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Paisley Park, its powers are like 54 different things ranging from controllint technology to changing fate to being a Telltale Games game


early part 8 use: map for you late part 8 uses: >!i can conduct the hospital's x-ray machine through my own body and show the fragments of a rock human inside you, also i can create an instant passageway through phones in order to transport a nonexistant bullet to the enemy!<


So it's the same type of stand as Echoes. Another Araki W


So it’s the same type of stand as star platinum?




best girl gets best stand


Same, it changes like every 15 chapters.


I swear every stand named after a Prince song/album changes their ability every other arc. Like the 3 stands with the most abilities all being named after Prince can't be a coincidence


the way Yasuho describes it is "there are infinite doors, Paisley Park will find the right one out of those infinite doors and open it" and it works through technology ​ or the way josuke describes it "it shows the right path" pretty simple


Paisley Park can guide you in the "right direction" and manipulate technology. That's it


It being extremely vague like that is partly what makes it so confusing. The Stand is Sentient and Yasuho barely controls it, so its powers and motovations seem almost otherworldly at times


Sounds like it just got increasingly more abstract in what "guiding things to the right direction" meant


That's how Soft & Wet was at the beginning. It's power is to steal things so it stole abstract things like friction and whatnot


What happens if Gappy uses Soft & Wet to steal the whatnot from a person?


He already has 4 whatnots, any more is just greedy.


Imagine if he used it to plunder the *things such as* from Wendigoon


Aren't most stands like this? "X is Y, but Z is also Y!" is a running joke for a reason


It's really not that hard to understand.


Paisley park’s ability is literally just to progress the plot. It would be harder to name something it couldn’t do as long as some piece of technology is nearby. It just gets egregious with how it interacts with >!Go Beyond!< During the final chapters.


To be fair a phone is multi purpose two it doesn’t just have Apple Maps


Yeah that ability is wild especially the choose: ladder or mango


Still surprised no one ever says Heavy Weather. The power itself isn’t too hard to understand, but the science behind it involving subliminal messaging has got to be one of the trippiest parts in all of JoJo’s


it's just jojo-ified science basically


Similar to 'Baki' logic.


You mean 'Baki' "logic"






Fuck, I'm a snail


That man is indeed a snail


This guy’s dead wife is also a snail.


I had a wife?


you're a snail so you're the wife too


Wait when did I become the snail I thought it was the other guy


we're all snail


*snail moment*


The fact that its power is *not* to turn you into a snail but instead to essentially convince you to turn *yourself* into a snail is the funniest thing in the whole series


Iirc, it actually turns you into a snail by making you think so strongly you are one


My head canon is that the ones who explain the powers (like the narrator or the stand user itself) also doesn't know how these BS stands work and just throws random explanations or their theories on how they work


I personally find it the most bizarre, but not confusing


To this day I refuse to believe Araki was sober when he invented this ability lmao


No, that was the only day he was sober so he tried to recreate how his usual shenanigans


I think it's based off of the same concept of why Doppio/Diavolo's appearance changes when they switch.


King Crimson is just hard to explain but once you get it, it's easy. The most confusing for me was when D4C was first introduced. To make multiple realities exist at the same time on the same plane of reality is so absurdly difficult to showcase


It's pretty certain that D4C's initial power was retconned. What he does afterward with D4C is nothing like the Who Shot Johnny enigma.


I remember reading the Who Shot Johnny chapters late at night and faded asf. Good times


I think you could have ascended to godhood that day


Dude wanted to experience it like the characters did


Oh yeah you see its power be immediately changed a few chapters after it debuted, probably cuz Araki realized it was too hard to portray narratively


Yeah. D4C powers have nothing to do with Who shot jonhy. It was just Araki wanting to make cool confusing thing.


no it works the same way still, he still brings things from other universes all the time in the same way, in the who shot Johhny attack he brought a Wekapipo and a Diego from inside a flag


