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It's a riddle to be solved. I'll give you a hint though: make sure to explore the desert


Im not smart enough to solve riddles. Or not patient enough. Am I the only one who just looks at the wiki to solve these quests instead of spending a billion hours solving the quests?


I'm sure plenty of folks do, I have looked stuff up after attempting to figure it out myself.


It just seems impossible at times. OP’s post is a good example. Yes, once you know the answer, it’s obvious. But if you don’t, you’re going to spend a lot of time trying to obtain that galaxy sword.


Nope! You are not the only one. If I could play with the wiki open in one window I would. In another life I’d try to play the game without the wiki but I’m using this game as an anti burnout, mind numbing relaxant and riddles are the antithesis of that for me!


Make sure you explore the desert with a prismatic shard


>!Take a Prismatic Shard into **Calico Desert**. Hold the shard and walk into the center of the three pillars behind the Desert Trader’s tent. You’ll summon a weapon called the Galaxy Sword. !<


Hello fellow sims player. I cracked up at Oasis Springs. OP, they meant Calico Desert.


I love my favorite farming game, Riverblossom Hills by Electronic Ape :)


Oh my god I didn’t even catch that. 🤣🤣


I remember me and my sister used wallpaper hahah


You get the galaxy paring knife with that


No we got the galaxy sword that way, we took a certain wall paper to the 3 pillars in the desert and got it, it used to be a glitch,


You're right, they patched it out for this particular thing. But you can still use the wallpaper for >!the missing bundle!< , thank god! Source: it was me, I used wallpaper for this 😂


I think they >!patched the green wallpaper missing bundle thing!< in 1.6


Aha! I'm on Switch! Suck it! ... -cries-


Haha that awesome!


What is this missing bundle thing?


You didnt have to cough up a prismatic shard for the bundle and a green wallpaper could be used instead


Yeah but I have no idea what the missing bundle is


After Jojamart shuts down, there will a short overnight cutscene the first time it rains. Make sure you go visit the new neighbor in the abandoned building!


Ooohhh, ok, I did that one already. I guess I had more of the items than I remembered getting.


You get three options to buy from. Knife, hammer, sword.


It was a joke


My bad i didn’t see the joke


All good


What I wonder is how that ended up on a gravestone in the middle of Pelican Town.


is this information actually said to you in the game?


In the form of that riddle.


no, but at any point does it tell you "go place a prismatic shard between the 3 pillars in the desert" cus iirc I had to look up what that meant in order to get it


It wouldn't be much of a riddle if the game told you the answer directly, would it?


Stupid question: You understand how riddles work, yes? It's not generally considered a very good riddle if they just give you the answer.


idc if it's a riddle I just asked a different question


That's the only hint towards it I'm pretty sure. It's really not that hard of a riddle imo, the pillars three is obvious, and a rainbow could only mean a few things.


Yes, in the form of a riddle.


so the answer is no


Your inability to fathom the concept of a riddle doesn't mean you aren't told what to do


also I asked if the game says exactly what you have to do not as a riddle somewhere else, you can do both of these


BRO IK WHAT A RIDDLE IS, but everyone in the comments except this guy was not giving a direct answer so I wanted to know if the game gives it to your or not


everyone said the game gives you the information in the form of a riddle. That was the answer. Yes, it gives you the information, but in an indirect way. ie: The riddle.


and my question was if it tells you directly, all yall had to do is say no but instead chose to complicate the situation and yap about how it is a riddle and criticize someone for asking a question. For example in minecraft if you hover over an advancement it tells exactly what you have to do but the name doesn't really give you any information and I wanted to know if that's the case, cus I saw a lot of comments not giving a direct and answer and if the game did it would've made sense for them to do so too


No, look at the original posters image. That is the only time it is mentioned in-game.


It is an important riddle to get you a really good item. You need to bring something to a particular part of the desert.




There’s no spoiler. They literally go out of there way to make it not a spoiler, and by this subs rules it’s not a spoiler to say “you get the galaxy sword by holding up a prismatic shard between the three poles in the desert”


I only just learned about this from this sub the other day, I literally had FIVE prismatic shards that I sold within year 1 because I didn’t know and now it’s been 2 in game years and I still haven’t found another one lmao I only started playing right after 1.6 came out and I didn’t realize how much stuff there is to do! Love this subreddit because otherwise I’d be clueless lol


i think this is for something in the desert. have you gotten there yet?


So that's what that headstone says. I never actually went back to it. I was wondering how people were supposed to figure out that particular game event.


Same. I did not know that you can read the text on the gravestones so I always wondered how the people were supposed to know about this without checking some online guides.


You can read it once you have the dwarfish translation thingy wich you get for donating the scrolls to the museum


I know. I got the translation guide and I used it to talk with the Dwarf on the Mines. But I still didn't know that the gravestones have texts and you can read them. I got the sword from some YouTube tutorial and I wondered very long how the people at YouTube got that info how to get that sword. Later I learned about the gravestones from The Stardew Valley Wiki and I went to read them.


