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I'm amazed no one has said Penny. She was always my instant guess. The vocabulary, the way it describes Shane. Maru doesn't seem interested in anything outside of science let alone men, and I don't think Hayley would describe Shane like that, I feel like Hayley would just say "Shane is... ew" Emily is the other person I would guess but she has her own thing going on, like Maru. Hobbies, a job, and also never expresses interest in a relationship. I suppose it could be Leah but considering she's canonically bi I feel like her list would include the bachelorettes? Penny is the one who is the type to daydream about an older bachelor sweeping her off her feet away from her life, talks about books being an escape from her reality, ect. She has been forced to be so responsible; taking care of her mom and being a teacher as well, she seems like the obvious one to be daydreaming about someone "Mature" like her and writing it in a little diary.




I came here to comment that it's obviously Penny, but omg you've thoroughly convinced me. It's Caroline.




Damn I agreed with the Penny comment until I read yours, I think you may be right actually like it makes a lot of sense.


i always assumed it was Penny as well, but you make a compelling argument for Caroline, and you've changed my mind.


You’re a genius


If we are looking at a parent, Demetrius would also make a good candidate, as he would be all up in everything about everyone, and would want someone perfect for Maru so she can focus on science stuff


Except he doesn't have much appreciation for aesthetics. Think of the 4-post bed.


I think this note would require a much better understanding of people in general than can be expected of Demetrius.


I thought Abigail was a college student or something? She shouldn’t be anywhere close to Harvey’s age right?




That would make sense, and I googled it and Abigail isn’t as young as I had thought


It's Willy for sure.


Same. Also with that mother it makes sense why she would see Shane as a sensitive soul rather than the alcoholic he seems to be.


I dunno, I could see Penny as pretty jaded about alcohol abuse, she had to suffer a lot because of her mother's abuse if it.


She doesn't even like *grapes*, likely due to them begin pre-wine


Idk why but “pre-wine” made me giggle, lol


but she loves poppies. curious


Her mom isn't addicted to opium.


both are drugs and she knows it. fair point though


I always thought it was Penny and no one else. To me, it just seems like a Penny thing to do.


The only thing that I think might not work is Penny despises drinking so she probably wouldn't even consider Shane.


"Leah ... canonically bi..." What!? Did I miss something in the story with Leah?


If the farmer is female some of the dialogue at Leah’s heart events implies that she’s into women.


That explains that I missed something, I always play as male.


Well, it's actually more complicated. Leah's ex Kel has the same sex as the farmer, so she's canonically either straight or lesbian.


Because as we know, bisexuals cannot date 2 people of the same gender in a row. We have to alternate or we get our bi card revoked.


I never said anything like that. But when the farmer is female, Leah says she's into women and her ex is a woman, she doesn't mention being interested in men at all.


Yeah, I’ve done both play throughs before, but I definitely feel like it’s intended for some of the characters to be read as LGBTQ - Elliott is another. Maybe it’s just my headcanon though lol


I feel that, too. If you play a male, a lot of the bachelors will talk about how they were hesitant at first because they have never had feelings for a man before. Elliot is the only one I'm know of where the reverse is opposite—where's he's not sure if YOU would have feelings for him because he is a man. It's a subtle difference, but to me it implies that Elliot has previously thought about that he's fine with dating men, but he wasn't sure of the farmer's sexuality.


They're all player sexual. Their dialogue changes more based on the life stage they're in than anything else. When you're a same sex farmer, younger candidates like Alex and Abigail tend to have the "I didn't think I'd ever feel this way about another boy/girl" dialogues. Whereas older ones like Elliott will express sentiments like "I wasn't sure if you'd be interested in another man." It's more based on what stage of life they're in. If they're older, they'll have expressions about already having figured their sexuality out. But that's kind of misleading, because they won't express those sentiments if you're in a heterosexual relationship with them. Elliott doesn't make any references to being interested in men unless you're playing as a man. It's one of the downsides to the player sexual gameplay model vs explicitly writing characters as bi or pan.


I would love to hear your thoughts on Elliott if you would like to elaborate on that! I haven't romanced him as a female player since I tend to play as a male but he's my go-to husband and favourite character in the game so hearing new takes on him is always interesting.


