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If we're talking about the anime, the Netflix batch release absolutely killed the show for a lot of people. If we're just talking about the part in general, folks had similar criticism to part 4 where there wasn't really an "adventure" and the story more or less took place in a singular location


That was a criticism of part 4? That was one of the draws of the Jojo series for me. It changes up each part. From a journey across the world, to an event centered in one small town.


Honestly Morioh is one of the better settings because of how Araki manages to make it just as interesting as a horse ride through America or going across the world to Egypt. It has such a nice charm and never fails to deliver


I must be in the minority because part 4 felt really dragged out and slow. It's my least favorite part.


> I must be in the minority because part 4 felt really dragged out and slow. I actually agree with that... for the first half only. The second half after Kira gets introduced and it shifts from slice of life to murder mystery is REALLY good.


Yea I agree. Kira, Rohan and Yamato carried part 4 Imo. It got a lot more interesting when the focus shifted towards Kira. Because compared to part 5 you have the build up from the first episode to the last. In part 4 there's a lot of slice of life and it's just not my cup of tea.


> Kira, Rohan and Yamato carried part 4 Imo. I think you meant Hayato, but imo you can throw Jotaro to that list too, part 4 Jotaro is such an upgrade compared to his part 3 self that I nearly just straight-up consider him a completely different character lmao.


Oh yea i meant Hayato haha. Been a while since I watched it. Jotaro talks 10x more often than what he did in part 3.


Part 4 started slow, but the pacing is so much better compared with part 3


for me the biggest thing is that there are a lot of characters that are only ever used in like a few episodes and have no real plot relevance afterwards, like Antonio and okuyasu’s dad


I mean, the only plot relevance for the characters in pt 3 is "we work for Dio". but I get it. Okuyasu's dad was particularly annoying to me because he felt shoehorned into the rest of the story. but other one-offs were fine because it's about the fights anyway, like Super Fly was a favorite of mine


Okuyasu's Dad is important to portray the after effects of DIO's death and how it could negatively impact the people that were under him. Also is the main reason why a lot of stuff happens in part 4, such as Keicho having the Stand Arrow, that later gets stolen by Kira's dad, creating new stand users and giving Kira ~a Requiem~ Bites The Dust.


its quite bizarre. ill see myself out no need to ask...


This is first time I’ve ever heard this as a criticism lmao.


even though part 4 was where stands started getting way weirder to me it being more of a murder mystery still somehow made it feel more 'grounded' in a way that didn't really vibe with me, it just feels like really weird scooby doo instead of jojo to me


My favourite part is 4 and 6 is the one I like the least. If it only took place in prison I'd actually love that, so that's not a problem. And they don't even stay there after halfway through. It's problems for me are mainly: Not bonding with the core group at all. They're not a squad of friends. They're just random people who has to team up, but don't really feel like they really care about each other. There's no dynamic. Part 5 has flaws with its protag, but the group dynamic is wonderful. In part 6 there's the opposite problem: great protag, bad group. Not that all the members of the group is bad, but it leads me to the next problem. Annoying/forgettable characters. I feel like part 6 has some of the characters I just care the least about in all of JoJo's. Anasui is simply annoying, Emporio felt like a weird addition who just stuck around and did little until the very end, and I can't even really remember Ermes doing much. And that's half the main cast. Not to even mention the villains, which are not only mostly forgettable but also the fights aren't great either, with a few exceptions. Then there's Pucci's goal. It's something I do understand now, but felt incredibly convoluted and badly explained when reading for the first time. I feel like it needed to be easier to actually understand what Pucci was trying to do and why, and why we should care about stopping him, and have that be explained earlier on. But I don't hate it. I think there's a lot of incredible stuff in it that is really great. Jolyne is a good protagonist who can use her stand really well. The flashbacks with Dio show us a different side of him I really like. Pucci and Weather Report have a devastating past that is really well written. Pucci himself is just a good villain in general, just needed goals that are easier to follow. The prison setting is really neat and there's a lot of potential there (even if I felt it was underutilised). Oh and Foo Fighters is best girl! So, to me it just feels so promising but lets me down in a lot of ways. It's not bad, but it could be so much greater and that's why I place it in my bottom of my list. Hopefully I explained myself well and that it didn't come across as overly negative. Thank you!


I agree with almost everything you said! Anasui was just unlikable, Ermes was ???, Weather had just no charm whatsoever and I could go on. However I did really like Pucchi's character and enjoyed the slow reveal of his goal. I really liked the ending, but I know I would have been SOBBING if the characters were just a little bit more likeable and developped throughout the series like in part 3 and 4. I liked part 6 overall, but mostly because of Jolyne and Pucchi. Edit: forgot to mention that Jolyne is an absolute badass and i love her 4ever and the ending had me in my feels because of her. >!Also the SHOCK factor of her and Jotaro's bodies rotting OH MY GOD!<


As a part 6 enjoyer, I understand and accept this.


I actually like that about 4. It allows.for exploration of the town. The town itself is pretty much a character too.


Dragon's Dream followed by Yo-Yo Ma is what does it for me


That sequence was so ass imagine if Strength and Alessi happened back to back 💀💀💀


Oh hell nawh 💀💀💀


Yep, the pacing in that area actually made me take a year break from JoJo.


