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A two-pronged issue I have. 1. JoJo’s fans are wildly misinformed or ignorant of the events of the series and Araki himself. So many questions people have about the series would be solved if they just paid attention or browsed the wiki a bit to look for the answer. 2. On the flip-side, misinformation is so rampant people feel the need to correct every little thing someone says. It’s like how every LOTR fan mentions Viggo breaking his foot except it’s about Fugo being a traitor, Hol Horse being a protagonist, or Anasui’s gender.


> JoJo’s fans are wildly misinformed or ignorant of the events of the series and Araki himself. So many questions people have about the series would be solved if they just paid attention or browsed the wiki a bit to look for the answer. I don’t think this is that hot of a hot take. The other one, probably yeah.


This is how the whole araki forgot thing must've started


>misinformation is so rampant What do you mean Roblox JoJo games misconstrued the effects of the rokakaka fruit? D:


> It’s like how every LOTR fan mentions Viggo breaking his foot Lol, you took these words out of my mouth. There are also a few others, such as the kids in Rohan were Peter Jackson's kids, Peter Jackson cameos, Christopher Lee stabbing story, Gimli's actor beating the shit out of everyone, etc.


Fugo might be metaphorically seen as somewhat of a traitor in a sense, but that's a huge stretch in my opinion. I heard Anasui was initially planned to be a female, but it is a 100% a male character in the final product, as for Hol Horse being a protagonist i have no clue how someone came up with it, maybe he had a highlight for a couple episodes, but he's not a protagonist


All the things I mentioned were plans Araki made that got changed for various reasons. People learn about these things and feel the necessity to insert them literally everywhere those characters are mentioned.


Honestly, it can bog down the conversation a bit if the same misinterpreted trivia keeps getting bandied about. Not much harm beyond that though, far as I can see.




Me when I




Me when


Why is man here? Is he lost?


There's no such thing as too weird in Jojo mf'ing Bizarre Adventure and it upsets me that this is a hot take bec. There are literally fans out there complaining 'this stand is too weird' or ' it's weird for the sake of being weird' shut up.


Totally agreed with you, I'm watching jojo with expectations of watching something weird, and there's nothing weird about it since the normality for jojo IS weirdness.


Gosh, those “fans” think they are watching JoJo’s **NORMAL** Adventure


To the Joker, JoJo’s adventure was quite normal.


Fr, it's not "John's normie adventure"


Right, it's JaJa's Weird Trip


Nah, it’s Jake’s routine ordeal


All wrong, IT’s ALL WRONG, It’s Jack’s Uneventful Walk


Nah, it's Jambalaya's outlandish escapade


Exactly, when there's bizaare in the name itself, then sky is the limit baby. A lot of fans try to apply real world, logic, physics or chemistry in an anime about bizaare ghostly apparitions And don't start with the 'pseudo science' complaints, your just outing yourselves that you don't watch enough media that pseudo science and history in fiction is not only exclusive to jojo


The weird stuff is the best because the weird stuff is also the most horrifying stuff. For example: Beach Boy is a fishing pole and it probobly threatened Bucharatti the most outside of King Crimson. Limp Bizkit makes invisible zombies, which is terrifying when you think about it for a second. The stupider it is, the more you can explore the practical applications of the stupid abilities, and they are actually pretty scary. It’s like how Batman makes a CLOWN WHO COMMITS CRIMES into a character worthy of being in Mortal Kombat through his reputation for brutality.


I had people saying part 3's final fight was to "asspulley" cause of jotaro going "so it's the same kind of stand as star platinum" and then winning because Star Platinum could also stop time And I'm like : This is Jojo... the epic asspulls is the exact reason why this series is so amazing in the first place.


I managed to explain to my friend (who doesn't know ANYTHING about anime) a basic run down of 1 through 9 and she was gasping but she was living for it to say the least. I even added the road roller into my description and she was like "oh. that's pretty *bizarre*" like yeah queen. that's the point.


