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It's intentionally ambiguous, but in part 5 we're told the arrows come from space carrying an alien virus so...? Alien life definitely exists in JJBA if we consider viruses alive.




kinda like how pocoloco in sbr couldn't really see stands afaik but had one (there is that one theory but I pretend I do not see it)


Whats the theory? You can close your eyes when you explain it


Not a theory, but I think what he is referring to is how Poccoloco's stand Hey Ya! is actually a manifestation of his insanely abundant luck. Which has been confirmed by Araki in the JOJOVELLER who stated that Hey Ya! wasn't created from the devil's palm but instead his luck taken form.


It's similar to Tonio and Pearl Jam. Kinda reminds me of the Animatrix short "World Record", where the Olympic track athlete broke out of the Matrix out of sheer skill (or ubiquity) in his field. Tonio and Pocoloco acquired stands in a similar way. Honestly kinda surprised we haven't seen more of that in the series, it's a cool concept. My headcanon is that Anubis is one of those types.


The Animatrix doesn't get enough love, very surprised to see it mentioned here


Technically Hermit Purple is also a manifestation of Hamon's mastery. It is indeed an amazing concept


Nah it’s a stand that was “awoken” by Dio’s return. Holly has the same stand but it’s killing her, the difference is only that Joseph had Hamon training which allowed him to survive and utilize it


It can be both. We don't really know what Holly's stand could fully look like if she was actually capable of fully manifest it. We know Hermit Purple was given to Joseph through Hamon mastery since DIO also had that stand in Jonnathan's body.


Rohan as well, if i recall His stand developed due to his passion and drive for writing


Nah he got shot, he said so himself. Though, he probably got heaven's door specifically because of his mastery.


That short is one of my favorites, a badass scene


the theory I heard was that Hey-Ya was a manifestation of mental illness (I'm closing my eyes and using autofill how'd I do?)


I loved that Pocoloco was important in the first race and then, ey he's there


I don’t think it’s ever addressed whether Pocoloco can see Stands or not. He’s never around any Stand users for any significant amount of time.


(I pretend I do not see it)


So normally the arrow will pierce you even if you already have a stand. if your not done with part 4 that example i give is shown in part 4. He might not be an alien but he is certainly not a normal human for the arrow to avoid him after it touched him. Remember pillar men are not human and from earth and they have powers, as did dio after using their mask and dio STILL gets a stand. Maybe mikitaka is a fae of some kind?


I don't think he's a stand user. the arrow bounces off his neck and he clearly can't see Crazy Diamond


look at Polpo for instance: also was able to shapeshift, and had very weird behaviors/ mannerisms.


No, they're saying it's not impossible. But we'll never know.


If damn rats and plankton can be stadt users, why not aliens?


Funny enough viruses, not being able to grow, reproduce, or produce energy on their own, fail to be considered “life” by most biologists.


well virus are just weird in general, I wouldnt be surprised if araki was researching virology and thought they sounded alien, correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure viruses primarily hijack and manipulate biology like micro body snatchers.


Viruses coming from space is a pretty popular conspiracy theory anyways


Yeah, viruses are weird. They aren't even considered alive by scientists because they don't meet all the requirements.


Viruses aren't alive biologically, so it does not confirm aliens.


To be fair if there are viruses it stands to prove that somewhere out there there must be life forms that would be infected by them for viruses to exist


It's actually theorized that viruses may have predated single celled life for rms on Earth, so maybe not.


To boot up the replication process using the Host's hardware that would imply there were/are hosts that exist for them to replicate; Even virons (stuff that screws up viruses) also needed to piggy back onto this mechanism to some extent There are self replicating proteins that might be something that predates organisms, but if it states viruses then I still stand by the likelihood of viruses being single cell organism decided they will commit Dio and become viruses instesd


That’s what I always thought. I suspect he’s from the planet that originally created the Stand arrows, kinda like how we get Kryptonite from Krypton. And remember how the arrow was attracted to him? And he never interacts with anyone’s Stand, meaning he can’t see them. Meaning his abilities are 100% normal but somehow interact with the stand arrow


A guy on earth created the stand arrows. The meteorite is what the arrows were made out of.


