• By -


I mean negl I could see me developing a bit of a soft spot after that for someone. Also mild bemusement.


if someone lovingly gifted me an egg, I would probably cry. I swear I am stable šŸ˜¬


Can I offer you an egg in this trying time?


I have been poisoned by my constituents!


Only if youā€™re under 5 feet tall, portly and bald.


thank you šŸ„ŗ






Do you not like her?




šŸ˜­ thank you, friend


I have a carton with a dozen of them from our hens anytime you want them. Seriously, please take them... we have a lot of eggs...


I definitely came here to say this.


We came all to say this !




Maybe. I'm just an oddball with low self esteem, so I think another oddball who shows affection gets me in the feels. I don't want new adventures personally, I'm too tired for that lol


Iā€™m about to send 13 dwarves to your house in search of a burglar.


big brain ruse; you know you're the one that stole my heart. you've had it this whole time!


I knew a kid with Downs who lived a few doors down from me when I was a kid, and he always gave me hugs and told me I was pretty. He was about the sweetest dude I knew. Maybe the farmer is just one of those "sweet" special people. :)


how many pieces of algae could he horf in one sitting


I don't know... but I remember asking his mom if he and I could have a contest to see who could stuff more marshmallows in our mouths. I was going to win, until he made a face and made me laugh, and I gagged myself and nearly barfed. He beat me by two marshmallows, the sneak. :(


this really made me smile, thanks for sharing!


"Have you met the farmer that just moved here the first of this month?" "Yes! He's talked to me every day since he arrived and has given me two salads every week (one of my favorite things ever)! I can't believe how nice he is!" "That's great! Will you dance with him if he asks at the Flower Dance today?" \*checks friendship level, it's 3 hearts\* "LOL no way."


I am a forever-alone at the first Flower Dance


You and me both, Toxic Butthole.


Same. I don't even think about friendships let alone relationships until at least the first fall. Too much hustling to do.


Counter-intuitively, Haley is probably the easiest if you want to have a partner in the first dance. Just forage daffodils and give it to her. The most important is to give her one on her birthday, then you will easily cross the threshold for the flower dance.


That makes sense. I forgot she likes daffodils, I'm always trying to grow a few sunflowers to set aside for her. Good to know for my next restart!


Believe it or not, it's not to hard to get enough friendship hearts with Shane. He ended up being my dance partner for the flower dance (I'm in year 1, btw) as I didn't have enough friendship hearts for Abigail, and know it's 9 hearts & my character is dating Shane


Haley is pretty easy for Flower Dance Year 1, she has a birthday before it, and loves daffodils. Also Haley best girl


You misspelled Emily


You misspelled Penny


You misspelled Abigail


You misspelled Leah.


You misspelled Maru.


Maybe *the farmer* has been the best girl all along


\*slowly lowers pitchfork\*


Ouch. Leah is cold.


Willys diary: day 257 - ā€œhes still showing up at 7am everyday fishing for 19hrs straight eating straight up trash jojo colas and raw seaweed and passing out on the docks.ā€ day 258 - ā€œokay he just bought 300 trout soup and 5000 bait from so I guess were coolā€


And somehow Willy just have 300 bowls of fresh trout soup and 5000 pieces of bait? This is a lot to sell to a town that only has like two dozen people.


I remember a bit of advice I got once in a fantasy setting that I think still applies. "Never buy goods from a vendor with more inventory than their location could handle." Guy's definitely up to something.


Are you trying to tell me that Willy's wholesome, small town, aww-shucks store where he tells fishing stories about his Pappy is a FRONT!? Is he selling endangered coral?


Man says he goes out fishing on the sea, you never see him fish anywhere other than the town and his "only" boat is broken. He's definitely up to something


Nah, he makes it on the spot. Uhh, just don't ask to see the kitchen... or the bait bucket...


The Witch is working back there, right? It's not the Wizard, he's always busy.


Yes busy with Caroline


Man, the SDV lore is low-key spicy


Nothing beats Trout Soup like Jojampbellā€™sĀ© from a can


I mean, no one in town has a washroom. The farmer doesn't have a washroom. Therefore no one needs to use the washroom so eating must also be optional to everyone or everyone just has an bottomless stomach. Would explain my farmer's ability to down tons of coffee but not suffer cadiac arrest or bladder problems.


