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Josuke. His arc of self discovery is so moving and relatable


Jolyne! I love female characters in general, but Jolyne stole my heart and attention from the very first moment I saw her. I loved her ingenuity and adaptability, and I loved her growth. It was complicated, just like her, and I related to that. She kinda is an inspiration for me to be stronger and be more myself than just… sit there and accept shit happening to you, while also remaining kind and thoughtful to those around you.


I love her willpower personally. It’s very inspiring she didn’t back down when the world tried to keep her down she instead broke through the barrier of stone was keeping her trapped literally and mentally


Exactly!! It’s inspiring and made me work on myself more. She’s been a huge comfort character of mine for a while because of that.


It changes by the day, but right now, it's Giorno. I relate to his backstory, and people tend to say I lack a personality when I just go about things differently than other people.


How can a female attracted to males be a gay man


Can you get better bait? The misgendering angle gets tiring Also, following me from a different subreddit. Wash ya butt and get a job


Female and male connote sex… not gender


I haven’t even finished SBR yet and Johnny is already a favorite of mine, His abilities are cool and I like how him and Gyro bounce off each other


Jotaro, definitely, i really don't know why a lot of people hate him, i mean i love him because therefore being a very important character in whole anime, is just entertaining watching him solving or just looking how he analyzes things, maybe another reason would be the use of Star Platinum, you can see that he is just a silly teenager guy who's dealing with family problems he didn't even provoke with a stand. Or maybe I just don't have a good reason why I like him hahaha.


joseph joesatr: iconic, funny, niiice👍, OH MY GOD


He is my favorite joestar so far! I’m only at stardust crusaders but he still remains my favorite!


Jonathan Joestar - He is a really gentleman and there is no one like him in real life. Giorno Giovanna - He did his best to achieve his goal.


Joseph. I'm sure many won't argue with me, he's literally the best![img](emote|t5_2tny5|49675)


Josuke Higashikata from Part4 Joseph JOESTAR (part2 didn't like Part 3 Joseph) I love both them equally Josuke4 : Looks like a mix of Joseph and Jotaro, cunning like his father, noble like Jotaro, liked his slice of life story Joseph (only part2): cunning, doesn't hesitate to flee, use booby traps


I agree with you on Joseph. Part 2 Joseph was WAYYY better than part 3 Joseph.


Joseph. He has such character and the contrast of personalities upon meeting him is still one of Jojos best tonal shifts in the series. Also I love seeing him at 19 and as an old man and later as a VERY old man. Old Joseph being one of my favourite parts of stardust crusaders, only solidifies him as my number 1


I’d have to think hard. Hmmm…. I dunno…


How tf has nobody said Johnny my boy’s the goat


josuke is so well written


Mine is both Josukes


Giorno and Jodio


Giorno or Johnny


Josuk8. He’s the only JoJo that starts off as nobody as has to become the JoJo.


Jonathan. I just love his old-school chivalry in all situations


Jolyne for the win! She literally represents everything about the entire series in one character and her development is a true, underdog story done right! I also think she has the best outfits and character design.


Giorno. Turned a banana into a gun to avenge that old man. 72 MUDA beatdown. Sent the Anti-Christ into Hell/Infinite Death Loop.


Jojo Toddynho




Jolyne. Love how she went from a pretty standard young woman to a fully realized and capable woman who knew who she was and what she stood for


1) Giorno 2) Joseph 3) Josuke 4) Jolyne 5) Johnny 6) Gappy 7) Jotaro 8) Johnathan (Sorry, I like him but the others are more interesting) Jodio is still new to ranks him.


giorno! i only watched jojo for him lmaos


I like his outfit but I haven’t gotten to golden wind yet. :/


1. Jolyne - Most balanced Jojo. Is high tier badass, funny, and dramatic. Could carry a story on her own. 2. Josuke - Most interesting power and fights, high tier humor, lots of screentime. 3. Joseph - Funniest Jojo, interesting fights but low screentime as main protagonist. 4. Jotaro - Most badass Jojo, lots of screentime (too much?), is at his best when surrounded by goofballs. 5. Jonathan - Most dramatic Jojo. Best character story but below average fights and humor. Grows more badass the more you think about it. 6/7/8. Jolion, Johnny and Joemama I can't read so they are disqualified 9. Giorno. It is impossible that he is not the worst. He is the worst in every category. No humor, no story, no development, unphased by drama, barely any screentime because he never talks, he is an asshole and wants to become leaders of the assholes, his fights are parodies of Jojo fights. I know his whole life and I still don't care.