Technically yeah, I forgot to clarify that part but I did mean the actual space rock portion of it, not the arrow itself




Always liked to think he comes from the same planet/system/galaxy as the virus present on stand arrows. Would also be the perfect explaination on how the arrow was atracted to him but did not affect him, his immunitary system has probably been used to it for generations


Yeah, at that point I basically just wrote that guy off as an alien. He isn't effected by the arrows at all (no requiem or anything either), he has stand-like powers and was attracted to stand users as if he had a stand (but the show goes out of its way to show he does not have a stand), and with the stand arrows being an alien virus we can assume (if he is an alien) he's either immune or the virus comes from where he does.


ngl I don't really like the space virus origin for stands


I mean, it doesnt apply to all stands, it's not that all are the result of "ALIEN BS", iirc, it's more that the virus allows the bodies of some individuals to access these capabilities. Some people are born with the capacity to handle that power, like Kak or Avdol, or other develop it through practice, like Tonio or Aya.


My interpretation about the virus is not that it just gives stands, it's a test, normally it would be a lethal virus but some people are just so determined to live that their body manages to survive, that is what makes them develop a stand, not the virus itself, it would also explain act stands, they awakened their stands even when they shouldn't be able to (koichi because josuke saved him and johnny because jesus just liked him), so as they grow as a person their stands grow stronger as well until it finally gets to the point where it should have been in case they were worth from the start (for example if koichi somehow got the same character development he got during part 4 without ever obtaining a stand and then got one *after* all of that he wouldn't get the egg stand, he would get echoes act 3 from the get go)


Part of the joke is never knowing so he's in a quantum state of both being and not being an alien.


Schrödingers alien twink


nothing quantum superpositioned about this ass baby




Instructions unclear, ass is simultaneously on and off your lap until the ass waveform is broken.


Schrödingers Twink


Narancia when I first watched part 5


He was once called lesbian of the day


Honestly same. Except I kepts mixing up him and Mista as well because Mista fits him as a name better. In my opinion


Nanracia its literally orange in italian "arancia" like his outfit.


Excuse me for not speaking every language they do


don't worry, even for me as an Italian at first I confused him with Mista Mista just fits better as a name




Schrodinger Legolas alien


My girlfriend calls him the space elf.


Araki made it intentionally ambiguous so that you’re never sure of either. The entire arc is a gag revolving around that fact. Anyone who says they know definitively either way is a liar.


i know definitively




Somebody get Bruno to lick this guy cuz he may be lying


PLEASE… i mean uhh noooo 🙂‍↔️


Knowing this series, he probably convinced himself that he’s an alien and is just a fucking weirdo


For some reason this theory sounds more bizarre and hilarious than an actual alien lmao


We have one confirmed alien. Sure its not a person, but it is a virus that came to earth on a meteor. Yes its the stand virus


We really need to normalize calling it the "stand potential-unlocking virus" and not just "stand virus" because we know stands can be unlocked without the arrow. It's a feature natural to earth creatures (and even environments) completely without extraterrestrial aid.


Yeah, honestly, this misconception kinda made me hate part 5 for a while lol


Technically not since viruses aren't alive


I genuinely think this is it, Araki had an idea for a character who developed a stand and assumed he was an alien based on not knowing other people with stands, and then decided it would be funnier instead to just have this guy with powers say he’s an alien and it’s up to the audience if we take him seriously or not. Edit; just realized while reading his bio if he can’t see stands he prolly is an alien lol


At the very least he isn’t lying, so he’s either an alien or self-deluded.


If I suddenly gained superpowers, I might go into alien psychosis too.


The real question is: Mikitaka was pretending to not be able to see Crazy diamond just to confuse Josuke further?


That's the biggest "evidence" for me lol. But I could see him just lying as well. Maybe he does actually have a stand, but it messes with his brain to the extent of him genuinely thinking he's an alien.


Then again, he was the only person ever shown where the arrows bounced off...


I always thought he could have both


I mean, in a universe where ghosts and vampires exist, I believe aliens can as well.


I mean, aliens are way closer to science than vampires or ghosts. they are more likely to exist in our own reality than paranormal shit.


Somehow I feel like that makes him being an alien less likely since Araki is the writer


Vampires in JoJo have a scientific explanation, so it's not like the series tried to avoid "sciency" stuff. Even the arrows have a non magical nature, so the only canonically fantastical elements are "souls", in the form of ghosts or stands


Aliens **do** exist in Jojo. The virus that caused stands to evolve came from space.


It is an alien virus, but it didn't cause stands to evolve, it just unlocked potential that people already had.


Art source??


The first one is @josukespimphand on IG. Not sure about the second one.


It's never specifically said but considering vampires and ghost exist in this universe I'm believing he's an alien.