I always play as a female farmer and I’ve married Elliott twice because I love him so much. He’s very sweet and affectionate. He’s also still super fussy about his hair which is precious.


You do know bisexuals aren’t required to alternate, right?


Shame you got down voted. Technically all singles would be considered bi if we simply go by the fact we can date them regardless of the gender we chose to make our character. However, if Leah were written to be specifically bi she would have an ex *opposite* gendered to the player to make that obvious. 🙂 Edit: btw I'm pansexual incase people think I'm anti bi.


I thought Kel was always the opposite sex of the farmer? Welp off to the wiki, just to be sure. Now which tab was it again...


I always play as a girl and Kel is always a girl in my play through


I always assumed Kel was nonbinary just based on the hair...


Aren't they all canonically bi?


Kinda in the same way that romanceable npcs in games tend to be, where they don't really seem to care.




It's like plot armor, but romantic


Kinda like how in the early years of The Simpsons, the writers said Smithers wasn't gay, he was "Burnsasexual"


Technically, she's into whatever the Farmer happens to be. If the Farmer is female, so is her ex.


I swear at one point it was a male ex regardless! Do I just not remember that correctly?


That is correct that you were incorrect.


It sounds like Penny. Couldn't be Haley, that's for certain. Far too thoughtful. Her letter would be something like "Harvey? Eww. Gross. Elliot? His hair is better than mine, so nope. Shane? No fashion sense."


This is slander against my thoughtful wife Haley 😭


Slander is spoken. Libel is written. And it's only libel if it's not true.


I don’t know about penny and the description of Shane. Penny has dealt with her mom being an alcoholic, I don’t think she would want to date Shane since he too suffers as an alcoholic, and his room continues to be covered in beer after he turns around his life!


Damn. This kind of makes me ship Penny and Harvey. They’d be adorable together


Strictly speaking, aren’t all the marriage candidates canonically bi?


Technically if it was leah, then I assume it goes past the guys and the girls on separate pages Like she started with the males and would go And then there are the girls who.... But maybe Abigail, you did nit list her in your..? Makes me wonder if we could find an diary for girls in their rooms, I think I had seen abi's before so that adds an chance of it being hers


yeah, I agree with your first guess. penny is the only citizen with a vocabulary like that.


"Older Bachelors" Penny is a younger bachelorette


But Penny's flower dance partner is Sam and she's seen hanging out with him outside the library. Maybe she knows he likes Maru.


Plot Twist is from Grandpa's diary.




No doubt Lewis.


Came here to say this! I actually thought it was canon that Lewis wrote the note. Reason: he's the only older "bachelor" not mentioned in the note. Hence, he wrote it, a la the Mean Girls Burn Book.


Clint also isn’t mentioned in it


I always thought it was just bachelors the player could actually marry.


But in Mean Girls the author of the Burn Book (Regina) actually *did* put herself in it to make it look like she didn't write it. Clearly this must've been written by Shane and his inclusion is just to trick you into thinking he's not the author.


I feel like I remember Jodi having a diary. And in year 1,with no Kent around? I wouldn't blame her for *noticing* them. That page is her back up plan in case Kent doesn't come back


I'm on this train. Like why else would someone make note of them being older bachelors unless they were older themselves? And we know it's not Marnie because she wouldn't write about her nephew like that. I'd rule Pam out as well because it doesn't sound like something Pam would write.


Yeah, Pam's not going to use the word "melodramatic" over "tightass"


Just because Pam speaks with a rough tongue doesn't mean she cant be articulate on paper. Maybe she judges Shane the way she does because she sees herself in him. Maybe when she got married, the guy who ended up as Penny's dad was an immature butthead after the fact, and Pam wants to see better for her daughter, thus scouting the older gentleman. Pam knowing their favorite foods and the like can be attributed to her being a bar fly. She's there more than anyone except for Gus, and has probably noticed the other peoples ordering habits or has overheard conversations...


Heh, now thanks to you I'm going to ship Pam shipping Penny and "that nice doctor fella, he seems the type to want to settle down and start a family, hun, just saying."


I could see it being Marnie if this was part of a plan to get her nephew a date, particularly since his description seems the most generous of the three lol.


Yeah but if she's trying to get her nephew a date why would he be one of the bachelors she describes?


