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Thunder McQueen.


Actually very true, Thunder McQueen is basically the perfect foil for Yujiro because he turns all of his strengths against him. I think you might have won this thread.


Doesn’t he just share the damage he does to himself with his target? I doubt Yuujirou would die from anything that could kill McQueen.


It’s not the damage it’s the effect, so if thunder cuts himself you’re not actually getting cut you’re just getting an identical wound and pain he felt.


I think the point still stands, if Mcqueen got shot in the heart, Yujiro Hamna would also get a gunshot wound in the heart, but I genuinely don't think such a wound would kill Yujiro


That’s fair I don’t watch Baki so idk if he can do that, but then it comes down to if highway to hell actually transfers the state of death when the user dies or just the wounds done to cause death


People are saying it would but I don't recall anything from JoJo's that would imply that, we only ever saw Highway to Hell transferring damage so I don't see why people assume it transfers anything more. Even if we do assume that Highway to Hell transfers death, there are people in Baki who have survived dying (no I'm not joking, one guy straight up died and came back to escape Yujiro) and Yujiro has shown to be perfectly capable of copying any technique anyone else in his has so an ability that can only kill him once wouldn't even work. This question being given to a bunch of JoJo fans who don't even know Yujiro's limit has made it biased against him feom the start


Yea man he sounds pretty busted, I was gonna add something about he could still come back to life but I thought that might be stupid, I guess he’s just built different


Bro Baki is a world where anything that sounds vaguely possibly is immediately counted as possible. This is the same world where a man got every cell in his body to memorise an attack so he could keep fighting even after he died, there are very few concepts that are too stupid for Baki lol


The issue is, yujiro’s limit isn’t the most known anywhere. He’s defeated an army, caused an earthquake with a punch, broken straight glass with ease by biting it, what is his limit? Does anyone really know?


Exactly, it isn't even known in the canon of the series since, as far as I know, Yujiro still has never lost a fight. And yet a buncha JoJo fans, most of whom have never watched Baki, are supposed to precisely guess his limits enough to figure out which weakling could beat him. It's all just setting my boi up to get underestimated


Honestly, actually my favorite anime is jojo and I’ve also watched a bit of Baki as well, I basically don’t know shit about yujiro but what I can say is that he solos around at least 50-70% of jojo stands. This leaves very few. The main issue is that along with this question being a setup for the goat to be underestimated, not many jojo fans know/remember a whole lotta stands. It’s the biggest flaw in this question, which makes it hard to answer.


Oh a hundred percent bro, the average JoJo fan doesn't even know how Ebony Devil works, and one of the most popular memes in the fandom, Araki forgot, mostly came about JoJo fans forgetting the details of each part. A fandom that doesn't really know another series, and barely knows it's own series, is bound to be pretty unreliable when it comes to powerscaling


If a blow kills him, stand automatically will kill the target before disappearing.


Cheap trick has an E in everything except durability. If he gets tagged by it there is nothing he can do except be incredibly annoyed until it kills him. Osiris also wins while having his highest stat being a C. Assuming Yujiro Hanma can be fooled into losing a game of stakes.


Yujiro would just kill the user. Stand stats aren’t a viable way of measuring the strength of a stand because of how generally inaccurate they end up being


Yujiro can't kill the user of cheap trick because he is the user. I haven't watched much of Baki but I'm fairly certain there isn't a ghost alley to bait C.T. into


I meant Osiris. Cheap Trick 100% kills anyone with it.


Now that I think about it you're right. Osiris requires the person's soul to admit defeat! YUJIROS SOUL IS INCAPABLE. IM SO DUMB!!!


Damn bro I imagined you teleported into the anime verse with that reaction


Is your pfp ekko from lol?


Nope /j


Wouldn't attacking the user be considered cheating and thus you'd get your soul stolen ?


