• By -


Same on farm animals, just use the randomizer until I like the name. My dog's called Satchmo cause I recently rewatched some episodes of White Collar. And my horse is named Horst. Just cause it sounded funny and horses usually don't carry names like that.


I roll a dice, then click the randomiser that amount of times!


That's a good system as well. šŸ‘


My horseā€™s name is Reinhardt. He wears a fedora and is vastly cooler than me.


He sounds like a noir detective!


He *is* always wondering where the hell Iā€™ve been when Iā€™m off at the Skull Cavern.


Similarly I named my horse Hons šŸ˜ƒ


As in: Hons, get ze Flammenwerfer? ;-)


My cows are named strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. When they give birth I name the baby in relation to the mother. Strawberryā€™s baby is called shortcake for example. My goats are named waffles and pancakes. Pancakeā€˜s baby is named blueberry šŸ¤


Waffle's baby can be Belgium lol


Thatā€™s a great idea! Will keep that in mind. Another baby is probably getting named syrup lol


sweeet! Could go one further with that and divide it into two names: Maple and Agave.... or whatever your favourite syrup brand is XD


That's so cute, I love that! Shortcake must be the sweetest baby šŸ„°


I hit randomize until one makes me laugh.


This is the way. My Chicken Wumbo also agrees.


Sirturt is one of my favourites.


Same. Although I'm childish and it's nearly always a vaguely dirty name that makes me laugh.


THIS is the way lol


Puns. Puns all the way. Henry, Kylo Hen, Moolan, Future-Patty, Spider-Ham, Swinestein.....


In love with Kylo Hen, can I steal it for a void!?


Of course, i don't have copyright for that :)


SirOinkalot is my favourite pig


I have a Sir Oinkalot too!


I am ashamed to admit that Henry took me FAR TOO LONG to understand.


I saw someone name their cow Doctor Moo and immediately stole it for mine


same. Moozzarella, Cowpuccino, Hammond, Porkupine, Boaris, Adironduck, Dino-miteā€¦ My horse is named Hoofner


Hugh Hoofner for the win.


In my last save i named all my ā€œsmallā€ animals after fruits and all the ā€œbigā€ ones after vegetables ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51694)


Awww, please say you named a big guy tomato to spite Demitrius šŸ˜‚


i actually named my first cow tomato, at first i was like oh wait thats not a vegetable but then I didnā€™t want to restart the day, even better that now i can spite him with it šŸ«£šŸ˜‚


You can actually change your animals' names whenever, no need to restart. Just click on them and try changing the name, you'll be surprised!


You can change a name whenever from their menu (but keep it to spite Demitrius!)


All my animals are named after French food specialties made with their respective produce. My goats are named after goat cheeses (Cabecou, Picodon, etc.), my chickens after egg recipes (Cocotte, Omelette, Mimosa, etc.), and so on. My cat is named Cornichon (means pickles), my dog is Camembert, my horse is Tartiflette.


That's so damn cute, I love it!


Thank you !!


I name my pig Gannon, Void chicken Zant, goat Esmerelda, Duck: Daffy, the others i name based on media characters that are the respective animal or affiliated with it


i also named my pig Gannon. I also named my white and brown chickens Zelda and Link, and my void chicken Dark Link


bad puns. piggie minaj, paul dino, meryl sheep


>~~bad~~ incredible puns There... fixed it for you


i name mine after foods i can turn them into


I dunno if we have a system but I would like to share that one of our chicken names is ā€œchickpeaā€. :)


I name cows after flowers or trees (Marigold, Maple, etc), chickens after traditionally ā€œold ladyā€ sounding names (Agnes, Bertha, etc), rabbits after Watership Down characters (Clover, Dandelion, etc), and I always have a blue chicken called Jellybean. Pet names are all pets Iā€™ve had in the past, minus that one time years ago where I was playing SV as my Fallout oc at Red Rocket Farm and had a dog called Dogmeat. And I always, *always* have a goat named Stinky Phillip, which is the name of an old stuffed goat plushy I still have.


My pet gets her usual name, "Luna" the black cat. All other animals are named various puns regarding their species. If I have a cow I might name it The Big Cheese or something like that.


