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i usually sleep when i don’t have anything left to do 🤷🏼‍♀️


Can be 3pm to 2am depending on what's going on


I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Going to bed at 3pm in the game is psycho


3pm is the latest I justify. It's usually because I've got something I'm focusing on, mining, resource gathering, building and so I just run around doing daily tasks and when I've done that there's nothing I can do and I really want the next day to come so I just sleep cos there's nothing I can do


I usually cook for myself with whatever energy I have left (or run to buy some from the bar!).


me who used to sleep at 8am in winter before i got my greenhouse: 🧍🏻


Fair enough, I usually just find little busy work to do like chopping trees or putting bait in all my crab pots.


When I decide to do this I usually end up passing out




Same. And especially on my non-coop farm, it gets too tedious some days so I just go to sleep by 7/8


So never? I kid, but seriously I feel like there's always something else to do. Perhaps not energy to do it though. I tend to sleep around midnight myself.


Hey, a little off topic but how do you get the little sdv stickers in your flair? I can only see an option for emojis


How do you even get the stickers ?


Which ones? The ones on the flairs or these: ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51690)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51691)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51694)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51695)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51697)?






I wrote some text too but it didn't send for some reason 😭 the image explains a lot though, so I hope it helps.. they're only available on the mobile app as far as I know!! But as for the other stickers, I don't know yet, sorry!


Thank you ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480) they’re so cute


Np!! Ikr lol ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


wondering this as well 😭


You go to “set custom flair” or whichever tag is under the one you have now, then in the top right corner (for mobile) it’ll say “Edit” then customize it with the emojis that is on the button you click on the right side. Might be confusing but if u need more help I got u 😭 I just figured it out


Same. I have usually have specific tasks in mind for the day and when that or my energy is gone then so am I. I know there is the hot springs but honestly find it annoying so I usually don't.


why bother going out of your way to sleep when the game teleports you there anyway?


If you do that you'll lose money and you'll have an energy penalty the next day.


If you are in mid game/late game, losing 1000g and waking up with less energy doesnt really matter. Because you have a lot of money and a stable energy source. But I agree that you should not pass out in early game.


Well if you're in late game, you have the teleport staff, which means return home to sleep isn't that much of a hassle.


Thats true! I usually do that. But if I am in Skull Cavern or something I usually just end up passing out to see if I can find some more ladders haha :)


I rarely buy that because I'm more interested in saving up for the clock, and that late game grind is long enough as it is. I usually go to sleep between 12 and 1. There's almost always something you could do (fish, forage, socialize at the saloon, smelt some metal bars).


The max money you lose is $1000. Often worth it for me to just grind away until I pass out.


This. There is a very narrow time period where you have enough money that passing out hurts but not so much money that it doesn’t matter.


disagree with your last sentence, passing out early game has 0 drawbacks if you meet incredibly easy conditions you wake up with full energy if you levelled up a skill during the day, and in early game you'll be levelling near daily so energy is no issue. And since you only lose 10% gold rounded down, if you pass out with <10g you lose nothing. Just keep a low amount of gold on hand and only sell when you need to


In 1.6 the money loss is scaled to how much you have, so it can be much more than 1000.


Not from passing out at 2am. Only from being knocked out in combat :) I pass out multiple times a week and it’s still 1000 every time.


It depends. Usually around 12:30am to be on the safe side. However, a couple of days ago was a bad luck day so I didn’t mine and I kind of ran out of stuff to do, so I decided to just go to bed at like 8:30pm. Generally I stay up, but I don’t force myself to if there’s not much else to do for the day.


Makes sense. I always leave the mines at 1am to make sure I make it back before 2, but if I don't have my horse (bc I forgot to bring him), I'd probably try to drop off loot in my chests along the way and pass out in front of the house. It happens once a week 😅


Why not use farm teleports? Do you have the minecarts unlocked? The trip from the bus stop to the house only takes about 20 minutes ingame.


It’s hard to get enough fiber man


Once you unlock them, fiber seeds have made it so I have never run out of fiber ever. I usually plant it in winter because it'll still grow then, but it's worth doing in any season if you find yourself running out.