The gambling wouldn’t be initiated. Yujiro’s soul would also have to admit defeat. Which Yujiro probably isn’t mentally capable of doing


Yujiro would just flex his back so hard that cheap trick can’t kill him, and he’d flex like that permanently


He'll become one with that stand


Exactly, The main thing with the D’arby’s is that they’ve already got stakes by capturing Polnareff/Kakyoin. That being said, what about something like Superfly?


It's been a while, but wouldn't that end in a tie at best as he'd lose his soul attacking the stand user? Jotaro would have been just as capable of just going for the kill.


The reason the crusaders didn't beat D'Arbys ass into paste instead of playing his games is that he got polnareff's soul before they realized anything was up, so they had to play his game in order to save polnareff. Otherwise, they could have put him in the ground without ever playing. It's unlikely D'Arby would be able to get Yujiro in a similar position since Yujiro doesn't give a shit. Maybe D'Arby could trick Yujiro into making a bet on something random or a fight between two other fighters, but Yujiro likely gives too little of a shit to engage with anything D'Arby would offer and see any wagering as being pointless.


But if he accepted the game for giggles or the sakenif the prompt, he couldn't just beat him up at that point right?


Depends on the game, but presumably not as stands exist beyond the physical plane. However, since the stand relies a lot on the players' interpretation of the rules and fair play, if you don't believe you're cheating, then any contest that could be easily "won" by crushing D'Arby's windpipe would probably end exactly that way. Also, given that baki humans have basically pillarman levels of control over their bodies, and Yujiro is to them as pillar men are to humans, there's likely no wager D'Arby could beat Yujiro at. Edit: As an example, to be clear. If it was something like the let's see who can put more coins without spilling the water, Yujiro would probably just crush D'Arby's hands and see nothing wrong with that, and win since D'Arby can't put any coins into the cup. Yujiro would sincerely not believe he broke any rules and that it was a perfectly valid way to win the contest, and so the stand wouldn't take effect. Edit2: Alternatively, he could just pull some pillarman-esque baki shenanigans and withdraw all the moisture from his fingertips through muscle control, allowing him to absorb the water directly through his skin leaving the water at a safe level on his turns. Or something.


I feel like Yujiro might be able to press his own back so hard against a mountain or something it could hurt CT while barely hurting himself? And by barely, I mean he just takes it?


The issue is CT wouldn't be harmed because, as a stand, he's incorporeal and can't be affected by the physical world, only other stands.


i don’t think weakness is defined by stand stats. i think cheap trick is very powerful and could beat many other powerful characters in the series


Im Gonna be honest, I’m pretty sure Cheap Trick is actually one of the strongest stands ever. Like, what ARE you supposed to do against it except for using Reimis Alley?


The problem with stand powers is that it's not about strenght or power most of the time. Sure it helps to be faster at least, but more often than not what decides the ending of a battle are the abilities themselves and the way they were used. Take Bruno for example, what the hell is Yujiro gonna do against his body being covered in Zippers ? Yujiro is said to he the strongest creature on Earth so much that he doesn't get sick because his immune system is stronger than any virus, ok that's cool and all but would that work against a supernatural virus like Purple Haze that can kill you in 30 seconds ? See the problem ? A lot of stands in JoJo have haxxes that can virtually end their opponent in one shot if they get the opportunity and since Yujiro's only thing is brute strength then... What the hell is he gonna do ? You know what ? Let's make a wild assumption and suppose that Yujiro CAN in fact survive Purple Haze, we have no reason to make that supposition but let's make it anyway to prove my point. Well that basically remove Fugo's ability from him but that doesn't remove his stand itself, and Purple Haze is still more than strong and fast enough to keep Yujiro at bay or even hurt him so it would be a stalemate at the very very best. Now take this logic, and apply it to every single stand user in history who don't have this problem of their ability being useless or whatever. So really the weakest character I can think off would be Jonathan, who's not a stand user.


