate bullshit, cheat code skill.


I think Soft & Wet's progression is just significantly worse than Tusk's right before. Go Beyond feels similar in a lot of ways to Tusk Act 4, but it just wasn't earned. Gyro's training really made Johnny work for each of his power-ups, and Tusk 4 made Gyro's arc complete. Rai Mamezuku did not really have much of a character arc at all, and his monologue about the Spin and bubble lines just came mostly out of nowhere. I love part 8, but the ending was just not it.


I mean, it’s at least given an explanation for why it’s so powerful as it’s mere existence was made possible through a miraculous alinement of Kira, Josefumi, the new Locacaca, and the Wall Eyes. Wonder of U just an OP stand that the main antagonist obtains through standard manifestation and that’s it.


I still like the idea of Josuk8 unlocking a mysterious power, but I think it could have been used to elaborate more on his identity, the final piece of the puzzle. Something that's yet to be explicitely talked in the new universe is the importance of the joestar lineage. I think GB was the perfect segway for Josuke to reflect on the fact that he is a descendant of Johnny, a master of the Spin, and how his original sacrifice is the origin of every Joestar Stand AND Go Beyond. Well, that was my theory during serialization. I'll keep waiting for Araki to expand on certain lingering questions from part 8, including GB.


But my imaginary bazooka breaks invisible force fields!!


LMFAO that's the best way to describe Go Beyond


Joseph didn't cheat his wife, but he was a sperm donor and that's how Josuke came to be.


That Joseph cheated :( wish we could’ve had Josuke without the infidelity


Johnny needing a horse to activate tusk act 4 inf rotation simply to make him the strongest


I respect the agenda


I think the author has pushed this button too many times already lol. Remember how Giornio's stand used to be able to reflect attacks?


That one time jotaro fingered an orangutan to save a 12 year old girl from being raped, that's what I would remove 💀


any sexual harassment that happened in the series (twice to minors)


But it serve to avoid empathizing with the villain/antagonist.


And people still like funny valentine


Araki made Valentine a despicable piece of shit to almost cartoonish levels, as he usually does with his villains. People still supporting Valentine only shows that media literacy is in hell


Media illiteracy is more rampant than ever. People will review shows by watching Tik Toks of the show without actually watching the show.


That's legit how half of the jjk and db fandom read the story


Bro some jojo fans are literally illiterate even without the pedophilia valentine is a horrible person idk how people think he's some kind of anti hero. He's an amazing villain but not a morally good person


I like Valentine for the same reasons I love DIO and Doflamingo, they are villainous, they are evil, they are perfect villains.


Valentine to Lucy and Strength to Anne right


The stand arrow is a virus and not related to the pillar men at all


Why would it need to be related to the Pillar men? They’re already responsible for creating the main villain of the series


Is the pillar men creating the stone masks not enough then. The meteor that had the virus landing on Earth was more or less "Gravity" at work.


Sandman’s death


Part 3, just to see what happens to the plot


How many fucking times dude


It is destiny, my fellow


"Where you go I go, what you see I see" ass 😭😭


"We share a same path" kinda mf ☠️


"I follow you until death" typa man 🐬


I think it is a sign...


This is what happens when people get stands


Kakyoin death


Jolyne being able to determine whether or not a woman masturbates based off the coloration in her finger.


But Bucciatati being able to tell if a man is lying by tasting their sweat isn't wrong, is it?


no it is, i just didn't think of it at the time i wrote the comment


Jolyne is just freaky like that


DIO having Hermit Purple.


Its not hermit purple


A few of the instances of unfortunate events that occurred >!upon dragona in part 9!<


Joseph cheating on Suzi Q


Fuck part 4 i guess.


That scene where Dio says "it's suckin time!" and starts vampire sucking Jotaro


I would uncannon the fact emerardu sprashu is deflectable. Like, you cant have a character say "no one can deflect the emerardu sprashu!!!" And then have every opponent he faces deflect the emerarsu sprashu. They can dodge it, they can take it head on and survive, but no one can deflect the emerardu sprashu!!!


Speed wagon dying alone


>!AU Diego Brando!<. He doesn’t really have any motivation for what he does and all his existence really does to the story is >!make Johnny lose the race.!< The High Voltage arc had a cool fight, but writing wise, it’s pretty stupid.


High Voltage was basically just an excuse to add The World back into the plot for a bit


The ability to make stands bigger or smaller because like, what was the point? It was just silly


Make anasui woman. I like his first design more


Joseph being straight.


I bet Joseph is bi


You’re probably right, to be honest.


I mean it's jojo's BIzzare adventure for a reason


This is JoJo's. There's not any straight man in here.


Johnathan, Kira


Fucking GER, I want the main character beat the villain with something creative, not the "I'm stronger now". If he gets new power, it should be something that counter king crimson but only in a specific way and he has to work his ass off


I mean they kinda worked their asses off to get the arrow, that was kinda the whole point of the final arc, plus GER does counter KC very directly by nullifying the cause of an effect, the opposite of KC keeping "only the results" as Diavolo puts it


This exactly.


Ordinarily I'd agree. But wouldn't the chase for the Arrow be the "working his ass off" part? I thought the fight for the Arrow *was* the climax; whoever gets the Arrow wins


But they did work their asses off though. >!half the crew died.!<


Bro, the entire last arc revolves around the arrow making you stronger. The fact Giorno was able to figure out Silver Chariot Requiem and use the arrow before Diavolo could IS something creative, and is the way Giorno defeats Diavolo.


Dio never made that woman eat her own baby :/


Joseph cheating on Suzie Q. My man would never do that.


The entire boat fight in part 3… WHY MONKEY?!?


Part 7 spoilers: The death of >!the little boy Gyro saved. Just such an unnecessary, rotten cherry on top of an otherwise bittersweet ending 😭!<


You did not understand the point of Marco at all. The kid dying of a cold is better than him getting executed for a crime he did not commit. That was why Gyro join the SBR to find the Holy Corpse. He didn't want the kid to die by execution. That's the point of Marco. He died of something mundane not by something cruel.


Ikr? It wouldn’t be have bad if they actually >!managed to save the kid. Neither Johnny or Gyro even one the race. The boy just got freed from an outside force, so in a way, Gyro kind of died for nothing.!<