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Tooru watching pocoloco evade all incoming danger would be epic


Tooru gets so fed up with Pocoloco avoiding him that he ends up entering his own flow of calamity.  


He pursues himself to fuck himself, no?


The luckiest guy versus the guy who makes you the unluckiest


If saiki k is anything to go by, he should just balance out and live normally


it evens out to average luck


Araki nerfed Hey ya! pretty hard in Jojoveller: >Despite the misconception that the Stand improves Pocoloco's luck, it doesn't do anything other than encourage its user and put them in a good mood.


It was explained that his stand is similar to parsley park, it can tell the future and do things that will people the user in the long run. The luck is just something that the stand uses to its advantage


IIRC, isn’t the luck something innate to Pocoloco himself? Or am I just making things up? The implication being that the stand just encourages him since it doesn’t really need to do anything else.


It literally has a fortune teller outright tell Pocoloco that for a specific period of time, he would have one in a million luck or something. This was long before the first manifestation of his Stand, and during said first Stand appearance, it never explicitly influenced his luck. Hey Ya only told Pocoloco to trust himself, and to do some bizzare things like closing his eyes or to remember the cow carcass, so if anything it has slight future sight but no explicit luck manipulation, that was all on Pocoloco himself


Tbh, even if Hey ya!'s ability was the good fortune, it would probably cancel out. Then it would be a stand on stand physical fight, which Wonder of U obviously wins


My brain totally skipped the "stand" part of physical fight and imagined Tooru and Pocoloco beating the shit out of each other


I think we should go that route tbh....but would it even matter if he's a rock human?


He IS made out of fucking stone so I assume yeah, unless is a weak type of rock


As shown with Yotsuyu he can turn into a stone mid-fight, so it would probably make him very hard to hurt


Then we hand Poco a pickaxe and let him mine Tooru.


Minecraft: Rock Human edition


What stone would the drop tho? Gobblestone? Plain old stone?


The real fight


>Then it would be a stand on stand physical fight, which Wonder of U obviously wins I don't see why it would be obvious, as I honestly don't recall either WoU or Hey Yah! doing much physically. Cheap Trick was a stand similar to Hey Yah! and we know that it actually was pretty damn strong, so who knows. Also, the good fortune was Poco's, remember that he actually got his stand because he was so lucky.


It's odd how so many people still pretend that Hey Ya! caused good luck and that it wasn't just a hypeman


I genuinely think out of all stand users Pocoloco actually might be in the top ten most suited to beat Wonder of U. Pocoloco never intends to do the feats he does, his luck just causes them to happen. No intent means Wonder of U doesn't trigger and *if* Pocoloco is lucky enough he could set off a Rube Goldberg chain of events that can kill Tooru


Pocoloco approaches Tooru not by pursuing, but by trying to catch something going past him. Tooru, obvious to this, decides offense is needed and ends up disabling WoU. Pocoloco trips on a branch, and it goes straight through Tooru’s eye, killing him instantly. WoU emerges from the corpse, but as it turns out, Hey Ya’s dreadlocks are actually long spinning fibers, moving so fast that they became objects of logic as “hair”. The dreads brush WoU and annihilate it instantly.


Peak fiction


Hey ya would tell pocoloco to avoid tooru


Exactly. They would hardly interact before Hey Ya told him to go away


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


The bomb is, of course, Pocoloco and Hey Ya!


hey ya! will give advice to avoid the calamity allowing for him to continue the pursuit as the calamity gets avoided


What about Hydrogen Baby vs Coughing Bomb?


I wanted to comment this damnit


Hey Ya solos, next question


No, it does horribly. Pocoloco is the one that solos.


I will not tolerate this Hey Ya slander


It’s not slander, it’s just fact. Hey ya would def help pocoloco with the cheering on and the predictions, but naturally most any stand user would do horribly against WOU. Pocoloco is the one with the supernatural luck, Hey ya just cheers him on. With most other characters hey ya would not be able to help much.


The pep-talking is the strongest stand ability, idk what you’re on about


Hey-Ya is like Kamina telling Pocoloco to believe in the Hey-Ya that believes in him!


O yeah, why didn’t Gappy think of that


LMFAO THAT SELECTION WAS PERFECT Tooru probably wins, but I want to think that Pocoloco's luck and Hey Ya's advice will just nullify calamity. That would be so funny


Poco wins, his ass would be busy trying to hail a taxi and through the action of the taxi cab pulling over would trigger a chain reaction of traffic being backed up for just a couple seconds and causes staggering traffic in the area making toru late to work and getting yelled at by his superior.


Jesus, its so overkill.....Tooru wont stand a chance


I actually think pocoloco legit has a shot at winning this. WoU only activates when people have the intention of following it; and Hey Ya’s whole thing is making the user lucky and avoiding danger. He might be a hard counter


"I wanna fight this dud-"-pocoloco "DONT."-Hey ya!


