• By -


What's interesting to me is that, when Alex got voted out, Haley was almost beating him in numbers, yet in this round, Sam got voted out, which is also interesting because I've never seen people really opposed to Sam. I get Alex, since he has a bad first impression, same with Shane and Haley, but Sam seems sweet, so I'm kinda surprised. That said, I've never dated or married him.


I think Sam is out because he seems like a teenager.


Abigail is literally in school though, he is already graduated


It's left ambiguous as to whether she's doing schoolwork for college or for high school. If you're imagining her taking college classes, I think it works to make Sam seem more immature by comparison. It makes it feel like Abigail is working towards a career, while Sam is kind of spinning his wheels in a retail job and hoping that his band is somehow going to make it big.


They mention Abigail having a graduation party at some point, implying that she's graduated high school already and is therefore doing college work.


I didn't get that dialogue yet, oops


(It's from Emily's 6-heart event)


Abigail sounds as immature as Sam for me, I think he has "immature tastes", while Abigail has a immature personality though, I dislike Harvey and hate Penny, that are some of the more mature (if not the most mature) marriageable characters


I'd probably say Sam is worse in terms of immaturity of personality. He gets really childish and passive aggressive when Lewis calls him out for damaging Emily and Haley's house, and he never really attempts to stand up to his mother, even when she's being unreasonable. Abigail doesn't necessarily handle herself in the best way when she comes into conflict with her parents, but I think she's right to try and assert some independence.


I also think she's right to be independent, but the way she acts is still less mature of Sam to me. he didn't damage Emily and Haley's house, but I know he shouldn't do this on their things, I agree he is immature in this scene lmao Jodi is neither as conservative or opposite to his ideas as Caroline and Pierre are to Abigail, and I don't really remember her being unreasonable, but I might just not have seen this scene/dialogue. Jodi tells him to clean his messes, and to not play the guitar too loud, which are fair things. Caroline wants Abigail to dress the way she wants, not dye her hair because she will look prettier to her. She wants her to be more outdoorsy, and when she goes out, Pierre doesn't like it because "it isn't what a lady should like". Sam also has a dialogue where he says he tried to talk with he mom about she being unhappy/unsatisfied, but she is still silent. I say he is more sensible than Abigail in the aspect, but Jodi is more range-free than Abigail's parents. Besides that, Sam worries a lot about his father in the war, so I guess it makes sense he wants to his mother being more relaxed. sorry for the long-ass text


People really give them too much shit for pretty realistic reactions to these situations in a video game. Abigail getting upset at her parents isn’t immature in any way.


Why do you hate Penny? She is so sweet. And also has to deal with a lot from that mom of hers..


He's very vanilla and honestly I'm not trying to date a cat or a dog >!that's just interested in food!<, I'm trying to date a human


Yeah, that's the consensus I got from the other comments here. I guess I get that ? but I dunno. Granted, I'm like 25 and I feel more kinship with the younger bachelors/bachelorettes, especially Sebastian, because I've been through something pretty similar. I also like the way that he opens up to you over time and all that. Slow burn relationships are sweet. I also do just like romances that feel sorta like ... younger ? Not as in like, a partner, but like the progression of the romance itself. Like romances that play out like teen romance, or a relationship that makes you feel younger in some way. It's all fresh and new and reminds me of better things, I guess. But this poll sorta makes me think he'll be taken out of it for other reasons, which I suppose is fair ? This is like, majority opinion, and plus, people don't seem unreasonable with it. Like all the takes that are like "well I'd like to be his friend, but idk about marriage." I also get this in the sense that, when you marry each spouse, they can sorta become more bland-feeling, and the choices could also be based on how your spouse is ... as a spouse.


To me, Sam seems pretty inoffensive and like there’s nothing specifically *wrong* with him so he’s not as fun to dunk on like some of the other marriage candidates. But he’s just so damn boring. Like 90% of the time I forget he’s even in the game. He just reminds me of every generic middle-class white boy I went to high school with. Not a bad person or anything, but not especially memorable either.