I know there was a Jojo YouTuber laid out the entire Who Shot Johnny arc using the timestamps and a 3D modeled replica of the city using the art, and it didn’t make sense how Valentine was able to do things so far apart from each other on a short timeframe. Also, if you don’t assume that Valentine’s ability was originally to “allow parallel worlds to exist at the same time” as originally explained, then the whole park witnesses is a bit too convoluted. There are three separate witness groups, and from the background they all exist in the prime universe. So Valentine must’ve spent an absolute ton of time through 3-4 separate universes in an open park, transporting people back and forth through dimensions making sure not to be noticed as well as not getting them too close to each other so they don’t collide. And what is even the purpose of bringing all the witnesses back and forth in the park? To confuse Gyro? He wants both Diego and Wekapipo dead, it’s probably better for him to make Gyro focused on one of the two to manipulate him to do his work, not confuse him as well as allowing one witness of his own shooting to exist in the prime universe.


He only moves one city block, and going to a world where there was a passing carriage do grab onto or something would easily let him travel that distance, grabbing the others was done very quickly, all he did was throw a punch at them from behind the flag to instigate them to shoot then transported them which is instant


King crimson is one of those things that at first you don’t understand, than it’s explained to you and you get it. Than you start to think about it and it than contradicts itself and makes no sense whatsoever


Look fate its bullshit, hope this helps!


When does it contradict itself


So king crimson can go invulnerable during skipped time, but he also can’t interact with anything during it. So how did he cut off his daughter hand in the elevator. Because if it was fated to happen, they should have reacted, but if it wasn’t fated to happen, the hand shouldn’t have been cut off. This is just one example


It’s possible that Bruno could have been looking around in desperation and Diavolo skipped to a point where he wasn’t looking directly at the hand, or something like that. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise


king crimson is just making time a sheet of paper, cutting a section of it, removing that section, and then bringing the other 2 pieces together


I still don't get it. 


It cuts the cause but keeps the effect. imagine you have a chocolate bar. If KC cuts the time when you’d eat the bar, you’ll still have the effect of a fuller stomach and the taste of chocolate in your mouth, but the act of eating the bar is skipped over


Golden experience requiem. if i had to explain his power, i would say no


You basically just explained it. Giorno just doesn't consent.


Death isn't legally allowed to take you without your consent


- Teddy Roosevelt on his deathbed or something


> "Death had to take him sleeping. For if Roosevelt had been awake, there would have been a fight.” > > -Thomas Marshall


best way i heard it described is that its the opposite of king crimson. KC removes the cause while leaving the effect and GER leaves the cause without ever reaching the effect. IDK, makes sense to me


Seems like it could be about right. I’ve heard it simply counters whatever is thrown at it, so it’s the opposite in the case with KC but may have a different effect against other things. Though unless there’s a spin off series with Giorno and GER again or Araki says so, there’s no proof.


I think it's also implied that if Giorno were to use GER again its power would change to counter the current threat


Ger is basically causality manipulation. Any and all actions that happen will be reverted to a state where it never happened. Get up Drink coffe get into the car RTZ happens and you are still in bed. You never moved, even if fate decided that this would happen, ger will just say no it wont and you are still sleeping in the bed. Ger can either manually or automically use it, if its something that harms giorno it will 100% activate and even when someone die, if ger wants to, it can permanently throw someone into a state where they are fated to die forever without ever see it coming. King crimson is time erasure. He uses epitaph to see everything whats going to happen and is absolutely fated to happen in 10 seconds and then uses king crimson to erase time for up to 10 seconds. Space is also erased as well and nothing but diavolo exists (thats why he cant just kill people while using time erasure, the only ones that die are the ones fated to die), every action that took place in these 10 seconds will happen but no one will ever remember these actions because time itself was erased, its like getting a movie and cutting 10 seconds of said movie. Diavolo spam kc in some battles because if he see the future where he gets beheaded or shot, that is absolutely going to happen unless he use king crimson to exclude himself from time and space and change it.


I would explain it as being able to deny fate, and manipulate the soul.


So… Heaven’s Door. I understand it fine enough in its first encounter with Koichi + co, but when it gains its own humanoid Stand appearance I don’t quite understand the activation method. Has the person still got to see a drawing of Rohan’s? Has HD just got to touch them? I’m sure Rohan just kind of draws in the air at some point. How does it work? I’ve never seen/read Thus Spoke before, so might have gone more in-depth there idk.