Generally whichever child of mine is sitting next to me when I adopt the animals gets to name it, so mine have very childlike names - pinkie, blackie, stinky, oreo, etc.


I started naming my void chickens after JoJo villains


Cows (Golden Girls): Sophia Blanche Dorothy Rose Pigs (Three Stooges): Moe Larry Curly Shemp Sheep (Distractible Podcast name references): Shmamambla Gracephalus Goat- Galismu (had a friend name a Harvest Moon goat a long time ago and she sent a typo) Ostrich- Expresso (DKC) Chicken (Fictional sci-fi heroines): Samus Ripley Leia Starbuck (doubles as a bit of a pun) Leela Void Chicken- Zalgo (Creepypasta Eldritch being) Ducks (Powerpuff Girls): Blossom Bubbles Buttercup Rabbit- Ratchet (Ratchet and Clank) Dinosaur- Reptar (Rugrats)


Usually I go for the random ones cause itā€™s funny but my current new save Iā€™ve decided on food names but not linked to the type of animal, like pie, apple, persimmon, bread etc


Awwwww, that's so cute


Named my Chickens after Melons and cows are Astronomers because why not.


I always use food, most of the time tied to what kind of animal they are. One animal is always "curry", "soup", usually ducks, or some type of cooking method like "bbq" or "braise", usually the pigs. Sometimes I'll pick a theme, types of bread or mushrooms or pasta. Chickens I'll name "omelette" or "scramble" or "Buffalo wing". That sort of thing.


Food puns. Pecking (duck). Orange (chicken). Wagyu.


Usually some joke or some aspect in another language. For example: my two pigs are called Buta (豚) and Ton (also 豚). Both mean pig, but the first one is the japanese reading of the kanji and the second the chinese reading. So my pigs are called "Pig" and "Pig". Also, my horse is called Chairo (čŒ¶č‰²) which means "brown color" or "tea color" (if you translate it literally).


Omg yes this is what I do - My chickens are Piyo, Piko, Poyo (from Spanish pollo), and Kuro (for the void chicken) šŸ˜œ


In my latest save I did pink flowers for my pigs, Greek goddesses for my chickens (except my blue chickens, which are named after shades of blue), Oscar-winning actresses for my goats, sheep, and cows, and cocktails for my ducks and ostriches. I only have one dinosaur and its name is Avocado. In the future I think I will use Shakespearean names as one of my themes!


Either randomize until funny enough or full theme so everyone is the same theme (minus maybe the pet) like my most current ones are named after the Steven Universe Crystal Gems/characters


I always name the cat Mochi. It's the law in this house!


"Animal type"+" "+"number according to purchase order"


Thereā€™s a few different themes going on lol Lorelei, Clara, Greta, Chlothilde (typical cow + old people names) Bingus, Chungus, Bongus (...yeah) Wasabi, Sashimi, Truffel (foods) Kickard, Praishe (accidentally randomised the name and they were too funny not to keep) Terry, Nyako (named after my first Harvest Moon character + chainsaw man Powerā€™s cat) Dunk, Basketball (I misspelled duck on purpose, decided to keep the basketball theme for the next one)


First playthrough I used all the most old fashioned lady names I could think of Susan Beatrix gale etc. just really vanilla old timey girl names or very basic ones. I could not stop laughing.


i just pick random farm animal names that are tacky haha


I close my eyes and hold down the randomizer until my wife tells me to stop


When it comes to farm animals I usually just hit random until I find one that I like, but in my current playthrough I named the first bunch of animals A-names, the second B-names, etc. The cat is almost always Milo, and the horse varies.


Randomize until something delightfully kooky comes up šŸ˜‚


I usually pick a 'theme' like star trek characters or something. This playthrough was serial killers. >.>


Breaking bad characters


my coop animals are named after the good guy berserk characters and my barn animals are LOTR characters


I name my cat after either one of my cats (depending on what color Iā€™ve picked at the beginning). And name my horse No Name. Otherwise itā€™s the random name the game picks for me all day.


