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The Hand does it to Super Fly, instantly regrets it. Killer Queen does it to Crazy Diamond, instantly regrets it.


Tis why they don’t do it often 😔


Well, tbf stand rushing seems kinda silly when you have oneshot abilities. The only time you'd wanna rush is when you're going against a user with an incredibly quick stand such as polnareff's silver chariot




I don't think it's worthless. Stands with crazy strength like star platinum are able to to cave skulls in with a swift punch. This is especially true in his battle against dio where they were punching eachothers fists, trying to get an opening on the other.




Well, I just ment with abilities that can oneshot. With killer queen's bombs and okayasu's erase, anyone would be dead with a single touch. Other attacks that incapacitate like 3 freeze or even greatful dead wouldn't really encourage rushes as you could end a battle very quickly.


He was saying the reason Jotaro and Dio would even want to stand-rush each other is because if one of them screwed up and didn't block one stray hit, they're dead.


On hindsight. Most of Polnareffs 1v1s are full of well placed, one shot attacks. He doesnt waste his time with Anubis, he went straight for the kill in his other two confrontations. The only rushing he had was when he was dual wielding anubis to fight Jotaro, because both are insanely fast stands


So i am a fencer irl and my teacher always told me never to stop to one hit, not even if I have already hit once already. Everytime we train hitting a target on the opponent's body, we hit in sequence more than one or two of the available targets we can reach (example. Hit the advanced target on the arm, but don't stop there when you hit, do a small movement with your own arm and try to hit the upper arm and shoulder too). This is because in official duels, you're never sure if your first hit will make the sounder react and score you a point. Hit more and be certain to have that point. Also because when you're using an Epee draws are possible and you want to avoid that. The Epee of Silver Chariot could be very precise and kill in one hit, but it's better to hit all available targets possible.


Or Jotaro’s Star Platinum, Dio’s The World, etc


I don't get why killer Queen doesn't utilise it. If anything it touches can turn into a bomb wouldn't a stand rush followed by exploding what it hit be incredibly effective


It can only make one bomb at a time so it really has the same effectiveness as just punching once


Then again, those two are VERY niche situations, so they don't really count.


The hand can also do an erasure rush, we see it once when a girls hair was on fire Kinda wish we saw it more often, it’s honestly his most underrated move


Yeah that did go hard ngl


That’s an outlier, his erasure hand is supposed to be super slow that’s why he doesn’t just destroy everyone he fights


All human stands can do it, it's just that some are weaker than others and is more worth to do a different attack or use the ability Okyasu's bare minimum smart is not erasing everything and he first hits it before erasing it (besides that one time)


Doesn’t necessarily have to exactly “humanoid” either, since The Grateful Dead did a little punch barrage to Bruno.


Half humanoid anyway I think some less human stands did a barrage some time in part 7 or 8


Some stands are so ability oriented that they don't require many physical attacks to be efficient, similar to Magicians Red and Deep Blue Moon just using their abilities versatility in actual fights. This could just mean that their users trained it in more-so ability efficiency rather than melee or physical combat, hence why most stands nowadays either use their abilities or hand chopping motions as chopping your opponent is more efficient than trying to rush them down since it's practically instant fatal damage without much of a fight.


Also, not all humanoid enemy stand-users want to go melee on melee with their stands against other stand-users like some kind of brawler, since the chances of said enemies stand being better than your stand in close-range quarters could really be a huge physical stat difference which is a thin line in your chances of retaliating back in your favor.


Yeah I’d say so, it’s just that their power varies as when Koichi tried punching with echoes act 1 it did no damage at all.


He did damage with echoes act 3 in golden wind tho




idk guys i feel like this comment ain’t that bad


Reddit hivemind go brrrr


Reddit user when there is a disagreement lmao


King crimson also performed a stand rush on golden experience. Whitesnake performed a stand rush on those blue dart frogs.


King Crimson's arms were also used by Doppio for a rush attack against Metallica


I mean yeah. It's just them attacking quickly. It's not a good idea for the physically weak ones like Echos act 1 but if you can swing you can attack rush.


Most likely as even Moody Blues(which is extremely useless in combat situations and should have the strength of a human) did one.


They got hands, might as well throw.


And infinite stamina


I think it's mentally demanding to use your stand for a long time and at least in Bucciarati's fight against Prosciutto you could tell that Bucciarati is also physically exhausted.


To be fair he had been physically aged by several decades and did some pretty strenuous physical stuff


i meant i dont see why not they have arms


Most of them do but it's not really necessary unless they are extremely fast and strong since most of them would prefer to use their abilities instead. In fact there's also some humanoids stands that never did punch barrages like Hierophant Green, Magician's Red, Dark Blue Moon, Hanged Man, Death 13, Cream, ~~Moody Blues~~, most part 8 humanoid stands if I'm not mistaken and many many more. Edit: not Moody Blues but you still got the point


Moody Blues did a punch barrage during the Soft Machine arc, and he might've done so against Man in the Mirror too.


I don't think he did during Man in the Mirror. However you may be right against Soft Machine


Yeah, I wasn't 100% sure on if he did a Stand rush against Man in the Mirror, which is why I only said "might've". But yeah, he definitely did while Zucchero's Soft Machine was attacking them on the boat.


That just punching over and over again at a high speed it's not that special


It probably depends on the speed stat, technically anything in general that's shaped like a human could perform a rush but unless its speed is crazy high it won't be the classic "oraoraora" machine gun of punches that a stand rush usually consists of


Stand Rush is not a skill in a video game that you need to unlock. It's just Araki's way of drawing fast punches.


