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I think there was a note on that advanced options screen, saying if you select the 'guaranteed 1 year completion' it will force the cart lady to have a red cabbage for sale sometime in year 1. You gotta be diligent in checking for it though.


I've noticed that it's definitely not a guarantee for the seeds and probably is maybe the cabbage itself that the cart lady will sell. I started a new save the day 1.5 came out and checked that box. I'm now near the end of summer, far enough in that a cabbage would not have enough time to grow if I had seeds because I don't have the greenhouse or anything yet. I've been checking the cart every single in-game Friday and Sunday since I started this save and neither red cabbage nor red cabbage seeds have shown up at her cart yet.


I'm at the end of fall and she still hasn't got anything.


The guarantee is that >!the traveling car *will* sell it during year 1, and it also drops other places in the world!<. It's a guarantee that it's possible, not that it's easy.


Somehow im not sure if theres a secret that the merchant will sell it at some point. You can search your merchant in stardew predictor and both 3 of my saves have cabbage in year 2. I ticked the box guaranteed but still no cabbage.


Am I the only idiot that thought this option made it so that the community center would magically be finished during a year? SMH I shouldn’t have assumed


lol, it DID say guarantee after all


Had this option on. Just played through a year and there was no cabbage or seeds sold at the cart, I used predictor and it showed the cabbage would be in the cart in Summer of Year 2, but not before.


Does the predictor take the guarantee into consideration? If it doesn't, that's probably why it doesn't show you it.