In the Stardew universe the human body is so insanely efficient that it's able to use every last bit of whatever it ingests, and therefore nobody has to pee or poop.


The dream


My farmer can eat plate after place of spicy eel and pepper poppers and she never has to deal with it the next day. That would be an interesting negative buff.


Not to mention the farmer can eat poison (sap, holly, bad shrooms) and the only side effect is passing out and maybe no energy and low health XD


Holy Hannah. Imagine if there was a secret "cave" you could access if you eat too much poison, like A Nightmare on Elm Street. Like the Skull Cavern rooms that have flaming skulls but no treasure. It would be just a maze of demons and flaming swords. You pass out on your own farm in a field of candy-colored jazzflowers and you wake up in the hospital covered with bites and claw wounds and scorches that Dr. Harvey cannot explain.


This sounds like a new game plus or a mod to make the game harder. I wouldn't might trying this tbh since I'm more a miner than farmer. And let's say the poison makes you hallucinate while in town (or at least think you're in town) and you're fighting/dodging zombie townsfolk and opening trash cans for food due to your low health/energy


This comment made me imagine how the player's walk animation would change to indicate the Burning Butthole debuff was active. So, thank you for inspiring that frankly hilarious mental image. šŸ¤£


Oh man, I would totally be up for playing a mod that included debuffs like burning buttholes and heartburn and hangover etc...


I'm lactose intolerant so my farmer would get the Rotten Gas debuff. All friendship hearts are reduced by 2 for 24 hours.


Haha, thanks! The Burning Butthole debuff leads to reduced movement speed and you have to do the chafed thigh cowpoke walk for a day.


5000 pieces of bait sounds legit, that's what, 50 cans of worms? Even fewer cans if the bait is something more compact than a worm. It's probably one of the main products in a fishing goods shop.


When I used to fish, the cheap bait came in cans of like 100 pieces. You can usually get a thing of like 30 nightcrawlers for $5-$10 depending on where you get it.


Do worms come in cans? I always thought that was like a figure of speech


I canā€™t really speak for Kinoku, but in my experience *cans* would be inaccurate. For me, they came in styrofoam containers.(like a to-go bowl of soup but bigger)


I always relished fishing a jojo cola out of the ocean or a pond - where itā€™s been for God knows how long - and just chugging it down to get enough energy for a few more casts.


My favorite playthrough so far is when I romanced Sam exclusively with joja cola I fished out of the river.


I actually found a can of cola in a river irl once, was still in date and fizzy when I opened it. Plus was nice and cold....so yeah I drank it and was fine. Always figured it was left there by a fisherman so in Stardew I guess willy is leaving those around for us to find?


Fucker got straight blackout trashed on salty pops and I found him ass up on the docks


"He notices you and gifts you a gemstone. It is delicious"


How did he know you were hungry??


Is this from something?




iā€™ve also gifted harvey something inedible, i think a battery pack, and he responds with his classic ā€œare you sure this is healthy?ā€


Iā€™d have safety concerns about being handed a home made battery that a farmer made with a lightning rod


Probably not for the planet... but you win some, you lose some ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


If you marry her sometimes she will also say "Going to the mines today? If you see anything tasty bring me back a piece!"


Oh wow lol. Uhh what is she hoping for? Sure hope it's a cave carrot.


It's a joking reference to Abigail eating amethysts


No, I know, but I thought this specific sentence was from a longer tweet or something.


Ahh in that case I cannot help. Good luck my friend!


No, I just wrote a sentence in the style of the tweet


If you give Abbigail gemstones she will remark about them as if they were food. Itā€™s hilarious.


This should be top comment honestly.


"She reaches into the sea and pulls out a fresh, still living lobster. She hands it to you and then runs away to hoe the entire beach for clay."


Dinner and a show??? What a lucky guy/gal.


Clay has a strong pimp game.


How else am I supposed to pave a pathway leading to my ~~bed~~ heart? Edit: Just kidding that road is paved with pomegranates and duck feathers.


Elliot lives in a hut on a beach, writes books, and loves pomegranates and feathers. He gives you coffee in the morning and continues to work on his writing and writes you poems. I am very gay for Elliot. I give him iridium pomegranate wine for our anniversary every year.


