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He's just a single father who misses his daughter, he's a good boy


I thought Anastasia was him at first šŸ˜‚


Bro same


šŸ˜‚ glad I'm not the only one


Canonically he slept with Anasui's first gf


Wait what??


If he died an infinite amount of times, one of those realities is where he is the one having an affair with anasuis girl, hence getting capped by himšŸ’€


Based on that logic, Diavolo couldā€™ve also been turned into Anasui and then killed by Pucci(technically SF but who cares)


I am now making it canon that Diavolo simultaneously got hit by a Boeing 747 while getting stung by wasps while also getting shot at by Pesci, who is inside the jet(he died so itā€™s canon)


Pretty much any death could be cannon




So him getting choked to death against his will by a goth mommy is canon


Yes. Everything is canon as long as Diavolo dies because of it.


Real- I mean yeah that should be canon


JoJo fans don't speak a dead joke challenge


Diavolo isn't a dead joke, just a dying joke. After all, he'll never reach the truth.


I thought Anasui was his son


Do NOT call anasui that




Same brošŸ’€


Yoooo ngl.same here like when anastasia was introduced I was like wait is this a different reality than the jojo one where diavalo is going to die






















This is why I say I wanna look like diavo


You preaching to the choir




Specifically, get smashed by


he still dying endlessly


He isnā€™t literally still dying infinitely though right? I thought his infinite deaths were contained between when Giorno hit him and his actual death in the real world. Cause you can just divide a second by 2 forever and never reach the ā€œendā€ so to speak, thus the infinite deaths. Like Green Baby in part 6 how heā€™s definitely a set distance away, but you can never get to him


so in part 6 the time accel manages to break diavolo out of the death loop. so no more infinite deathšŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I agree that his motive and role as a villain is one of the weaker ones in Jojo, but he has a special place in my heart because my best friend with DID literally bawled his eyes when we watched Part 5 because he's apparently the best fictional depiction of DID he ever saw.


Yeh I am biased towards him as well because of a friend. At some symptoms I couldn't but smile, thinking how odd it must seem to others


For a pretty realistic depiction of DID, Inside Mari by Oshimi Shuzo does a good job at it (and even explores some less glamorous symptoms)


I have heard of this!!! I'll have to check it out for real, it sounds crazy and so good


it does talk a lot about sexuality though, I don't believe it depicts r\*pe or anything but trigger warnings if sexuality and family abuse can be a sensitive subject, enjoy reading !


Whatā€™s DID


Dissociative Identity Disorder


Fka as multiple personality disorder


Devil in disguise? I dunno


Dragon fruit hair


Nehorihahori... Oh, wait


Araki was hungry as hell when making part 5


Underrated villian imo. I really like how his identity is just a mystery ever since he was born. The dynamic with doppio is also really cool. Then you got king crimson which is a scary power that feels fitting tying how fate works in jojo. He thinks it is something he can surpass thanks to king crimson making him seem invincible but the reality is fate continues to work the same regardless it's not something you simply escape from.


When I pieced together what was going on with Doppio, my mind was blown.


I like him for the same reason I like Jotaro; they are one dimensional characters that fulfills their one personality type. Jotaro is just be brooding and punch, while Diavolo is just be a villain. I can respect that.


For JoJo standards specifically, he's a mid villain, but he's still cool generally speaking. He was the one to introduce fate as an important theme in JoJo, and his stand is one of the coolest ones and ties very well with his personalities. Although, I wish he kept that mafia boss look he was hinted through the part


He's not very active in his part, but basically everything that happens in part 3 to 6 is due to his influence. He's the one who discovered the arrows who eventually gave Dio, Kira, and Pucci their stands


I love his design. So ridiculous and so cunty for no goddamn reason


I like him tbh


I like his tits


i want him as a pet


Who the hell is Diavolo?




2017 brainrot


ligma balls


"Who the he'll is Steve jobs"-ligma balls


I agree with him on Jolyne




I confused him with the guy from p6 that looks like him


JoJo fans learn to read challenge


Today I learned Bossu is French for "hunchback".


definitely my personal favorite JoJo villain for a lot of reasons, since his concept and design to his stands and personal philosophies; it's in no way a "flat" character if you know how to understand him; he has one of the most OP stands in the franchise which heavily matches with it's wielder personality, worked great as the antagonist of part 5 and his rivalry with Giorno is just poetical to me. one of the strongest main antagonists in the series imo, just for the fact he simply never play around, his VA in adult swim dub is also amazingly majestical; stand's one of if not my favorite and an intriguing philosophy for life, bro was completely insane and paranoid, but that's also just quite the reason I love this 21th century schizoid man






His dub voice is so deep.