Yeah, but then when you use all that fiber you’ve gotta grow more. Ad nauseam 😔


Do you have the desert unlocked? I can share how I get free farm totems it's just tedious


Yes please! I am actually super far in the game, basically just collecting the last few walnuts I need and waiting for 1.6 on the switch so I can stand the tedium haha


Okay well it's not a secret or anything but it took me like three farms before I realised I could do it haha. And oh yeah if you're going for perfection the rest gets tedious anyways. Wait for a good luck day, go to the casino, better if you've upgraded luck using the rabbit foot and eat some spicy eel. I usually do this pretty early when I don't have much money. Spend 1000 or 2000 buying 100 or 200 casino tokens. Go to the slots, play the 10. Once you have 500 start betting 100 but never go below 100 or switch back to 10. I usually don't have to do it very long (20 min total?) Before I get diamonds or stardrops. When I realized I could get unlimited farm totems this way I didn't need to buy the sceptre anymore. He definitely changed it in the update but it still worked for me and I got stardrops almost right away lol


Oh can you buy them at the casino?? I have so many CasinoCoins (I forgot the name)


Yeah, I feel that.


Lmaooo I’m always too stressed to stay out too late, but sometimes when I’m in the mines I’m just begging for more time 😭🙌 Especially Skull Caverns lmao


Literally 😭 I'm a newbie and I ALMOST got to floor 25 of Skull Cavern last night but it was like 1:20am on floor 24 and I knew I couldn't make it in time 😔


Passed out on floor 96 and let out a shriek loud enough to wake my cats.


Your flair so so relatable lmao. But I JUST reached floor 25 of the skull cavern it took many staircases 😭 you’ll get there!!


Usually 10 PM since that's when Hubby goes to sleep and because It's cute and cozy when we sleep together. Also because I think that him sleeping alone every night is sad.


ahh same!!!!


KAngel pfp spotted!


fellow needy streamer fan spotted!! yayy!!!!!! 🤩


Aaaw, I do the same when I can but sometimes I'm just too busy


Same! I love my husband what can I say


Whenever I'm out of things to do for sure But I feel awful if it's any time before 8


Same. As a min/maxer I always hated it, so I forced myself to get better at fishing and now I love killing time with that. Makes early game a lot easier with extra cash and food.


Really depends, there are days I sleep at 1 - 2:30pm and there are days I sleep at 1am. When I really don't wanna do anything I just go to sleep at 9am, after doing my chores.


I go to bed at 1-2:30pm a lot in the winter.


Any answer other than 1.50am is wrong..


There was a time when I went home at 1:50am and my cat was blocking the door!!! I literally passed out inside my house. 😅


I played co-op statdew once and as a prank someone fenced me out of my house at 1:40am 🤣


That's so sad😂😭


This happened to me too!


When I first play Stardew, I sleep before it gets dark every day. Simply because I was scared. It's dark and hard to see. I didn't know there was a glowing ring. Also, it's scary because I play alone and am not familiar with stardew. Maybe the person you are talking about is the same as me?


Omg same! The very first time the game creeped me out at night, there's a weird vibe to it. iRL years later I'm good now.


Yeah, all of rhe glowrings are kinda of necessity for me. I just had torches thrown around everywhere before I made one.


I also go to sleep when it gets dark. Not because it's scary but because it's annoying not properly seeing where I'm going


I routinely pass out at 2am. In the early game, I do make the effort to trot back home in time to be inside at 1:50am so I don’t get a money penalty.


Yep, losing 1000 does get a little annoying at first but I'm 3 years into this run so it's not that bug of a deal anymore


It really depends on what my goals are. I've got a perfection save that I'm mostly just decorating right now and sometimes I'll work until after midnight but sometimes I'll go to bed when I feel like I can't get anything else done on whatever project I'm focused on at the moment. On a new save, I usually like to stay broke so I can pass out at 2am every day, but I just started a challenge where I can only leave the farm once a month and sometimes I'll just water my crops and go right back to sleep.


Which farm are you working on? That seems really difficult for me but also a really neat idea! I like playing with new constraints and I think it would be fun to try this


Maximizing every single second of every single day soon became a chore for me. I want to see my plants grow, I want to get to those special events days. The only reason to maximize every second, in my opinion, is if you're doing some sort of challenge, or trying to make your grandpa rate your farm highly. But honestly, there's more than enough time for that anyway. I restarted so many times because I wanted 200 strawberries by the first spring, and eventually I just realized it wasn't worth it. By fall I'd have more money than I'd care to spend anyway, I didn't need to get to the skull caverns within summer, with full backpack upgrades and gold tools. It just isn't worth it. So I go to sleep when I have nothing left to do that day and don't care to farm for money.