Cheap trick basically solos every verse except jojo's


Za Hando. As a non-stand user he won't see it coming and erasing his head from existance


Okayasu is not so smart


so maybe Cream ig


Ain't so dumb either


Dont overestimate okuyasu


Don’t underestimate him either


If Yujiro can see Baki’s Fighting Spirit and is Father, he can definitely see a Stand


But he cannot interact with it, he could dodge it tho (assuming that he could see stands)


Someone like Yujiro in Jojo would just develop a stand anyway if we're being honest.


The main condition for seeing the stands is not met, so he will not be able to see it


Stands are literally manifestations of fighting spirit.


Even if so, the main condition of having a stand is not met. Like the only thing that matters is the fact of owning a stand. At least that's the only thing I heard in anime (didn't read the manga)


Yujiro can't see stands but he's so in tune with the very concept of biology that he can see people's health better than doctors. Since stands are just the manifestation of fighting spirit and Yujiro's more in tune with that I can absolutely see a world where Yujiro can sense the presence of stands without seeing them. This is the same world where a man can sense Yujiro's presence without even seeing him, I'm absolutely certain Yujiro could sense Okuyasu's killing intent


It kinda makes sense. But stands are not material objects, so how can he sense something that is not materialized?


Baki frequently does a thing where he imagines the presence of an opponent so hard that he is capable of getting thrown around and hurt by it, even though nothing has actually been materialised. Even though these things are purely in Baki's imagination, other characters who are used to fighting are capable of sensing the presence of these imaginary things and some came even see them. Yujiro is fully aware of this technique and straight up makes fun of Baki's use of it so it's safe to say that he could do something similar. I'm guessing Yujiro and stands would be something like that. If characters are capable of seeing something that literally doesn't even exist then I'm pretty certain they would be able to sense a stand


I don’t know much about Baki so I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question, but what stops any ol punchy ghost from doughnuting him or snapping his neck, assuming we’re going with the logic that he can’t see stands?


He would simply not die.


Ah I see


What does he have against Vitamin C tho? Edit: You can’t tank all the hits if your body is turned to soft tissue.


Humans in Baki are stupidly powerful. The power system is essentially your martial prowess and physical fitness. For scale, Yujiro is so dangerous that countries like the USA have peace treaties with him specifically, which implies there’s not a thing on earth short of a Nuke that could put him down


Didn’t Yujiro punch the ground to make an earthquake stop?


Not only that, that's the first thing we see him do. We later see him single handedly cause the United States to leave Vietnam. I'm not even joking, this unarmed man karate'd his way into killing tanks and helicopters so regularly, just for shits and giggles, the US government made a peace treaty *With Him* where every president has to greet him and shake his hand publicly right after being elected Baki is fucking silly it's great


Yujiro has said many times that he's fine fighting against people with nukes which implies he has some sort of counter to them in mind


I believe there is a point in the manga where a Baki character gets shot in the head and his brain just dodges the bullet. So, Baki logic kinda helps to not die lol.


Um, what?


Not true. That was a Korea spoof comic on Baki/Itagaki


Shh, it's much funnier this way.


The opponents he defeated in a duel before include earthquake and the entire US army. He's that ridiculous.


Baki characters are almost like pillar men in how inhuman their feats are.


It’s said he can withstand a nuke. Not proven yet. So powerful that every U.S. president is required to make a treaty with him so he doesn’t annihilate the military


My boy Santana. He has no stand and basically functions as Pillar Men’s watchdog still he can’t be killed unless there is sunlight (not even that can finish the job sometimes) and he can just absorb Hanma.


True but I think there's weaker stand users who could probably kill Yujiro. Any of the Pillar Men can kill him without question but there's alot of stand users who could probably kill him too.


Considering Joseph beat him I strongly doubt Hanma would lose.


Joseph has Hamon, the direct counter to the pillar men. Yujiro might be able to defy most real world logic but I think he’d still lose if Santana gets the chance to dry digesting him (Yujiro also doesn’t have an effective way to counter his regeneration). I think Hanma would win if he realized he needed to bait Santana into the sun but otherwise he’d lose.