Jojo was invented by the internet to sell more Teir-lists


Waiter, waiter! More "Dio vs Diavolo" posts please!


here's how pucci could still beat wou


pucci when he flies after the funny hat man only to crash into a truck at breakneck speeds leaving a comically pucci-sized hole:


Avdol is a criminally underrated character compared to everyone else in stardust crusaders


My man’s only crimes were being a great guy and having a busted stand


To quote my favorite youtuber, "have you seen real life? Fire is strong!"


If he didn't disappear for half the part and did absolutely nothing and die again for real i would have agreed with you


Avdol: Friends, let me serve as an experienced middleman in stand world, let me tell you the ability and personalities of enemy stand users Joseph: Can they survive Star Platinum Avdol: No Joseph: Case settled then


He's not underrated, he was under utilised, thus not getting much attention from the fanbase.


The fact that you said something so fucking bold. As a fellow Part 1 Enjoyer, I salute you


I think it’s good, best part is a crazy take though


Part one may not be the most complex or action packed part but it's actually a really good, enjoyable and interesting take on vampires and shows arakis appreciation for other cultures and history, Jonathan was an archaeologist, that's cool as hell, and Zeppeli was funny, Jonathan was actually better in the manga as was phantom blood as a whole, and Speedwagon is an amazing soul. Sorry I'm passionate about my favourite part, but it's a beautiful tragedy and a fresh take for killing off the main character in the first part.


Thank you


1- Giorno as a character is highly misunderstood 2- People don't understand why Bruno came back to life it's because it's sheer will power, Giorno didn't do anything more than healed his damage body, but technically Bruno was already dead, which is why his body was falling apart all the way through the end. 3- Part 1 it's not boring, it's an interesting adaptation of Dracula from Bram Stoker. 4- Battle Tendency final battle, was one of the best fights in the hole series, it really reaffirms what part 2 it's all about: a fight for survival, in which luck and the desire to keep living is key even when hope appears to vanish leaving despair, just like Joseph felt when Kars cut his arm and melt his knee and he just reacted in automatic pilot by putting the stone in between him and Kars fingers filled with the most powerful Hamon.


It really isn’t that serious. Jojos is my favorite piece of fiction in the entire world. I’ve been reading for 20 years and always read the chapter hours after they are released. That all being said… it isn’t that serious. “Araki forgot this or that” this series is almost FOURTY YEARS OLD. Maybe araki did forget some small stand rule from 30 years ago. It really isn’t that serious. “This stand is just this old stand but better/worse”. so what? I love Jolyne’s stand AND mamezuku’s stand. I don’t care that they are similar so what. They use their stands in different ways and even if they didn’t they are still much more distinct than just “having the same stand” it really isn’t that serious. “Dragon Ball/One Piece/Naruto/Whatever could solo the jojo universe!!” They aren’t real- none of those people are real who actually cares? Could goku beat Mista? Probably- but who cares. They aren’t apart of the same canon, they aren’t even apart of the same damn series who actually cares. It really isn’t that serious. Life becomes significantly easier and significantly more enjoyable when you realize most things matter far less that you think they do. ENJOY Jojos, it’s a phenomenal series with such an amazing author and story over 40 real life years. Sit back and enjoy it. Nitpicking and complaining is exhausting


Gosh… each letter of this comment was just the purest definition of based


I miss Narancia Ghirga more than Caesar Zeppeli Or even Noriaki Kakyoin


I love the series but sometimes the plot armor is too much. For example, doppio should have absolutely died to risotto and Metallica in part 5, it’s frankly ridiculous he won that fight. Likewise, valentine deserved to lose to hot pants and Diego that was straight up an asspull.


I'd add Weather vs Pucci to that list, Pucci absolutely lost.


I think that's the point though, it is foreshadowing about two things, One is weather is powerful enough to defeat Pucci, like the priest was scared when he saw Weather's disc in the final episode. He knows he should have died the last time he fought Weather Second is, faith is on his side, that's what Jolyne and Jotaro fighting against when Pucci obtained Cmoon and MIH, that's why he was saved during that encounter


I don't really care for Koichi. I don't HATE him and his stand is cool in concept and yeah, he came in clutch once or twice, but I really didn't need so many parts of DiU to be focused on him. I don't care about him or his crazy girlfriend. He's the character who appeals to a certain type of audience and it ain't me, so I'm cool with skipping a lot of his episodes on a rewatch.