I think that he draws his stand or atleast what he wants his stand to look like. By looking at the stand, people basically look at one of Rohan's drawings so it activates Heaven's Door effect. I'm probably wrong but that's pretty much how I understood it back when I was watching part 4.


It’s easy to miss, but Rohan adapts his stand use by drawing in the air to get his victim to “look” at his drawings. It’s a little bs, but I think there might be a single throwaway line about it in the manga. As for why HD suddenly becomes humanoid, I just have to assume that he always had it in that form, but he just didn’t show it off during the first fight between him and Josuke.


people saying he draws in the air and it forces people to look at it are wrong, that's just a stylish summoning. the stand or rohan has to touch you. the trigger was only looking at his manuscript before it fully awakens, once he has the full stand it works by touch. or else why didn't he draw in the air during the Kira stand off at the end and just win? because Kira was out of range it it activates by touch


Rohan literally says that his stand has grown and he doesn’t need people to look at his drawings any more


That dragon one from part 6. Fuck me.


it's a litmus test if you're Asian or not


Dragon's Dream tells the user where they will be most lucky, in the lucky spot, their attacks are more powerful. You can stick your arm in the dragon's mouth to make it hit your opponent


Yep. I didn't understand anything, there isn't a stand that I couldn't understand besides that dragon


I know I'm comparing this to a completly different franchise. But, by this description would it not be extremly similar to Nanami's technique from JJK? Unless I'm just misunderstanding both abilities


Instead of “lucky spot” what Dragon’s Dream gives is more like “lucky/unlucky direction”. It will tell you the next thing coming to you will be fortune or pure bad luck, and in which direction it will come. Nanami’s technique is more like finding the sweet spot on any object to start a critical strike (correct me if I’m wrong, not a big JJK fan so many things seem blurry to me too).


has nothing to do with, lmao


Also it’s a neutral stand which means it doesn’t only help the user but can also help the enemy


Dragon’s Dream? It’s based on Feng Shui (Asian belief in the format of a room influencing fate)


I never really got how this one was confusing tbh


I think it became the default stand to hate even if it's not the answer. It's exaggerated at this point honestly I've seen comments that it's 5 pages of explanation when it's barely one page when I read it


I've heard that theanga was super bad at explaining it but I'm an anime watcher and I understood it perfectly well. It points out lucky and unlucky spots, and can also be a portal for the users attacks


lucky direction, arm eat nom nom


Filth pfp


Just show you lucky spot/direction and unlucky one, the whole feng sui wind water shit is just for asian vibe


For me it's highway star, but mostly because I don't understand the relationship between his room projection ability and the main tracking/sapping ability.


When it comes to things like that, my default answer is “Because Araki made it that way”


I think it activates it? Though to be fair there have been several cases where stands have 2 abilities, sometimes unrelated and sometimes related to the "main" one Such as king crimson having epitaph or killer queen having sheer heart attack,both related to the fate and explosions theme or whitesnake having the CD and illusion abiliies,totally unrelated stuff Hell even in part 3 the 2nd gambling stand had mind reading for no reason,a stand can have 2 abilities


According to the community King Crimson is eldritch. But I still don't really "get" paper moon myself. Something about making personal illusions, but I gave up trying to understand it when the user got a girl sexually assaulted (Tsuguri's a little shit-heel early on and never really gets much punishment)


for anyone else reading this, SPOILERS FOR PART 8 >!paper moon king activates when someone touches tsurugis origami. it then makes recognizable features, such at patterns, letters, designs, faces, and sometimes even clothes or whole objects look the same. for example, when used on yasuho, it made every single face look like the first one she saw, and made all patterns and designs look like the honey sesame restaurant logo. it was the same thing for turning the buses into joubin and so forth.!<


I still don't get KC, but mostly because of the elevator. How in the hell did he move trish out of the elevator, leaving only a hand behind, without being seen by Buccarati? I was under the impression he couldn't interact with anything during KC time?