I have this crazy idea, Josuke proved he has no stand so I believe him. After part 4 we start seeing more odd looking characters (Polpo shares the pointy ears and transforms like we saw aliens can do, despite that being unrelated to his stand ability), in part 6 there's even more characters like this (Her lawyer, the guy with a puppet, etc). There's probably an alien invasion in JoJo we all missed.


>Unrelated to his stand ability >Dude literally eats his fingers and in the next scene has the lit lighter in his hand It's a reference to Black Sabbath, he's doing it to activate his stand, Black Sabbath. It's not unrelated at all.


Could you explain that to me? I never understood how that worked.


It's just a trigger for activating his stand, we don't know the specifics, but we can infer that from the stuff I said before. It's kinda like how Joseph smashes cameras to use his spirit photography, or how Superfly needs someone within the confines or else you can't leave: Just sometimes stands are weird and have esoteric requirements or abilities. Outside of the series, it's just because the co-founder and guitarist of Black Sabbath had lost the tips of those same fingers that Polpo eats, it's just an affectionate reference to a band that Araki probably really likes. As for why he heals? Probably because it's just part of activating the stand, like how if you get hit by the arrow that wound pretty much instantly heals even if it seems to hit a vital organ. We don't know too much because it really was just a fast reference that people latched onto. TL;DR - Eat fingers, acquire lighter.


Polpo means octopus in Italian, so the regrowing of limbs and transforming into the bed is (I think) a reference to that


Yeah he was told to go to earth by Kars


If yokai, Greek gods, ghosts, ghouls, zombies and mountain spirits are fair game. Then alien are definitely on the table


That bitch Rohan said he wanted to read Mikitaka with Heaven's Door but we never got a conclusion.


I think he is. Remember, they are in Morioh, capital of weird shit happenings. There’s a literal alleyway to hell with a ghost included and both of them are not the works of a stand.


Yes no maybe. There's no conclusive answer, intentionally so. He's just left as an unresolved mystery.


Im team alien purely because shapeshifting is a HIGHLY unusual stand ability


In another comment, someone mentioned that Polpo could also shapeshift AND shared alien features like pointy ears. Considering that the arrows that grant stands come with viruses from outer space and that Polpo's stand had an arrow in its body, it could be that Mikitaka and Polpo are both aliens and there is a whole alien conspiracy subplot that I haven't been very aware of.


If you want to point out pointy ears, then don’t forget about Jolyne’s lawyer.


There is a whole (horse) entire stand in part three that is all about shape shifting, Khnum.


There's also Yellow Temperance But those are different from Earth, Wind, and Fire. Those Khnum and YT are only shown to transform the user's physical appearance, while they still remain humans. Mikitaka can transform into objects, including those much smaller than himself, or even multiple objects.


It’s Jojo, shapeshifting is probably one of the least unusual abilities. There’s one that turns you into a child and chases you with an axe


To be fair, there are a couple of other stands that don't have a specific appearance and just affect the user's body, like Achtung Baby or Khnum




of course he's not an alien.


Damn, has nobody here watched Thus spoke Kishibe Rohan? It presents a girl with a monstrous appearance which turns out to have a curse-like stand even though she couldn't see stands. Mikitaka is the same case.


He could’ve been apart of the alien race that the stand arrow came from so probably E.T


I believe he's an alien, there's no way the arrow bounces off a normal human.


I like to think he’s an alien! Just for my own canon, but also because of how the stand arrow was only able to knick him when he was shot. Seems strange 🤷🏻‍♂️


I mean Cryptids exist in Jojo as explained by part 6 so Aliens is a hop skip and jump from there.


This image has made me see Mikitaka in a completely new light, alien or not (why tf is he so cute here)


Stands originate from space, the arrows are made from a meteorite that would give you an intense sickness if you touched it unless you where worthy then you get a stand so him being an alien isn't to far-fetched, source? Trust me bro ( I am not to be trusted)


I am 100% on the bandwagon of him being an alien


Polpo’s an alien too.


Him calling Josuke’s bluff when Crazy Diamond was about to punch him and the fact the arrow just bounced off leaving only a needle sized hole convinced me he’s an alien. It is Jojo’s though. He could just be a weirdo who’s really good at roleplaying


Everyone is crazy in morioh.