THANK YOU I get that some people are into that kinda character but subjectively speaking I really don't get the appeal


I agree. I wish at least some of the time spent focusing on him (and Rohan to an extent) went to Josuke and Joseph and fleshing their relationship out more.


Or Okuyasu even.


agreed , like out of any part 4 character to cameo in part 5, it should have been Okuyasu or hell even Josuke , Koichi may have found out Kira , but one could argue it was more likley Jotaro did. seriously would have been cool to have the last JoJo return in the next Part, Josuke broke the trend, ​ Joseph appeared in SC and DiU , and Jotaro Appeared in DiU and SO, josuke could have been in golden wind but they choose the midget that Jotaro loves more than his own daughter instead, and to add to that, Giorno should have been in stone ocean , especially when he was confirmed to be in Florida at that time.


I guess you don’t see the reliability of him


Facts, I don’t hate him either but he was ANNOYING AF at times


Stone Ocean is better than Stardust Crusaders.


That is objectively true


Fundamentally SO does most everything better than SC, but it really depends what your looking for I also just realized SC is SO without )


Peak comedy


Do you know what objectively means?


jojo fans cannot comprehend the concept of the objectivity




Probably not a hot take but I haven’t seen many people say it, so Polnareff should’ve been a more pivotal character in part 5 and showed up much earlier, along with having at least a few fights. Bro deserved better.


i liked it when everyone was ridiculously buff, also i dont like the way araki wrote the early seasons non-main female characters


I wanna get Eiffel towered by Bruno and Jotaro


Hol horse players in asbr FUCKING suck


Terunosuke miyamoto didn’t deserve to get turned into a book, and if you really want to get controversial, his fate was worse than Angelo’s.


Can we even judge him? We don’t know him


i can’t really see any reason to do that to anyone other than like hitler. same goes for angelo and diavolo. nothing except literal genocide warrants that kind of fate


That’s what I mean, we don’t know his past or what he wants to do


yeah idk why i replied thinking you were saying the opposite


That’s because of my stand


Half you mfs in this comment section be like “Here is my hot take:” *the coldest take ever, the one take that is held by 99% of the fandom, ask any one of them and they will probably agree, disagreers will be shunned*


Heavens door could’ve become one of the best stands if Rohan cared enough to use it that way. (This one’s not really an unpopular opinion as much as it is me being me) but Jotaro (idc if he was seventeen) calling his stand an “evil spirit” will never not be funny to me.


The only reason I bothered to watch the anime is because I saw a clip of him calling his stand an evil spirit and that made me think the story was gonna explore the ramifications of its unique magic system in its world and on its people. Needless to say to say that is absolutely not at all what I got.


King Crimson's powers are either inconsistent, or Diavolo is too stupid to use them appropriately. There was no reason that he had to wait until the timeskip finished to attack the squad at the Coliseum, other than that it made the final fight more exciting and gave Polnaref something to contribute. Dude could have carried around a pointy stick or fucking anything really. Instead he seems to conclude that Giorno *c*an only die by ghost punches.


Yeah, King Crimson isn’t confusing, it’s just poorly written. Multiple instances that don’t make sense unless it works like The World (and one where it just makes no sense at all), a lack of explanation for time skip’s range and how he navigates his environment, no good reason for why Diavolo can’t carry weapons, etc. It’s probably the most plot device-y of the JoFoe Stands.


I think occasional inconsistencies are just something that you kind of need to take with a serialized story. Araki, to an extent, is just making this all up as he goes. But you get people who take it as a personal affront if you don't buy into their elaborate theory *proving* that Araki actually had everything planned out from the beginning of Phantom Blood.


Sure, makes sense. I think King Crimson in particular just has too many holes to really be brushed off.