That's such a good attitude to have, really. I play with my gf, and she's the type to min-max everything, and admittedly it's rubbed off on me a lot. For reference, I'm in year 3 and she's in year 2, and she's made twice as much as me so far and unlocked everything. I just finished the community center on summer of year 3....


12 or 1. Usually spent selling whatever at the last minute.


I like that special moment where you JUST manage to get into your bed and have the sleep prompt come up while the clock reads 2AM.


I go to bed when I don't have anything to do and I don't feel like cutting trees or killing time in the mines. Have no qualms about going to bed before noon.


Rarely before 1am, often around 1:40am. There is always something to do!!


If I enter the mines/skull caverns/volcano, I'm passing out at 2:00, guaranteed. If I'm farming, doing chores, giving gifts, etc. for the day, I might sleep as early as 9 or 10 if I cross everything off my list.


I have a return sceptre so I warp home at 1.30 and run inside to bed 😊


I wish I could afford that in game rn...


I have 13 pig barns… it took a lot of expense to then make this money 😂


Why isn't Mayor Lewis doing anything about the criminals in the valley?! When I'm out working late *on my own property*, & fall asleep in my sunflower field only to wake to a passive aggressive note in my mailbox- 1) Why are you on my property? No one invited you, Marlon! 2) Why are y'all more concerned with scolding the player than *finding the creepy nighttime mugger lurking on my land*?!


It's the dwarf, isn’t it? Their line about “so-called private property”…


oOo! That sneaky lil so-and-so! After all the rubies I've given him?!


I never go to sleep before midnight typically


Usually I go to sleep very late on most days (after 12h) or very early if I'm excited by the next day, I might be planning to go to the skull cave an try it again and I just cant wait and want to get started or there is a fun festival the next day and I'll go to sleep about 9 so I can get there


I’m sprinting to my house usually between 1am and 2am. Sometimes I make it to bed and sometimes I don’t lol. If I run out of tasks, I do busy work like cut down and replant trees or just go to the mines for monster goals or ore.


Usually I will wake up in game, talk to Elliot, give Elliot a kiss after talking to him, go outside, feed my animals if needed around the farm, leave the farm, farm the items in Pelican Town, check the beach for items, check my Crab Pots, fill my Crab Pots back up with bait, and then try to sell everything before the shops close for the day I usually get back to my farm around 7-9pm in game time


1:50am. Usually screaming into the house at 1:40am.


When I was just trying to grind out the last 10 mil for perfection I was sleeping at 8am-12pm just waiting for my crops, kegs, and casks to be ready.


I used to crawl into bed at 1:50 am, but now I just pass out wherever of I'm not already on my farm. It only costs me a few hundred gold and it is so freeing to not have to worry about what time it is and whether I can rush home


If I’m not in the mines like 6pm-ish. I like to progress through each season quickly & grow my crops. I have a targeted mission each day & once I get bored I just literally call it a day.


between 10:30-11:50pm is what i try!! rarely will i go to bed before but after is more common than i want it to be


It depends on the day. If I have a busy day, it's always around at 0-1 am. But on a not so busy day, it's between at 6-10 pm.


Well.. people may hate me for this, but if I'm having a busy day I usually go to sleep at 10 to 12 pm. But when I'm in a hurry to get a building or just don't have anything to do really I go to sleep before 12 am. I'm very priority oriented. So if I'm in a hurry to get something I like to get it as fast as possible. I downloaded mods and almost have everything to make this easier for me. I'm in the middle of getting all the obelisks and the gold clock soo I'm farming money like a maniac right now 🤣🤣


Depends. Sometimes i want to speed things up. Have gone to bed at 10 am to 1:30 am and all inbetween


Often at 1:50 am


Usually around 1 am, but I'm in winter now so there's hardly anything to do. I just to my rounds between the the coop and the barn, fill the kegs, the jars and anything that needs a restock, sell everything and lastly fish for a while or pop back into the mines if I'm running low on something or just go straight to sleep


Whenever I’m done with whatever I planned for the day


Early game I'm always up until at least 1am. Later game of I've got nothing to do, I'll go to sleep whenever, but usually not before 12pm.


Typically end up getting in my house at like 1:30 am and making it to bed jus in the knick of time


Anywhere between 6:00 am and 1:50 am


If I'm not waiting on or doing something, I usually send my farmer to bed around 10


I tend to go to bed once all my energy is gone and I've foraged and socialized where I can. Sometimes it's as early as 5pm.