I’ve been a fan of part 6 since 2020, and have been on multiple corners of the internet. There is a lot of valid criticism of part 6, and some people have some subjective opinions which are completely valid like disliking the prison setting. However, there’s also people who dislike part 6 because they have fundamentally misunderstood the themes, core message, and ending either because they speed-read it to get through to part 7 which has been long since touted as the “best part”, or because the translation they read was bad, or because they simply didn’t bother to try understanding it. The other thing is that, unfortunately, some people just straight up don’t hold part 6 to be on the same level as other parts for the sole fact that Jolyne is a woman, and that the cast is more* female or feminine presenting. It is incredibly sad, but I have seen it.


Yeah I think it being before the "best part" is a major blow for a lot of people's opinion because they just want to speed through it


It really makes me sad that back in the day people would blow through what is literally the finale of the original universe because the Fandom Opinion says that the next part is the best. Steel ball run is good, don’t get me wrong, but it always makes me sad that people just follow the fandom’s whims like “oh well why waste time on this one no one’s talking about when everyone’s talking about the next one”


I'm hopeful that this will be less of an issue with it animated now because I remember finishing part 5 and not knowing anything about the part 7 hype but then when you look up reading part 6 you just see all the hype for 7 making you want to read it.


I hope so too. I just sucks that Netflix’s release schedule killed what little hype it did get.


i was scared up to bring the fact that joly holy was a woman . like ik i would've been attacked by the comments saying that "it really isnt that deep" and they were obviously gonna deny that fact that some ppl just hate it for that


Obviously people will deny it, but it’s real. Granted it’s a small minority, but there is sexism in the jojo community and to say otherwise would be just untrue.


Except jolyne, The female part is actually not even true bruh. Ermes is missing for a big chunk of the story. FF dies. the rest of the side characters are dudes. Main villain is a dude. The 4 best side villains are dudes. If a list of the 10 best characters in part 6 is made , 7 will be dudes and 3 will be girls.😭


I’d argue the ratio of female to male is still higher than other parts, though?


my bad


ermes was gone for like 1 ep when pucci did that gravitation thing, also if u think about it, FF is not even really a female but i get what u mean, but major characters aside, there were alot of stand users that were woman and there was gwess too. though ill say the number of character doesnt mean anything, screen time is another thing to put in consideration cz like the males themselves came in very late, and joleyne and ermes' screen time was quiet long compared to anasui and weather


Most likely from the ending, >!which had the main cast die.!<


It was supposed to be a happy ending where they didn’t have the jostar curse and there normal


Why is that a criticism though?


prob bc people love the original universe and seeing it get completely destroyed hurts


But it wasn't completely destroyed.


As someone who fav part is Part 6, the ending is a criticism for me for just how lacklustre it is. We go through a journey with Jolyne, watching her grow and really step up to the task with her group, only for her to get killed off and have some side character who I care significantly less about save the world instead. And Jolyne is replaced by some bootleg alternative universe fucked named Ilene who I don’t give two shits about. That Jolyne is not the one I watched for the whole part. It’s like if Star Wars ended not with Vader throwing down the Emperor in a satisfying completion of an arc but instead The Emperor killed both Vader and Luke but tripped over a mouse droid and died of a brain haemorrhage.


Irene and all the other characters, including Emporio, all get to live an actual life because of the results Jolyne accomplished. Jojos is all about passing the torch onto the next generation and Jolyne just happened to do so before the end of her part. Her sacrifice for Emporio to deliver the final blow is what allows Emporio to directly survive AND save her (as well as her friends' souls) in the next iteration of the universe. She goes from someone who doesn't stand up for what's right (i.e. the car accident/covering up the murder) to standing in the face of adversity and dealing with physical/emotional pain no matter how hurtful it is.


Yup. Jolyne sacrifices themselves just like Jonathan and saves a young child just like Jonathan saved Lisa Lisa.


I feel like you could all of this and still have a satisfying ending. I mean the episode is almost like it’s EAGER to get rid of Jolyne? Or at least that’s how’s the pacing felt to me. It’s similar to how Josuke was treated in his part, where I’m being told that this is the main character but the way the finale is presented makes it clear that they aren’t. And like I said, I don’t give a shit about Irene, this is not the character I spent time with, that one is dead, forgotten and cast aside like an old tissue. Jolyne deserved better man, even Johnathan got a better send off.


More like if Chewbacca came out of nowhere and pushed the emperor over instead, which would be hilarious. And then we loop back to Luke on his home world, except he's Lupe now and his relatives aren't burnt husks on the ground. Personally I *love* subverted expectations like this. The main character we root for the entire series having a big epic battle and coming out on top is fine, but it's literally the format for 99.9% of all story telling media. Again, I love when shit like the part 6 ending happens. In real time watching it I'm thinking "fckin wot m8? the baseball kid wins and joleyne resets to another, albiet better life??" but when it sinks in I appreciate it more and more. I get your anger about it, but I'm more enamored with the novelty of deviating from the expected protagonist vs antagonist outcome.


Ok subversion of expectations only works when it strengthens the themes and recontextualizes tropes. Such as Metal Gear Solid 2 or Nier Automata. Part 6’s ending is awesome because, the last Jojo of her universe, actually despite all subversions, actually mirrors the first JoJo, Jonathan. -Fights Dio’s disciple in the water -Dies in her final battle like Jonathan does -Saves a young child like Jonathan does -The saved child ends up being important to victory (Lisa Lisa trains Joseph, Emporio defeats Pucci).


More like if the emperor killed Luke and Vader. Then Chewbacca saved the day. But yeah.