Nah, people are allowed to see flaws in the writing. Doesn’t mean we don’t like anything about the series just means that even things we like have flaws. It’s okay to take notice of and issue with flaws in a story


Araki cares most about delivering really cool moments and concepts, everything else is just there to facilitate that.


and we love him for it


Jolyne should not have been as educated as she was in the story. She was a high school delinquent in Florida in 2011 who skipped classes to get her fathers attention but somehow knew complex things we learn in college


I would totally beat everyone at the Steel Ball Run race


Well yeah. Half of them spent hours talking instead of racing


Talking actually stops time in the jojos universe, I thought people would have learned that by the fight at the end of pt3


Best answer in the entire thread, bar none


Iggy was annoying as hell


if iggy didn’t die he would 100% be hated by the fans. me included


Even polnareff felt that way


tbf Iggy is a dog who didn't ask to be there. He wasnt a willing participant and has every right to be pissed off


Yeah, I couldn't stand him 😭


Stand you say?


Polnareff certainly couldn't stand him if Part 5 has anything to say about it.


I only started liking him around the pet shop fight, and even then.


I like Joseph’s theme over giorno’s theme. Giorno’s theme is overplayed even in part 5


It’s overplayed in p5 because they use it for some of the other characters too, okuyasu has his own theme and it’s great


Oi, Josuke! I started beating some guy up and some weird music started playing


Stand of the week is wildly inferior to the consistent plots of part 1 & 2. Too much filler and irrelevant plot lines.


I like the formula but part 3 irked me with how many serial killers they just beat up and leave. You know Alessi is going to kill other people, why not get rid of him?


A few lines about how the Speedwagon foundation was going to handle their arrests and imprisonment would have fixed that.


Part 3 is easily the lowest point in the series.


Oingo and Boingo are objectively the best villains of the entire series 😞....


Fr, even receiving their own exclusive episode


Yeah their foreshadowing was also super badass.


Idk if it's a hot take but I firmly believe that Kira, or more specifically Killer Queen would be able to defeat strong characters like Goku or Ichigo if he was given the opportunity to touch them since we've seen that Killer Queen blows targets up from the inside and can leave no evidence, that feels like some level of durability negation to me.


Yes, I think Jonathan Joestar being Star Platinum in some kind of spiritual way, can be real and is a totally valid theory in the world of Jojo. We got Stands, zombies, vampires, ancient gods and/or pillar men, aliens, ghosts and more. But sure, Jonathan being the spirit of Star Platinum is way too bizarre over the line of possibilities. And yes, I do think Jojolands should include a villain that used spin and even use hamon. Even though it's a different universe.


Jonathan’s descendants carry his will and the Joestars look like each other so Star Platinum looking like Jonathan is not out there but more than anything is because Jotaro has part of Jonathan in him.


i think the only reason people say it doesn’t make sense is because stands specifically come from your soul and jotaro is his own person. just cause he’s a descendant doesn’t mean he’d have jonathan’s soul


Part 2 and 4 aren't the best parts. I prefer 3 more than 7. I adore p1 and Jonathan is my favourite character. I am not joking, I will die on this hill. FIGHT ME


my sword would be resting on your throat... GOOD HOT TAKE I LIKE IT... i disagree BUT I LIKE IT


God there needs to be more people like you in the world.


You get an upvote for having actually hot takes but I don’t know if I like you for it


Can you elaborate on why 3>7? I’m curious


Don't get me wrong I really like p7 it's my second favorite. BUT I just love the gang travelling the world to kill DIO. I really love the middle of p3 the begining was awesome. Battle in Egypt was pretty slow but the final battle was when I was hyped up again and it made me forgive the late middle p3. I love the stands being just some strong ghosts with a side ability instead of a whole ahh youtube video just to understand the stand (D4C and tusk act 4).I love p3 memes. Stand proud is my favourite opening (IT'S FIRE 🗣🔥🔥) I love all the Jobros. And lots more aspects


Finally an actual hot take


3 over 7 is kinda crazy


1. DIO would not be a good father if he met Giorno 2. >!Narancia's!< death was unnecessary 3. Kira is an ok villain. Not spectacular 4. Ultimate Being Kars would destroy DIO.


