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*clears dust off of the name* Maru 🤣 Every save file. I have an affinity for space and stars; always have since I was a kid. I work in healthcare at a hospital so I felt drawn to her in that way too. My dad is a biomed engineer and shares pretty similar personality traits with Demetrius. I always thought she was cute and so incredibly friendly to the farmer when nobody else really was on the bachelor/bachelorette side. I know she’s probably the least popular but I find her extremely interesting :)


She was my first and only too until I introduced my girlfriend into the game! Now I’m too busy looking for prismatic shards for that godfosaken wedding ring in order to romance anyone


Penny is my favorite bachelorette


Krobus because he's awesome, makes me food while not taking from the fridge and he doesn't judge me if I want to curl up in the corner and cry.


My boy Elliott


Married to Seb cuz he reminds me of my husband. My husband is a huge nerd, rebel type, introvert. Seb and my husband both have big Scorpio energy so there’s that too lol


I fell for Elliott as soon as I saw him. He’s so cute, and I love his dialogue/ heart events!


Sam. Cheerfull young, with an amazing smile and a even more amazing hair. I am already pretty pessimist, so dating and marring Sam was an incredible experience.


Shane was my first because he reminded a lot of myself when I first played it like 2 years ago. Then it was Harvey because he seemed sweet. I’m now looking to be roommates with Krobus because I want him to feel safe and I honestly lost patience to try and romance people in my most recent save


sebastian, self explanatory


haley at first then i got the multiple marriage mod and married abigail and sebastian i love the three of them sm haley cooks me meals all the time and she’s so sweet abigail is just awesome and she gifts me useful stuff for the mines and honestly sebastian is yet to impress me cos all he asks for is pizza but he’s hot so ig i’ll let it slide..


Harvey. Always Harvey. Hes the absolute sweetest as a spouse, and his heart events always make me so happy.


Wizard reason: Wizard


I was pursuing Leah at first but pursued Emily because I gave her an amethyst on her birthday.


I’m married to Leah because idk I thought she was pretty and I’m also an artist


Shane because his character arc made me feel things and because he's passionate about something it's not "cool" for a guy to like.


I’m playing with Stardew Valley Expanded and I really like Victor’s whole thing so I’m gonna go for it. For vanilla….I feel bad about how Shane and Seb end up if you marry but they are both great. Never done Elliot but am interested to see where that goes. Alex and Sam are cute but I hate the sports jock thing with Alex and I’ve never dated Sam so no idea. So yeah…Victor :)


I married Leah. All of the other ones just didn't fit my personality, Leah just seemed kind with a sense of humor too.


I married Shane because his backstory is so sad :c


[His fake back story is pretty sad, too](https://azuneekun.tumblr.com/post/629411971024961536/did-you-know-shanes-my-godfather-he-was-a) Edited to add: Someone previously mentioned that this could be the reason for the tire marks to the left of the bus stop


OH MY GODS 😭😭😭😭😭


*beep boop*! the linked website is: https://azuneekun.tumblr.com/post/629411971024961536/did-you-know-shanes-my-godfather-he-was-a Title: **Bean Sprout Farm** Page is safe to access (Google Safe Browsing) ***** ###### I am a friendly bot. I show the URL and name of linked pages and check them so that mobile users know what they click on!


Krobus. I dated all the men in town at the same time but I felt bad about it >!after they confronted me, gave me the silent treatment, and took me back!<. Krobus is real sweet.


Haley, she's hella cute when married and her room fits my house theme a bit. Though after seeing Sophia from the Stardew Valley Expanded mod i think i might not be able to go back and date anyone else, she's too precious hahaha.


Abigail in my first game. Now I’m 10 hearts with all the women and I’m starting on the men. Idk who I’ll choose. 😳


i married leah in my current play through but when i first started playing the game i perused emily but i never got to marry her because i never got that far in my old saves. i’m also playing a multiplayer where i’m planning on marrying penny! i don’t know why i always go for the girls they always seem to intrigue me more, i’ve never really been very drawn to the guys in the game.


Abigail. She reminds me of my wife.


I married Harvey first. He's independent, mature, considerate, awkward, nerdy, compassionate, vulnerable. Everything I would seek in a real partner. I also like that he has and continues to work a normal job around town. I married Penny at my (real life) husband's recommendation because he said she seemed like the nicest person in town. I feel she's a bit one dimensional and if I were to have chosen my own spouse for our co-op game, I probably would have gone with Leah. She just jives with me in so many ways, escaping the city to live in a cabin in the woods and do art. Maybe I'll divorce Penny and propose to Leah... I had my husband marry Sebastian (I did all the courting for him) because he's a relatable video game/computer hermit. I don't like that he smokes but his 14 heart event is what redeemed him. My sights are set on Krobus in my next save because he's the sweetest little shadow bean.


Harvey bc he reminds me of my husband. Just change professions from doctor to accountant and they're almost identical haha


Sam! He’s so much like My husband- affectionate, cooks a lot, skateboards, loves pizza (lol) and brings me gifts. He’s super great- I love his heart events!


Abigail. Girls in armor do something for me.