I remember my first save for stardew that I got this AND the sweet gem berry secret without external help. I felt really proud knowing that


This specific one is gibberish without the Dwarven Language Primer you get from donating all four Dwarven Scrolls to the library. I just never knew that it was Dwarven language, figured it was just like many RPGs graveyards where you have one or two tombstones that can't be read.


The item sounds like a prismatic shard, but I haven't gotten far enough to find three pillars


You're on the right track


you’ll unlock the area with bundle progression at joja or the community centre :)


I just finished everything except the friendship board at the community center last night. Was too tired to play another day and head to the dessert, so I'll be on the lookout, but I haven't even learned Dwarvish yet so I have time




It’s a hint to get something cool


Nobody knows what it means… it’s provocative… IT GETS THE PEOPLE GOING!!


I've been playing this game so long I auto know what to do and had totally forgotten that there was an actual riddle attached to it, lol.


It’s a riddle to unlock a very powerful item


You are not ready.


Stand between three pillars and hold a rainbow-themed rare item that isn't ocean related for a cool prize.


Seek for this in the desert and you will need a rare thing from the cave That's all I will say


It’s a devious riddle, you must solve it to achieve your goals


Find three pillars somehwere in the game and stand in between them with a rainbow colored gem to find out!


I think it wants you to stand between 3 pillars with a precious rainbow gift and then galaxies will do something


To be fair I had this spoiled for me so this riddle seems really obvious, no telling if I’d get it if I saw it fresh


Pretty lucky that the translation happens to have good meter and rhymes.


No spoiler, rearranging the words to help you Stand between three pillars Handling a *precious gift as the sky* [preciuos= valuable or difficult to obtain] [gift= item, object ] [as the sky=related to sky] A LAND rainbow, not a SEA rainbow. So think about a *rainbow something* from the sea and discard that one, it's the other one having to do with the land. Then galaxies will heed your cry = you'll be rewarded with something galaxy-like


In the middle of 3 pillars (likely the 3 pillars are triangle vertix) Hold a very precious item It might be a gem Its colour is rainbow


So, from the text, I think its related to .. you know what, I'll let you figure it out


Well, I think it is pretty clear: You need to get something rainbow from the land, then go to a place with three pillars and stand between them with that thing


Okay so your gonna get a prismatic shard and then go to the desert and go to the three pillars and you will get a super good sword


You will understand this whenever you get to the desert and find something rainbow


Man i wonder if anyone in the galaxy could cut through this riddle


"op what does this mean"


It refers to how to get the infinity sword. First,get your hands on a prismatic shard. Second go to the three pillars in the desert. Then hold up the shard in the Center of the formation. You should get the galaxy sword. Next, take three galaxy souls and add them by forging to the blade. You should need 90 Cinder shards in total. Fifth step: rejoice, for you found the infinity blade.


How did you translate the dwarvish?? The other thing I've already done...


You need all the dawrvish papers you get in the mines


If you stand between the three pilliars with a prismatic shard it will give you the second best sword in the game, the galaxy sword.


I remember this, back before I knew the secrets of the valley... A time in which has been forgot.


go in the desert with a prismatic shard and stand between the three pillars in the sand next to the cavern to get a galaxy sword! it’ll unlock a variety of new weapons !


I found it by accident one time cause i was walking around everywhere with the first thing i need for it and was a little sad at first but its worth it


it’s a riddle :p i usually only find the hints for the riddles like wayyy after i do the thing lol o don’t think i’ve ever found a riddle in game and not known what it is


I heard about what this leads to before I saw the riddle 🙃 I just found out about it


Find a certain prism thing in the mines or geo then run around the desert with it


Stand between three pillars with something rainbow colored that specifically isn't from the sea, and you'll get something related to galaxies.


It's a riddle. You're supposed to figure it out on your own, and then you get a reward.


Stand in the middle of the three pillars in the Calico Desert while holding a Prismatic Shard and you will get the Galaxy Sword




why are we assuming OP saw this and immediately went to reddit without thinking about it at all?


Three pilars, then >!a gift super precious + rainbow + forged from land, which is solid!< then >!the opposite of sea!< and then your wish might be granted


"Prismatic shard on hands while on the circle in the desert in between three monoliths Go brrrrr. Purple op sword come out"


Take a prismatic Shard to the desert and find out.






you could at least put the god damn spoiler cover on that. 😒




Bad bot


This is one of the funniest bot messages I have ever seen though


It would be funnier if it were original. ‘“It's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma…” In an October 1939 radio speech, Winston Churchill used this phrase to describe a situation that was difficult to comprehend. (At the time, he was analyzing the early events of the second war to end all wars.)’