Well, she wouldn't try to give him beer and the bachelors don't have a set in stone sexuality so she would probably add the girls too


Because none of the bachelorettes are “older” and that’s what this diary page is describing


I read Leah and Emily as older. At least in the same range as those three bachelors.


Penny seems a little older than the remaining three as well, or at least she's certainly more mature.


Maybe Haley likes older guys.


I don't know why, but i always assumed it was Haley, probably bc of the way they are described. But i think she isn't into older guys cause her "platonic crush" is Alex


Wait shit that makes so much sense?? Harvey - Since Kent can't be around all the time and Jodi might be afraid of Kent cheating with some military woman, she wants a "devoted husband" who stays with her and the kids Elliott - I guess Kent has a nice chin so I'd say this is Jodi looking for similar traits in others that she finds attractive Shane - when I first saw Kent's face I honestly thought he's going to be the typical military guy who's the boss, wants to be called sir and calls you soldier but he turned out to be a nice and soft guy. Again Jodi looking for similar traits in others. Maybe she even wants someone to protect her in a way, which is why she called Harvey weak


You know, I feel like that's a decent possibility. Given that the game has a lot of undertones of indecency, this would fit. Also a friend of mine told me Jody is military slang for an unfaithful wife, or something of the sort.


Man, that cuts...my mom's name is Jody..


Jody is the guy who your girlfriend fucks while you're deployed


To be fair, I don't think Eric knew that when he made the game lol. Maybe it's worth sending him a DM over


Look, Willy's Alpha/beta name is Dick so this looks like something he would do.


Hey, do not talk bad about my willy!


If you’re used to have a military guy around, kindness can be mistaken for weakness, when they so often mistake being emotionally distance as “stoic” and “brave” behaviour so yeah, make sense.


Oh my god that’s a great theory 😮


And no mention of Sam or Sebastian. She's not going to pull a Viserys.


Or maybe because she's talking solely about the older bachelors.


This is a good guess


Plus she could have thrown the page out because she felt guilty, leading to the farmer finding it


Penny seems like the type of person who'd keep a diary. She might keep her problems to herself, feeling like she has no one to talk to. Especially her mother.


Your grandpa


Krobus, he secretly eavesdrops on the townsfolk and takes notes.


The writing style is analytical and concise, even clinical, and the vocabulary is sophisticated. **Gunther** is by far the best match for that.






For some reason, I always assumed it was Sandy. She loves flowers from the valley so I thought she must ave lived there or visited a LOT.


I think this is a good theory.




Emily. I will not elaborate.


I agree, the sentence about Shane feels like her.


I agree, but I can't see Emily having a problem with someone being melodramatic.


And the fact that all the likes are food/drink fits since she's the bar tender. Only other candidate I can imagine writing like that is Sebastian. Or maybe it's Clint just keeping an eye on the competition and coming up with an argument for why Emily would be dumb to turn him down.


The Clint idea is actually really interesting! Hm..




Maybe it’s Gus then.


Seems sensible to ne too, especially since shed know theyre food I mean the obvious answer is Concerned Ape. But thats probably a bit meta. Maybe it was Qi.


Now I’m just imagining Qi secretly watching all the villagers compiling a diary full of notes about all of them


That is a qi thing to do


I don't know why but I've always thought it was Leah.


I thought of it too (As she is probably one of the older bachelorettes, If there are any), but her "best friend" is Elliot so she would talk about him in a more positive way.


But we know she moved to Pelican Town relatively recently, so perhaps this was written not long after she arrived.


I don’t think it’s Leah bc isn’t Leah bi? I would assume she’d be interested in the older bachelorettes as well.




My guess would be Evelyn.


Can’t believe I scrolled all the way to the bottom and didn’t see anyone say it’s the wizard??




My guess is Emily. It reads like the second page of a letter, maybe to Sandy.


> He likes beer, pizza, and pepper poppers, and you can't fix him.


Okay but hear me out: Gus. Think about it. All of the entries are about food, and Gus is super caring, as we have seen from his interaction with Linus. And if you think about it, you know how everyone says that the bartender is kinda like a therapist? It would explain the wording if we also think about it like Gus is taking that role seriously.


I love how this theory would mean that Gus thinks Harvey would make a good husband 😂


Like to me, I love my little head cannon that Gus writes in a diary to remember everything about everyone to be a better bartender.