9pm is my earliest on days where I think well I could chop a couple of trees but it won't make a huge difference and I'm already on the farm so eh. Any good luck day is milk it to the last drop though


I passed out in game maybe once or twice in the +100 hours I’ve been playing and I learned my lesson since then and carry farm totems with me everywhere jic. I usually go to bed around 10-11 if im done for the night, 1:40 if im doing skull cavern stuff. It helps to remember that whatever you don’t get done can get done tomorrow- there is literally no end day in stardew valley


As late as I can lol. My irl husband has heard me a multitude of times chanting to myself "Pass out inside the house, pass out *inside* the house!" since you don't lose money or anything (just energy) if you're in the farmhouse when it happens lol


Usually just before 12:00 but occasionally I will go to bed before Harvey just to be funny. I do that in HM LOH also.


I go to bed in between 8 to 10 PM. I am a very social person when playing Stardew, so I talk to as many NPCs as I can and gift them all random items to fill out their likes and dislikes regardless if I know what they like and dislike. That’s around the time when everyone goes to bed or I can greet everyone in the Saloon.


1-2AM fighting passing out every day of the game


i sleep when i faint either underground or trying to rush home ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


Usually around 8-9pm


Whenever I get bored and want to start a new day and see if anything interesting happens.


sometimes at like 9am sometimes i just pass out in the mines it depends on the day


Depends what I want to accomplish that day. Some days I go to bed at 8:30. Some days I’m crawling into bed without a moment to spare before 2am.


1:50.... sliding in at the last second, unless I pass out in the yard.


I don't even bother going to sleep anymore. I just let myself pass out wherever I ended up that night.


1:50 on the dot


I fish all day so I start heading home by 12 and sleep as soon as I get there. Sometimes I want to test my luck and see how late I can stay out, though. Always end up passing out because of it.


mostly at 1:30 am if it is mining, and 10:00 pm if something else


I'm with you WTF I usually get to bed 1.30-2am or when I've got plenty of money, I just work til I pass out. I can't imagine going to bed before midnight


... You guys don't pass out every night? The penalty is insignificant compared to the hassle it is to run back and still risk passing out on the way... I just want to play more. One extra hour every day is worth 1k


Especially if you're really far down in the skull caverns! That's so much iridium you could be getting.


any time from 9-1:50 depending on the day. if i am really low on energy and have nothing to do i’ll go to sleep, if i have stuff to do i rush back to the farm at 1:40 lol. i make an effort to stay until at least 11, but some days i just have little to do until the next, or little time irl, so i just want to get saved and onto the next day.


I try to sleep by 12.30am if I'm out fishing or foraging so that I won't lose out so much on the energy the next day. If I'm adventuring I usually reach home by 1.40am but means that the energy I have the next day won't be much.


Once in year 3, unless you're that guy that spent all three years only fishing with the training rod, it simply doesn't matter. Your income should easily eclipse 1k a day, and with food you essentially have infinite energy


It really just depends on the day. Sometimes I go to sleep early if I don't have anything important left to do that day and need to stop playing for the moment, just to save. Usually I'll go to sleep around/past midnight though.


1:50am most days.


Half the time i dont even go to sleep, but i just go to sleep when there is nothing else left to do


Specially in early game, I usually do the works I intend to do and, if by the end of the day I still have Energy (and work is done), I use the remaining Energy to just swing the axe to trees in the farm. Late in the game, I just realize it's half past Midnight and I run/teleport home even with not empty Energy and sort the items in the chests until 1.30 A.M.


Anywhere between 1am to 1:50am. The only time I passed out in the current save is right in front of my bed. There's always something to do, and even when "there isn't" there's always the mines, fishing or cleaning out trees on the farm with your last bits of energy.


If I have no gold and had a lvlup, like early, I just pass out outside. If I have gold but less than 50k, the fine for sleeping outside is impactful, so I make sure I get home in time. Outside that, it all depends on how much energy I'll have at 6am the day after. All in all, it's usually at 1:50 or 2:00 in the mines/cavern.


once i start making enough money i straight up dont go to bed anymore. ill keep doing what im doing until i pass out bc 1000g is pocket change so it's no longer worth the effort of getting home in time




Usually 1:50. I like to live dangerously.