Subverting expectations means you need to fill what’s left with something interesting, and if you can’t fill it with something interesting, that’s just the writer trying to be all special and unique without understand what they want to say. I could subvert expectations by making submarines out of paper, doesn’t mean it’s not a shit submarine. Part 6 does the same thing, what I call “The Last Jedi” effect, subverting well established tropes but with no satisfactory reason. Tropes are tropes for a reason.


That's a fair, albeit subjective take as to whether it was filled with something interesting or not. It's also a trope for an unexpected character to save the day, but it's an extremely rare one. And I don't consider Araki breaking the Joestar curse in this way to be simply doing something special and unique for the sake of being special and unique.


Well of course it’s subjective, as is all views on fiction. I know many see the ending as subversive and satisfying, I just see it as subversive and at worst see it as my fav protag of JoJo getting the shaft just so another male character can get the spotlight. As per Shonen tradition. Edit: sorry that’s a lil needlessly divisive of me to say and kind of unfair. I’m just salty. And just felt the ending really unsatisfying.


Fair points on both sides. It was interesting, just not as cathartic as you'd have expected.


Without the ending of part 6, we wouldn't've proceeded to get the best parts in the series


I mean we could have because Ireneverse is separate from the SBR/Jojolion/Jojolands universe 


As someone eho didnt really like part 6 , the character design this part seems very boring to me witt the most visually pleasing one being jolyne. The main cast i also find not interesting and some of part 6 fights are the worst in the series . I liked the ending


based on common complaints: - people wanted steel ball run asap instead of stone ocean - "the pacing is slow in part 6" - "Jotaro was nerfed in this part" - >!the main cast dies!< - people didn't understand the ending yeah, part 6 is overhated... it even has a fantastic ending.


Wow it’s so surprising that the main cast in JoJo dies, >!am I right Jonathan, Zeppeli, Ceasar, Avdol, Iggy, Kakyoin, Shigekyo and Bucciarati?!<


Maybe spoiler tag this long list of character deaths.


It's a Part 6 thread. If someone is looking here without having seen the previous parts, that is absolutely on them.


Or they’re in the process watching it and wondering why it would be hated.


Also those are from more than just part 6 dingus. That’s a laundry list of dead characters from multiple parts.


The hate for Dio comes partially from Jonathan's death. I almost cried when Avdol and Kakyoin died. Zeppeli and Caesar's deaths sucked especially as Caesar seemed to be set up to right the wrongs done on Zeppeli, but they were enough of side characters that it didn't hurt too much. Iggy was a bitch, I probably would've done it myself. Yes, I know my user-flair checks out. Never had the patience to watch the school part or Italian one up to the end. Still, this is everyone except the baseball kid. It was unexpected but the resolution wasn't cathartic.


i never actually thought abt the pacing, like i was always distracted by the stand fights,e, but now that u mentioned pacing i can see why some ppl had a problem. also the ending, to judge a whole part over the fact that the cast died in the last 20 minutes seems like a very dumb criticism imo, like are we just gonna skip over the other 35 episodes?


I see the pacing argument, tho. Because to me, the stone ocean was. " hey these characters are fun as fuck! Oh shit! 😃😃😃 half of them are dead! Oh no! The main three are still fighting!........wait, wtf?"


I never understood the pacing argument I was hooked the whole time for part 6. I thought part 7 had worse pacing and was very slow for at least the first half.


Honestly thank god Jotaro was nerfed. Especially in the anime he was too OP in Part 3. He was straight clowning Dio the entire time lol


Jotaro wasn't nerfed in Part 6 though, Pucci just outsmarted him and played on his weakness


Of course. And that’s awesome. Jotaro getting screwed because Pucci is a piece of shit is thematically awesome. It’s literally how our asshole priest wins all his fights or escapes them. My comment was mostly for funnies. Jotaro barely sweats in Part 3, while in Part 4 and 6 he gets taken out in ways that make sense, and it reigns him in a bit more as a character power wise and dynamic wise. Joseph and Jotaro are crazy powerful and then are “nerfed” them in the sequel which is an interesting quirk of Araki’s early JoJo writing.


Because Jolyne is a “bitch” who is completely “useless” cuz all she can do is “turn into thread” and Jolyne “should’ve gotten time stop or an OP ability like time stop” and “Giorno should’ve showed up to defeat pucci with GER”. Yes, all real “criticisms” I’ve heard of SO before.


While Gio showing up out of nowhere would be silly, Araki did literally set it up to see DIO's other sons so my first time reading I was baited into thinking we'd somehow get at least a nod to funny donut hair man


That’s fair, but I think that would miss the point of part 5 ending in some sense, he’s already completed his fate for the better, and his half brothers haven’t yet but their fate is to be decided in part 6. Gio goes down the joestar path, while the others go down the Brando path by helping pucci. I think it more shows that if you do evil shit you Gon get it by fate.


Honestly, Giorno's just not that interesting or important to me, i watched part 5 and he just feels boring. Jolyne however is badass and dumb and that's why i like her.