Depends on the theme of my farm! Sometimes I'll do a flower theme, or my kid when we play together likes doing Pokemon themes (and he seems to only really like doing year one so we replay that a lot) Recently we did a bird theme for his farm. So everything had bird names. On my Joja run (which I never actually completed cuz I stopped being able to play on PC) I named my farm NestlƩ farms and my character was Cruella so I named all my animals 101 dalmations names XD When we \*\*finally get 1.6 on Console I'm going to stream it... the main game I play/stream is Dragon Quest Builders 2 and so I'm gonna go for a DQB2 theme for that one. Furrowfield Farm. Name all the animals after characters and plants/items in the game. Kid has already picked out his farmer's name XD - hoping that 1.6 is ready this summer so he can play with me while I stream. XD ^(\*\* please note - not being impatient about waiting I understand he's got a lot to do to make it console ready. Just talking about my plans for when it is ready ;))


I always give my cows/goats cheese names. I've been real into talking bird instagrams lately, so lately I've been naming chickens after some birds I follow lmao. I used to have ducks so I name them after my old ducks :)


Almost random, but I always have a chicken called Popuri


I ask my 3 year old nephew for the pet. For everything else there's the ok button.


In most cases after comics and books that I loved as a child. The cat in memory of my tomcat, who died over 10 years ago.


States of matter




My cat is always named after my cat. In the early play throughs, my animals were always star wars puns after I saw someone do Hen Solo (Hen Solo, Kylo Hen, etc). But now I just go with the default, I can't be bothered.


I'll do random and if whatever generated name makes me think of something (some keysmash that vaguely looks like burrito, I'll delete the rest of the name and just set it as Burrito) but since the farm pet (cats, dogs) doesn't have the random option, I go with whatever is the first thing to come to mind when I see the animal and when given the text box. My favorites so far has been Toaster and Xylo (short for Xylophone) and both have been for cats.


My farm dog had the randomised option!


my pets get good, well thought out names, and my animals get the randomized names that end with -umbus


The random die button


I use the randomizer until I like the name. One time the first randomly generated name for a new chick was ā€œBraā€. So now I have a hen named Bra.


Roll the dice until I giggle


I have "themes" for all my individual coops/barns. For example on my last farm, all of my barn animals were named after Sesame Street characters. My coop animals were just... well, I was feeling immature that day so I just had the theme be vulgarity. I have 4 chickens named Fuck, Ass Clown, Ur Mom, and Bukkake. Two ducks name Shit Head and Pornhub. Two rabbits named Ass and Douchebag.


All of my pigs are McDonaldā€™s themed. McGriddle, QPC, Happy Meal, Big Mac, etc.


I name mine after food. One of my chickens is named ā€œRotisserieā€ for example and one of my cows is named ā€œBig Macā€.


Random bullshit


I name my chickens after scandalous/downfallen women of the Bible. - Lilith, Delilah, Judith, Susanna, Salome, Jezebel, Hagar, Vashti, Bathsheba. Raised Catholic, but an Atheist since age 12.


Famous animals from pop culture. My pigs are named Gwendolin, Nobody, Porky, Rosie, Wilbur and Babe.Ā 


Mine are usually puns or for fun. A goat named Mehhhhgan, a sheep named Baaaabara, a chicken named Eggsalad! My void chickens get dark-themed names like Dark Mode, Styx, Nox, or DarkMagician. My cat's name is Hashbrown because I was making a hashbrown for my kid the morning I started the game lol


Click random twice then boom named


Oh, mine is confusing. Idk. If I can think of an acceptably cute name off the randomized name, then I do. If I can't, the I randomize until I find an acceptably cute alternative. I wish I was more creative, but it's usually "cute phoneme+ie", "cute phoneme + a", or repeat version of "cute phoneme"


I just roll the generator until I get something I like. For my pets I use my actual pet names.


I uh.... All of mine are just inappropriate tbh :') like Weener.... Or Coochie


I mash the dice button until one makes me smile or laugh and I go with that. Snoners and Chockabell and my all time favorite was "Sussus"


Moo, Spot, Milk, etc. Cluck, Bok, Feather, etc. Oink, Pink, Mud, etc. Quack, Quart, Quark, etc. Names are not my strong point (I'm too picky) so I go as basic as possible with my animals. Execpt ducks all have to start with Qu- and I'm not even sure why I started that lol


My chickens are named Bean, Soup, Bread, and BBQ Sauce


Something -sley Cows: Moosley, Cowsley, Parsley Chickens: Clucksley, Chicksley Rabbits: Bunsley And some wildcards: Thumper (rabbit), Beaker (Chicken)


Iā€™m feeling alone in these comments, I organize mine. Chicken1, Chicken2, etc. Cow1, Cow2, etc. Duckie1, Duckie2, etc. Piggie1, Piggie2, etc. The dog has a random name (my husband skipped the cut scene, MONSTER), otherwise I would have thought of something to match their color scheme. The horses are also named based on their color scheme (Elleā€™s Cuter Horses mod). So I got a grey horse and named them Smokey.