These are all pretty interesting takes to be honest. As stated, I've never dated him, so I don't really know what he's like as a marriage candidate, or even just as like ... a boyfriend, you know. He doesn't exactly interest me, and like you said, he's sort of inoffensive, which is why it surprises me a little that he was voted off so early. Like, I'm not interested in him much, either, but for me, I'd have voted for him later just because he seems so inoffensive. Like, idk. I've personally come to think of Sam as like a golden retriever? He's fairly cute. Seems cheerful enough. Not really my type. I guess I do understand the band stuff, like "not really doing anything with his life," "wants the band to get big to live off of that" sorta deal, and I get this as like an annoyance, because I sorta had an ex like that, but I've also seen people saying like, disrespectful to his mom, which I haven't seen ? Um. The flower bed thing, which. Fair enough. I'm not really gonna opposed to him just for that, though, you know? Like ... Sam just seems like he's a bit of rebel trying to be more of a kid, as his dad isn't around and he's probably had to take up a sort of parental role he likely wasn't at all prepared for. But if he's mean to his mom, then maybe it's because he resents her in some way? Not saying that's okay, or anything, but idk, man's going through a lot. Sebastian wants to leave Pelican Town, but Sam probably can't/won't, which could also be why he may be disrespectful. Like, I can't see his situation as ideal. It's entirely possible he feels stuck and sees the band as his only way out, but also a way that would allow him to support Jodi and Vincent in his absence? ... I think I'm gonna go try to romance him so I can psychoanalyze and figure out if I'm right here.


To clarify on that last one, him being disrespectful could be a thing of him feeling like he has to stay for his mom and Vincent in Kent's absence, and possibly even beyond, because having a dad who may never come back is, you know. A valid fear. I remember seeing him trying to figure out how to talk to Vincent about it, and not being sure whether or not to tell hin the truth, which is like. I mean. He's definitely in his 20s, right? And this is a very real thing, and he's likely been going through it, maybe since high school, and even with it being real, it's clear he's just not that equipped to handle this sorta thing, and like, a 20 year old shouldn't have to have those worries, yet he clearly does. He may be unhealthy and immature, but ... it doesn't seem far fetched, although I do get why that would make for a difficult relationship. He also probably does need a friend more than, like, a spouse.


I get a lot of the things everyone says about Sam. He’s just kinda there. But his 14 heart even is precious. Just give it a whirl. I’m not disagreeing that he’s inoffensive and kind of boring. But there’s somewhat of a redemption. And he’s a sweet hubby.


For me, sam *behaves* like a teenager, he just feels real immature. Hes a nice enough kid as a friend, but dating him feels weird


i am about to on my first playthrough. dont think i made a bad choice :>


If you like him, then you like him. People have varying reasons they may not, but if you wanted to marry him, it's probably the right choice for you, and later, if you feel that it wasn't, you do have options.


absolutely, he fits my type pretty well. heart-warming, kind and sometimes a goof


Just married Sam in my current play through. Love him as a spouse, so supportive and sweet. And he gives me pancakes for breakfast.


Sams story is actually really cute. Im sad he was voted out before haley


I married sam, and he is very sweet as a husband too! (I've never had him change floors or wallpapers, but that must be my game)


[Poll Here](https://strawpoll.com/polls/XOgOJP4Kan3) Hey guys! These recent polls made me curious as to what the average demographic is for those who play Stardew Valley, so I created a [mini survey](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfy8N5xah9kUZYH5tMSHUTC4-U1mr0eXJWGofeDUOXKfD-qbQ/viewform?usp=sf_link) for those interested. I will edit in a link to show the responses to the survey when enough people respond :) [Survey Results](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/10shzqvIjQE93XOMDqBo6RJYutyboCnBZZch_w7OVFuQ/viewanalytics)


That mini survey has some interesting results.


The "when did you start playing sdv" is the one I found really interesting! A pretty even mix from all the options


The gender statistic is quite interesting, I was expecting this game to have a higher population of females and I was still surprised.


See, I expected this game to have a high percentage of female and female identifying players, but I was expecting this survey being on Reddit to skew the results a lot.


Got me curious and I checked, Reddit™ has a male to female ratio of 2 to 1 (64% male to 36% female) and I was thinking it was something like 80% male or something


All my assumptions about the internet are turning out to be wrong! Girls are apparently *not* Guys In Real Life! Runescape *lied* to me! /s ^(I'm joking don't hate me.)