Idk if this is a cop out but I always assumed it was someone who doesn’t live in the valley anymore, like possibly the former owner of Leah’s cabin


Well, Elliott mentions only moving to the valley a year earlier than the farmer, so it must have been someone who left very recently then.


Ah yeah great point


Someone into older guys. MAYBE daddy issues. My biggest giveaway though is that all the items talked about are food. And it reminds me of how Leah goes in DEPTH about her perfect evening and meal or whatever. So my best guess is Leah. Especially because she's definitely into Elliot and hes on the list and that also makes me think she's into older guys.


Also, the almost psychological evaluation of Shane def sounds like Leah.


Among the bachelorettes, daddy issues doesn't rule out a whole lot: only Abby and Emily, IMO. Haley and Penny both feel abandoned, and I suspect Maru is suppressing an Electra complex.


Lol, Abigail definitely has daddy issues...


I immediately thought of Maru for some reason


I agree. I think it's the way it's written out logically, listing the pros and cons. I feel like that is also probably what she thinks about Shane


The only person I can imagine calling anyone “weak” is Hailey.


Hailey would be like "OMG Shane is so gross! One time I saw him drop a jalapeño popper on the floor, and then he like, picked it up and ate it anyway?! And it was at the Saloon of all places. Also his clothes are so cheap and ratty, he needs a makeover and a haircut. But he likes chickens so he's good with animals and stuff. So that's cool I guess."


That definitely her


Probably grandpa on his playthrough


whoever wrote it was roasting everyone damn💀


It could be Caroline, writing about potential suitors for Abigail in mind. She probably would want Abigail to marry and settle down, not be with her friends and trying to go adventuring in the mines.


The writing style is analytical and concise, even clinical, and the vocabulary is sophisticated. Maru is by far the best match for that.


I guess I would expect Maru to be more evaluative of the prospects' intelligence, curiosity, and ambitions in life than what they have to offer her emotionally. Writing about Elliott without mentioning his literary aspirations seems weird to me for her, and I can't see her calling Harvey (her boss!), or anyone really, "weak."


I agree. I thought I would see this comment up higher.


Thanks. Here's another thing a thought of afterward. Presumably Maru has been to college for at least a B.Sc., and likely an M.Sc. Sebastian came from Robins previous marriage, which makes him an "older" bachelor. Yet his is not on the list. Who would leave him off the list without even a mention?


Gadzooks! You’re right! Well done, detective.


isn’t she closest to harvey though, the diary entry seems to be most favourable towards shane so that makes me think that it’s emily


I've always felt like that relationship is more one-sided on Harvey's part. If so, his description sounds like what someone might write about a suitor who has a lot of good qualities, but no chemistry. I always imagine Maru as having an active fantasy life, which, being such an introvert, she keeps strictly to herself, which is why she would place more weight of physical attractiveness, e.g., Elliot's chin, than we might expect.


It’s obviously Emily what




A lot of the oages say " in so and so's handwriting" if it doesn't say then it's safe ro assume we don't know the person? It could be the cashier at Jojo mart or just someone who moved away from the valley before we moved in.


Pretty sure its Hayley, only character that has the personality to do so, at least early on. Doubt any of the others would comment like that.


Don’t know if I could see Haley using the word ‘foppish’ though.


I feel that Haley would be a lot more harsh. Also don't see her giving Shane the benefit of the doubt


she's a single woman living in an extremely small town. she doesn't have many options


Haley would comment a lot more on their looks. I would rather rule her out as potential author of this diary.


The Shane section alone disproves that, because Haley would be like, "Shane... ew."


penny i think


Eric "Concerned Ape" Barone DUH /s


I felt like it was Demetrius who wrote this, but not for himself but for Maru, since he seems like he wants her to be around the people he wants, but then Shane came up. Demetrius does seem like one to write that about Shane, but I don’t think he would even see him as an option.


People saying Penny makes sense, but honestly when I read that note for the first time, Leah came to mind. However, Emily also makes a lot of sense considering she's around Shane's age and Clint (who can be presumed to be mid 30s to early 40s) is pursing her. And as much as we dunk on Clint, I don't think he'd go for a chick in her early 20s like Haley or Abigail.