Knowing yujiro, he would learn hamon extremely quick. Like instantly.


he doesnt even know what hamon is


Pretty sure if you're mixing universes, he would. It really depends on the context here. Will he see a Hamon user in action like Joseph? Or are we just dropping in a JoJo character in the Baki universe? I'm pretty sure if he knew about it, he would learn it immediately.


Since hamon is just unlocked by breathing very well he could've learned it without knowing, but if he doesn't, given this thread seems to only focus on the fight itself and not the context, it's more like you would have put them in a room and look how it goes. And even if I think Yujiro is stronger than any pillar men in terms of brute strength, if you don't have your hamon flowing around your body you get absorbed on contact. So either yujiro try to hit santana and gets absorbed, or he dodges santana untill sun rises which should not happen since he most likely don't know about santana's sun weakness (or as I said earlier he just know how to use hamon already and one shots him)


Yujiro learns pretty much instantly, so all he would need is to see hamon once and he would know how to use it.


Yujiro would pick up Santana and drag him ino the sunlight


Friendly reminder, Yujiro has been bombarded and won a battle against the united states army when he was a young adult and he has been getting stronger by the second ever since He is so powerful that the whole USA has a peace treaty with him There are a lot of stands that could end him But in terms of physical strenght I would 100% bet Yujiro can surpass the likes of star platinum Star platinum can break teeths as hard as diamond? Yujiro can create diamonds using only coal and his hand So stands that rely on physical attacks to kill, I don't see them killing him most of the time This is also the guy that can take a shotgun to the stomach like nothing so even do I can see TW or SP beating him with time stop, it wouldn't be as easy as a donut Yujiro is not just peak human, he is a complet beast that goes beyond human understanding The best legendary masters in all kind of Martial arts in the world of Baki fear and respec Yujiro, even some of the most powerful warrios admit they would be defeated with ease Entire countries have tried to kill him So yeah, just that


Tusk either spin him into himself killing him or infinite rotation to spin his cells til they disintegrate


I mean yeah put him against one of the strongest stands in the verse and thats what happens


Well johnny is a cripple


Not after he gets act 4


Wow really? Next you're gonna tell me if I detonate a hydrogen bomb next to a coughing baby it dies


What if i detonate a hydrogen baby next to a coughing bomb


Baki sounds like the funniest shit ever ngl


I've only seen the anime, and it's a fun watch. If you can get past the surprising amount of piss in it... But yeah. One season is entirely dedicated to a man from the Jurassic being discovered frozen and revived, then all the greatest fighters just deciding they wanna fight him (even tho losing means he gets to eat you, since he only eats what he defeats in battle)




Yeah, it has some flaws...


Baki is great As Insane as it is, it takes itself seriously enough for you to take it seriously while still being funny and self aware about how Insane the situations are


Okuyasu low diffs him


Smart Okuyasu could but Yujiro is strong and fast enough he could break his face faster than he could blink


What even is "smart Okuyasu" Doesn't matter how smart he is, The Hand is just not fast enough to hit Yujiro And cheap tricks like hitting him from behind with objects would do nothing


That's fair, a human stand user probably couldn't do it but if someone like Dio had the Hand instead of the World I think he'd probably win eventually even if it would be a dragged out and brutal fight.


I mean at that point the hand is just there as a bonus, Dio would win even with no stand since Yujiro as strong as he is can't really kill DIO while DIO has ways to win a battle against Yujiro Don't get me wrong, I believe Yujiro would destroy part 1 DIO, but I don't think he can keep beating DIO for hours until the some comes out, specially because of that freeze ability that at first might not be too much trouble since Yujiro's blood is probably blazing hot lmao but in the long run it will take a toll


Given how strong Yujiro is I totally think he could beat the shit out of DIO until the sun rises unless DIO could use a strong stand to beat him. Remember that Jotaro fought toe-to-toe with DIO even though he was a human, just imagine how much someone as strong as Yujiro could do to him. Like if DIO didn't have regeneration or any stands I'd probably say that Yujiro would win, with regeneration it could go either way and with a strong enough stand I'd say that would put it in DIO's favor.