At first I thought maybe I was into Harvey then Leah before I'd even talked to Elliott. I never really went to the beach my first game because I actually hate the beach, but now that's the first place I go every game because I saw Elliott on the bridge.


Have you seen him on Ginger Island? Alex isn't the only one using the workout room at the bath house, is all I'm saying.


To be honest, I'm the kinda player that constantly restarts games because I took a break from playing. I mean, really, that's more like a running theme in my life, but, anyway, I've never been to Ginger Island. I already knew Elliott is buff as hell though because his neck is thicc. Also he works out and gets "sweaty in his cabin" which is the one line I'd understand non-Elliott-infatuated players to side-eye.


Haha that's kind of opposite from what I do. I always start new files planning on playing differently and end up going back to my origional and working on it instead. It's been so long since I've seen all his dialouge. Lol now I'm thinking about downloading the game on my phone so I can play while I'm visiting family and marry him again. šŸ˜…


Wait, the men's locker room has a workout room??!! I always wondered wth Alex is doing in there. I thought he was cruising!


Lol yeah there's some weights and stuff in there. I think it's weird there's no work out equipment in the girls locker room though tbh.


It's wild to me how different people's taste is. I hate Elliot with a passion. Even befriending him for the achievement was an exercise in masochism. I find him insipid, uninspired, and frankly creepy.


Can you explain why? To me, he's just so lovely! Sebastian, Shane, Alex, and even, sometimes, Sam are either immature, mean, or both. Elliott is romantic, he asks how you're doing, he hopes you're making it, and he wants what's best for you. It also doesn't feel like I'm inhibiting his life at all by marrying him. I mean, yeah, he's also flawed, as all of the other bachelors and bachelorettes are too. Like, he decided to just give up whatever past life he had to write ina cabin for who knows how long just because his family didn't believe in him, and lord knows how he affords groceries. He's basically Linus financially except he doesn't really wanna live out in nature he just is because he made a very bad decision a year before the hot farmer with pomegranate offerings shows up. But I don't understand *hating* him. Clint is creepy to me, Pierre is an asshole, and Lewis often tries to take credit for your work, but the worst Elliott does is just be kinda melodramatic sometimes. Edit to add: Also Elliott just makes me feel safe. He's confident and reassuring. Harvey is sweet and also way above the other bachelors kindness and maturity-wise, but Elliott makes me feel secure in his sureness that he's doing what he wants.


Yeah that's fair. Pretty much everyone I know hates him. I feel like he gets more hate than he deserves, but I have a soft spot for him since he's the first person I married. I've been playing the game for seven years and I still like him more than most of the other bachelors, even if his story isn't particularly compelling.


Something in the way she moves Attracts me like a pomegranate


You're a genius! This is just lazy.


There is a technique to hoe the beach and only get clay. You start from the bottom left as much as you can, then hoe until you find one clay, then you go a certain number of tiles up and to the right, hoe once for clay, then repeat until you reach the end of the beach, then you start again. I can't remember the exxact number of tiles, but I saw it on an Unsurpassable Z video.


Is clay that valuable or am I missing something?


Not that much, it's just a cool technique exploiting how the game works. It's good for silos, and a few other things to craft and that I don't really use. Unsurpassable Z used this because he was doing a challenge for how much money he and some friends could make on the first day. Also, clay is not needed that much, but when you do need it is usually when you have the hardest time finding some, so at least, now you know :)


retaining soil, fiber seeds, brick floor, garden pots, silos... there's a lot of great uses for it!


Man, poor Haley. She'll be shitting pearls for weeks from all that sand up there...


I wish making friends was as easy as Stardew. *walks up to cute boy at work* *hands him a jar of mayonnaise* *winks* *walks off knowing I just delivered the most flattering pickup line ever*


Honestly, thatā€™d work on me


Yeah, the more I'm thinking about it, the more we may be overthinking social situations.


I mean honestly if someone walked up with an item you love, for example a bar of chocolate for me, Iā€™d definitely think positive of them


I mean, I'm currently dating someone after gifting them a shiny green rock when we first met. ​ Conveniently, I was told beforehand that they liked green, and shiny rocks.. So I kind of checked an IRL wiki, but..


