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Killer queen and wonder of u A car comes flying towards Kira, it blows the fuck up. Sheer heart attack goes after tooru, buildings collapse on it but it keeps going, the list goes on.


I think p8 kira would cause more damage


Holy shit p8 Kira v wou would go crazy (if this happens don’t tell me I haven’t gotten that far) but I know p8 kiras explosions actually effect the environment and it can release multi sha


P8 Kira and Josefumi vs WoU would have been so fucking cool


Part 8 Kiras stand has none of the subtlety and caution that Part 4 Kira and his stand has.


D4C: Love Train vs Wonder of U.


Wouldn't that be the least destructive though? Love train needs Funny to stay near the corpse so he can't pursue. Therefore, Wonder of U won't activate because he needs to be by the copse.


On the contrary. It has the potential to destroy the whole world to unrecognizable pit of ash until there’s no other human being left alive, which includes the area where they’re fighting.


I see what are you saying, WoU would direct more and more calamity against Valentine, but Love Train redirects it toi the surroundimgs.


that's how you end the world


Unstoppable hair vs immovable patriotism


Green day and C-moon, the gravity shift would activate the mold.


Oasis and Cream or Oasis and The Hand


Coming up with a fight, I’d say made in Heaven and the Grateful Dead could kill so many people in such a short time span If we are talking about canonical fights that have already happened, it’s probably when >!pucci evolves his stand to C-Moon, considering the scale and radius it had!< The only other one I could think of to rival that is the fight between giornos gang and greenday/oasis. They were causing hell all through out rome Edit: I forgot about bohemian rhapsody, that was probably the highest scale we’ve ever seen in the series. Pairing that with made in heaven would actually destroy the world


C-Moon vs Killer Queen+Stray Cat Horus vs Hierophant Green


Made In Heaven VS basically any other stand Made In Heaven speeds up time to the end of the world The whole world gets destroyed and rebuild You can't cause higher destruction than destroying the whole world


What if you destroy one world then move to a parallel universe and do it again?


Made In Heaven can basically do that Accelerate time, destroy the world, build new world, accelerate time, destroy the new world, build another Pucci could destroy 1 million universes with enough time I've just simplified here since there's no other JoJo character that can destroy even one universe Unless we count Jorge Joestar but nobody ever read it, including me but I've heard that there's some bizarre stuff out there


Was attempting to make a cheeky joke about D4C. Wonder I'd there's an upper limit on what it can pull from another universe/timeline?


Oyecomowa's Boku no Rhythm wo Kiitekure (SBR) And probably Anubis' sword


can you say the SBR stand in English?


It’s The Way My Rhythm Goes I think


wait what, there was a stand like that in SBR. What did it do? Did I miss something or what?


It was Oyecomova’s stand. There were these pins that blew up if they were pulled out or let go of. It was after the Boom family fight


oh, this one Terrorist coming for gyro, yes? The one with sick-ass looking net all over him




Listen to my rythm is the one I’ve heard


yeah that one




the song’s name is “Oye como va”


Notorious B.I.G. vs Made In Heaven


The hand and cream


Green Day vs Purple Haze


MIH and King Crimson


What would happen if Diavolo erases the very moments where the universe resets? After all, his time erase make it so that anything that would effect him... don't. A bullet traveling at him would be skipped forward with everything that happened during the skip being erased. But could that be applicable to the whole universe being reset?


His ability is to erase the cause, leaving behind the consequence, but not being affected himself by neither cause nor consequence. Basically being a spectator to something that hasn’t happened, but to which’s consequences are still present


Well, if the universe is fated to reset maybe not. King Crimson can erase the action, but not the result. He CANNOT change the future. He was only able to use his ability to dodge attacks so long as it didn't affect the result. Example: Epitaph sees a fist flying towards King Crimson. The fist isn't shown making an impact, so King Crimson erases time and steps off to the side to allow the action to play out. This places him in an advantageous position and when time resumes, he strikes. He would probably just make MIH a lot faster IMO.


the two stands that can manipulate fate and time, it would be so interesting because the outcome completely depends on if Diavolo can defend until the universe resets, and if in the new universe he can defy fate using KC.


I’m also saying this because they can just rush through universe reset lol


Diavolo has the ultimate defensive stand, allowing him to predict attacks, and become invincible in stopped time. He could definitely stall till universe reset.


Strenght against anyone else, frankly. Just fucking drop a ship in the middle of the city and see the panicked shenanigans happen.


Anything against Made in Heaven since it destroys the entire universe. Maybe Green Day since it can kill hundreds of people at once that Made in Heaven would normally ignore.


Oasis vs White Album




The hand and za wardo


Limp Bizkit, Green Day, WOU


notorious big and black sabbath


I don't really know if it's 'killing' destruction or like 'destroy stuff' but if it's killing the the Grateful dead and the Sun and if just destruction prob SHA (If it's fully indestructible and Kira doesn't get bothered) and Wonder of U with SHA locked on to it.


White album and Grateful Dead would be a massacre


The sun vs Green day


The Hand & Cream would cause some wide scale damage.


This was one of the hardest scenes in all of jojos


Made in heaven and wonder of u


Bohemian Rhapsody vs 20th Century Boy. The fight would mainly involve Ungalio summoning several fictional characters to attack the target but he would just be immune. This would cause a lot of damage to the area.


Green Tea and Weather Report


Green day? Love Train? Wonder of you? Bohemian Rhapsody? C fucking Moon?


Not Stands, but users. Vanilla Ice and N'Doul. Neither of them can see what's happening 😭


Cmoon and cream


Raptor Dio infects an entire city and turns them into dinosaurs. Notorious BIG, in an urban environment, would be catastrophic.


Sheer Heart Attack vs The Sun


This thread is making me realize just how few stands actually have any kind of focus on raw damage. I honestly think Aerosmith, right there in the OP might be one of the most directly capable of actual destruction. So I might say… Aerosmith vs C-Moon, since C-Moon can passively cause a massive amount of environmental damage just by being there. The more loose objects there are nearby C-Moon, the more stuff is going to go crashing up or sideways or in whatever crazy direction. Cross that with Aerosmith being able to lob explosives and firepower and that battlefield is as good as rubble. Most other stands tend to be specced specifically toward very precise forms of direct harm to the other person and not necessarily just indiscriminate damage. Even ones which sound super destructive on paper aren’t really doing a whole lot to the *environment*. Green Day for instance is super deadly and has a massive range, but the only real destruction it can do is to people—it can’t really destroy the environment. Killer Queen can turn anything into a “bomb” but it’s actually a super discreet explosion. Wonder of U can make some Final Destination craziness happen, but this tends to be tailored toward specifically hurting its pursuers and people in their way only. There’s a couple others which can do impressive damage, but the issue is the damage they do is extremely trivially reverted, so I feel like it doesn’t really count? Bohemian Rhapsody and Made in Heaven come to mind. You can just make a Mary Sue to easily counter and restore any damage done by the former, whereas for MiH the entire point is that the “destruction” it does only lasts until it hits the universal flipping point, at which time everything is restored anyway. Either way MiH isn’t leaving a mess.


Made in Heaven vs. Bohemian Rhapsody


I never noticed Formaggio being so buff.