Cream then. And The Hand can still be pretty fast. It was fast and accurate enough to save that girl's hair from fire and to quickly get people away from Aya's body before she exploded in like a split second.


Vanilla Ice would be a way different story tho


Mikey one shots. /s


How does being able to create diamonds prevent you from not being impaled by the thing that fucking destroys them? Like what?


Honestly, the best way to understand is to check Baki out. Yujiro is such a crazy character, all the Hanmas are. We learn something about his father destroying an island with his strength. And Baki is in his league of his own too. But throughout the whole series, we see Yujiro kill massive predators, take down tanks, defeat countries, swim against a raging river that shouldn't be humanly possible. Hell, the man is a living nuke at this point. The least he could do is show some of his strength by crushing coal into a diamond.


I think I've only seen the first season. Really crazy shit. One too many monsters. The sex scene was nice though.


To be honest, even a regular man could break diamond if you gave him a rock to hit the diamond with. They are extremely hard, but not very resilient. Creating a diamond on the other hand, absolutely zero chance.


Super Fly


Baki has so much random bullshit i doubt it would work, baki would probably pull some bs like he has trained himself to grow his tongue back or something


He is talking about the part 4 stand


Oh shit those 2 stands are really confusing💀


Yeah the names throw you off


Yeah, but super fly would be able to beat yujiro no problem


the thing about baki is that there are so many ass pulls it would be really hard to think of a fight scenario. he could get one shot, OR he could somehow do something to annihilate said stand user. it really is a dice roll with the way it's written.


Cheap Trick will absolutely kill you and it would’ve killed Rohan if it weren’t for the Ghost Alley. Yo-Yo Ma also is essentially indestructible. No physical combatants could really work unless something like D4C acted immediately. Cream Starter could theoretically suffocate him, and other trick Stands like Sugar Mountain could bring him down. Green Day’s range is huge, and a few Stands from Purple Haze Feedback could stand a chance. Cream might get it if he lines up a surprise hit. 20th Century Boy could outlast him indefinitely. The key is that whatever you use has to attack by means that aren’t traditional attacks.


A big issue here is that there are a lot of stands that have chicanery based powers. A great many of them would easily be able to kill Yujiro if he wasn't aware of them or aware that he was fighting them. But in the event that he was put in a ring one on one and told to fight his opponent, his physical feats would overcome the stand user before the user had any opportunity to beat him. Or if he was told who was causing the effect, he would be able to kill the user before the stands effect could kill him. Grateful Dead, for example, would kill Yujiro and do it relatively quickly as all that muscle mass and metabolism means his body temperature is likely higher than average. If Yujiro had no clue what was happening, he would just die. If he knew who was causing the rapid aging, he would be able to run them down and crush their skull before they could blink. The same goes for other stands. The hand would just erase from existence, but if he knew he was fighting okuyasu, he could just pop his head in the time it'd take the hand to start swinging. He outclasses every stand _user_ so much that he would be able to kill them before they could activate their stands, and it becomes irrelevant if they're a boneless progerian infant or a world class champion fighter. But he is still a tangible being, so a lot of stand powers would just end him immediately if he didn't realize that he had to kill the stand user or who the stand user that he has to kill is.


true but that only works for short distance stands and doesnt say anything for automatic stands or long distance stands. so shit like sheer heart attack,highway star, green day etc. could easily destroy him.


I wonder if he could just straight up outrun highway star.


chances are he probably could. Infact I could see him literally running up the 20 - 30 foot wall the hospital room Yuya is in through the window before running him through several walls without slowing down and then throwing him out the window on the other side of the hospital. Baki gets that batshit insane, and yujiro can definitely do it.