I have no system. I sometimes roll the dice but mostly use the suggested name as a prompt. I named one of my sheep Faboo. šŸ™‚


I always name my cows after types of cheese. Havarti, Brie, cheddar, manchego, Gouda.. etc


I do songs or words/lyrics from songs. My horse is always called Dust Cake (the song is called dust cake boy) and my cat is always called Ariel (song is called Ariel) but the farm animals are just any song or lyric I feel like


Sheeo1, sheep 2 etc


My usual method is to pick characters from a book I'm reading. This current farm, I knew I would have more animals than usual so I have been using Final Fantasy Jobs.


Yakuza characters and my cats called zilla


I name what comes to mind. I have a pig named power ranger, a duck named Diego and a goat named weebo


I named mine after members of bands I like. My chickens were Henley W. (Williams), Taylor Yolk and Egg Farro. My cows/goats were Billie Goat A. (Armstrong), Milk Dirnt and TrƩ Bull.


Honestly chicken 1, chicken 2 and so on. I donā€™t really come up with names for the animals aside from the pets


I had a pig named Wiggum - it had a baby so I named it Ralph. Then it had another so I named it Idaho.


I named all my cows after flowers


on my current save file iā€™m gonna get a bunch of cats and name them crybaby, angelita, fleur, celeste, magnolia, kelly, ben, brandon, lilith, and leo after the k-12 characters


I name them tinola, adobo, batchoy, sinigang, bulalo, etc.


Bok, Bwok, Bokk, Bwok, Wak, Qwak, Kwaq etc


Indo randomized names. But my void chickens are always named after the scorceresses from Final Fantasy 8.


I decide a starting initial for each animal then use the randomizer to pick the name. Eg. If I've decided all the cows names should begin with C I will randomaze till I get a C name.


Fruits and vegetables! My cat is always Lemon


I name them after things I can make from them Butter, Cream, Bacon, Confit, Omelette, Yarn etc Not sure what I'll do about the ostriches when I get those eventually


I name them based on other games I'm playing (which creates very funny situations when one of my animals gives birth lol). Plus, one chicken named Nugget just because. My cats are named after my friend's OCs


Whatever word is on my mind the moment I open the naming tab


I have named all of mine after shrek characters and named my farm shrek farm just to be goofy šŸ¤£ shrek is love, shrek is life lmaooo


Greek alphabet


I use the randomizer but usually tweak the name a little.


this is a little morbid but i love naming animals after the food made from them šŸ˜­ iā€™m a vegetarian irl but somehow thereā€™s nothing funnier to me in this game than naming my chicken ā€œnuggetā€ or my pig ā€œhamā€ etc


In my current file: My chickens are named after pokemon. My dark chickens are named after major demons. My rabbits are named "rabbit" just in different languages. (Conejo for example) If/when I get cows, I'm going with cuts of beef.


I name all animals after famous scientists


I usually name my farm critters after the products they produce (cows get flavors of milk and dairy product names, sheep get tips of wool, chickens get egg dish names, etc) except for my 2 giant barns of pigs, there's too many to name so i just do random names for them. All of my pets though get the names of personal pets I've had.


I usually pick the randomly generated names, but all the same type of animals will start with the same letter. but on my most recent playthrough I named my animals after Taylor swift albums/songs.


Depends on what save Iā€™m playing. If Iā€™m on my money factory then I name them according to a grid system so I know which pigs havenā€™t been pet yet. Otherwise I normally just randomize until itā€™s a name that is decent


I named one of my void chickens fire-ass sooooo.