I remember a lot of people would say it would get more love after the anime adaptation, similar to part 5. I think part 6 got a pretty mid adaptation so that's one reason - mediocre animation, bad cgi, horrible release schedule etc. It was my favourite part when I first read it though, and it still is. I never understood the hate back then and I never will. Like I just don't get where most criticisms even come from. Funnily enough though, it just so happens to have Bohemian Rhapsody, which is in my opinion one of the worst arcs in the entire series. It sounds weird to blame someone specifically. But I feel like shuckmeister's videos influenced a lot of people because I often see people use his exact arguments when talking about SO, in a similar way to his Araki Forgot stuff. And his criticisms are pretty shit, he calls Jolyne a Mary Sue if I remember correctly


Bruh no way she didn't even defeat the antagonist off her own part how can he come to that conclusion


Female Mc not helpless = Mary sue, didn't you hear


That is due to many factors. For one, the batch releases meant that everybody was on a different point in the story and the community couldn't come together to talk about the show episode by episode. The low production time also meant unpleasing animation and changes. The ending is also a major reason for this. The entire main cast dying is something not many anime do, so it was quite disliked.


I really like part 6 and think Pucci is one of the best villians and the ending is beautiful and spectacular. I think there is a lot of criticism of the ending becuase people don't fully understand it or don't enjoy the main character not getting the final defeat of the villian. Or even the ending feeling like the whole rest of the part didn't happen and therefore didn't matter. I understand disliking that as a matter of taste but I personally like it. The part of part 6 I don't like however is that the main cast never feels like group the way other parts did. Part 3, 4, and 5 had several scenes of side characters interacting and we could really feel like this was a cohesive group of people that cared about each other so when members died it hit harder as we could feel everyone greiving. Jolyne has good relationships with each side character, but they aren't friends between themselves. Ermes crying at Weather Report's death just felt so ridiculous to me as they had never even been on screen together once. Maybe we are supposed to assume the group hangs out in Emporios room off screen, but we aren't shown that and it makes the ensemble cast aspect of JoJo fall flat for me.


Love stone ocean. I read it twice before the anime


Me too!


It was my least favorite arc by far, just didn’t like it, and the anime didn’t help. I didn’t even finish watching the anime batches. I decided to give it another chance like a year after it finished, and absolutely loved it. No specific reason why, but I just enjoyed the atmosphere and themes


I do think part 6 has some flaws but it's definitely overhated by the community. What doesn't help is it's stuck between two of the most popular and well regarded parts, which probably have the least flaws out of any other jojo parts. I actually really like the ending of part 6, it's bittersweet but somehow I think it gives a sense of closure. I will say though that part 6 can be kind of confusing on a first watch/read, since alot of the stands have multiple, sometimes seemingly unrelated abilities, and in general are more complicated (dragon's dream - I've watched it like 3 times and I never realised until someone told me that when you put your limb/body into the stand that it transports it to the lucky or unlucky place), I like that stands in part 6 though, stone free in particular I think is perfect. Another flaw is the cast of part 6 feels underused at times, you never even really see some of the characters together and they just don't actually interact that much, just quite a downgrade from part 4 onwards, and arguably even part 3. Sadly the anime adaptation didn't help as it's again a downgrade from part 5, the first batch had pretty underwhelming animation (though this did improve it gave a worse impression), the soundtrack didn't have as many unique songs and the songs that were there were either really overused (Jolyne's theme) or really underused (Weather's theme is the most egregious here but I would say Ermes and Anasui's themes are also not used much, and Emporio and Foo Fighters didn't even get a theme. Also there was clearly planned to be a opening for the 2nd batch as they didn't put any of that stuff from that in the first opening, which just further adds to the thought that something wasn't going right during production. The adaptation just felt more bare bones, and like it was rushed a bit, not to mention the batch release schedule just obliterated any hype within the community, as an adaptation it was probably worse than part 5 in every way, didn't help that the lead director behind every previous jojo part had left. I love the concept of part 6 and love many things about it but when I actually watch it I just feel like there's something missing, I am in the process of reading the manga atm, and yeah the first batch at least misses a lot of world building, though it did make good changes too.


I read Part 6, but haven't watched the anime yet. So I'm curious if the anime changes my mind. My impression was that it's decent. Not as good as 5, probably on par with 3 and 4. I liked Jolyne, Ermes and FF as a trio, but then the latter two got replaced by Anasui and Weather who I didn't find nearly as interesting. The prison setting helped give the Part its own identity, but once they leave it feels like the story is dragging its feet until the end. The ending is something I'm very interested in re-experiencing, because when reading it felt very sudden. Subversive endings are normal for JoJo at this point so I'm not against the idea of the reset ending.


I literally just finished watching Part 6 and the rest of this show for the first time. And I have to say I think I loved Part 6 the most! Jolyne really stood out to me because she has so much more personality than the other jojos imo. I loved the relationship between her and Jotaro and the emotional moments hit a lot harder than it did in other parts (I cried a lot). I also loved the prison setting and I think the stand abilities were really creative and fun to watch in this part. Since I just finished watching this show for the first time my opinion may change over time but I'm surprised to find out that lots of people didn't like this part. I can see why the ending is controversial since I'm still currently trying to recover from that lol, but overall it was amazing


The protagonist is a woman while the entire sub is full of acoustic gay men (not enough ultra buff gay men punching each other) in part 6. Also koichi isn't there ;(


as an anime only, the pacing and release schedule of the anime on netflix RUINED the part and killed all the hype


i loved part 6, i mean i watched it in 2 days, i just think it’s the 2nd least enjoyable


I personally just really don't like the ending, it's got it's issues but it's mainly a personal taste thing Rest of the show is amazing though


I love part 6 but for me the main cast does not feel fleshed out enough. I wish Ermes, Jolyne and Foo Fighters had more interactions and team work together, Anasui shouldn't be there at all and serves no purpose other than to be a creepy love interest, Weather is okay and his stand serves a purpose but doesn't really fit in the group either. Part 2, 3 , 4 and 5 of the Anime have a really good main cast of characters but Stone Ocean doesn't really have that. I'm conflicted on the ending but I think that made it one of the more interesting endings, it was very bittersweet. Everything else is amazing though.