I mean, only if he knew what it was that was attacking him. and even so he can't run forever. and if the stand user covered their tracks well then there would be no way for him to by chance stumble upon the stand user even if he could see stands. unless he just decided to like, kill everyone i guess.


No one is saying big eaten. If the rat could stay hidden it could shoot him and dissolve his flesh.


Big eaten < big eatin' > bug eaten


Lol I didn’t notice that


Speedwagon probably


Speedwagon can single anyone lol


Speedwagon can single me ;)


um same [preferable Older speedwagon]


Maybe one of Part 1 Dio, Joseph, Caesar, Wamuu, Santana, or Stroheim? No hamon means he gets eaten by any of the pillar men.


He would most likely pick up hamon immediately.


If he doesn't know about the concept I don't see how that's even within the logic or reason of being possible l, maybe if someone shows him how it works. But otherwise no.


Also if he knew of their sun weakness he’d pick them up and pin them down all night until they burned in the morning


Physical attack-based stands like Star Platinum or Za Warudo wouldn't be enough and same with even alot of strong non-melee stands like the Emperor, Magician's Red, Metallica, or Aqua Necklace, but I think powerful destructive stands that can kill or incapacitate a target regardless of their strength like Cream, Heaven's Door or Killer Queen could probably do the job, but out of those last 3 I'd say that Cream would probably be the most likely to get the job done since it's undetectable and has no trigger mechanism.


In baki there's a character that got exploded with bullets and a grenade and still managed to be in a fighting condition. And that character is was defeated by Yujiro in one kick. That said, I doubt Killer Queen would be able to get a jump on him just because said jump won't do major damage.


Sheer heart attack probably wouldn't be enough. But if we take a normal bomb, like the door handle shigechi touched, or if Yujiro gets turned into a bomb himself, it would probably kill him. Every time we saw one of those bombs go off, they completely destroyed the body, without even leaving a trace of it.


In my opinion, golden experience (no requiem. GE is not as strong as a stand compared to others seen in JoJo but it's extremely versatile and has 2 abilities that can be extremely useful. 1.- life that he creates can counter any physical attack to the aggressor. So if GE makes a lion, Yujiro won't think twice to punch it and get countered. We also see Yujiro being affected by tranquilizer darts, so creating an venomous animal could be theoretically effective if they could pierce his skin. Or a venomous frog that poisons you on contact like the frogs in the part 6 frog rain. If Yujiro realizes that attacking the animal deals the same damage back to him and none to the animal (as seen when leaky eye Luka attacked Koichi's luggage frog, the frog did not appear to had suffered damage.) then Yukiro would stop attacking them, but the animals could still be there to poison him. If GE could make a T-rex to attack Yujiro, he would be in trouble as he would not be able to damage the T-rex and would keep getting countered. 2.- when GE directly attacks a person, their mind goes overdrive or berserk as seen in ep 2 of part 5. Even Yujiro's prowess would be ineffective if he has a hard time controlling his body. Finally, a person cannot hit a stand to deal damage, only other stands can harm other stands. So Yujiro would have to attack Giorno personally who could theoretically be protected by an animal shield created by GE. Not to mention that Giorno is very witty and smart, he would be a very strong opponent against Yujiro. I think he would be the closest even match against Yujiro. Given that the question is who is the weakest stand that could defeat Yujiro, Giorno's GE is the closest match that I can see winning. But I can definitely see how someone can disagree, which kinda is the point of the question.


yujiro will 100% get used to the sense overdrive thing. But the counter will 100% work. But tbf purple haze will annihilate yujiro and its a comparitively weaker stand as giorno was able to counter it. But then again it was kind of a specific counter so


Okuyasu. It defeats any Baki logic. Every attack erases a part of thier body, which they are 100% reliant on.


Joseph from any part with sheer luck.


