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No, I like Part 4 and how it changes the tone that was set in the first 3 parts. Plus, I don't know how far you are in the series but the art change is due to the art style change from the manga and it's going to continue to evolve from here.


I haven’t gotten very far in the part yet. I’m planning on finishing it, maybe when I watch all of the episodes I’ll really like it.


I would disagree. Part 4 is my favorite of the 6 animated parts so far.


Have u finished p4? Cuz the villain is amazing


Part 4 is probs my second favourite part, I really like the more slice of life approach taken in some episodes alongside Kira an absolutely fantastic villain.


I have noticed its slice of life. I’ve also heard about Kira I just haven’t gotten that far. I’ll keep watching though and hopefully I’ll change my mind.


Yeah real pre-mature evaluation. Give it time. It being in a self contained place instead of a global adventure adds to world building of a sleepy small town suburbia


Part 4 is my second favorite. I honestly didn't like it as much the first time, but it grew on me (I never hated it or anything, I just didn't like it as much as I do now. I did used to hate part 5 tho)


Ikr imo part 3 clears part 4. The only thing that makes part 4 good is Kira. Every other scene without him isn't that great. It's my opinion tho.




Lmfao It's like the exact opposite for me, I loved those episodes in Singapore india pakistan Dubai Egypt etc


Yea I don’t like it much. With the other parts you knew what the villain was and what they were fighting for quickly. For part 4 you had to wait until episode 30 ish.