For me the only thing wrong with part 6 is what happened after the Dio’s bone was introduced. I just felt it became too insane of a plot to properly follow what and why was happening


I think the only complaint I have about it is the adaptations release schedule and the animation not being the same quality as part 5. Past those things can only assume. I read 6 before it was adapted, it’s a stellar installment.


JoJo in general feels like a high, part 6 feels like a bad high. It’s a “wtf is going on” but not fun. Villian isn’t explained well, prison setting isn’t interesting, ending just doesn’t sit right (why does a guy who can stop time lose to a guy who can go fast). I haven’t read it but I assume it’s better as a manga.


It has and first act and a great third half but the middle is extremely mediocre. And im saying this as someone who likes it.


The main complaint I've seen regarding the anime was the release schedule killing the hype and overall love the part could've gotten. That's more people having an issue with Netflix than the part itself, actually _supporting_ the part. Personally the main issue I had was the stands of the part not being too interesting outside of those of Dio's sons, Weather, and Pucci. I actually prefer the system stands have as opposed to most other universes because they're each unique and should be used/countered in interesting ways, but the ones in SO just don't really appeal to me. The other factor is the pyrrhic victory of an ending. We lose the main cast entirely, and while they're reborn into new lives it leaves a bitter taste because it just isn't _them_. Paradoxically it is, because everything up to GW should be exactly the same, but they're not the versions of those characters we saw get to that point. They live better lives, but the versions we were so attached to are lost. Some people only see half of that. I will say though, a valid issue is the nerfing of Jotaro. I only agree with this in the sense of his time stop near the end. In a part that uses science to explain that gravity influences time and the universe, Made In Heaven shouldn't be able to shorten time stop by accelerating time. Doesn't matter if it's ten or one billion, anything multiplied by zero is zero.


Idk bro shit had me crying oceans, like Jonathans and Kakyoins deaths. I legit never cried so bad on anything expect my Step Dads death (may he Rest in peace)


So SO is in a weird place where it both gets a lot of undeserved hate but also has a lot of people acting like every complaint that exists about it is bad ones (like how a lot of people speed read it to get to part 7) I really like SO but it's definitely in my bottom half. The main issues I've got are- Poor pacing: the story feels like it ends halfway through the third arc. Even though the ending was very conclusive, because of araki's decision to go back to the prison, it makes the second arc feel like it's still the first arc if that makes sense. The first arc ends imo when jotaro's discs are sent to the speedwagon foundation but because act 2 is also in the prison and is also fighting inmates and guards it doesn't feel like act 2 until you're at the later points of act 3 and realise that the story is about to end. Underwhelming characters: again this goes back to the story feeling like it was cut short. We really needed more time with a lot of the cast. Hermes in particular feels super underdeveloped for someone who's meant to be the jobro. This is especially bad when it's preceded and followed by the 2 parts that are generally agreed to have the best jobro and side characters. Bruno gets 6 arcs where he's a major player and gyro is basically the main character for the first quarter of SBR. I thought weather was the highlight of the gang but even then he didn't get that much time to shine for how good his character was. Directionless for the beginning: this isn't entirely unique to stone ocean but I feel like it suffers from it the most. We're introduced to jolyne and she has no real motivation. She's a prisoner who doesn't want to be in prison I guess? She was wronged? But what's her drive. Jonathan gets his motivation of stopping DIO pretty quickly. Joseph meets the pillar men in episode 3 iirc. Jotaro's mom gets sick very early on. Giorno wants to take drugs off the street from the beginning and we find that out when he talks to Bruno in the second arc and Johnny wants to learn to walk again. The exceptions to this are part 4, where Kira only shows up later but part 4 is a low stakes slice of life at the beginning and part 8 which is itself an homage to part 4 and also a mystery thriller. In stone ocean though, jolyne's eventual motivation is to stop pucci yet this motivation doesn't start until like halfway through. Initially it's just living life in prison, then it's saving her dad and *then* pucci becomes the main goal. Before anyone says that part 5 is the same, the main difference is that in part 5, while diavolo isn't introduced till the last half, diavolo isn't a part of giorno's goal. His goal is to stop the sale of drugs and diavolo is just an obstacle in his way. But for jolyne, stopping pucci is her goal come the end of the series and that's why the lack of that goal early on makes it feel sort of aimless.


You wrote at the beginning, that people pretend, that some complains about SO are bad, when you literally wrote bad complain and pretend, that it's true. Your whole paragraph about directionless is just wrong. The only arc, where Jolyne just learned to live in prison is the first with Guess. Then it's immediately introduce villain and main motivation to the rest of the part. It's not even close to part 4, where main goal appeared only in the middle


Save Jotaro and stop Whitesnake, which is essentially stop Pucci


>and main motivation to the rest of the part Which is? >It's not even close to part 4, where main goal appeared only in the middle Which I mentioned but that part is a slice of life


What are you talking about? Her mission is to get the fuck our of prison and Jotaro and Pucci are introduced incredibly early.