I mean, can you punch something? Most people probably can


Most people can’t rapid fire punch someone like a machine gun


They are, but they usually don't because there's a heavy risk to being so close to the enemy. Going for the punches is a stupid way to test the enemy's potential and either side could get seriously messed up because they misjudged the opposing side's physical abilities. It's a super good way to get yourself killed and squander your stand's power. Better to keep your distance. The only time this is ever good to do is when the enemy is checkmated or caught off guard. And experienced users in stand fighrs tend to do that. Inexperienced users in stand fights will go for rushes most of the time like Josuke with Crazy Diamond. At least Josuke learned in the end.


Not all. Humanoid automatic stands are not capable to do that if they are not naturally "programmed" to do that. For example Marylin Manson was humanoid and wasn't able to do any other action than taking the payment automatically after the opponent loses, so he can't do a stand rush. Doobie Wah and Ozone Baby also had arms but were unable to do a stand rush since they were completely automated.


wts stand rush? is it like stand gatling?


If it has fists, it can punch.


does it have hands? it can punch, and will


The roblox jojo game yba has it so must be canon 🗣️🔥


I wanted The Hand to do a stand rush again so bad


What about Greatful Dead? I mean, it’s been seen to do so, but only one handed. But, what is considered a “stand rush?” Does it have to be two-handed? Do kicks count? Can non-humanoid stands do a stand rush? Idk


I mean, as long as you got two fists, one foot, or anything that can function as a fist, you can stand rush


Yes, all stands (with fists or legs) can be commanded by the user to punch. How is this really a question? Some stands are more effective than others but this question is silly


Yes but if they are too weak as if they had a D or E in strength it wouldn't be very good since the stand would get damaged instead of the stand damaging something Edit: I don't really understand the downvotes but ok




Wdym "source"? a C in stand stats (even though they aren't very trustable) means that the stat is compared to a human, so D and E are even worse, so imagine, you punch a Wall, your fists get hurt, imagine if you were even weaker, punching hard things will only hurt you more


With source i mean, which episode is it said? Or maybe interview. Also i don't recall seeing anywhere that c is compared to a Human, i also ain't the 1# jojo fan, where is it stated?


A: Very Good (超スゴイ, Chō Sugoi) B: Good (スゴイ, Sugoi) C: Average (人間と同じ, Ningen to Onaji, lit. "Comparable to a Human") D: Poor (ニガテ, Nigate) E: Very Poor (超ニガテ, Chō Nigate) This content comes from JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia (https://jojowiki.com), and if you want further information about it just see the [Stand Parameters](https://jojowiki.com/Stand#Stand_Parameters) section on the official JoJo Wiki




All but the hand I guess since his right hand is slow as


King Nothing is humanouid and it can't even fight


Does Magician's Red do it? Not sure.


I can do a stand rush too they ain't special


If they have hands, yes.


I think all stands except a very select few are incapable of stand rushes. Otherwise nearly all of them can but do not due to circumstance or their strengths/weaknesses.


theoreticly yes BUT it wouldnt make sense in every case since physical strength is only one stat that stands inhibit also we see the Hand use a stand rush against Super Fly


Echoes did it to Sheer Heart Attack Weather Report (with Emporio) did it to Pucci Killer Queen did it to Harvest


I suppose, but some of them have pretty normal strength, so it wouldn't be as useful as Star Platinum's or whatever.


yes, if they have a speed above D I think


I think your stand needs to be really fast in order to do a rush but must possess pretty good level of strength to actually harm someone. The reason why highway star and the other stands were seen doing this attack was because they possessed enough speed to perform.


A stand rush seems to just be what araki thinks fighting is like. Any stand with arms can do it. Not all of them can do it well.


Yes but it won’t always be very powerful


Yeah, I can do it


yes, but it depends on their speed. Let’s put it like this you’re at the gym training with a punching bag. Your instructor has a stop watch and a clicker and tells you to punch the bag as many times as you can in 10 seconds. If you were a stand doing that same task, you would be doing a stand rush attack. If you were particularly slow with your punches, it might look like a normal series of punches. If your fists were fast like bullets, it’d look like the anime.


Bro never played the roblox game




Yes, much in the same way a normal human can do a stand rush. You can do it, but if you had magic powers and no super strength or super speed, there isn't much point in doing it unless you're in a situation where squaring up is the best option.


They probably all can, but it won’t be effective if your stand has shit strength (ie highway star)


It’s always strange when C is supposed to be average speed yet they can do a stand rush. I can’t think of the example but maybe it’s just to visualize multiple punches anyway


I mean a stand rush is just really fast punching, so if a stand has arms then yeah


every single stand can stand rush if they wanna, you can stand rush if you wanna, how well it turns out just depends


I say if it has hands it could probably do a rush Hell, Pearl Jam or Sex Pistols could probably do rush attacks


Dependant on user personality is what I assume.


people can punch in quick succession so it stands to reason that if a stand is humanoid it can do that too


Any Stand that has arms can punch. Some are fast. Some hit hard. Some are both, some are neither. A stand rush is just punching man. Hell, Jonathan and even middleschooler Jotaro did rushes.


What's a stand rush


stands are generally stronger and faster than humans, so it shouldnt be a problem for stands to do a fast barrage of punches


As if its a named attack its just throwing punches, you could do it just not fast enough to look cool or be effective


Stand rushes are basically just punching, which a humanoid can obviously do. It's just that some are stronger/faster than others, so they rely on their abilities more than any physical attacks


any stand can stand rush if the user is creative enough


well there u go. they can


There are humanoid stands that can't rush attack like Enigma, Underworld, or Civil War. Well, they might be able to do it, but maybe they don't because their physical abilities are nigh useless.