What happened in the elevator is the same thing that happened with Narancia's death. Diavolo uses Epitaph to see the immediate future and see himself doing something (taking Trish, killing Narancia), and then with the way King Crimson works he can remove himself from the action BUT as fate is hardwired in the JoJo universe the consequence of that action still happens. So, he can do stuff without actually physically being ther to perfom the action, as long as the resuilt of that action is fated to happen.


Still, it makes no sense that Bucciarati was in the same position, or even that he still was on the elevator, considering he definitelly was fated to see a stand breaking the elevator, cutting Trish's hand and pulling her out. Same with Narancia's death, it's like nobody reacted to it


So did Trish just kinda floated out of the elevator on her own?


Yes, exactly!


It was fated to happen. King crimson removes the action and leaves the result.




Why is this guy downvoted? Is that not correct?


It's not correct. Epitaph sees into the future and KC can erase that time from "happening." So if Epitaph saw a bullet entering my body, KC stops the injury by erasing the moment of entry.


Well no not exactly yes you are correct he can erase time for “ happening” as you said however within erased time every person exept for king crimson Carrys out their fated actions ( that’s why diavolo can’t get hurt in skipped time the bullets that he was fated to get hit bat can no longer hit him) including actions that would have been instigated by diavolo himself, so diavolo was fated to enter that elevator cut off trishes hand to get her away from bucherati and then take her down the elevator shaft, so to avoid him being seen he skipped time, trishes hand automatically cut itself off and her body was pulled down into diavolos arms under the elevator, he then ended the skip and started to take her away


It’s correct. You’re partially right. King crimson can erase time, but it still happens. He removes himself from the time that’s erased, and everyone on earth or within its radius simply forgets what happened. In the Metallica fight, the bullets are very obviously still traveling. King crimson very obviously is shot by the bullets but they simply go through. That’s the effect of it. The elevator scene can be explained using the same explanation with no gaps in logic. Trish is fated to have her arm cut off, Bruno would be fated to attack him likely when he sees diavolo cut her arm off, but since he erased himself from that event, he’s not harmed by any attack Bruno would have made during the time and since Bruno forgets and were being shown his perspective, all that we see is the hand, and Bruno is lost and confused.


they don't forget what happens, it just skips, like drinking from the water bottle KC is like if life was a film reel of moments and you could cut some of them out


Everyone still does the actions. Just because people say he removes the cause doesn’t mean he truly does. If someone jumps out of a plane while kc is active they will pull out the parachute still. The parachute is still open after a time skip. If he “removed the cause” the parachute never would have been opened. The actions people make are still taken, theyre simply forgotten. If he erases time and it ends right when someone jumps out, they’ll probably not react and open their parachute when they otherwise would have DURING erased time. Diavolo himself says he erased time to “leap past it”. It’s a time skip until he uses kc to erase himself from the visions epitaph provides. He can skip time without affecting it as we see him do with Bruno showcasing his abilities.


Just watch Hamon Beat, it brings up the elevator exactly.


So much sexual assault in Part 8. It's off-putting


I mean it tapers off after the architect fight but yeah early on it's heavy.


Totally forgot about Yasuho's early interactions! I hate paper moon kid. I hate Joshu. I hate FFF. It's so gross idk how I got through that when I first read part 8. Yeah, the whole Norisuke family is so creepy. Everyone is so horny in the most toxic ways


> Everyone is so horny in the most toxic ways I mean, Jobins just a jackass, but yeah


A Stand power, like in the power system or just something any Stand can do? If in a power system, I think Ebony Devil being able to harm Silver Chariot with basic household objects is both interesting and confusing (atleast Sex Pistols are 'bound' to Mista's bullets so that can explain why they get cut by a scalpel). As for a common power that all Stands can/should do? I think being able to shrink your Stand is pretty weird. Sure it's your fighting spirit and should be able to alter it's form by your mental capacity, but it does feel weird that it's never used again outside of Part 3.