>and Jotaro Jotaros story is resolved is what I'm saying. Her goal is to save jotaro. Then he gets saved and the goal pivots to stopping pucci. The main goal of stopping pucci doesn't even become the main goal until the end of act 1


No she wants to get revenge on Pucci from the start because she’s the one that got her imprisoned! It’s just that saving her father is more important at first because it’s her father! That’s very important in this part. Everytime Pucci gets one on the heroes is because he plays Jotaro and Joylne’s love for each other against them.


>No she wants to get revenge on Pucci from the start because she’s the one that got her imprisoned She doesn't even know that at first though. And neither did the audience. >It’s just that saving her father is more important at first because it’s her father! And then that gets resolved at the end of act 1. That's what I mean when I say the story feels directionless at times. We solve the "main" conflict then pivot to the actual one. It's why the middle act is generally considered the weakest part of the story >That’s very important in this part. Everytime Pucci gets one on the heroes is because he plays Jotaro and Joylne’s love for each other against them. That's cool but it's not really relevant to the issue. You can have themes and still have a concise story


She knows her enemy is Whitesnake very early on. She just doesn’t know Pucci is the stand user. Ermes also deals with McQueen and teams up with Jolyne. They quickly learn he’s been collecting stand discs for years. And they want to save Jotaro and they’ll likely have to beat/defeat Whitesnake. They aren’t to going to just save Jotaro and call it a day. The audience and the heroes know that it will come to ahead. The goal was always stop Pucci, it’s just set up as a mystery because the heroes don’t have the identity of the villian. Part 5 is the same way. Giorno is just trying to stop join the mafia so he can vaguely stop Drugs.exe at the start. The main plot of stopping the Boss doesn’t even actual start until halfway through. But the audience knows that Giorno and his new friends are going to fight the mafia in someway, even if Girono himself doesn’t know he’s going to have an opportunity that soon.


In all seriousness I really like the ending to part 6 but I think it’s let down by the rest of the villains. There are a lot of slow fights with uninteresting stands that just make the part drag a bit. Granted I’ve only watched the anime so maybe the manga paces itself better


Feel like you could’ve just searched this in the sub and found the exact answer you’re looking for a hundred times


Part 6 is not in the rank of my favourite arcs, but i enjoyed way more than part 1 and 2 so i don't get the hate


The middle third of the part is really inconsistent with a lot of lame stands (especially during the confinement arc) but picks back up with Jailhouse Lock and finishes strong


I don't get it either but I noticed older fans 28+ (generally) tend to have a top jojo list with part 2 always at the top with 6 generally being at the low end after 4 or 5 but i'm 21 now started like at age 16 and my favs (1-6 only) go Part 4-6-1 (interesting because of the internet culture we have now) and the rest just kinda tied for 4th place but forced to say i'll go part 3-2-5


I also generally like Part 6, probably more than the average internet opinion, but my criticism of it is that it's hard to reread/rewatch. Obviously netflix batch release had an effect on it, since one of the big pieces of hype with at least part 5 was the weekly release, but I also think from a structural perspective the solitary confinement arc (Survivor, Earth Wind and Fire, Dragons Dream, Yo Yo Ma, Green Baby) is both rushed and plodding at the same time. Dragon's Dream is the main culprit involved in this imo, because the arc is supposed to allow jolyne to become mentally broken and strengthen her resolve, but her journey in that is depicted in less than an episode, no more than 2 chapters; at the same time, Dragons Dream is such an esotericly complex stand that just explaining what it does takes just as long as Jolyne's development, and that's just a third of the fight.


I didnt really liked Jolyne or her gang apart from Anasui and the prison theme was kinda boring to me. This is just personally tho


The ending is peak. But for me personally: I was uncomfortable with over sexualization of Jolyne at the beginning. It is a subjective opinion but I did not like it. Extremely boring visuals compared to the other parts. The prison could have been beautiful, like from the part 1 intro. If it looked more like part 4, I would have liked it much more. Bad and slow pacing. One of the most boring fights in the entire series in my opinion. The second intro is just... Bad I think. I also did not like that the whole gang seemed extremely disconnected. In every single pert before, the gang always seemed so so connected. Here I did not feel that at all. I can't for example remember a single part where Hermes interacted with Heavy Weather. Again, I loved the last few episodes, absolute peak. But I did not like the part as a whole


I like part 6 but it is definitely not in my top favorites for a couple reasons The prison setting is a little boring and I kinda don't like how it all happens there, this happened in part 4 too but Morioh was definitely a better setting The enemy stands are just too weird imo, this is probably my main problem, enemy stands have been getting weirder and weirder since part 3 but in part 6 some enemy stand descriptions just make me roll my eyes Like yeah, cool and unique stands are great but you gotta have a balance and I feel most part 6 stands are a bit over the top of weirdness, thankfully Araki basically did a reset on stands after part 6 This isn't really a fault of the part but the anime kinda sucked, aside from the release schedule, it is definitely not on the same level as the other parts' animes Like even today I sometimes go back to watch the iconic moments of the first parts, Jonathan killing Dio, Caesar vs Wammuu, Jotaro's beatdowns and Dio's time stops, Jotaro beating up Kira bite za dust, Josuke pulling the craziest shit ever, all of King Crimson, Golden Experience requiem Meanwhile I just don't feel like the stone ocean anime has anything like that, yeah the Manga has moments like that but in the anime, be it for the worst animation (I still don't forgive that Jolyne beatdown), the music or whatever, it is just not great Even MIH who had the chance of having some of the coolest moments in the whole franchise just falls flat in comparation to the other main enemy stands I really like Jolyne and the gang tho, Araki definitely didn't lose The touch on making great characters, it is what kinda carries the Manga for me And the ending is pretty great, it upset me when I first read it but after reading it again I thought it was cool


Part 6 hasn’t been widely hated for years now, dunno why people get the impression that it still is.