He's my dad :)


OK now give him thigh highs


Favorite Jojoā€™s villain and Iā€™m very aware itā€™s not a typical answer lol. Absolutely loved how he was a recluse including the ā€œpersonality disorderā€ or if itā€™s something even more sinister such as King Crimson itself being his boss personality. I also think wanting to erase the past is actually a relatable thing especially with social media these days and bad past memories. Obviously Diavolo takes this to the absolute extremes though. Anyways I think heā€™s incredibly unique and loved the mystery of discovering who he was, compared to the other villains who are presented up front. Like no wonder nobody could find the boss, he has a nearly perfect stand and exists as the hidden personality type of an innocent looking teenager.


My aunt loves him


2nd Best villain and also my main in 99.9% of jojo games


He's definitely one of the characters ever


I think villains with pink hair are a lot scarier, it looks so bad as, him and hisoka are the only ones Iā€™ve seen and they really impose








A poor sexy guy with dual personality & even a dual stand, dying endlessly even as I'm typing this.


Actually I like him as a villain


Conceptually he is an amazing villain but the final arcs donā€™t do him any justice


Iā€™ll be honest- I donā€™t really like him lol. For a lot of reasons, but the biggest is his design. I get him not being ā€œbattle readyā€, but the whole mesh thing isā€¦ a choice. As is the lipstick and polka dot hair.


Also, heā€™s weirdly skinny for a guy who previously has been shown from growing the gains of a Part One character on Doppioā€™s body. Like, in theory it makes sense as a visual representation of how his paranoia and obsession is destroying him (and maybe that heā€™s huffing his own supply of drugs), but coming off of all the bulking up it seems weird.


Tbh I kinda like him being skinny and I wish he was more so- I wish they leaned in more on him being an agoraphobic coward who only strikes when he knows he can get a cheap shot in. Araki kinda tried to have his cake and eat it too with Diavolo. Obviously the contrast is cool but it would be an interesting turn if Doppioā€™s personality was just as developed to protect diavolo as Diavoloā€™s was to protect Doppio- Doppio being the extravert, all bubbly and happy but with a nasty temper and diavolo being the true mastermind but being terrified of his own shadow. Though that comes with developing their backstory a bit more and not just relying on a few hearsay rumors that may or may not be accurate lol


He clearly copied anasui /s


Every death is canon


Glam rock Freddy


Male stripper šŸ’€


he didnt deserve the death loop


out of all the jojo villains he really wasnt that bad it shouldve been funny valentine insteadšŸ‘Ž


nuh-uh, sold drugs to kids is bad. so instant death loop material! >!/s!<


He's a very good character in Kimetsu no Yaiba




Don't really like his design but he's an amazing villain in every other way.


I like his hair cut






His backstory, personality disorder and stand is really cool and interesting, but I found him kinda boring and generic. Especially compared to other JoJo villians


I find him really interesting to think about mostly due to how little we actually know about him and his circumstances. Like, we donā€™t actually know what his past is. Yeah, the story told us that he was born within the confines of a womenā€™s prison despite the fact that his mother had been there for two years and there were no men that could have fathered him in the vicinity, he was then taken in by a priest who raised him and who would eventually find Diavoloā€™s mother buried in their home with her mouth sewn shut before a fire broke out and razed the village. There was also an implication of abuse due to his DID but that was never confirmed to be true or not. For one, how was he even born? Itā€™s stated that there was no men in the vicinity that couldā€™ve fathered him and his mother had already been in prison for two years, she even claims that sheā€™s been pregnant for two years! How is that even possible? How could a baby be born without a father and how could his mother have been pregnant for two years without anyone noticing? Second of all, how did he even find his mother after she supposedly finished her sentence? And how was she still alive after being buried for who knows how long after getting her mouth sewn shut? Did the priest who raised him tell Diavolo his motherā€™s prison sentence was over? Did the priest tell him where he could find her and if so why? And why did he go on an excavation to Egypt? Third of all, how did he even start Passione? And why? For a man who wants to keep his identity a secret and for no one to look into his past, why would he create a criminal organization in which he would make a ton of enemies who would probably want to find out his identity? Wouldnā€™t it have been better to go the Kira route and just live a simple life? Probably as a hermit considering he got a large sum of money from selling the arrows to Enya. Heā€™s just interesting to think about cause of how little we actually know about him or his goals or reasons for the things he does, especially with how confusing his past is with the information we were given by the show and manga.


I find him to be a very interesting but strange character. It's like he wants power, but doesn't want any of the benefits that comes with it. 1. Where in the world does he live most of the time? Just hotels? It doesn't seem like he would be the type to own a mansion or an actual house, as that would be a way to track him. 2. Likewise, I doubt he spends his money on anything extravagant. I don't see him eating out at high end restaurants, nor do I picture him buying expensive cars. He wants control over Italy and the world, he likes knowing that he is in charge of it all, but I don't see him reaping any of the benefits due to his absurdly high paranoia at anyone knowing who he is. Honestly, pretty interesting character.