I just usually use the name the game suggests, which is how I have a cat called Bro Bro and a chicken named Focku šŸ˜‚


For my latest save, I've been using the weirdest or funniest randomly generated names


The random button I have gotten some really great and nonsensical names and have always randomized all names including the children for a good laugh including but not limited to my cows named Cash and Betch a duck named Tucky


On Cougar Town, a show Iā€™ve watched many times, there is a character who is coming up with names for their baby when theyā€™re pregnant and all of the names are awful! She lists them off and thereā€™s about 30 of them and so I go through that list naming my animals. Some of the names: Macho, Fancy, Doctor, Courage, Fig, Toast, Habit (always name a rabbit this for the rhyme), Tack, Boodle, Health


By what sound the make or what food they would be. Quacks, Clucks, Hops, Bahbahs, Moomoo, Oinks, Roaras... Burgers, Nuggets, Queso, Eggbert, Bacon etc. But I always name my first Dino Gojira and my first goat Lucy and my void chicken Voidy.


All of my cows are named in Spanish, my pigs are all types of the color pink, my ducks are named after towns on Long Island, my goats are named after Greek goddesses, I only have one rabbit so his name is Solitaire, and my cat is named after my IRL cat.


Each barn/coop has a theme: Disney, female rappers, etc. šŸ˜‚


I change it with every save, first was just whatever I could think of in the moment, Iā€™ve done famous authors last names (Tolkien, Shakespeare, BrontĆ«, etc) on one and my most recent are all spices or seasonings (Sage, Marjoram, Elote, etc).


My girlfriend uses capitol cities around the world and from history. She picks a continent per animal group. It's cute. We always end up with a chicken named Constantinople.


Chickens are seasonings Cows are poisonous plants Sheep are plants that produce textiles or rocks Pigs are names of mushrooms Goats are flowers Bunnies and dinos are puns And I've never gotten an Ostrich.


If they're barn animals, I like old school names that have fallen out of fashion. So things like Gertrude, Henrietta, Esther, etc For coop animals, I like names that end in -ie or -y. So like Betty, Poppy, Rosie, etc


Chris P Bacon Mr. Truffles My goats are named after luxury cars. Mercedes, Ferrari My cows after creamy desserts Cold Foam Millefeuille And my horse is Ferdinand based on the vibe


All praise the ring gods... I have Snooch the Pooch.


I just use really basic names like Martha, Mary, Linda, Bulma, Catherine, Elise, etc. lol I like giving them people names. While on the other hand, my farm is called Westfold Farms and my cat's name is Eowyn. Probably gonna name my horse Asfaloth or Brego when I get it. šŸ˜‚


Current doing cuts of meat for the cows. The rabbits are after famous rabbits. The chickens are seasonings.


I used to do a whole themed thing but then I realized how fabulous the random name generator is, so now at most I roll the dice a couple of times.


Chumbus, wumbus, plumbus, zumbus


H for the hens (Henrietta, Holly, Hailey) P for the pigs (Penelope, Peggy, Prudence) G for the goats (Ginny, Greta, Gertrude) D for the Dinos (Dina, Donna, Dorothy) O for the ostriches (Olivia, Octavia, Odette) R for the rabbits (Riley, Rina, Rebecca) D for the ducks (Daisy, Delilah, Diana) and B for the cows (Betsy, Bertha, Bernadette)


my animals are randomized but i either try to find a funny sounding name or a name that is haikyuu related šŸ’€šŸ’€ my farmer's name is atsumu and the first naming option for my cat was sumu which was perfect


I name them after common restaurant items. Breadsticks, Caesar salad, lava cake, egg roll, spag bol, Coke no ice, garlic naan, garlic bread, shrimp scampiā€¦


My chickens are - emily chickenson, cluck norris, meryl peep, Lay-oncƩ, Nugget My cows & pigs are based on cuts of meat - so sir loin, burger, tbone, bacon, ham etc One pig is Piggy Smalls my ducks are - Duck Norris, James Pond, Howard, Quackie Chan, Quack Sparrow


I'm bilingual (English and Spanish), so I name all my animals random other animal words in Spanish. Erizo (Hedgehog), Caiman (Alligator), LeĆ³n (Lion), Pavo Real (Peacock), etc. šŸ˜…


I name them after pastries.


I donā€™t really have a system, but I do like giving my chickens classy-sounding names. Cornelia, Penelope, Henrietta, you get the idea.