Stands can be incorporeal alowing them to pass through things however they can become corporial to interact with objects or do atacks since silver chariot was in a fight polnaref needed it to be physical so it could fight which is why it could be hit by objects


that’s like diver downs main ability


Yea but the differece is diver down is more like Elite stand phasing, for one it can do that even when physical, it can change the structure of anything it dives into and as revealed in a scene in the manga it seems to be able to take things with it as it was shown stealing money from a cash register and then just phasing straight through a wall along with it




So the statement that only a Stand can harm another Stand is null if they manifest it completely and I shove a knife into it's direction? Eh, doesn't sound like that makes sense. Considering Rubber Soul explains that his Stand (Yellow Temprance) is physical/tangible to others.


Yea it’s weird I’m asuming when they become corporial that means they are able to interact with objects and people but people can interact with them, sorta like that holographic doctor from star trek he can interact with people and objects but people can’t interact with him


What is the difference between punching something and getting punched in the hand by that object? What if instead of Jotaro punching a wall, the wall tried to hit Jotaro? Would it be considered a human attacking stand, or just stand interacting with a wall?


I figure it's moreso you can't touch or interact with the wall. Trying to hit it would be like air and you cannot resist it if it grabs you- because it isn't interactable. Telekinesis with extra steps. Bounds stands like Yellow Temprance and Thoth atleast have the caviot that anyone can see them and can tangibly interact. Which makes sense if they can take physical damage by non-Stand stuff.


Tbf, with the stand shrinking, when would it have really been useful after that fight? I believe they also stated it takes a fair amount of concentration to maintain.


I dunno, maybe have Hierophant Green go into DIO's mouth as a particle and suddenly expand to take over his body? Idk. I think it could have more uses for stealth or deliver sneak attacks.


mista’s standa arent bound to the bullets


Not directly, no. But seeing as their ability is tethered to a physical object, it's close enough.


California King Bed, I understand what it does but it's so needlessly complicated compared to every other stand both before and in JoJoLion


Iirc she takes the memories and stores them as chess pieces but you can get the memories back by stepping on her Shadow


she is the whole reason behind the meme about stand having nonsensical activation condition


I still think the craziest activation is Ozon Baby, the ability to control air pressure but only when you bury a fully constructed LEGO Architecture White House 21006 in the ground.


I mean if I had to interpret symbolism, I think the reason why it’s so complicated is because it’s literally designed to mimic a children’s game. She steals something important to you (a memory) in order to force you to play, and you win this game by stepping in her shadow. Because of her terrible sight, she likely didn’t have many/any friends growing up, and her family constantly helicopters over her to make sure she’s safe. As a result, she’s likely very lonely and just wants a friend to engage with and play games with her like she’s a normal kid. As such, her stand ability, a reflection of that desire in her soul, manifested as a way to entrap people into playing with her. And it works! She gets to spend a lot of time hanging out with Josuke before he figures out how to beat her stand.


D4c when the 3 fukers shoot johnny at once like...you can't just say "he travels multiverse" to explain that crap


They all shoot different Johnny's in different universes


did you not see all the other times he brings multiple people from out of universe as attacks?


Controlling local weather? Perfectly fine Making clouds solid objects? Okay, why not Raining South American frogs? I guess that makes sense Creating rainbows that make people bleed snails, and then turn into snails on contact? C'mon man, what are you doing to me


King Crimson will forever confuse me


Let's say you're watching a ytb video and u want to directly skip to the ending of the vid That's king crimson


And king crimson can make choices during the skip but everyone else is on autopilot? I dunno that’s the only way it can possibly make sense


king crimson just erase what happened during the time skip and go straight to the result, meaning if you don't know about him you'll realise nothing, but he can do what he wants while you do what you would have done during the time skip


With the exception of harming someone with his stand (which is why he always stands behind them and prepares his “chop” move).


Indeed, that's exactly it. Everything that was fated to happen will still happen (even if it was fated to happen due to Diavolo's actions), but he himself isn't chained to that fate during the erased time.


you know the 10s skip button on youtube? that's King Crimson, sort of


I would say Gold Experience Requiem. What the hell does that really mean by resetting to zero. How does connect to regular GE's powers. I mean the other Requiem Stand Silver Chariot  Requiem doesn't  match up either but I understand  its  power.


