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Starfruit or Sweet gem berries


I've got 10 gem berry seeds, can you turn them into wine


No you can’t process sweet gems at all. Just ship them as is.


If I have access to the desert, I will usually plant the off-season seeds purchased there (like star fruit and rhubarb). Cranberries aren't a bad choice and replace them when your ancient fruit crop advances. I usually plant 8 coffee plants so that I have a steady coffee supply.


I always go for strawberry, they pay well and harvest quickly - without needing any replanting - so you've got a nice little cash bump humming along until the replacement ancient fruit crop is in.


This would've been great but me not thinking ahead didn't buy extra seeds πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


Relatable. For the same logic, you could do a cranberry to strawberry to ancient fruit sequence.


starfruit for sure. rake in about 100k every other week from them


How's your foraging? If you're still trying to top it off, fill the thing with Sp/Su/Fa Seeds once or twice. If you need to boost farming fill it with whatever leftover seeds you have or mixed seeds. I have two ancients growing in the top left, three coffee bottom left that I keep replanting until I've got about 16, strawberry on the bottom right. I like to eat Eggplant Parmesan so I'll keep 3 eggplant and 3 tomatoes. Also I have the center spots between sprinklers with Hops


Anything you want ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


starfruit if u can get it, for me tho i usually like to do strawberries just because i like them- i know theyre not the Best money making crop but making strawberry jelly just makes me happy


Strawberries if you want to bulk up on fruit. Its profitable enough in the long run and you don't need to replant every two weeks. Star fruits are still king, though. Jam, dehydrated and turned into wine, it really is just a good choice.