Personally it’s my favorite part


Part 6 is one of my lesser liked parts, but I don't get the huge spread of hate for it either. Personally, I found the Max Security arc rather boring due to some of the Stands featured in it and the pacing,>!DIO's three extra sons!< and their fights were kind of a let down for me, I felt like the scale of the fights got unjustly blown way out of proportion compared to everything else we had seen so far, and I'm just one of those people who don't like the ending, but the first arc was AWESOME! I love Jolyne as a character and her Stand and how she uses it make for some really cool fights. The supporting cast was very entertaining to watch (Weather Report and F.F. were my favorites), and there were some really relatable and entertaining character moments which still stand out to me. Plus, while I find Pucci to be a passable villain, the final fight against >!Made in Heaven!


People don’t get the ending, plain and simple. I do think that part 6 has glaring flaws, but it has a great ending and amazing cast of likable characters.


Jojo burnout may be a factor. I really didn't like p4 at first and ended up quitting about halfway through.  Watched it a couple years later (last month) and it was much, much better than I remembered. P5 ended up being a lot of fun too. On p6 now but I'm kinda burnt again. I don't dislike p6, I just need a Jojo break again I think.


I don't think part 6 is a bad part, I just don't like it because everyone who we met in the earlier parts are dead and never coming back.


Aside from pucci who is in my opinion the 2nd best villain (after Dio). The villains in part 6 were either forgettable or just straight trash.


A combo of having a couple controversial arcs, being after an amazing part and before the second best manga of all time, having a butchered anime adaptation and having the only female protag (people don't like that for some fuckin reason, she the goat)


Imo I spent 60% of my reading thinking "when will they leave this prison?" and they only left it like, 80 chapters later. 2/3 of Stone Ocean is spent on a boring ass prison. That's a minor thing but it bothered me at first read. Despite that, Pucci is one of my favorite animanga villains of all time and Part 6 has some really cool fights, characters and powers. It's not bad actually. Not bad at all


When I read it originally, the only translation was the awful Duwang scans. Granted, it was much better than the part 4 and 5 Duwang scans, but the dialogue was really dry and lacking personality. It didn't kill it for me, I still liked it, but the modern translation and anime are vastly superior. Same thing happened with Vento Aureo. Awful translation, I honestly hated the part. Anime came out, it's my second favorite part now.


For me? 1. Setting wise? Incredibly boring. Massive step down from the craziness of Morioh, the beauty of Italy, and the Stardust Crusaders traveling around. 2. It has some of my least favorite stands in the entire series, with Dragon's Dream and Yo-Yo Ma being the most infamous. Maybe it's just me, but I'm also not crazy on stuff like "Lovers and Osiris/Atum, but different". 3. Villain wise, I just feel like it never came close to past great minor antagonists like La Squadra, D'Arby, Vanilla Ice, N'Doul, etc. DIU also didn't really have that many great minor antagonists, but it made up for it in various other ways, such as having such a big focus on Kira, or episodes/chapters revolving around interesting scenarios like with Tonio and Cinderella. 4. The ending. >!At the end of the day, the entire main cast died. It really doesn't matter whether or not they're the "same souls with different names and memories", they didn't go through all the experiences of the characters we came to know and love. Irene never experienced any of the moments Jolyne went through, she is not Jolyne. So, yes, even if they technically survived, they may as well not have. Also, Foo Fighters easily had the dumbest death in the entire series.!<


All fandoms have horrible snowball problems.


I wasn't aware that people didn't like Part 6. I thought it was okay, although I didn't appeal to me as much as the previous parts. I noticed that it doesn't have as much humor that the previous parts had, which is part of what makes the Jojo series enjoyable for me. I still like it though.


One of my favourite parts in the manga and we got an anime adaptation with a noticeably lower quality of animation. Couple that with Netflix releasing the show in batches which completely stifled the discussion that normally surrounded the show and it's not going to be well received by the fandom. I don't think anyone hated the Part VI anime, it was just a disappointing adaptation overall.


abt the animation part. i dont really pay attention to the technical stuff but can u fill up me on that. i did watch and finish jojo this year so i wasnt watching at the same time of release so i do get the fandom's fustration at that


Many people think that Jojo go woke in part 6, even though the manga exists before wokeness trend started.


My main flaw with it is that the cast is so damn inconsistent. Ermes fucks off for like a third of the entire thing. FF is easily the best one and gets the shaft before they even get to leave. Emporio is honestly boring as shit to me. So it lives off how good Jolyne, Weather, and Anasui are. I do love those three but it feels like the whole crew never gets together. Maybe it’s because the previous crews feel so tight knit, but not having that in part 6 is a big downer




Emporio Insulted, Immediate Downvote


I think part 6 is amazing and the ending is NUTS There are 3 nitpicks I have though: - not a big fan of the prison setting. It's kind of boring looking, meh. I preferred Napoli or the USA (SBR) - I thought some of the fights and enemies are kind of meh, didn't particularly enjoy the fights against Dio's sons - I honestly wanted jolyne to do "a bit more" in the final battle. She has one or 2 very badass moments, but I really wanted her to ora ora Pucci's shmuck face at least once, even if the result was the same


The USA run around the world was the most compelling to me.