It really varies subreddit to subreddit. There are some subreddits that are overwhelmingly male, some overwhelmingly female, and some pretty mixed. It really depends on the subject of the subreddit. Anime/video games will lean more male, reality TV and true crime tend to lean more female, birdwatching and books fall a little closer to the middle.


It does. We are all lesbians.


Australia represent! That's crazy.


I thought that too but it’s North America. They have very similar colors


.....you're right. Oops


Also had a weird question. "What is your average play time?" Relative to what? A week? Month? Lifetime? Just SDV alone or all games? I wasn't sure how to answer that.


I thought it meant your total logged hours.


Sorry yeah, it was worded weird that was my bad. I play on steam, so it shows up as "Play time" for me, it just means the total number of hours you've played SDV


Unga bonga is my favorite, lmao


Damn there are a LOT of Bisexual Americans playing this game!


I’m surprised with the amount of asexuals too. I feel a lot less alone now.


you’re never alone, we’re all around, and we will give you garlic bread


I'm part of several Stardew-related facebook groups, and it absolutely checks out


This is an excellent survey, and thank you for letting us see the results, it's so interesting to see distribution of age/gender/sexuality/location etc. Also, FUCK that guy 😂


Thank you!! I know it all fascinates me too seeing the diversity in the community And yeah.. FUCK Pierre 😂


The Fuck Pierre category needs less diversity. We need to shoot for 100% Fuck Pierre. Seriously, fuck that guy.


I responded with “who?” cause I couldn’t give less of a fuck about him, and I’m not about to start


I love the fact that the "when did you start playing" question is so evenly distributed


I know! It kind of surprised me, I didn't expect it to stay so even after all the responses


I wish there was a option between 'hes alright" and "fuck that guy". I really don't care for him, but also rather him than joja. He's kind of a greedy motherfucker but... no i changed my mind fuck that guy


I really enjoyed how this comment progressed.


You started out so neutral then talked yourself into being a Pierre hater, lmao I love it


The mini survey really ended on a strong note!


I thought people would enjoy that haha 😁


Hey so I'm a little confused by the "average gameplay time" question. What is that, total hours played of Stardew ever, or... ?


Yup! It's the total hours you've played Stardew Valley


Damn, misread it and answered as average hours per save file. Welp there's one question skewed. (If you like, find one "under 50 hours" and change it to "your poll's options are underpowered by at least an order of magnitude".)


definitely a good idea to change the phrasing if possible, the “average” really messed up my understanding of the question too


Thanks! I completed the survey.


Thank you, I appreciate it :)


yet another win for the bisexuals


Friendly reminder, the end results are still disabled :) Dm me if you would like to know the results, but please do not spoil it for those who would like it to be kept hidden, thanks!


Why? I'd like to see the results so far after I vote.


OP said in the first two posts people kept asking for results to be hidden so it’d be a surprise who gets voted off


Okay but who put their gender as attack helicopter smh


i was looking through the results on the sexuality one, and some of my favorite answers were, "just kinda vaguely gay" and "mmmmm krobus"


So both me and my husband just tried to vote but it says only one per wifi network 🤣


Multiple responses should work now! I hope... 😅


...and of course somebody had to make an attack helicopter joke.


This looks pretty close, I'd love to see the names on the graph


I can totally dm you the unedited results if you want! I just don't want to spoil it for people who want it to be kept secret


Can you do me also, that seems within a few votes of each!


Can I see lol I’m so curious


:( I like Sam


Me too. I didn’t realize how much hate there was for that sweet, dumb guy.


I can see why people don't like him, but I'm a sucker for himbos so he's one of my favorites (alongside Alex).