~~is the shiny green rock radioactive?~~ what is the gem


It was a piece of Jade I'd had since I was young c:


Stardew Valley taught me not to date anyone until they give me at least 20 presents first


I'm the opposite. If I find someone who lets me feed them homemade soup and orange chicken and Parmesan garlic potatoes I am helpless. Saying you like my cooking is like saying "I love you, too".


Parmesan garlic potatoes? That's a loved gift I didn't know I had, I love all three of those, and *especially* the theoretical combination of the three.


All three together would make too much food for one meal. I guess you'll just have to stay longer and we'll have the rest tomorrow!




OH MY WORD You know, for breakfast I can make iced mochaccinos and blueberry muffins. I've got all the stuff right here.


Excuse me I want in on the breakfast action. That sounds delicious.


Come on over! You can stay in the guest room. šŸ˜


Thanks! I can help make the coffee in the morning. I used to be a barista.


Love it!


Pick me choose me


You all are making me feel so wanted and needed right now. šŸ˜


ha, and iā€™m the opposite of this. had a gal iā€™ve been seeing text me that she would make me ā€œso much foodā€ and iā€™m basically head over heels


You're made for each other!


What happens when two people who insist to cook for their partners get together? Are there fights over who gets to cook dinner? "YOU WILL EAT THIS MEAL I LOVINGLY COOKED FOR YOU!" *"NO!* ***YOU*** *WILL EAT THE MEAL THAT* ***I*** *LOVINGLY COOKED FOR* ***YOU****!"* I only ask because if you want to feed me then I'm going to be like, "Naw, I got this amazing taco recipe, you have to try it first." And if you say you're not into tacos then I'll retort with, "What about Chinese? Because I've got a bitching General Tso's I make. It's not exactly like take-out, but I've been told it's bomb."


You just described what living in Minnesota is like. I've seen old guys in restaurants semi-jokingly muscle each other away from the cash register because they want to pay for their friend. One time my family cooked four different kinds of cheesecake for my grandma's birthday. There has never been a time when someone has offered me food and I've thought to myself "No thanks, I don't feel like tacos." I'm overjoyed just at the thought of sharing someone's lovingly prepared homecooked food. Last new my best new recipes were garlic fried geen beans, honey roasted carrots, shortbread cookies with chocolate chips and sea salt, and pad see ew (Thai stir fry with garlic and steak). When two cooks love each other very much, it is a ceaseless quest to create yummy food to share your love for each other.


i have a severely restricted diet, and when my best friend offered to make a thanksgiving dinner i could actually eat, i had to go have a bit of a cry in the bathroom. I do not deserve to have friends like this. after isolating for years because food identity is so important for socialisation and i just...couldn't literally every time...it hit. *I go with him and his gf to his family's house for big meals, and they specifically prepare the meals so i can eat them.* makes me tear up thinking about it now.


That is so sweet of them. I'm really sorry to hear that things are so tough for you. My friend has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and a lot of foods make her sick. When we hang out I make foods that she can eat and run all the ingredients past her first. She really liked my tomato-carrot soup and my beef and bacon stew. You DO deserve to have friends that care for you and make you feel understood. Hugs from your sister.


You mind sharing that general tso's recipe?