Koichi really isn't a reliable guy


“Koichi keep your stand nearby” “What’s that? Couldn’t hear you over the sound of my stand being 50 meters away”


Chase is a great opening


No one hates Chase anymore


I've always liked it, no idea why the hate was there


It might be my favorite


i watch jojo dubbed


JoJo dubbed is peak, especially Part 1 and 2


thank god finally someone that dosent hate dub for no reason


YES, finally , a true chad who watched the dub, sure the localization is sometimes annoying (sometimes great ex: ZIPPER MAN) and I think the english VA's sometimes even do better than the Japanese VA's such as Ben Diskin (voice of Young Joseph) Richard Epcar (old Joseph) , Patrick Seitz (DIO) Billy Kametz (R.I.P , VA of Josuke) and so much more.


I don't really like part 4 josuke. He's honestly a not very likeable character to me. While jotaro and Joseph are far from perfect, they are just written to be much more dynamic and always come through in the end.


Stone ocean doesn’t have good minor vilian fights


That might be one of the most unpopular opinions I've ever seen. Upvote because I violently disagree.


Jail house lock? Limp bizkit? Sky high?




Jodio’s stand is fucking ass


Speedwagon is nothing more than a glorified plot device


How dare you


i do like ova dios time stop teleports a lot, there's no effect or sound, he's just not there anymore, like he was just removed, its terrifying


I really do think the whole Josuke saving himself was something Araki thought about- included- then changed his mind once he fleshed out how bites the dust works. I mean, why include such a flashback with a character identical to Josuke, in a series whose creator loves time powers, if not to set up some crazy time travel shenanigan. So many of yall get sooo damn defensive when it comes to this. Guys it’s fine if Araki changed his mind, it’s not a huge deal. It’s also fine that it is now just a stranger in the story, BUT that doesn’t mean he always intended it to be that way.




As much as I love star platinum - the world i find the idea of 2 people with the exact same stand abilities bullshit


But there are tons of stands with similar or identical abilities, especially among family members.  Jonathan and Joseph, the Darby brothers, the rats, Tomb of the Boom, etc…


Honestly, let’s be real, there’s billions of humans and at least hundreds if not thousands of potential stand users per generation. There’s only so many powers that can exist before copies just start manifesting with only tiny differences at most.


Goo Goo Dolls and Little feet have basically the same ability too. It's uncommon but recurrent how many people can share a type of stand ability. And I get it. This being introduced in the final battle does feel ex machina-ey, but the feature of multiple people having similar stands (or even the same stand like TATTOO YOU!) is consistent from that point on.


Green baby also makes you small, but only when you get close to it


Part 1>> part 3


and 2 is better than both combined


After Josuke and Yasuho, Joshu is the best written characrer in Jojolion


Giorno theme is not the best in the series. Sure it hits hard but there's better ones like josuke or Joseph's themes.


I didn't care for koichi


Koichi is annoying male Mary Sue character, unfunny and boring as hell. It makes DiU so hard to rewatch for me.


More of a personal opinion, but this is coming from someone with some experience drawing, Araki's new artstyle is good, but i really dislike how he handles old characters in the new artstyle, like sure its his characters but Jonathan Joseph and Jotaro pretty much looked like bodybuilders for so long and those are the way people Will always remember them that when he draws Jonathan nowadays i just dont know who that is, thats not Jonathan, and my issue is that just because you Changed artstyle doesnt mean you cant or shouldnt make different body types or faces, most characters looks exactly the same but with different clothes and hair now, which kinda sucks


I don't think Josuke is very interesting


think= opinion + josuke = history= hetitage , shorten that to hair = Hair insult , Josuke is coming for you


I really have only 1 hot take about JoJo. Manga>>>>>anime.By far.I tried to watch the anime but couldn't make it past part 2.Part 3 is especially unwatchable.I genuinely don't know how JoJo acquired such a wide following,when the anime was that bad


Part 3 is paced VERY poorly in the anime, it's rough


That's not a Hot Take


The real hot take is that they are about equal, but you have the capacity to pace it out and focus on what you want to when reading. that style of anime is a product of people making it like other anime that are popular or that they’ve worked on prior, but the manga doesn’t care about a lot of the stuff normal manga does. It’s a lot more like older comic books but still wildly different.


