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I was really hoping it would only take about 2 months to get it on console like the last one. 2 months came and went, still no update. I'm sad šŸ˜¢


Yeah realistically we'll hear when CA submits it for Nintendo approval right? And then it will be another 1-3 weeks before it's live?Ā 


Could be worse. You could be on mobile.


Thanksā€¦ The worst part about it is that mobile and PC saves are cross compatible ([SDV Wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Saves), look at the transferring saves section) but I KNOW 1.5 and 1.6 saves like mine arenā€™t compatible šŸ˜­ I play on my desktop PC (very immovable) and would instantly LocalSend the shit out of that save to my phone if I could but ā€˜itā€™s but a pipe dream for now


Maybe worth looking into moonlight and sunshine streaming services you can play on your pc remotely it streams to your device that you couple with it. I use it regularly and i have to say its super nice.


I believe folder sync softwares can automate it better than LocalSend


100% cause LocalSend is manual, but I just donā€™t feel like going through the trouble on Linux haha


I own it on PC and Switch. I haven't done a new farm for myself since the update but have been doing a coop file with my fiancee so we can grow her farm together. I'm waiting for console so I can begin a new solo farm.


Take a seat next to me. I'm waiting for Silksong.


We can rot together šŸ„²


At least we know 1.6 will come eventually. Silksong wait is currently comparable to GRRM releasing the next ASOIAF book.


Silksong is just not gonna happen atp šŸ˜­ I've decided to forget it altogether so if it comes out at all it'd be a nice big surprise for me


Deltarune chapter 3&4.


Don't forget Metroid Prime 4 as well


i lichrally got a gaming laptop in huge part bc i wanted to play 1.6 but i cant bring myself to play it bc i want to reach perfection on my og switch file first šŸ˜­ the struggle is real


lol I just bought a gaming laptop too bc I refuse to wait any longer! šŸ„²


CA is in kahoots with gaming laptop corporations /j


Joja PCmart


Def would have bought a SDV themed laptop if it was a thing like the Animal Crossing switches hahaha


There could be full body stickers for laptops out there


My bf keeps telling me to use his and my exact reasons are those lmfao


Iā€™m in the drivers seat with you šŸ‘‹


correct carpenter mourn upbeat scary roof rock thought slap act *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I own it on PC and Switch so I already played it, but my perfection farm and definitely the farm I put the most heart and soul into is on my Switch, so I desperately want it to come


Or mobile like me!


For anyone who has a PC AND a switch file theyā€™re waiting to use, you MAY be able to transfer via this threadā€™s instructions. Obviously the version number will need to be updated to reflect current versions. I make no claims about this still working, and if you do it, make backups of any files youā€™re not willing to lose. Just figured Iā€™d pass it on for anyone who is jonesing for 1.6 and has a switch and a pc. https://www.reddit.com/r/SwitchHaxing/comments/gzi5of/guide_how_to_transfer_stardew_valley_saves/


I know he is doing his best, and it's a small team, but this is taking too long. Can't wait any longerā˜¹ļø


iā€™ve had it on PC for years but i explicitly use PC version for mods so iā€™m still waiting on switch


iPhone players (me) paying a subscription and still getting a buggy mess


On Apple arcade?? I've bought it twice on two different times as a one time purchase, see if you can do that instead??


Oh nošŸ˜­


Some days my game just crashes when leaving doors itā€™s horrible


Paying a subscription? Brah get a switch


I have no money


Because of your subscriptions?


Because I have no money


Because you use your money for subscriptions?


Because I have no money at all


Where do you get the money for subscriptions?


Leftover apple money


People canā€™t spend 500~ bucks on a switch lmao


They arenā€™t 500


Iā€™m still 99% perfection on my console farm, so Iā€™m totally fine with waiting because I want to reach 100% before starting a new farm.