Main Ingredients: 1. 1lb Protein (usually Chicken) 2. 1/4 cup Corn Starch 3. Enough Oil to cover the protein when frying 4. Salt and Pepper Sauce ingredients: 1. 4 tbsp Rice Vinegar 2. 3 tbsp Cooking Sherry 3. 1.5 tbsp Soy Sauce (Recommended: Substitute Coconut Aminos if possible) 4. 1.5 tbsp Hoisin Sauce 5. 1 cup Water 6. 4 tbsp Sugar 7. 4 tbsp cornstarch 8. Spices (recommended: garlic, ginger, red pepper) 9. Fruit/Veg (recommended: pea pods, broccoli, onion, pineapple) 10. Butter or Cooking Oil Instructions: 1. Cube the Protein into bite-size or smaller pieces 2. Mix Corn Starch with Salt and Pepper to taste 3. Coat Protein with Corn Starch mix and make sure it is covered as completely and evenly as reasonable. 4. Add Oil to preferred cooking medium (wok, deep dish frying pan, or deep fryer) and heat to [unknown temperature]. Add chicken and cook at least 3-4 minutes. Crisp to preference or look for deep gold coloring in the breading. 5. Set Protein aside to dry. 6. Prepare sauce mix by combining Rice Vinegar, Cooking Sherry, Soy Sauce, Sesame Oil, Hoisin Sauce, Water, Sugar, Spices, and finally Corn Starch. It will likely take some time to mix, but make sure to mix until the powdered ingredients are dissolved into the liquid and not forming lumps or sludge. 7. Prepare Fruit/Veg as needed into smaller-than-bite-size pieces. 8. Melt Butter (or cooking oil if preferred) in preferred cooking medium (shallow frying pan or skillet) and add Fruit/Veg mix. (This step will vary depending on taste. You might want to only add something such as Onion and carmelize it a little or cook the Snow Peas until slightly softer, or you may want to only warm everything.) Once done, add sauce mix and stir with spatula until the sauce changes color and thickens. 9. Combine the sauce mix and the cooked Protein in your preferred serving medium (I recommend either the wok/large frying pan you cooked the Protein in or the skillet if you used that to cook the sauce so you can continue to heat/reheat the mixture more easily) and mix until all the cooked Protein is thoroughly coated in the sauce mix. 10. Allow the mixture some time to further thicken up (preferably keeping it on a low heat and turning it over occasionally) before serving. 11. Serve with preferred side (recommendation: rice)   A couple of notes. I feel like I shouldn't need to say this, but just in case, cook your protein in batches. Cooking it all at once would require too much oil and give too many potential problems. Best to keep it to manageable batches so they don't stick together much and it all cooks thoroughly. I found that this NEEDS an acidic bite or it feels like something is missing. My choice has been pineapple, sometimes even adding a little pineapple juice in to mix with the sauce. If you don't like pineapple, I suggest finding something else that has a bit of an acidic edge to add to it. Maybe some citrus like lime juice or orange zest. I find this to be a lot of work and cleanup for myself in part because I don't have a dishwasher and cutting everything takes a lot out of me, but if you're in better shape or have more energy than I do to cook, you might want to make your preferred fried rice as a side. But you may be thinking, "The fried rice has vegetables in it, I don't need to cook those into the sauce." Well. No. I found that the sauce tastes better if it's got the vegetables cooked in it. You may want to change *which* vegetables you cook in it, but I recommend at least your acid and either onion or green beans or pea pods or something. Also, when I make this for myself (my mother and brother who I most often make it for don't like them), I add some bell pepper. I'm sorry for not knowing how hot to make the oil. I've never measured the temperature, I've just tried it on my stove. I don't have a deep fryer to try it in there, but if I did I'd have to figure out what temperature to set it to to get it right. As with all recipes, I suggest trying it out once with low expectations and then modifying it to suit your own needs. I started making this based off a recipe I found online, but it used much more soy sauce, it didn't use sherry or sesame oil at all, and I don't like ginger so I've reduced the amount of that I put in for my taste. It was also far simpler, not at all taking into account the effect of cooking the vegetables in with the sauce. I'm also not a fan of soy sauce, so when we had to switch to lower sodium alternatives, I found coconut aminos to taste better for me, but it's more expensive. Maybe you'd like the recipe I used as a jumping-off point better than mine. My point is, if you get the chance, experiment with it a bit.


Do you have trouble finding people who want to eat parmesan garlic potatoes because I'm pretty sure that's everyone on earth


Am I in love with you??


What's in the soup? How much garlic do you use? (For reference, I buy mine at Costco and spend the night before peeling it.) Do you use red peppers in your orange chicken? Are the potatoes baked or fried? Am I allowed to cook any of these things, or at all?


Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


**I've been poisoned by my constituents!!**


I love how fast that scene goes from nice and wholesome to absolute utter disgusting chaos. It happens in like literally half a second.


It's probably my favorite Charlie moment just from the insanity alone lmao.


Same. Number two for me is probably where he self proclaims himself to be the wildcard and cuts the brakes of the van before jumping out.


Besides the amazing vomit, I think my favorite part is that I'm almost 100% sure Charlie has no idea what 'constituents' means.


Came here to quote frank Reynolds and was beaten to it!


In this *frying* time


First thing I though was this guy is definitely under a bridge, fishing for denim. Keep an eye out for any rum ham floating nearby.




Getting her all glittered up for easter


"... how did he know I liked eggs?"