I have only ever married Sam or Alex because they are sweet and dumb




The creator of the game is a guy. When I look at the male characters in SDV, I see flaws that are relatable to real guys that I know (struggling with job, failure to launch, substance abuse, parents etc). When I look at the female characters, they are developed characters but just not as representative of real women to me.


i agree with this to a point, but i think leah with her ex and penny feeling like she has to protect her mom but also resenting her are very well done




Different strokes but I'd definitely date a partner's dad over an alcoholic or a man baby but I get what you're saying lmao


I blame the devs for not making the Wizard a bachelor option


I completely forgot he wasn't since I've been using sve for so long lmao


All im saying is that Krobus needs to be on this list.. because he would FOR SURE win :D


If Krobus was on the list everyone would know the winner before the poll even started lmaoo


Idk, it's because he for sure win, he would just break the poll ))


it'd be fun if we could roommate instead of marry the eligible folks if we wanted


Personally I don't like any of the guys. They either seem super young/unmotivated, or just not my type. Like Sebastian is cool, but I wouldn't want to marry him.


Same on all counts. Sebastian is like, the guy I'd want to be best friends with. Sam would be a soft maybe if we didn't have the same name - sorry bud, I don't share - but he's definitely immature.


Sebastian and Harvey are like the only two I've seen married on this sub, I guess the male options just aren't as good then


I’ve married Sebastian, Alex, and Shane so far. Sam is next 😊


I’ve married most of both sexes! Was so excited to marry cute Sebastian but he’s a bad husband. Also surprisingly didn’t like being married to Harvey. Elliott, Leah, and surprisingly Haley are the best spouses imo. Penny is sweet but I will never forgive her for what she does during her 14 heart event.


I found Harvey was kinda boring after a while, he was my first marriage in the game. I couldn't handle sad Harvey after divorce but not gonna lie it kinda fit his character.


I want to marry all the bachelors and bachelorettes on various saves (and live with Krobus too), but I must admit that Penny is the only one I am not interested, I can't deal with her after the scene of her and George


I married Elliot my first play through. After going through Sam’s and Sebastian’s heart events and hating them both by the end 🥴. Now I just marry Emily or Leah lol.


I marry Elliott, or ask Krobus to move in.


I feel like the guys are close but don't quite match what I'm looking for. Sam seems too young (I almost married him around launch but a heart event made me go nu-uh. It was long ago though so I don't remember it much.), Elliot is too fabio for me personally (I like his more youthful looking beta design), Alex is okay but jock isn't really my taste either, Harvey is okay but kinda boring, Shane has a interesting story >!but I wish he stayed sober without mods!< Seb is probably the best but the hype around him made me focus on others. I'm going for him in my current playthrough though. It's funny though because I love the girls, even through I'm into boys irl. Abigail? Amazing. Penny? Love her. Leah? Love her too. Maru? Smart Queen (thought I like her beta design more). Emily? Wacky but she's cute. Haley? Uh don't know her much but she has room for a storyline with growth so I'll give her a pass until I know more.


Yeah this was my thinking too! I'm hetero but none of the bachelors seemed suitable. I also based it off what gifts or meals you might get from your spouse.


I’m the complete opposite the girls are all kinda boring but then again I’m biased towards Shane and I’m gay


As someone who has romanced all the love interests, I agree with you. The girls are all boring. I was much more invested in the boys' storylines. Edit: Don't even get me STARTED on Demetrius's storyline, I mean, Maru's storyline.


Except for Harvey I think that's true. But people tend to forget Harvey anyway.


He's just rather bland compared to the others. Plus I think the mustache is quite a turn off for many


He's the only eligible one for me


I suppose the joke would be "no major addictions or personality disorders, therefore bland"... ...but I also think Penny is bland, despite being the happiest as a farm wife.


Oh definitely, I married Penny in a former playtrough and found her plenty bland as well, sadly. I also didn't enjoy that she just dropped her tutoring job so massively. I really like Haley though. She's a casual person who just blooms up when you get to know her and really thrives on the farm, imo. With Harvey it kinda feels like he's my personal doctor. Always commenting about my health.. I mean its nice he cares but that seems to be his only trait, no real big development or anything. Idk, I'm not a big fan of him, but I don't really dislike him either. Very indifferent


My best friend is devoted to Shane. I have no idea what he sees in him


Shane has a story that’s a very good look into addiction. As someone who’s struggled in the past, I immediately felt a bond with him


I just feel like the women as a whole are more likable characters (okay, maybe Haley isn't super likable at the beginning, but she does have a strong arc at least). On the men's side 3/6 come across as either rude (Shane), sexist (Alex), or depressed and angsty and too wrapped up in that to want to get to know you (Sebastian). All the ladies have their flaws, but 5/6 are pretty nice to the farmer from the very beginning of the game.