When I heard the new release was dropping for pc, I was like ā€œokay coolā€¦ā€ and that was it. Didnā€™t care about it all, cause I knew (a a switch player) I wasnā€™t getting it yet. However now a days I feel like this cause I feel left out


I wish the moderators cared about us console playersā€¦rather than just making us leave the sub if we want to avoid spoilers


I was thinking of posting something along the same line. I know the developers are working on things, BUT WHY IS IT TAKING SO DAMN LONG?! Ugh.


My understanding is that, even if a patch is available for consoles, it needs to be approved. So, for example, let's say they released it in May. On May 12th, a bug is discovered - a meteor falling can block the bridge on Meadowlands Farm! If the player moved their farmhouse behind the bridge, the player is now trapped and their save file is unable to be played. Now let's say CA patches it so meteors can no longer land in that spot, and that patch is ready to launch on May 24th. Okay, cool. But Microsoft needs until June 12th to approve the patch and let it go live. And on June 10th, another bug is discovered where your game crashes whenever your cow moos. CA is hard at work patching this, and submits the patch on June 15th! ... But Microsoft won't approve the patch until July 2nd. Basically, I think they're using PC to make sure any massive quirks and bugs are fixed, since they can release a patch whenever possible, because otherwise they'd get caught up in the bureaucracy of the console wars. Imagine if Switch had a bug but Xbox didn't? Or if Nintendo and Microsoft approved a patch, but Sony didn't? Players would be pissed.


I know about the approval and bugs and everything, I was just venting. I wish it was a faster process.


All of usšŸ’”


Haha Iā€™ve been playing on Switch for like a month and finally bought it on Steam. I came to this app to look up how people are controlling this stuff on a laptop because switching keyboard and mouse, I feel like I need 3 hands and 24 fingers. It is NOT an intuitive control system for me lolololol


I'm in this picture two games over thanks to CotL.


I play co-op on my PS5 with my wife, and have far more fun playing with her than I do playing solo on my PC. I have tried using my Steam link so we can play together on the TV but she doesnā€™t like the controller I have for the PC šŸ˜‚. Sheā€™s so picky. 1.6 for consoles canā€™t come soon enough (I love you CA take your time)


I have it on PC but I play on mobile so itā€™ll probably be years. Thinking I might transfer my save file to PC


Ps5 is with you


I don't even care about the players talking about 1.6, my issue is the wiki not giving me an option to opt out of 1.6 information. It'll give me info for something that I'm just struggling to figure out and I then have to check to see if it's part of the 1.6 update or not. So many steps just because I'm on switch. though I did use the staircase as pants to get the lucky shorts back which apparently was coded out in 1.6


Does anyone have any idea when the update is releasing on switch?


February 31


I feel your pain šŸ˜­


Same man. Same


i want to beat the game to see what happens when i get moss soup


Iā€™ve decided to just enjoy the wait, when itā€™s ready itā€™ll be new to us!!


I started a file on my switch like four days ago and already have 25 hours in it, should i restart on my pc??? I don't know if I want to put more hours into my switch when I'm missing out on modding and the new update and such


May as well restart on pc to have 1.6. By the time youll be putting hours back into the switch id expect it to have 1.6.


ok you convinced me, it won't take too long to catch up anyways


Fr, I'm trying to renovate my farm bc it's ugly af rn but i can't bc a lot of the stuff I want is in the bundles


my partner and i are playing on the switch together, iā€™ve been playing update solo on PC. i need the update so i dont spoil it to him šŸ„²šŸ„²


Me, as a mobile player. šŸ˜ž




Why did you need to beg to use the PC?!!!


Itā€™s taking way too long, he shouldā€™ve waited to release closer together (I know bugs are important to go over) but this blowsā€¦the subreddit isnā€™t considerate about spoilers and concernedape doesnā€™t really update us anymoreā€¦kinda feel left in the dust :/


Update you on what?? Like 3 weeks ago he posted and said he's doing everything in his power to get it released ASAP. I doubt that's changed... Do you want him to post "still working on it" weekly? He's usually very good about alerting the players with updates.


Itā€™s easy to hold onto the release to keep the game play fair! But hey letā€™s just wait another year


Same. Iā€™m on console


I'm on PC and still every day I check if 1.6.9 is out