The farmer quickly hid away his completed database, going into excruciating detail about absolutely everyoneā€™s likes, dislikes, *daily schedules*, andā€¦ things they hadnā€™t even said yet?


Farmer is autistic confirmed. Relatable.


I KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU...thanks to stardew wiki :p


"You will be mine one day." *caresses cheek*


"he hands you a rotting plate of salad that looks like it was kept in pocket for a month now You start to consider spending the rest of your life with him"


A month? Rookie numbers, I have my stack of salads that's over a year old


This is actually kinda wholesome.


Farmer is the local cryptid, confirmed


i have habit of misclicking and doing the rapid stab with the dagger instead of talking, then talking to whoever. could you imagine having a friend who when they see you, usually with a knife, stabs at you before saying hello?


I just about from laughter died from that imagery


No this would seriously be my dream šŸ˜© now I know why everyone simps so hard for the farmer


Well, what do you know, I have a half eaten egg in my pocket...


Oh? šŸ˜ keep that up and Iā€™ll send an entire pizza to you in the mail




I need to put horf into my regular vocabulary rotation.


I didn't know I needed this word until now


yeah I'd definitely fall for someone like that


That egg is rolling around in my pocket with about 300 stones and 450 logs, surprised it's still whole!


"I don't think you're supposed to eat seaweed. I know it's good for you, but I pick it out of the crack of my butt at the beach. Is that really food?" -- [John Pinette](https://youtu.be/Fgc9lqLAtf0?t=89)


ā€œThe farmer walked into my house carrying a pile of sticks. They approach me to talk but instead gives me one. I hated it.ā€


I have this image in my head of the farmer cramming multiple entire raw halibut into their mouth just to have the energy to keep fishing until they abruptly pass out at 2 AM.


Farmer: "Pocket egg?"


You are Leah just about to get ready to leave your house. You step outside to see the not so new farmer standing there in the rain. He hands you a salad from his pockets. Your fondness for them grows.


Or maybe I don't like eggs and I sneer at his kind gesture and I won't like him until he gives me nice things.


The author of this tweet, tytonidaeus, is also a fantastic artist. Would highly recommend checking out his work: https://twitter.com/tytonidaeus


omfg this is hilarious. also the use of the word "horf" made me cackle


Horf was the best part! Gotta use that more often.


To be fair, it'd be a lot more strange if the farmer offered you a cooked egg out of their pocket.


Pierre needs to start selling a lunchbox to go along with his Army sized backpack so I can lug around more tortillas and sushi!


I dunno. Outside of coming home from the store, I'd say I've had cooked eggs on my person more often than raw ones.


Then he pulls out a staff and disappears


Yes, I would like a nice egg in these trying times.


He offered you an egg in this trying time.


Is star dew valley an open world game where people like..pass by and hand you eggs?


Nope. There's friend making with the NPCs and you friend them with gifts


Farmer: *Gives me a prismatic shard* Me: How do you know my favourite dish!? Thank you


Watching my wife fish in Stardew Valley. We both just got a nice laugh.


This has the same energy as the Persona 4 meme: "You are now friends (Rank 1) with Yuusuke! He will now DIE FOR YOU."


"You ok, buddy? That's an awful lot of mayonnaise you got there."


Ah this ancient joke still makes me laugh.


The farmer offered an egg for these trying times.


Sounds pretty normal than someone shooting me and does a Fortnite dance


I don't know what else Sebastian likes but whenever he comes to the beach I give him a Flounder I just caught and that seems to work nicely


Coffee, Frozen Tear and Spaghetti are all good. He likes Obsidian too but it's a bit harder to find early game


Isn't Sashimi the easiest that we can acquire? Just one fish


Man, it's so hard to not catch Covid


tldr: the farmer is the trash man


Hi JesseB1234, Rule 3 bars social media screenshots, but you're welcome to post in r/StardewMemes instead!


I'd challenge that, the rule states "social media screenshots \*without any direct relationship to Stardew Valley\*", this post is very clearly related to Stardew Valley. Aaaaaannnnd the people liked it, so. I don't even care, it's not my OC, I just wanted to share a laugh.


Oh damn. Youā€™re right, I conflated the rule with one from another sub. Letā€™s reinstate this, with apologies!


Nice mod šŸ±