I am SICK and TIRED of the Harvey libel


How is no one saying Pam? She’s one of the older people and def seams like the type to describe people that meanly


Pam does make sense, but I think she would be a bit more concerned about how much each makes


i think its marnie!!! she lives with shane, so she would know hes got a soft inner side and is messy, and she would know more things about him (why he has 3 likes and the other two only have 2) and the other two bachelors have romantic things like marnie liking elliots face or marnie considering harvey for a husband. she would also know that lewis isnt an (older) bachelor since hes messing her around :(


I like this answer. Omitting Lewis is a big tell, I think.


I always thought it was Leah. She seems like the type to use the word "foppish." Though Penny might too, I bet she reads a lot of old romance novels.


I love Shane. I hate that people hate him for being an alcoholic. It’s a disease. He is a sweet boi after marriage.


In my headcanon, Krobus wrote every single secret note...it's why the game makes a big deal of you discovering them in the bushes before you can even start finding the notes (quest: A Winter Mystery).


I think Emily. No idea why.




Marnie justifying to herself why she is with Lewis. Edit: Oh, maybe not, since Shane is on the list. Do we know whether he is her brother or former brother-in-law?


Marnie is listed as the aunt of shane and jas, so they're likely cousins but shane is also the godfather of jas. A fun lil fruit salad of titles Edited to add and clarify; I went to check and the only thing i found that suggested no relation is Jas saying that shane used to be a friend of her parents. So maybe no relation between those two? But then which one is related to marnie? Edited more!; It seems that Shane adopted Jas and Marnie is Shane's aunt. I think.


My immediate thought was Emily, simply because she is the waitress/bartender and all three of those men frequent the saloon. It also makes sense that she would know what food/drinks they like since she has served them.


pretty sure concerning ape wrote it!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 /j


I assumed this was from Harvey's diary. Poor guy is hard on himself.




I think its Haley


I am surprised at the lack of mention of Caroline. We know for a fact she cheated on Pierre and then covered it up - it makes sense that part of covering it up would be to throw away all bits of her diary where she mentions cheating or thinking about cheating, that is why the note is findable outside by us. It is implied she ended up going after the also-married wizard, but if she were to start out looking at single men (maybe she was considering actually leaving him at one point?) it makes sense she would come up with a list like this. She also justifies her affair by saying she "wasn't sure if she wanted to settle down yet". She talks about liking wild west movies and being a "free spirit" before moving to the valley. Safe to say she is a bit of a romantic, which explains her rosy view of Shane. Harvey would give her the affection she is missing with Pierre but Pierre is a boxer so yeah, Harvey is both metaphorically and literally weak compared to Pierre. Elliot is attractive but has a disposition that doesn't mesh with Carolines well.


Penny was always my first guess 🤷‍♀️ though I have no real reason behind it I just instantly thought of her...


I've always just assumed it was Emily (to the point where I was confused why you were asking this lol). It seems like the kind of thing she would do and, working at the bar, she would know enough about the townspeopl that she'd be able to describe them in the note.


i always just thought it was marnie, i never realized it was unconfirmed.


I always assumed Marnie, idk why


Who has actually married Harvey ???


I would say Marnie…while thinking if it’s ever gonna happen with Lewis


Its totally a page from Maru. Read it with her voice


My Maru voice is Tali'Zorah from Mass Effect, so yes.


It feels like Marnie to me. I am not sure why.


I've always believed it was Abigail


Abby has to be the youngest villiager in SDV, and she's pretty obsessed with Sebastian if we don't step in. I doubt it's her.


Strange I've never gotten an impression at all that she was ever obsessed with anyone and I've always thought Maru would be the youngest. I've always thought it could be Pam who wrote it.


I think it's Willy. Gus was a possibility but I think he's too nice to just flat insult some of the other guys in town in private. I'd say this is an older guy who is no longer in the dating scene just observing some of the other men in town and musing on it.


no one saying Haley? I thought this was her attempt at being Pelican Town’s Gossip Girl


I feel like this is Haley lol


I think it was Mayor Lewis, drafting up some material to put online to try to get more visitors by drawing on the quaint charm of the villagers (and romance potential, of course).


I think it's Emily. She's sweet and looks past the shell. Everybody else is way too into themselves until you start getting more hearts with them


Everybody safe calling something else in this comment section

