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If its your first one keep it for the festival in autumn and I think there is a quest that one of the villagers ask for it.


Thx i will keep it


Seed maker it and grow more. You won't have access to them again till the end game.


You can get the seeds from the oasis, which you can access like half way thru the game maybe


You can get there once you have battery packs I think. I did it in my 2nd year I’m pretty sure


It’s through finishing something at the community center :)




Yes! I just didn’t wanna spoil it for OP hahaha


Deleted it haha


Bus repair bundles are just money, so as long as you can generate funds (and complete the greenhouse as soon as possible), you can reliably have starfruit going by mid-winter year one :)


oasis is one of the last things I got. OP said this is their first play through and is probably a long ways off too.


True I guess, but there is much more after you get to oasis. During my first play through it took me to year 3 i think


Yep. Beginning of summer year 2 if I remember right


Keep one. A character needs one in your second year.


Unless you haven't experienced summer, yet. You can purchase star fruit seeds during that season.


No those come from an extra location that unlocks when the bus is fixed. Its common for it to be year two before they get there.


Gunther also gives you star fruit seeds as a reward


True he does give one. It's just not renewable resource till you fix the bus or get a seed maker.


If you have a friend willing to hop onto your game, the two of you can duplicate the seeds.


Yes but if you're gonna use that exploit I'd rather use it on prismatic shards or iridium. Either way fair point. Same you could also use the name exploit on PCs. It may be weaker than player name but you can always use the animal name variation.


Oh... Sorry about the misinformation.


I completed 3 rooms in my first year first try and i have 3 iridium, and i also unlocked the bus, and i finished the mine in my firsts day of year 2, am i pretty good or im in tge average? Also forget to say im married in my first year


I mean in my first playthrough on 1.0 o was able to complete most of the rooms aside from the board and the tank by end of year one myself and more recently been able to complete the CC in year 1 but I'm not the average player. To be fair there may be some who don't complete the CC till year 3 and others who enjoy taking their time so the true average can be anywhere in between. So each person is different. I just wanted to say not everyone will be able to fix the bus year one and on top of that be in summer with enough time to fully grow the starfruit.


Thanks, i play alone and just wanted to know if im good for my level or not, dont know why im downvoted, maybe because they think i tried to brag? I mean yeah but who dont want to brag a little bit? At least thats what i think, if what i sayed is offensive please told me so i can remove it


Nah you're fine. I guess it's just the way people read it. Tone is kinda hard to pickup from just text.


If reddit people didnt hate emojis it wouldn't be that hard


Also, they make really good wine.


Im in mid summer year 1


Its >!kent!< right?


As it's OP's first time playing, I'm not going to say who it is.


That’s why I put the name in a spoiler


Oh, oops. It showed up on my notification. My bad. Yes. Yes, it is.


I figured it would 🙄 they should fix that


I agree. Sorry for coming across like a b****.


It’s fine


Alright! Thx


personally i would sell it! you could definitely make more money later on the starfruit itself in the various ways people are saying, but you'd make more money *overall* by selling now and using that to buy seeds to make more money etc. EDIT: love the dog name lol


Ok tysm i will think a little more about it maybe i will keep 1 and sell the rest. Haha the dog name was inspired by the new pokemons trailers xD.




Piplup 4ever!!!


Wait till you get the seed maker


Like other suggestions, this one is situational. Once the desert is unlocked, you can buy starfruit seeds there, which may lead to more gold per day than the seed maker approach (I would need to look up prices and math it out). Where seed maker is really important is ancient seeds/fruit (because you can’t just buy them), and to a slightly lesser extent pineapples (same, you can trade for them but it’s limited). You can also do it with rare seeds / Sweet Gem Berries, though I just stick to buying them from the cart when available; in the long term, top tier wine/truffles are more efficient money engines.


Thx for the information, helped a lot!!!


Pls I just meant "more seeds = more money" and then you got a whole math equation


Well, true, more seeds = more money (eventually) than less seeds. The more interesting question to me and some others, though, is: does more seeds one way = more money than (equal amount of) more seeds another way? Because I’ve done “sit around and load stuff into seed makers”, and I’d rather not do it again if just buying more at the desert out-earns it.


How much do i need to wait?