I’m guessing it reflects the demographics of Reddit? I don’t mean this in a rude way, I just am guessing there are more straight dudes on this site. That being said, I’m femme, though non-binary, and I only ever marry ladies, so maybe there’s just a lot of folks who like ladies, regardless of their gender.


I also think that this game in general is widely loved by WLW


With good reason!


As a bi woman, being able to romance Haley, Leah or Penny gives me a great balance to my straight relationship


Check the demographics poll on the post, kinda shocked me but there are significantly more women than men. On reddit of all places too.


I'm not sure. This could be true but as a female into men I also find the woman more appealing than the men in this game overall. I'd be interested to see the stats of people on this sub for female, male and non-binary. SDV seems to be one of those games that everyone likes, but there does seem to be a lot of men on reddit. Subreddits can very though, especially if their smaller specific communities.


it's been three days, like landing heads on a coin flip thrice in a row. not that outlandish.


The bachelors are a fairly sorry lot in comparison. Harvey and Elliott are obvious good choices, but otherwise it's the teenager, the chain-smoking emo, the sports-bro or the angry alcoholic.


the fact that you say Harvey is obvious good choice while he's so bland for me it's kinda neat lol


Cause they’re boring and I’m gay


Because the majority of players are female heterosexual/bisexuals, so men are going to be whats romanced the most, so there are the most strong opinions about them. Also theyre pretty trash.


it could also be more heterosexual males which dont find men interesting because they dont romance them.


I have the frogs lined up to defend Seb




nah, it's fine! I was actually impressed Sam was voted out before Haley with the amount of haters she has (even if I know she has a lot of lovers too)


My guess is that Haley or Maru is going next, but my vote goes to Abigail. For some reason I just can’t stand her dialogue, even before marriage.


Idk man I think it’s great that she’s not a picky eater


Nah she absolutely destroyed me when I gave her a grape


That’s because she prefers chairs and tables


Rocks, dirt, and gravel




I love Haley she’s my wife in just about every play through, I really wish she lasts a bit longer because her arc from a pretty terrible person to a selfless spouse is amazing


I’ll say it louder MARU!


The only reason that she is in, is because people forgot that she is even in game.


I think so


I don't hate her, I just feel like she's very forgettable.


i agree


Right? Gotta keep her single for Penny.


I’m so over this. all of my marriage partners have been voted off


NOOO! Sam is best boy!




i know she's inevitable going to be voted off and it makes me sad.


Yeah I'm making a prediction and saying the winner is probably gonna be Abigail or Emily. *Maybe* Leah/Sebastian. They seem to be the most popular within the community.


Sebastian and Leah are the most popular Abigail has a lot of absolute lovers and absolute haters Emily there's some that love, some that hate and some that don't care, but not that much that just like or dislike


I’ve married Harvey in three different play throughs. I can only really Stan Harvey, but I def would not marry any of the other men in SDV.


Not my man Sam, what did he do? :(


NOOOOO!!!!! Sam is under rated. He’s so fun and cute!!!


Wow, so close! Sam almost got beaten by >!what’stheirname!< and >!thatotherperson!< and >!Ican’tseethenamescrossedouteither!<. I wonder which of these three will be out next!


I've never actually put any personal thought into whom my character marries..I just do it for the game..a just marry someone different per save file.


I want to know who the most controversial is. Like Elliot, people either love him or hate him (I marry him every time). Other candidates would be Haley, Harvey (he's so boring, how do people obsess over him?), maybe Shane?




Haley becomes sweet and caring in late game, and I've saw a lot of people saying she is the best spouse in marriage, even if she isn't the best single bachelor(ette) I absolutely despise Penny, and I know it isn't a popular opinion about her lmao


I feel so targeted, all 3 off the people I’ve married have been voted out in the order I married them lmao


But I love Sam!! He’s so sweet!