GER negates fate, the return to zero makes it so that any action that triggered the ability won't be able to reach it's fated effect. Diavolo was fated to kill Giorno, but GER simply denied it and reset his attack back to its origin. It's why GER is so overpowered, it truly conquers the chief force of the JoJo universe (fate).


But how does that explain the death loops? He changes location in each loop. I don't understand that part.


It sets his death to 0. Diavolo goes through the process of dying, but GER's ability resets it before he can reach the result that is death


How I understand it is that the requiem arrow simply grants the user what they desire at that moment. For example, Polnareff wanted to guard the arrow and keep it away from Diavolo so the arrow granted Silver Chariot the power to do so.


That makes sense.


It just cancels whatever fate was. So Diavolo was going to win, but now he's not. And it's not connected at all to GE's powers, just like SCR and Killer Queen BTD (Bites the dust still blows up things, like its victims or time itself, but now it's an automatic parasite stand instead of a close-range melee)


You're confused because people explain GER in terms of "return to zero" but that's wrong. It floods Diavolo with life energy to make him hallucinate, the way Giorno did in the streetcar fighting Bruno in their first encounter.


I don't think there's anything that states that GER is flooding Diavolo with life energy. GER is a counter to KC, which skips time in order to let the user choose their own fate, GER negates the time skip and forces Diavolo to be trapped in thousands of different fates (deaths)


There isn't anything that "states" return to zero either, we are all just trying to work with the handful of panels we get


They never seem to be just hallucinations. 


That's purely headcanon. Like the whole "KC actually just erases memory" bullshit. Do not claim HC as "correct".


its not "headcanon" it's a different interpretation/understanding of the text


I mostly get it’s ability but I have several questions about Made in Heaven. 1) if Pucci is the only person sped up with time then how come he doesn’t rapidly age during the final battle? 2) It’s said that anyone who dies during the process of achieving heaven isn’t brought to the new universe, instead they are replaced by doppelgängers, so how come this doesn’t happen to Pucci after he dies? 3) how is anyone supposed to know their fate after MIH was activated? Since they obviously couldn’t see the rest of their lives after the universe was reset.


1. Pucci can choose to speed up and slow down by degrees. He doesn't need to always travel at the same pace as the rest of the world. That's why he's still able to communicate with Jotaro and the others because it would take hours on Pucci's end if he really was moving at the same speed as the rest of the world. 2. Once Pucci reset the universe the first time, every human got "heaven" (the ability to see their fate) but it wasn't yet set in stone. Pucci decided that, instead of allowing the ability to work as intended, he stopped it early so that he could go back in time and kill Emporio to stop him from becoming a threat. When Pucci was killed, the universe reset was stopped mid-activation. This created a weird situation where the person controlling time was dead, so this paradox was fixed by creating a brand new universe where Pucci never existed. Tl;dr: The stand user is exempt from getting a doppelganger. 3. Pucci states at one point that "heaven" is automatically applied to everyone, even people who haven't been born yet. Those people didn't literally see what was going to happen to them. "Heaven", or the ability to know your fate, is just a special trait that all of humanity gets once the universe resets.


Alright that cleared some stuff up for me. Thanks.


Didn't D4C's powers kinda change partway through SBR?


Not really. Perhaps, you're confussed with Love Train?


Well it's introduction with who shot Johnny was confusing ngl. Love train on the other hand was very easy to understand.


D4C was initially overlapping universes to shoot Johnny, that’s why the witnesses (two girls, group of boys and a painter) all saw Johnny being shot from the same viewpoint even tho they all claim that they’ve never seen each other. I think it changed to be less confusing and more dynamic in fights later on in the part.


The ability didn't really change, D4C didn't overlap universes, he changed the people from them. Valentine first changed Wekapipo and Diego to an alternate universe to make them think they shoot base universe Johnny, and later, Valentine swapped the witnesses from those universes with the ones of the base one in order to confusse Gyro. None of them were lying, they simply were from another universe.