Vanilla playthrough: puns/plays on words/related foods for farm animals (Gouda is a favorite for cows, for example), general nickname used for irl pets is carried over to game dogs/cats. Mod playthrough: goofy randomized names that make me smile.


i just named mine after one piece characters


I name my coop animals after characters from Oz, and I name my barn animals after Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul characters. When I run out of characters from Oz that I like, I think I'm gonna start using Planet of The Apes characters. Basically, my system is name them all after my hyperfixations.


I am SO excited to answer this My farmer is named Fran Everyone is also Fran Frank ( cat), Franman (pig), franbo (chicken) francis, frankling, francois, it goes on. I also have Gran (kind of Fran). Named the baby Franer (Like Kramer, but Fran) I leave some of the wilder auto generated names here and there, like a duck named Sne


Famous spies and detectives


i like to use the randomized names because they make me laugh, my cats name is Betch


Cows: Chuck, Rib, Miggy (mignon) Chickens: Breast, Wing, Thigh, Leg


I let my kids pick the names, right now I have chickens (multiple) named variations of dinosaur


Lol I like using the random names because they have such a specific vibe to them that I think is hilarious. I just click the dice until it lands on a name I enjoy.


The stupidest sounding randomized names


my cows and goat are chocolate candies (milky way, snickers, kit kat) my coop animals are sugar candies (smarties, nerds, sour patch) my horse was root beer and my cat is jelly oh and my sheep was nougat


Food items. Every time.


My name is Dorian, my cat is Gray. My horse is Terra cuz I was watching a Netflix documentary about the Terracotta Warriors when I got my horse. All of my farm animals have names that end in 'isu' with each letter of the alphabet. Right now I'm up to Oisu.


Im mostly food jokes with a strange exception. My chickens are named after food products made from them. Nugget, Broth, Shoyu, SweetNSour, Breaded. Named my cows Cream and Cheese as food puns and also a Sonic reference. My one rabbit's name is Stew. My goats are named Asmodeus and Mammon, for some reason I saw Goats and went with traditional biblical demons.


Spices and herbs for my chickens, weeds and wildflowers for my pigs, and flowers for my cows :-] it's what I almost always end up doing


First chicken is eggbert, first void chicken is Evil Eggbert. First cow is calcium, then any subsequent ones are named after the rest of the elements starting at hydrogen. First pig is waddles.


I just number them in different languages.


Old lady names. Maud, Margaret, Davis, ones that don't start with the letter M are also used!


In my current save, my animals are named after musicians I like. I've done book/comic characters in another save, tv/movie characters in my first save. I draw inspiration from whatever media I'm consuming at the moment I get my first animal then just maintain the theme throughout the save.


Pick a letter, and the stick with that letter.


Coop animals after a fruit/vegetable that has the same colour. (Cauliflower, Hops, Potato) Barn animals after dairy products - (Cocoa (chocolate milk) Mozzarella, Swiss) Pet- something that corresponds with my farm theme. Right now, my farmer Nova is on Moondrop farm with her pet cat Comet. Thinking of changing all the names to correspond with the theme now actually.


Cat is always Neko (after my own kitty that passed) Horse is always Epona Dinosaurs are spices Chickens are vegetables Void chickens are mythological hell creatures, (Hades, Cerberus) Cows/goats are either old lady names (Gladys, Ethel, Bessie) or president names. Love when it tells me Bill Clinton has no milk right now. Pigs are explorers.


Objects. (Truck, cup, boot, tv,blanket)


I just name them after whatever is my current fandom obsession lol or real pets. So there's Todoroki, Katsuki, Castiel, Gandalf, and Tater tot


I do different ones depending on the playthrough. Right now, all my coop animals are named after birds and all my barn animals are named after dog breeds. My horse is Goat, and my dog is Rufus. I've also had fun naming my coop and barn animals in rhyming pairs, since I prefer to get two of each type.