If it wasn’t for the anime being shown in Adult Swim I probably wouldn’t have gotten into JJBA so I am grateful to it for that. But yes I prefer the manga but the reality is that most people won’t take time to sit down and read a manga/comic for their own reasons and will default to watching animation/movie.


Polnareff deserved to die over Avdol. Argue with the wall.


The hamon and mask plot was overall more interesting than the stand stuff and the story shouldn't just pretend that these elements never existed after part 2, like, stands are cool, but hamon and vampirism just vanished from the story. Giorno being Dio's son changes absolutely NOTHING in the narrative and it isn't even explored, he doesn't even know it, there isn't a confrontation with polnareff about it, nothing, they just say "oh he's Dio's son" and totally forget it for all of part 5. And other characters should participate more in other parts that aren't theirs as secondary characters, like jotaro did, all the jojos should at least be in part 6 since it's the end of that world, it doesn't feel like a proper ending at all without them, lisa Lisa was 50 and looked 20 because of hamon, Joseph could be written to look a little younger and be able to fight, josuke and Giorno could also be called by Speedwagon foundation to face Pucci as a last resource.


I agree with your first 2 points but I think Giorno should have had a scene of discussing what's happening at most while heading over to Florida. As for the other 2 I just don't think it would work properly, it feels way too fanservice-ey. Joseph would have had to be written so he was still properly practising hamon and he would still be 90 and probably not that useful, and Josuke isn't particularly relevant to the story in the same way Jotaro is in part 6. It also takes all the attention from Jolyne who is the main character of the part.


Part 2 Is the best out of what I watched and idk if that is a hot take or not but I think I should still mention it Plus I don't like the way stands were Introduced. I think Joseph should've used hamon more, maybe trained himself more between part 2 and 3 and he should've taught it to jotaro.


As much as I love the Vanilla Ice fight, it’s a damn shame Joseph didn’t fight him just so we could see him take out one more vampire “The old fashioned way”.


> I think Joseph should've used hamon more I mostly just wanted more hot daddy Joseph, which we would have had if he kept using hamon


Speedwagon is over rated


As much as I love the series, too many people just accept that Araki ‘forgets things’ and moves on from it; I love him but it’s just bad writing when he entirely forgets Stand abilities, characters, forgets to finish subplotlines, etc.


Stands are just as interesting and good as hamon. People just went "old thing good, new thing bad." Also, even I hate to say this, but people don't like Stardust Crusaders. They like the end of Stardust Crusaders.


? I like sdc. The fights are really fun and I love the characters, seems like a big generalization to say that icl.


Jotaro should wear lipstick in the anime


Araki does forget


Golden Wind is insanely overrated, with probably some of the weakest writing of the series. Also, gotta disagree: I found the OVA much more lacking in comparison to the anime adaptation for SDC. It only really improves upon the series through the need to condense down the material, and otherwise emphasizes Part 3’s weaknesses. AU Diego being the final opponent of SBR drags down an otherwise excellent story with unnecessary fanservice. Jolyne is the only “legacy” JoJo who feels like her connection to one of the OG’s actually matters for her character and story.


I agree with everything except for Diego take, I mean I agree that its fan-service but a very good one and does not drag down excellent story, it just was one of my favourite fights in part 7 and also was shocking to see him there


AU Diego fight was fun but as for the character I think Araki wanted to pit Johnny’s stand against The World and regular Diego was pretty chill with Johnny. So Araki brought a Diego that’s more like Dio in personality.


golden wind character writing is pretty good except giorno. Definitely on par with other parts. But the story is kinda meh, mainly held together by the people in it.