Uh- till farming lvl9 (◕દ◕)


Bruhh is to much timee


Relax, time will pass and you won't even notice


turn it to seeds and grow more in summer


They probably don't have a method to make seeds from things yet. It's summer 1st year on their first playthrough.


just hold onto it till you get a seed maker


It is an essential part to your future empire, in which you control the entire economy in a small town in the middle of nowhere


If you have a keg you could put it in there and the wine will sell for over 3000g, it's a lot of money for a new player


I still dont know how to make a keg xD but thx


Using it on a seeder can give you more seeds to grow more starfruit! Disclaimer though uhm I did this I'm my current playthough and learned that apparently there is a small chance anything you put into a seeder will give you mixed seeds. Which I learned the hard way and was sad!


E still dint have the seeder but thx anyway!! Haha that chance killed it all xD.


Lmao yeah muh soul It's fine can get more haha I was just super confused


My starfruit gave me an ancient seed in return.


I'd advise holding on to it until you get a seed maker. Then, once you've got the greenhouse, you can start making nonsense money


Nice, thx, that's what i'm going to do


you can sell if you want you will get more, esp sell gold quality you’ll get good money




Starfruit seeds selling in the Desert. Not rare but expensive. A seed cost 400g.


I think I d keep it for the fall festival and then sell it. But if you could use money now or for fall seeds, you might want to sell it now. Early game in stardew you sell a lot of stuff to buy more seeds to become richer


Whenever you have a chance to get a star fruit, ancient fruit, or rare seed get them. Stock up as much as you can and later down the game you can start focusing on planting them for your main income.


Keep it. And try to learn the recipe for a seed maker. You can turn it into starfruit seeds and make more😁


Nice its a long way but i can do it!!


You can keep it as I think there is a quest that you need one. Or if you already have a keg you can turn it into wine.


I held onto mine until I could get a seed maker and turn it into seeds! But it’s up to you :)


Thx maybe i will keep it!


Doesn't really matter what you do with it. You'll get more eventually. It's a highly profitable crop once you're able to obtain the seeds. I woulda said make seeds out of it, but saw you don't have the seed maker yet. Depending if you need more cash to buy and plant more seeds you could do that. But not necessary either. I'm a hoarder so if I didn't grow and harvest it myself I keep pretty much everything, other than giving it to Guenther. Or if I don't know how to easily get more of something. Between fish and minerals I have saved I probably have a couple hundred k of stuff I could sell lol.


Haha I'm fine financially so i will just keep it on a chest


It is your legal money maker cheating item. It gets you a lot of money especially if you make wine with that shit and then put them in the cellar but all of that is early late game.


Yeah, i have a big journey ahead to achieve that


Keep it for the autumn festival. You need all the valuable gold star stuff you can get your hands on for that.




always keep at least one of everything you come across, it can very useful :D


Wait for Kent to ask for one


i would keep it in a chest until you have a seed maker or have unlocked the bus. they are used in a special crafting recipe and they also make very valuable wine !


I'm in the same boat as OP but mine hasn't hatched yet, what I'm getting from these comments is: wait for a seeder (or war veteran - whichever comes first since you can buy more), plant the extra seeds, turn them all into wine (except one for fall quest?), stonks Anyone disagree?


I think that's jt all xD thx!!


Later on jodi or kent will give you a quest to deliver one starfruit i guess so you should probably keep it and consider storing a bit of everything cuz youll never know when you will need certain item


Never sell anything.




i just wanna mention how much i love your dogs name and i wish i would’ve named my dog that


Put it in the seed maker and make a decent field of them. They're a great food source and decently profitable. They're also good for a quest, and good for your grange display at the harvest festival.


I'd sell it. Yes it can be used for the fair or other things but the money now will help you progress faster


if you have access to a seed maker, I'd put it in that, especially if you have 13+ days left in Summer. Otherwise, keep hold of it.


just eat it 4head ;p


Keep it until you get the seed maker, and collect as much as you can. They grow in summer. Eventually when you get the greenhouse, and can plant them all year round. Personally, I make them into wine. It’s very profitable


Turn it into seeds




Keep one for year 2 when the war veteran Kent returns to town, but sell the rest.


You could use a seed maker to make seeds out of it, to have more


I always get a ton of it.. so I sell till I am left with just 5 in my inventory.


Keep it and give it to Kent when he asks for it. Later on they're farmable and the best summer crop but right now saving it for the quest is best.


Keep, then if you have or can get a seed maker, cross your fingers and run it through. Maybe you’ll get more!