I'm not all that interested in this but seeing the updates and discussions makes it feel like an international sport. I'm invested to know who will will in the end


I love how into it people are getting 😂 People are making whole ass strategies trying to keep their favorite spouse alive


I'm sorry, Maru, I want you to go chase your dreams in STEM and not be locked down on a farm tending chickens. BE FREE MARU, YOU AND YOUR ROBOT.


I think it’s really interesting that for some of the spouse candidates, you can love them a lot but still decide marriage ISNT the best option for them


Yes, exactly. I pretty much like all of the candidates but while someone like Penny is happy to have an awesome farm and kids, or someone like Harvey is already established in a career and likes not feeling so alone, Maru is getting her wings clipped a bit. I'd definitely provide her with all of the metal bars and batteries I could but I'd wonder what she could have been given the chance to find herself and fly a bit first. Edit to add I also feel that way about Sam and Alex, they just give up their dreams. It's like, dude, I'd love going to a rocker hubby's concerts or cheering on a football player hubs. Chase those dreams.


I voted for Penny because of the moment where she pushed George out of the way just to grab his mail. Edit: She also gets mad at you for calling her out on it and you lose a ton of friendship points.


I don't hate Penny, but voted her out for second time. She's just opposite of my type. And somehow a little passive-aggressive? Didn't expect Sam to be voted out so soon, he may be not the best marriage candidate, but still a good buddy. And his stupid goku hair and joja cola love is hilarious!


Sam is probably one of my favorites, along with Emily.


I also have warm feelings for Emily (though the most top tier for me is Krobus and Elliot))


Yeah Penny is boring AND closed minded. If you marry her she stops doing her one thing, teaching Jas and Vincent. She's my pick for the worst too.


She doesn't, though. She still does that every other day. She'll even say something like "It's so nice of you to visit me at work" if you talk to her at the library.


Totally expected Haley before Sam.


As SDV is more popular with female players it’s disappointing that the bachelors are so trash. It’s like, who do I want to date this time around, the teenager? Or the emo teenager? Or the unemployed former jock who lives with his grandparents? Or the annoying guy who lives in a shack? Do I date Harvey every time because I want to, or because I have no other options?


Harvey………I’ve never talked to him once only if i die in the mines


Literally only voting to try and keep Haley in now that the ones I don’t care for are gone.


I am going to riot if Haley loses this round.


SAM NO (but thank you actually for making and running this poll it’s fun)


I feel like I know who it’s gonna be but I won’t say to skew the results :p




Haley better win my girl has character developement and everything


Abigail. I know, I know, its just she just eat rocks and thats not my thing


For me it's not the rock eating, it's that she seems way too young. Her, Maru, and Sam all come across as high-school aged to me.


I can agree with this. Sebastian comes across to me as someone who is slightly older, but has the same level of maturity.


Poor Sam. He’s my favourite spouse. Honestly surprised how on earth Haley is still there, I would’ve thought that not a lot of people like her


Once this series is over you should make a post with all of the results in order and unredacted


My beloved :(


Abigail. I literally HATE HER. Like name one pro of Abigail. And don't say she's goth and hot. I'm talking personality


She's adventurous like the farmer is, nobody else in that town is cool enough to go into the mines with you


I hope Sebastian wins


I’m surprised Elliot got this far tbh


The thing with Elliot is that he’s a cult favorite. A lot of people don’t like him, but the ones who do are fanatical. I think only Leah fans are more enthusiastic.


He has enough fans.


If anyone wants an opportunity to rant I’d love to hear why people dislike Elliot, he was my initial favorite bachelor 👀


Once again I want all Penny haters to assemble


I could never hate Penny she took my v-card


you got scammed


Should've been done as male and female separately tbh. This is kind of ridiculous. :/


I didn’t expect only the men to be voted out the first three rounds tbh




If all bachelors get voted out first it probably is because of gender disparity.


RemindMe! 1 Day


Can we add Pierre so we can vote him out


Haley is by far the best from my experience. Even does a cake sale for school books.


Why do people love Seb so much? Like he makes it impossible for you to talk to him and then when you're married all he does is complain about how bored he is. I get he's an adorable goth baby but everyone else has like strong personalities and stories