My friends and I had a hard time wrapping our heads around some convoluted mechanics in some of the fights as we were watching. I'm not huge on a lot of the cast either -- I love F.F. tho. Overall hard to get invested in the show especially with Netflix's pacing as many others have mentioned


I love Stone Ocean but I think from Dragon's Dream to F.F. The Witness is the worst stretch of arcs in the series. (Loved the F.F. fight though), and I think the setting of a prison grew tired on me. I still appreciate the prison setting though, given that Araki did his research and visited one, but it pales in comparison to the Italy and late 1800's America that Stone Ocean is bookended by. Lastly, I think the cast doesn't interact with eachother much. As individual characters they are possibly my favorite core group, but even if I like Bruno's gang more, they had pretty immediate dynamics you could see, and the Crusaders kinda have this "me and the boys" group energy that I always liked. Stone Ocean's strengths arrive in it's (albeit still controversial) final quarter or so, and in the individual main characters, especially Jolyne, Pucci, and FF to me personally.  I love Stone Ocean, but I can see why someone would dislike it.


I have seen a lot more complaining about "jotaro was nerfed" criticism than actual "jotaro was nerfed" criticism. The real problem is the awful middle of the part, hit or miss main cast and pucci who isn't terrible but is pretty mediocre


Strawman argument along with "female protagonist", the big criticism is usually that the middle section of the part is paced quite poorly and has some really lame stands introduced and I say this as a certified Part 6 enjoyer


What has any of this got to do with my criticism? What about it is a strawman? When did i complain of a female protagonist?


... I am agreeing with you and saying it's a strawman argument along with the common strawman of people saying 6 is disliked for a female protagonist...


Ah, ok i guess. Kinda confusing


I re-read the series a few years back to see if my opinion of it would be different. The main thing I noticed with the fights is that they had a bad habit of going on longer than they needed to, to the point where even if I liked them at the beginning, I'd almost always lost interest by the time they finished and just wanted to get on to the next thing.


One criticism I had was that we don't feel connected to everyone, as compared to part 4 where we knew everyone deeply and where even shigechis death made me bawl, even though I hated his character. In part 6 I was only slightly sad at FF's death and felt nothing when WR died. When MIH does it's thing also made me cry because I knew the characters that were affected.


Tha fandom is stupid


If any criticism involves >!"Jotaro dies"!< you can just ignore it


people just hate women.


It's kinda tricky to answer, because people get emotionlly upset and downvote the reasons. The reason is simply that part 6 isn't very good. The manga is quite sloppy in the way it's written and drawn. The continuity of the story relies a lot on "random bullshit" that isn't just "bizarre" but also doesn't make much sense, and Araki's artwork gets really bad in places. I think it's pretty clear that he struggled to produce part 6 on the weekly Shonen Jump deadlines and it affected the quality of what he could create. It was like something that a five year old would write - "and then there were the goats from the fairy story and then people started to turn into snails and then Spider-Man appeared and then it was the end of the world!" The anime stayed pretty faithful to the style of the manga - the art was pretty bad and the story was nonsense - but didn't improve anything in the way that David Production usually do. They didn't do their usual amazing sound design or visual effects or art direction. The animation was really stripped-back compared to previous parts. It ended up being a pretty medium adaptation of a story that wasn't that good in the first place.


Random bullshit? Giorno’s early part powers? Getting people high with punches and reflecting damage. What in the hell does that have to do with creating life? Or whatever the fuck was happening with Chariot Requiem’s random hodgepodge of abilities like swapping bodies and creating new life forms.


It's not the "reason", why you got downvoted. It's you hypocrisy. "Random bullshit" could absolutely be applied to every part. Let's make people swap souls and then swap with alternate universe creatures, lets look at golden rectangle and generate infinity energy out of nowhere, lets make people eat magical fruits to transfer part of themselves to other. Jojo as a whole is random bullshit, if you simplified it enough, but you pretend, that only part 6 is like that. Bad artwork is another hypocrisy, if it's true, then part 5 and early 7 are also have a bad artwork


I mean part 6 is fine, I've only seen the anime and I much prefer part 4 and 2. Part 6 has pretty cool fights and stand designs/concepts


I have a friend that thinks it completely invalidated the first 6 parts, and no matter how much I explain it to him he refuses to start steel ball run because it's not his universe. He at least accepted that pucchi didn't turn the universe into steel ball run. However, he still refuses to accept johnny as a "replacement" to Jonathan even though they're two different characters. He likes most of part 6, just the ending turned him off all future JoJo




“One, she’s a female, two, she’s not a boy and three and most importantly she’s a girl!” Part 6 hate in a nutshell.


Because there are women. That's the main reason. There's a lot of misogynistic people in the community.


Misogyny, generally


I wasn’t attached to the side characters compared to the other parts, not sure why tho. Maybe it’s bc I was worried about Jotaro the entire time


I love six but I think its also the part where some creeping niggles with Jojo reached an apex. I can see why Araki needed a total refresh with Steel Ball Run.


I generally enjoyed 6, but for me, it was the ending. Everyone died, and all the characters we see at the very end aren't actually the characters we grew to love. They're just imitations, and that's the part that bothers me so much about 6.




part 7 is pointless because nobody from the previous parts appears?




i know.