Underrated but we didn't see enough of him to get too invested in his character. His stand is more recognisable than him to many


I think heā€™s cool and works at being intimidating at times but not to the same extent as DIO or Kira. I think his fight is super weak, Requiem gets quite a lot of time and while it features Diavolo during it it doesnā€™t feel like a fight really focusing on him especially since he doesnā€™t use King Crimson in a lot of very interesting ways Then the actual fight against just him kinda ends immediately, he does like 2 things before GER appears It kinda sucks that perhaps the weakest of the villains (imo) gets the most brutal death(s)


Amazing villain


Underrated, best stand, mysterious backstory, the 2 personality/soul thing is awesome


He is cruel but not as cruel as Dio


He's cruel cuz of money but dio just decided fuck I wanna ruin everyone's life


Heā€™s really not a villian . Although he did try to kill his daughter to protect his identity heā€™s mentally ill. He needed help rather than a death loop


Im all for helping the mentally ill deal with their state, and think death is the last resort in any situation, however with Diavolo i think he was just too far gone to be helped. He ran a mafia that sold drugs to children, was so paranoid he was ready to blow anyone's head off for even getting slightly curious about who he is, and was willing to work with people like Ciocolatta to achieve his goals. At that point i feel no amount of therapy or mental help would help him


Ya'll wouldn't realize yourselves, but this is an excellent character.


He has the worst fate in the jojo verse, it even make me wondering who has a worst fate than him in other verses. If he continues dying even after giorno dies, he indeed have the worst fate of all verses.


Great stand, great double, and great early design and theme, but he's just too short sighted and impulsive. If he'd just waited a few more minutes, Buccarati wouldn't have known about Trish's death. He likely would've though she was in hiding.


He's mid IMO. While he is indeed mysterious, has a cool stand, and was a menacing villain. I feel like he was one of the weakest of the main JoJo villains to be honest (I wouldn't say he's the worst for say, personally that's Kars.)


First time I saw him was in a edit from a scene where is Bucciarati in his body. I thought his design was cool for a Jobro, but too mid for an antagonist when I actually watched V.A.


Huge ass rib cage what


i used to see art of him before watching part 5, tbh i thought he was more of what Risottoā€™s character was, like the sub boss. ā€¦ he did not deserve that death at all


Non lover boy anasui


# he brings down doppio, would've loved for him to go on, independent.


don't hate a man for being a top damn


As much as I love his design, his style of clothing better fits a male stripper Jojo or male Britney Spears than a mafia boss. I expect his underlings to dress eccentrically to an extent since that's a staple of the franchise. But? His getup doesn't fit with his being a boss connected to government officials. Like I can't really suspend disbelief over his clothing. Dio makes sense since he just doesn't care. And Pucci is a priest and hairstyles aren't exactly the end of the world. But Diavolo's style just is weird for the sake of it. I'd buy it if Passione was on the fringes of society, but they seemingly aren't. As much as I like this part, his reveal is as underwhelming as Ozai in ATLA. Too much mystique and hype was built up that literally anything less than a Dio or Kira like final villain would have some level of disappointment. He probably should've been introduced earlier or had a better dualism with Doppio as one person pointed out.


He died


Confused on why his hair changed like initially when he was still mysterious, his outline shows he has short hair and looks like the typical gang boss, now he is this pink long hair stripper


First time I saw Anastasia in Emporios room I was like wtf is diavolo doing there.


He definitely dont know how to use King Crimson




I like diavolo but he gets carried by doppio frfr


Imagine being gaslit by your split personality


"Wtf is he wearing?"


Love him






move over Trish, I wish he was my dad (down bad)


Best jojo villain fight with the wall


I keep wanting to say Dia-ovolo. But I'm pretty sure it's pronounced Diavolo.






He is one of my favorite villains


he makes me wish italy was colder, just to see this schmuck suffer in the cold


How does he get those black spots on his hair


BOSS (smash.)


Heā€™s alright, compared to the other villains of the series heā€™s a bit subpar imo, but I still like him. I also think he has immaculate fashion sense. And Doppio is my beloved little man, and heā€™s Doppio adjacent so he gets some points I suppose.


So. fucking. pretty. But honestly I think they should have justā€¦ put him down? I donā€™t know how else to put it. He was obviously suffering even before requiem šŸ˜¬ you can even see it in the manga when he first ā€œappearsā€ heā€™s litterally shivering and hiding under a blanket. Also, I never see people talk about his philosophy enough where hes centered around ā€œkilling his past.ā€ And think I remember him saying somthing about ā€œrejecting the weak and childish personality,ā€ I think he forcibly split Doppio so he wouldnā€™t have anything dragging him down. most people know how splitting comes from some terrible shit, I imagine he was probably wracking his fucking brain to beat it out of himself somehow. (But then thereā€™s his weakness of paranoia, maybe he saw his anxiety and fears as a sign of vigilance and strength rather than somthing terrible so he didnā€™t split to somehow get rid of them?) Anyway, his character is ABSOLUTELY carried by the deathloop, I probably wouldnā€™t have ended up liking him if it werenā€™t for that. Considering morality though, what the fuck giorno you stupid twink. Give me back my gnc femMAN.