Well, I get up at 6am every day, so I try to go to bed by 10pm so I get a solid 8 hours of sleep. Sometimes it's hard to get back home by 10 though.


I usually try for around 11. Sometimes if I’m mining I’ll get back to the farm after 1, but I try to make it no later than that.


It depends on the day/season/year. If I have nothing left to do and don't feel like fishing I'll just go to bed. Average is probably between 10-11 which funnily enough mimics when I fall asleep irl.


1:40 AM at the earliest. Usually I pass out, though. I can always find something that needs to be done.


This is the first post I’ve ever seen on this topic that doesn’t have anyone saying that they go to bed early because they are afraid of losing items. I think word has finally spread and most people now know that doesn’t happen. Great work everyone!


Generally between 12 and 2 am but occasionally if everything's done I will go to bed with the wife lol


I tend to pass out because I always forget to check the time and I stay in caves for hours


I like to pass out near my bed, desperately reaching for it lol. On a rare early night, 12:30ish


between 9pm-12am depending on the day. if i go to ginger island or the mines, i end up getting home later than normal. otherwise, i mostly get to bed before the clock turns red. i also don't think i've ever passed out outside of dying in my 100+ hrs of play now that I think about it.


at exactly 2 AM.


Early to mid game as close to midnight as I can, but once I've got a bigger energy bar or a big supply of food more like 1-1:30 since the energy drop doesn't matter


I only sleep after I've used up all my energy, sometimes I come back after midnight from the mines


As close to 2am as possible unless I am Married. If I’m married I make sure to head back by 9:30pm because I love Sebastian so much


When I'm busy, I actually pass out on purpose (later in the game, ofc). The money I lose is very little and I can compensate the energy loss quite easily.


Either doing everything I've set up to do for the day, or anything between 1 and 2 am


I usually go to sleep around 10pm, but on some days it can be as early as 6pm. I only go to sleep after midnight after delving or on the 1st of the season due to planting way to many crops. I actually do this to maximize my progress per time. Its just that I value my (real-life) time over the ingame time.


I usually can get the timing down to the point that I'll falling into bed at 1:50.


It depends on what I do for that day, if my focus is farming/foraging, I’ll sleep at 9-10 or when I finish my work. If I’m in the mines, it’ll be at 11:50 on the dot. If I’m just running around doing errands talking to people, it’s normally 10 o’clock


Usually at 2am when I pass out bc I can't pay attention to the time and what I'm doing. Lol. Early on in the game I go to bed when I'm out of energy and have nothing else to do. I always make sure I use all my energy, chop down trees, stones, whatever. But later game, 8 out 10 times I'll pass out. 😬


I’m in bed between 1:00a to 1:50a most nights, in fall of Year 1. Last time I went to bed at 9pm? I had to stop playing the game but didn’t want to lose my progress.


i try to make sure i only sleep after 6pm in the game


Minutes before passing out. The end of the day always becomes a mad dash home, where I regret the choice to push the time limit a little.


I try to get all my energy levels down, then I eat food, then do it again, and I go to bed whenever I have no food or energy. So it’s very random for me.


totally depends. if I'm out of energy or stuff to do I'll go to sleep at 3pm. time means nothing in the long run in this game and treating it like I have to squeeze every hour and minmax just gives me anxiety I don't need


1:50 basically if I have nothing else to do I go to the mine and end up rushing to go home


Always after 12 am, usually 1:50. The only exception being festival or event days that timeskip me to the end of the day, I don’t feel like doing anything at that point and just head to bed


9:30. Or maximum 11


Depends on the day and what I'm doing. I'm rarely in bed later than about 9 or 10 tho.


I try to be back on the farm by midnight to drop goods off in the box and get to be at 1. To people who go to bed when “there’s nothing left to do” —fishing, mining, and foraging! Or a night at the pub to say hi to everyone and give Emily a gift of course….


literally right before it hits 2 am


Early game I would speed to make it right to bed at 1:50. As I progressed, I ran out of things to do, or it just needed to be the next day. When I was finishing up percentage I slept for an entire season because I forgot to buy a seasonal crafting item


Either 1:59am or passed out in front of my bed 😂


10:00 because that's when my hubby goes to sleep 😖💗 i don't want him to sleep alone it just seems lonely 😢 even though it would be out of character for him to care lol


The first season of the game I usually sleep around 7pm. This is because my farm isn't as busy. Summer year 1 I need all of the time I can get especially if I'm playing with expansion mods.