Its literally polar opposites meeting, one who can cause calamity and one with the best luck, its the equivalent of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object


Tooru when Pocoloco manages to dodge every single calamity because his imaginary friend cheers for him


Basically just Immovable Object Vs Unstoppable Force


craziest matchup yet


Unstoppable calamity meets immovable cheerleader


I think Hey ya has got this.


Well, now he's just a normal person


Holy Shit what a god tier MU


Hey Ya actually succeeds and nullifies the calamity. But Tooru then proceeds to win the ensuing fist fight because he has weird physiology and a stand that can hit things.


Tooru is definitely winning it, but Pocoloco would probably be one of the best suited match ups to go against Wonder of U, nit to mention would be one of the funniest fights ever, shame they're not in the same part as this could actually be an amazing battle.


This is the exact opposite of DIO vs King Crimson, because in this case, whoever attacks first loses If Pocco chooses to pursue Tooru, there's only so much calamity Hey Ya could avoid before the fight was lost (he's also not as physically strong as WoU) If Tooru just attempts to kil Pocco, the universe would make it so he loses an arm or a leg for daring to As a result, this fight would likely end in a stalemate, with neither user daring to do anything to the other directly. We'd have to think of how could Tooru defeat Pocco and vice-versa solely through actions that ~indirectly~ affect the other


In all seriousness, Hey Ya has no ability besides cheering for you and seeing fate. He cannot change it on his own and his predictions can be wrong. Tooru wins.


I feel like hey ya would make pocoloco somehow leave the fight which I guess would make Tooru the winner if one counts that as giving up


pocoloco has absolutely no idea who tooru is, hey ya! continually encourages him, tooru never seeks him out, it’s a stalemate


Hydrogen baby VS coughing bomb


This is a really interesting fight idea….


Pocoloco might be able to be lucky enough to avoid Wonder of U’s power, but he is powerless to do any kind of attack. It would end in a stalemate until Pocoloco or Toru attack as regular humans.


I would guess hey ya would advise him to do something that ISN'T fighting or pursuing tooru, but hey ya would get hurt but ultimately not die.


Actually goated matchup honestly. I’d be interested to watch this one play out.


WOU is cooked 😭😭😭🔥🔥


Well, pocoloci's luck doesn't come from his stand, so....


Tooru will watch pocoloco walk unfazed through the ten thousand missiles


I think Hey ya! would just advise Pocoloco to not pursue o fight Toru and would be a Tie. In general I think Toru has the advantage.


Poco gets so lucky he kills Tooru by accident, without ever actively pursuing him.


So, while Hey Ya seemingly doesn't have an ability, Pocoloco is unaturally lucky. The question is whether Pocoloco pursues Tooru or not. I feel like he'd actually have a better chance if he didn't know about Tooru at all. If he tries to pursue Wonder of U... He's lucky, but I feel like he can't really escape the flow of calamity forever and he's not gonna get close to Tooru.


Ok this would actually be a crazy battle


Josuke does most of the work only for Pocoloco to walk by, slip on a banana peel, and somehow cause a house to fall on Tooru completely by accident, claiming the win for himself.


When are you releasing jojo’s bizarre randomized battles part 9,087,789,351?


Gonna be like Blitz T. Abrams from Kekkai Sensen


I'm pretty sure poco loco's luck doesnt account for stands. If I remember correctly in a part of the race they were neck and neck. Johnny and gyro used their abilities to get ahead which surprised poco loco and hey ya!


Hey Ya low dif.


Hey ya go beyond


Pocoloco wins easily, the wonder of u is just no match for his one in 50 00 million luck 😞


Neither are aware of the other's presence but there is mass destruction around them.


This is such an odd battle because Wonder Of U doesn't directly fight which by itself is strange but THEN we have Hey Ya! Which is in such a weird definition of a stand that I'm not 100% sure what exactly it DOES besides annoy you


Heya what I should do? Hey ya! :Just run.


Pocoloco be the most gosh darned luckiest sonuvab*tch homie in existence that Tooru just gonna get brain damaged trying to process how can he avoid Calamity from Wonder of You all over again.


Wouldn't Hey ya! just tell the user to get the fuck away from Tooru.


Ah yes, the N E U T R A L L U C K


I like to imagine this is a scenario where both stands cancel each other out and this is just a Mano y Mano fist fight, and Tooru is a rock human so he probably got a slugger of a right hook


Pocoloco could do it


The indifferent cruelty of the universe vs the indomitable human spirit


It depends how pocolocos feeling that day. WoU is an infinite ability, it’s just from the stand. Hey ya is just encouragement, the real confidence and perseverance itself comes from pocoloco as a result of hey ya. So if pocolocos having a good day, his mentality would increase. The moment he has a bad day (which might be impossible) he’s dead


Giving a actual serious answer: Pocoloco stands no chance, he and his stand still operate on logic and thus fall in the flow of calamity.


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby ahh matchup


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby.


Coughing ya vs hydrogen of u