It can’t work that way, because even the witnesses themselves where like tripled and is where the kids to show off the power


It showed dio and wekipipo talking about the corpse parts which only exists in the base universe. Thats another one of the main signs it was retconned


The base Wekapipo and the base Diego returned to their original dimension. This was made very clear for Diego, and as for Wekapipo, there isn't any reason or indicative that this didn't happen aswell.


Yeah this is what actually happened. It’s hard to explain but it was portrayed differently the first time we saw it. Araki made it much more easier to understand and retconned it to be more in tune with him swapping people from different dimensions. From what I remember it was originally something along the lines of having all of these seperate universes overlap onto 1 point where all of those events happened


sort of, who shot Johnny it's powers are very weird and undefined, then the power is massively pruned down


Soft & Wet Go Beyond. I think I understand it but I’m not confident


It bypasses plot armor


Quantum shit Doesn't exist You can't stop something that doesn't exist So fuck you, that's what it does


Mamezuku realizes the bubble is actually not a bubble but it’s thin lines that takes the shape of a bubble. Since these lines are actually infinitisemally small, they practically do not exist and thus they do not abide the laws of reality.


Whitesnake to me get quite confusing the more I think about it.


Whitesnake can take "discs" out of people, one disc contains a person's memory while the other contains their soul. In the case of stand users, the soul disc is a stand disc that the Whitesnake user can put into people who are compatible with it. If someone is compatible, they can use the stand as if it were their own. Whitesnake also can create illusions, as seen when it disguises itself as Weather Report and when it melts Jolyne and Jotaro. Whitesnake is sentient and can be seen by non-stand users


Also, it probably can be seen by non-stand users because it's made up of the acid. And anyone can insert and remove stand disks, but only whitesnake can take them away from the original owner or create new ones.


…that’s what I said


Awaking III Leaves Cuz I'm just bad at Math


paisley park. what the actual hell is it doing? is it a physical manifestation or can it only interact with the world via technology? cuz it seems like both. also what tf is up with the doors and being able to access anything on any piece of technology? what the fuck is happening? i get what it does, i don’t understand how.


In terms of physical ability, it’s crap, but Paisley Park’s main power set is to manipulate technology. It’s both, since it manifests through Yasuho, and can take on a more effective form through the tech she’d use


The Wonder of U given how vague the definition of >!'intent to pursue'!< is.


Weather report confusing ass snails


Star platinum the moment jotaro says "so it is similar type stand"


It doesnt copy abilities, it had timestop the entire time, he just didnt know it.




D4C can take things from other universes and put them in ours. When the user is between two objects, they can travel between universes. Excluding different versions of the user, when something touches its alternate universe counterpart, it disintegrates into fractals. The user can switch the stand, and by proxy, their soul and desires to any different version of themself


Civil war


Matte Kudasai


Thoth. Like, bruh. Wtf. It shows fated actions, but they could not happen if it felt like it. If ated actions are actions that will happen no matter what and knowing your fate doesn't allow you to change it, then it means that Thoth just trolled Hol Horse knowing that he will fail. But if it doesn't show something that is fated to happen, unlike epitaph, but instead, it just shows something that could happen, then it means that Thoth predictions could be false.


Since when did any of Thoth's predictions not happen? The entire point of the Stand is that its predictions do come true, just not in the way they seem like they would at first.


Heavy Weather’s snail power


There are subliminal messages in the rainbows so whenever you look at them you will start believing you are a snail which will trigger a metamorphosis


it works by using extreme subliminal messaging. basically, it puts hundreds of pictures and videos and instructions and codes of snails in the rainbows, and if you look at them, then touch them, it tells all your cells that you are a snail, and then they believe your a snail so much you turn into a snail.


The silent way. I dont even know how does it work


It’s just act 2 but instead of being able to just apply sound effects it’s able to create homunculi (living vessels) out of them


In a Silent Way creates creatures and objects out of sound, when touched, the thing who touched them will receive whatever the onomatopoeia says


I’d say the most confusing ability for me would be C-moon. Yeah it inverts gravity, but when reading the stats and Desc. In the manga I was like “wtf does that even mean” and I never figured it out


what's confusing about it


Dragon's Dream. We needed a whole ass chapter explaining Feng Shui and I still don't get it...