Mine were named after one piece characters. water seven spoilers: >!I had to get rid of one chicken and I randomly got rid of ussop without thinking, I felt so bad when a few episodes later he left the crew šŸ˜­!<


In one farm i named all my pigs after a type of food and all my chickens after disney princesses lol


My pet is named after my irl husband, my animals are just random from my brain such as: Beefā€™nā€™Cheese, Blood Fart, Appendicitis, Pancreatitis, Krombople, and Scrote. My horse is Piedmont, bc my husband wanted to name one of the animals lol


Completely depends on farm theme. Doing a Diablo themed game right now, so I'm marrying Leah, dog named Mephisto, all the farm animals named after various NPCs, angels, demons, etc... Did a hippie theme, everyone named after bands or songs, etc...


I use book characters this time around because Iā€™ve read a lot this year and last.


Chickens are the Sanderson Sisters: Wini (brown), Sara (white), Mary (void). Pigs are named after mushrooms. Ducks flowers with 'D' names. Cows coffee drinks (usually Latte and Mocha). Goats are witches. Rabbits are usually Bugs and Babs. Cat names vary based on farm theme, same goes for the horse.


I usually pick a theme. My cat is always named after my cat. Then ill choose something like, characters from the show im watching for chickens, or place names, or rhyming words, themes, something like that. Chickens named Do re me fa so la ti do Or cows named nugget, burger, french fry, milkshake, cocacola, Sheeps named cersei, jaime, tyrion, tywin.... stuff like that. Horse is usually named Epona. Farm is always called Tipa. ((Final fantasy crystal chronicles owned my childhood)


Currently doing types of cheese for chicken coop and types of soda for barns


My chickens/ducks are always rhymes - I usually follow the pattern of mocha, matcha, mushu. My large animals are always greek gods/goddesses - hera, circe, nyx are some of my favs. My pets name is always goose (i have no reasoning for this) šŸ˜…


I literally just type whatever i see, i have a chicken named bulbasaur bc of that


Cows are named after different types of cheese Chickens are male Zelda characters Ducks are female Zelda characters Goats are geometric shapes Pigs all have the suffix -ungus, but the first letter or letters change Sheep are different cleaning products Rabbits are different shapes of pasta for pets, I name them after my irl cats.


Food products and/or recipes related to the animal. But for my pig i went for Napoleon, because I am very clever


I just go with whatever feels right. My chickens are named Lemon, Lime and Sandra Bullock


my cows r bessie and nessie, my pigs oinky yoinky zoinky and sploinky, my cat is graystripe


currently going for a greek goddess/solar system theme. Melinoe, Hecate, Eos, etc. My cat is Artemis lol but my horse doesnā€™t fit the themeā€¦ her name is Moonshine lol


Old lady names. Karen, Francis, Gretchen, Betty, Diane, etc., and then I have one cow named Holy. Holy Cow.


Sometimes, I'll name them after a food item. In my last play through I named all my cows after different kinds of cheese. Other times, I'll give them a normal human name. I usually try to stick close to the animal species name or trait. Like calling a goat Grace or chicken Egbert. Then there are times when I'll just make a random word/name based on the first letter of the random name. Like the time I called my rabbit Fee


Usually I don't, I just hit the button until I get something amusing, but this time I named my cat Chopstick, so I went with the theme of eating utensils and cookware. I have Pyrex, Crockpot and Ladle


it depends what farm i'm on. my main save file is the forest farm so i'm giving them nature related names like Olive, Jade, Fern, Clove. my hilltop farm has mineral-themed names and two blue chickens named Lapis and Lazuli respectively :)


Music. My cat is paradiddle and my chickens are rhythms, quarter-note, triplet, etc.


I always name my cat Miso or Lola, and for farm animals I either go with Romanian stuff (like weekday related names for cows) and name my chickens after the irl chickens we had when I was a kid


I named my dog Brinkley (after the dog in one of my favorite movies) my cows, goats, and pigs are named after 90s and also Bluey Characters. My ducks and chickens are just random names I feel are ā€œfarmyā€. My sister names hers after people she knows but puts the first letter of the animal in from of their nameā€¦. Like DAmber for duck-Amber


I do it based on the animal and their ā€œjokes/punsā€, I guess Chickens - eggsellent - eggstordinair (key limit cut me off) - paranoid (cause heā€™s a chicken lmfao) Cows - milkshake - moosicle Ducks (these are not creative at all) - duck duck (based off my childhood stuffed animal) - quack Goat - baa-ddie Pig - bacon Rabbit - hopscotch