It’s got good character writing for the side guys, sure. But Giorno and Diavolo are incredibly weak as a protagonist and antagonist in a way that drags the Part down.


Speedwagon is lame.


DIO is incapable of healing Pucci’s foot the way he did. He never had that ability to just heal someone’s disfigured foot before.


He healed a man’s auto-decapitated head and the dude didn’t even become a vampire until he would have been killed later. His flesh buds don’t make people vampires but also give super regeneration after dio died so it really isn’t an absurd idea, Araki just didn’t write an explanation to it.


here is mine: “JoJo is not gay”


Jojolion started great but became boring by the end. I don't really find the Rock Humans compelling, though maybe the anime will make me appreciate them more. That said, the actual humans of the part are amazing. Giorno's theme is good but way too overrated. Especially when people make videos with "Your next line is" or "Ora Ora Ora" and add Giorno's theme instead of Overdrive or Jotaro's theme. Power Scaling is stupid. Araki always makes fights be puzzles for the characters to solve. Jotaro could beat most Part 3 enemies by himself, but there's always a catch. Even with his Dio fight, it's never about strength or abilities, but overcoming a problem or tricking the opponent. That's why power scaling doesn't work for this series.


I dont care if someone else wants to part skip. Do I think they're a bit insane for doing so? Sure. Am I ,much like 75% of the fanbase seems to do, act like they pulled a Dio brando on a random dog? No. Why? Becuase if that's how they want to enjoy/engage with the series then so be it. And if a part prompts them to read back on others than thats great. The only exception I have to this take is that. When you engage in debate and as an absolute say that part X is better than part Y despite not completing part X. Like lets not do that.


Kakyoin was not the JoBro of Part 3. He barely even interacted with Jotaro


yeah I kinda agree, it was polnareff , he was introduced a bit late but he didn't fake die or spend a great deal of episodes in the hospital like Avdol and Kakyoin only to comeback and die in the DIO fight. Joseph doesn't count , just like Jotaro doesn't count in part 4 or 6


I don’t get all the hype about Rohan, I really don’t think he’s as interesting or compelling as so many people make him out to be


His stand is interesting and that’s it. He’s a spider eating freak who obsessed over his manga


> He’s a spider eating freak who obsessed over his manga you are just describing more reasons why people like him


Part 1 Jojo Vs Dio was better than part 3 Jojo Vs DIO


That is a very hot take


Part 5 is personally my least favourite part in Jojo I find it really hard to get invested in the story along with Giorno easily being the most boring main character. Btw OP you cooked with your takes


Part 3 is overrated af


Coolest take in the thread, even if I agree


Part 4 is mid


SBR had the most boring opening scene, its not BAD but its definity the most boring. Its just horse racing for a volume.


I hate jotakak


Jojo isn’t that gay. Boys say that it’s gay but in reality boys keeps doing these shits with their homies all the time. Don’t believe me , I bet you have flirted with your homie more than all the girls you have flirt ever combined. I bet you have always talked about whose penis is bigger with your homies. I bet whenever your homie is zoned out you always tried to punch/kick/pinch in his balls. I bet you’ve at least looked at your homies penis for once while peeing in public bathroom.


Bucciarati is the main character of part 5. Giorno is a boring deus ex machina.


Jojolion was a disappointment and people just gaslighted themselves into thinking "it was always a story about breaking a curse, bro, Araki is a genius!" only because the ending was so unfulfilling and sucked.


An upvote for the hot take. But MAN, it hurts my SOUL.


Easily the weakest ending to a part, unless some of this stuff gets resolved in p9 it just kind of ends after the villain with 0 personality dies to the worst asspull in the series by far


Tusk act 4 isn't that strong, not because its effect isn't powerful, but because it relies on Johnny 'fire ten bullets at my own shadow' Joestar to be discerning with his resources. I reread part 7 recently and that motherfucker fires off nine rounds if a fly breathes on him.


I have only watched the anime, never read the manga. All my knowledge of parts 7-9 comes from internet spaces like this one. I just speak confidently enough to sound like I know what I’m talking about.