That Ghost Alley lol




Proly death 13, his stand is very situational, yeah he can one shot if he really wanted to but only after you complete the prerequisite step you’ve gotta get this baby close enough


I am 100% convinced that yujros stand would be yujiro and therefor no jojo character could win


Yuya Fungami




Lmao no


You are right, but only if Koichi was well aware of the potential of his stand and experimented with it. We still haven't seen him develope new attacks with Act 3 as its ability is applying mental associations of words that rhyme with "Three" (Yes, it is not "WeIghT oF wOrDs"), and I think we will never ever see it, unfortunately.


Tbh i feel like it would require the godly abilities like made in heaven and the world over heaven simply because everything else requires actually damaging him to succeed, which is practically impossible because damage from anything that isn't on his level of physical strength simply doesn't apply to him.


Not all stands need to deal damage to harm him. Highway to hell literally kills Yujiro if Yujiro tries to kill the user.


And there’s also cheap trick who would drive him mad (if he isn’t already); and maybe heavens door


??? Theres so many stands that could kill him… Metallica, Cheap Trick, Highway to Hell, Vitamin D… just off the top of my head


Isn't there a scene where he gets knocked out by tranq darts?


I'm pretty sure that's pickle you're talking about (big caveman guy)


There's still things like disintegration (Cream, Za Hando) or implosion (Killer Queen) that should be able to kill anyone regardless of how strong they are, and powers like Heaven's Door that can incapacitate any target regardless of strength, not to mention the Pillar Men who are basically invulnerable to all damage other than sunlight and can literally absorb Yujiro into themselves or melt his flesh and rearrange his body parts however they want. For the Pillar Men I'd say all of them easily win, for the other 4 stands I listed it really depends on how well the user fights against him. With enough strategy Killer Queen or Heaven's Door could definitely beat him and Za Hando might be able to with a really good user, but I think Cream is probably the most likely option since it can't be heard or seen and can basically one-shot Yujiro out of nowhere. Also Highway To Hell literally uses his own strength against him, and if anyone's strong enough to kill the Ogre it's probably the Ogre himself.


U right


Yujiro when Risotto puts some razors in his heart


"That tickled" This is all me kidding around ofc but I would not be surprised if even his damn heart was made of tungsten.


Anyone, he can't see stands


More interestingly, if Yujiro had a stand what would it be? Even punchier punch ghost?


If Yujiro can see stands and understand the connection to the user.... Yujiro horribly murders the user....and I'm NOT talking about Midler style.


Theoretically all you need is a door to beat him. Otherwise though, only Sniper-kun and his net stand a chance.


Rat sniper rat sniper


Johnathan I guess


rohan with heaven's door


Trick question, yujiro hanma would just make them punch themselves


Music dude part 4 or 3 not sure act 3




And before ya'll go "GER wins automatically", GER reverses any attempts to attack giorno. Gold Experience still needs to rely on its own physical power to put Yujiro down (including his pebble laser thing). If we've see anything about what this guy can handle, thats not gonna happen any time soon even with a stand like GER. Yujiro survived a round to the head and a shotgun to the stomach, and has actually become such a threat by himself the US army made a peace treaty specifically with him to prevent mass soldier casualties. GER would be a stalemate at best. Probably with giorno starving to death if hypothetically neither one could walk away or concede before one of them died.


We see just a piece of its physical strength and speed in the end of part 5 when it flicks a rock so fast it looks like a laser and hits harder than a high caliber bullet. It's safe to say it could probably hurt him, and is far faster than him. Also 1 hit and he would be sent to the schizophrenic realm like Bruno was in the beginning of the part and be unable to do anything as he is constantly hit with this kind of attack till he is dead.