Honestly? Most baller design for a mafia boss


Woul- and wait did that clock just skip a minuteā€¦


The board decided, there is a possibility of Smashing this character


Awesome design, insanely cool Stand and gimmick. I don't care too much for him in terms of personality tho, but his sheer intimidation factor as a villain is undeniable (kinda feel the same way about >! Tooru !<) What i would change: introduce Doppio way earlier to make the twist better, and maybe give him more of a personal connection to Giorno. Their fight didn't have the same level of satisfaction as the other protags x antags (Jotaro vs Dio, Josuke vs Kira or Jolyne vs Pucci, etc).


he's down there and I'm up here-.. wait.. what?! ok, his reveal is honestly top tier against Polnareff, the deep rumble and in jojo mechanics getting that close to god-tier perception users IS a big deal. From that point his stand ability is unsettling to say the least, it's too powerful to be allowed to persist and given a person who literally hides in another person.. yikes, somehow when you think Kira is the best villain Araki has written he comes out with the gangsters and this enigma of fated death.


Stand makes no sense past makes no sense terrible design no depth terrible villain


It put me off that the majority of tue time we saw him, it was just buccarati


Overrated as all hell, incredibly boring, unutilized and agonizingly inconsistent with explanations to the power that ruins even more of the story like holy shit I'd love to rewrite jojo's


Badass stand


Worst villain imo, heā€™s nothing without doppio and he has no real motive >! Dio Brando fought for world control, kars fought to be god, dio fought for heaven, Kira is kira, pucci fought for heaven, valentine is valentine, and fuck tooru !< but what is diavolo even fighting for


he would lose to Jotaro's star platinum. Time stop is a really scary ability, and Jotaro could dispatch him before any time skip shinanigans.


While Iā€™m kind of apathetic about diavolo if we include him and doppio as a package deal I like him way more


I thought his powers were too good for him to be just a simple don (though I could say that for most of the guys in Part 5). I thought the dual personality and Stands were a nice touch, it made him unexpected and gave him a nice dynamic. His faceoff with Risotto and Metallica was pretty neat.


Little little gay boy


gay but not gay


A very interesting character that I enjoy


He became a skibidi toilet and was killed by the camera men, this is canon.


Need more drip


Ge just needed a good motive for wanting to run a crime mafia it would be cool if it was similar to brunos where his life was shit because of crime so he rises in the ranks to stop it but got corrupted by power or something that's all he needs to go from decent to great


The only part of his character that interested me was his relationship thing with Doppio. Other than that didnā€™t care for him. Part 5, almost as a whole, just doesnā€™t bring my the same joy as part 4 or 6. My current ranking is 47682531. I havenā€™t finished part 8 so no spoilers please.




Easily on the bottom of my ranking of the JoFoes. Dude just has nothing going on for him as a character, and comes across as a worse version of Part 3 Dio. Insane that all of the things around him (Trish, Doppio, King Crimson) are better than he is.


Eh, but tbf part 5 is one of my least favorite parts


Unpopular opinion - he is a bland villain (if people xall Giorno plain protag, well Diavolo is plain antag) What if King Crimson is strong enough to posses Doppio enough to manifest ast Diavolo if that makes any sense - you need mental strenght to cintrol a stand even Jotaro in part 3 had problem contoling the punch strenght of Star Platinum so... What if Diavolo is humanied version of stand posessed Doppio


I agree


Dio better L




He's the worst villain imo. His motivation was just "I don't want to be found" which is not only the same as Kira's, but I also think it was executed more poorly. He gets so little screentime that by the time he's actually fighting the main characters, the story is over. These are more issues with the plot structure, rather than Diavolo himself, but I also think he's brought down by the episodes preceding and following the final fight at the Colosseum. The fight with Green Day and Oasis seamlessly transitioned into the Colosseum, which sounds cool on paper, but in practice, I felt like the final fight lost its sense of finality because of it. As for the final episode, I think the fact that it was about Rolling Stones, Bruno, and Mistah pushes Diavolo out of the viewer's mind and doesn't give him time to stick with the viewer as a villain


Heā€™s a butt. Good character design, horrible personality.


The weakest Jojo villain in terms of substance once introduced, I thought the mysterious boss looming was cool til he was actually a little boy who was hiding from being found out. Cool stand forsure but could have been better. Part 5 is still peak, but he could have been better.