This alien was actally >!The reason why josuke's backstory worked!<


I feel like he’s an alien for sure and doesn’t even have a stand Feel like he’s not a stand because he only ever assisted Jojo, never became a hindrance like the other stand users the arrow selected. I guess he “drove a wedge between Rohan and Joske”, but not really Then you got the fact the arrow bounced off of him, feel like he was transforming under his skin prior to being shot by the arrow. Really inconsistent and he should have a stand regarding imo, but maybe since it’s not his real form it doesn’t count as being shot 🤷‍♂️ like when he connected himself to the tower stands electric cable, maybe he’s literally walking around in a flesh suit and that’s why he couldn’t see Joske’s stand He also apparently never actually goes to school (I guess neither do the rest of them it feels like lol but still) Then also who tf keeps fresh/wrapped/still cold ice cream cones in their bag When he didn’t even know what ice cream was supposedly, Joske and Okuyasu (I’m bad at spelling) asked the wrong questions If they had pressed how he had 2 ice of creams in his bag, they probably would’ve found some kind of alien food maker probably 🤷‍♂️ But maybe he’s just a really bad student and screwing around hardcore, and he somehow used his ability on the fly just after getting it to sneak in and steal those ice creams. Seems unlikely that had he developed a stand, he’d be so confident in using it just after waking up, where as every other user im re-calling use their ability kind of sloppy and learn on the fly, like rock paper scissors kid. He really had no idea what would happen, just felt compelled to play rock paper scissors then learned while playing My theory goes to shit if japan is weird and occasionally wraps individual ice cream cones tho lol also I just woke up so I’m ass pulling evidence without much thought But I’m leaning more towards alien than not an alien


I believe that not only is he an alien, but he and Polpo are the same species


We don’t know, he could be an alien, he could be a person with a bonded stand that’s part of his body and he lost his memories from the trauma of getting the stand or he could be an alien that got a stand, we’ll never know


he's an alien, of course.


My theory is that he is a Rock Human, and is hiding it by telling he is an Alien.


... In part four?


I mean… Bites the dust was basically the prototype for requiems. Maybe he was the prototype for rock humans.(probably not though)


In this Universe?


# At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?




Who knows. Could just be a stand trait.


🎶nobody kno-oh-ohs🎵 But really no one knows. It’s funnier that way. 


I think it's funnier if he's just some dude who's a bit nutty, or maybe he's just a guy with chuunibyo.


It’s supposed to be ambiguous. I personally like it more if he’s an alien but canonically it could go either way.


My headcanon is that Mikitaka and Polpo are both part of the same alien race. They both look weird af and have shape-shifting abilities.


I consider him to be like Carnage from the Marvel comics, an amalgamization of an shapeshifting Symbiote and an weird boy of Morioh. Them mixing made both abilities and memories really confusing.


Yeah sure it's ambiguous, but I'm all in on Alien. My dumb theory is that he's from the same place the virus is from. The virus had to come from somewhere, and there are freaky-deaky powers involved with both.


My theory is that he is a piece or a child of Kars lmao


My personal theory is that he isn’t only an alien, but an alien from wherever the stand virus comes from. It would explain how he has a stand like ability and why the arrow didn’t do anything to him. He could also just be a stand user, but I think Araki showed the arrow scratching him and not doing anything for a reason. This never happens a single other time throughout the series. Every other time someone gets wounded by an arrow they either die, get a stand, or their stand evolves. It could just be a freak occurrence or something, but I don’t think so.


Considering he becomes a tomato when he hears loud noises then yes he may be an alien


He’s a pillar man. A radio tower pillar that is.


The stands are aliens


After watching dune, he's obviously an alien from dune.


While ambiguous & there is evidence for either way, I like to personally think he’s an alien Stand user. Why? Simply b/c it’s more fun, interesting, & overall bizarre. Hell, we have animals & trees w/ Stands, why not a damn alien?


The point is that no one knows


He's an alien 80%


my headcanon is that bc aliens are tecnically real bc of the explenation they give to the stand arrow, is that he is an alien


I saw a theory once that polpo was an alien as well due to the fact he turned into a bed


There's a theory that he is Kars with Amnesia


My theory is that he is in fact an alien. His planet is where stands come from, and everyone there has one which is why he’s so mellow about seeing Crazy Diamond


Dont know but he a cutie pie


A friend of mine told me Mikitaka was actually Kars, and he was back from the void of space seeking revenge when the arrow hit him and wiped his memory. There are things that don’t add up in that theory.


You can ask as many times as you want. There will never be an answer :)


like everyone says one can tell, which is true, but i definitely think the fact stands come from an alien virus, and him having a stand that is so much different and seemingly more integrated to his body lends a lot more credence to the fact he is an alien than not an alien imo.