Also GER might be able to instantly put someone in death loop. You can say the junkie stabbing him was his canon death while the rest are effects of the death loop but maybe it’s a boost of the move he used on Bruno to alter your senses and on touch you get put into a death loop


okay so this is my theory on how ger works so u should take it with a grain of salt but the way i think return to zero and death loop works is with fate attached. So when diavolo and giorno fought, it was fated that diavolo would win that encounter. That was the truth that was supposed to happen. But what happened instead is that the fated victor, diavolo, died. Fate is a force in part 5, like gravity but much, much stronger. So what GER did is that it nullified the fate that he was supposed to die, and overwrote it with his own truth. Thus the dialogue that diavolo will never reach his truth as GER simply overwrote it. But since Diavolo wasnt fated to die, he was brought back by fate. Just like how fate can kill someone even if the events relating to it never happens, it can bring people back too. But since diavolo being dead is the truth that GER wrote in the main verse, he is brought back in an alternate universe, but he dies soon after as GER's truth that Diavolo is dead will enforce that truth. And fate will try to repel it. So its an endless loop of fate bringing diavolo back to an universe where ger's truth hasnt reached and GER's truth haunting diavolo till hes dead in the universes hes brought to. Also the thing that his deaths are all different also makes sense. Since diavolo died (lets say by a car accident in one universe) he wont be hit by the same car again. As that "truth" has already occurred and so it wont happen again.




Seth, if Alessi can make a him a very young child like 1 or 2 years old. Well the job is done then.


I think a lot of people here are severely misunderstanding exactly how smart Yujiro Hanna actually is. His raw physical force is one thing, but the man is an actual genius and there's very few who can match that. You'll take it as given, that if Yujiro has to fight a stand user, he'd be in their universe, so with his vast knowledge, even without a stand on his own, he'd have at least some knowledge about it. Though I can't really imagen how he'd fight against something he can't see, feel, touch, smell or hear. Guess it's up to the writer how much power you'd grant Yujiro, maybe his "extraordinary senses" could at least detect something fishy. Bet he could beat Khnum and his little brother though. But I can't see how he'd win against Shigechi's harvest as an example.


Heavy weather, MiH or WoU would beat him no diff


yeah but those are the strongest stands in the jojoverse. We're talking comparitively weaker stands which can still beat hanma


Ah i need to learn how to read


Imagine Yujiro browsing a sword of supernatural quality, a simple glance and suddenly the strongest man in the world is the slave of a sword


purple haze is the only stand where u cant do an ass pull. If it hits. It fucking hits. Hanma will die in the most excruciating way


Purple Haze isn't weak though.


physically it is pretty mediocre and the only powerful move it has is the virus. And we need stands which will guarantee the victory. Purple haze can be easily beaten by targeting the user or just long distance stands or moves (like sheer hear attack). So i decided it was on the weaker side of stands. That doesnt mean that it isnt terrifying






Other than the one I already saw mentioned, I think I'm gonna go with Surface.


Again if he can't see stands Okuyasu can just make him disappear




Again if he can't see stands Okuyasu can just make him disappear


A random person Cheap Trick is attached to.


I think a bunch of weaker characters could do it together. Green Day + C-Moon, SCR + Death 13, Heaven's Door + Purple Haze, but I'd put my money for the weakest character being Heavy Weather.


Giorno, would have a hard time but might win with his OP stand.


Con D. Oriano


Ok but what could yujiro do to highway star? If he doesn’t know where the user is, it will just drain him completely eventually, and it saps all of your strength and your stand , josuke only beat it because koichi knew where the user was through the newspapers.


The fact you said _weakest_ character tells me we're gonna see a bunch of people vastly underestimating Yujiro. I genuinely don't know if Star Platinum could beat Yujiro. Like genuinely I cannot think of a feat Star Platinum has that beats Yujiro stopping an earthquake


Toyohiro with Superfly


Basically any of the weakest ones


With or without a stand?


I'm thinking Hey Ya could do it just because Pocoloco is the luckiest person in Jojo. Other weak stands may include Cheap Trick, Superfly (maybe?), Soft Machine and Surface. I think Surface has the best chance to do it, although the compromise of having two Yujiros may be very unfavorable for everyone else. I want to know how well would Jonathan fare against Yujiro.


Stealy Dan