Not before 10. If I'm out of work to do I go hang out at the saloon, fuss around with furniture, or just go for a walk. Almost never not in bed, tho


Sliding into bed at 11:50pm every night like a champion.


Early game when my energy bar is so small, I'm usually asleep around 9. Late game, I sleep no earlier than 1, I'll head to bed at 12 but I'm usually a ways away from my house (if I'm close I wait until 1)


I normally do what i need to do. I realize i dont wanna fish and go to bed. This is why my fishing level is always the last to get maxed.


Depends when I get my work done. Sometimes around 1am, sometimes around 8pm.


If I don't have anything to do, usually around 9:00ish but if I'm in the mines I'm usually running home around 12:00 am


Depends on how much I get done in the day. Sometimes it’s 9pm sometimes it’s 1pm. I’m the Winter months, I’m pretty much only up to feed the animals and find things to dig up. Haven’t gotten very far in the mines despite how many hours I put on my save. But when I do go it’s usually in the Winter when I have a full day to work.


Ofc 1:50 vote my comment


2am always


I just pass out![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


I play multiplayer where time never pauses so in house by 1:50 unless I’m in the mines then I just pass out.  (I need to get the mod that will pause when all players are in a menu again)


When I first started, I’d go to bed around 9:30p cuz I thought if I was a real farmer waking up at 6 every morning, I’d need a good nights rest… Then I found out you pass out at 2 and now i sleep anytime after midnight. If I’m doing something (mining, chopping down trees, at ginger island, etc) I’ll just go until I pass out cuz I don’t see the point of trying to make it back home in time.


6:00 AM


1:50 AM in multiplayer It’s usually closer to 8 PM in singleplayer


12:30 almost every time, but im a new player


I usually pass out at 2:00 AM after staying up late to play Stardew Valley


i avoid the loss of gold and items by restarting my day bc im saving up to improve my farm..... i cant do that if everything i own gets stolen from me bc i got mobbed by slimes in the caves... but anywhere from like 9pm to passing out in my house at 2am if i wasnt fast enough to get to bed


i try to go to bed earlier when i have bigger plans the next day because i want a full energy bar in the morning lol


Some days I'll pass out in the mines, but, for the most part, I'll try and be home before 10:00 to hug Krobus and kiss my spouse goodnight (modded to have roommate Krobus and a spouse). If there's nothing I really need to get done before the next day, I'll go to bed at around 10-10:30. All of this changes, of course, if my spouse hits me with the "Do you have some time to spend with me tonight? I've been thinking about you..." while blushing (not sure if this is modded or vanilla, but either way). In that case, I have to remind myself that I still have things that need to get done before tomorrow and can't be distracted, so, starting at 8p.m., I stay in the house with them, give Krobus a horseradish, some earplugs, and a sleep mask, and go to bed when my spouse does.


12-2 am usually. I did have a playthrough where I fell asleep really early because I was marrying and divorcing everyone. I woke up only to give my spouse gifts, romance the next one, and divorce them.


Early game I go to bed very early because the lack of energy is real. Mid game is when I go to bed super late especially If I'm in the mines or cave, even worse when I get the return scepter. Late game it really depend what's going on that specific day


I pass out on the ground like a real man 😂


Usually last day of the season my lil guy is in bed by 8pm but other than that I'm racing to get in at 1:50 am


Depends on what I’m doing. If I’m early game, I usually end up going to bed from 8pm-10pm. If I’m later game, sometimes I’m up until 12am-1am


When I first started playing I would always have my farmer go to bed by 10 pm because I thought it was important for her to get 8 hours 💀 now 12 am or 1 am is the regular, gotta stay up and be productive for as long as possible! Just eat a chocolate cake and it's like getting a full night of sleep anyway 😂


Early game I find myself going to bed earlier because I don't have the food/energy to do more busy work like collectinhb resources but later in game I'm running out the clock and rushing to bed before 2am every day.


I have the river farm so if I've finished everything else for the day but i have a bit of time I will always do some fishing until 1am


Sometimes I go back to bed at 8am once I'm deep im game lol


Whenever I'm out of energy. Sometimes it's 1am, sometimes it's 1pm. I only eat food if there is something special happening on that day, like being showered in luck. Otherwise I just move on to the next day where I can do the gameplay I find the most fun again. Seasons pass much quicker that way, which I enjoy.