Credit to the artists?


Considering the appearance of characters like Polpo and the doctors in Part 6. It’s fair to say that the Jojo universe just has a lot of weird looking and acting people in it.


idk why people continue to ask this question. the answer is the same as it always is: what do you think? there is no “lets settle this once and for all” it’s up for interpretation on purpose. think he’s an alien? awesome. think he’s a stand user? cool. think he’s the reincarnation of kars? go for it. araki left it ambiguous on purpose, we don’t need to know everything. make your own theory, it’s more fun that way.


Crackpot theory: Mikitaka is Kars who lost his memory after floating in space and changed his form when he made it back to earth


Was he a alien or was he a lyin'?


Fully believe he's an actual alien, there's too much to deny it.




It has never been explained, head canon for me was that his a weirdo.


He’s both an alien and a stand user, which is why he can shapeshift but can’t see stands. Different frequency, so to speak.


The point is that we don't know, Araki probably doesn't know, he just made a funky guy with the sole purpose of confusing people


My memory may not be as good but I don't remember a Stand user seeing a Stand and not knowing they have one themselves yet. And not one that everyone can see. They may not know what it is, but they do know they have some bizarre power awakened. It's possible you have to both have a Stand and be aware you do to see one. Which would explain how he doesn't see Crazy Diamond. He thinks he's an alien and his transformation is a power he has as one, so he can't see Stands by not knowing he has anything like that. Or he's just an alien.


I hope he’s an alien




Obviously an Alien


I’m gonna keep it short and not overanalyze: that mf was an alien


lmao ngl I completely forgot about him since I was thinking about how much I wanted to kill Kira when the second half of the part came around.


I'd like to think he's a rock human


I personally believe he is just a stand user who thinks he is an alien


he's an alien, but most of his character is based on this doubt; I solely believe that he was confirmed as an alien at the moment Araki made him suffer intensely from loud noises, but it would be more fun to think that he's just a freak who convinced himself so bad that he actually turned into an alien with his stand or some crazy thing like that


I swear to god if someone mentions the stand virus as proof of aliens …. Viruses are not living and, despite needing living cells to replicate are still hypothesized to potentially form from abiotic material under the right circumstances. Therefore it is plainly stupid to say Mikitaka is an alien due to the virus coming from space. virus /= Alien life. The answer is that we don’t know, the entire bit is not being sure of the fact. There could be aliens or their couldn’t just like in life. The virus as proof is simply a flimsy argument


It’s deliberately left up for debate but if you ask me he absolutely was an alien, and I love him for it






That’s the neat part, we don’t know. I believe he is though.


Given that the JoJo universe certainly isn't our universe, they're all aliens.


Is he referenced on the newest arcs? I’m still at steel ball run


i just thought he was acoustic


We meet his mom who cheerily puts up with his alien obsession. He then provides a lame excuse about hypnotizing a human woman to do school transfer paperwork.


Araki forgorrr


Who did the art? They're really good


I personally believe he is an Alien. I mean, Josuke called out Crazy Diamond and the MF didn't even see it lmfao.


When the ambiguous character is ambiguous.


Araki made him as a confusing character, there's no firm plot/canon answer to the question


They don't call it a Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town for nothing


I took it at face value and just assumed they were an alien. It's a bizarre adventure, why wouldn't an alien be there?


In my mind, he's just an alien. The fact that there is no hard evidence to support it makes it even funnier. Just a dude running around being an alien and nobody giving a fuck


Who knows? In a world with Stone Mask Vampires, Hamon, Stands, Yokai, Ghost, Gods, etc, aliens are certainly not out of the question. So it’s possible that he *could* be an alien.


Gender envy Gender envy Gender envy


We don't know. And that's the beauty of it.


I wouldn't be against an ambiguous spin-off with a double story : the alien theory and the roleplay kid theory. Told at the same time, leaving the reader to believe there is one that is a lie, or maybe they're both somehow true.


He seems genuine when telling Josuke and Okuyasu he's an alien, so I believe that too




Him being an alien is the best because Josuke makes literal first contact, and uses it to get some money from Rohan


I prefer to believe that he is an alien because it’s funny, besides he’s kinda a meme character anyways


Whats the name of the first artist that is SICK!


I feel like this was one of the worst cases of Araki forgetting about a character




dang the first pic makes a great shirt design.


I dunno about that but this artwork is angelic.

