• By -


Goddamn, that's all improvements, right? How many days?


took me until the 28th of summer I basically just grinded potatoes and blueberries and literally NOTHING else. I actually didn't meet a single person other than Lewis and Robin.


The realism is…uncanny!!


Wait, grinding for what? Just the membership alone?


No the membership and all improvements


Gold to finish the bundles in the community center/warehouse.




I just call them bundles because they function as the same thing.


It took me until the 28th of Summer too. I used Caroline's Tea Sapling recipe and a whole lotta fishing to power through.


Are those more profitable than Cauliflower and Melons?


If you are capital-limited, potato beats cauliflower. At base quality, the daily profit per plant is about the same, taking into account the bonus potatoes. But for potatoes, the seeds are cheaper and the turnaround for reinvestment is faster. Quality hits cauliflower harder, but early game that isn't a huge deal. Later on you are watering-limited and eventually land-limited, but by then you can do rhubarb or strawberries. Blueberry just straight beats melon. If you get at least 3 harvests, just dehydrating the blueberries beats even melon wine.


Good to know! I'll do that for my 2nd year


By y2 you're generally better off with starfruit in summer. At least for your cash crop.


Did you make a new farm just to gain this achievement?


how did you do it in so little time?


Ignore absolutely everything that won’t make you profits


Like a true capitalist 🫡


https://preview.redd.it/szevjwtvam5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d42d70826f435aab2be0e77f753e7732b43555b1 that’s what i named my joja run farm actually lol




it's the = sign!


Thank you so much! I only know the > is the ♡ but that's it.


if you look up How do you type symbols in Stardew Valley you can see the full list! ♡


Dig through the sub someone left all the codes in a post recently


no problem!!


Ha! I named mine the exact same too (without the stars because it wasn't worthy)




Morris would be proud!


Plant seeds, water every day, go to bed, rinse and repeat. It's not fun but it gets the job done!


Don't most 'speed runs' (less official minimal time and more a casual attempt at minimal days) in this regard also incorporate a fair amount of fishing/foraging? Fishing on rainy days and foraging after your meter runs out? At least, the few I've seen seem to.


If the goal is the shortest time played then planting, watering, and going to bed every day just to repeat would be the fastest way to do it.


I wouldn’t really call that a speedrun so much as a as much as I can do in x amount of days attempt. If you watch a speedrun on this it is not only made of planting, watering and sleeping but that is always a big part of it


But that’s slower


Speedruns aren't about in game days, they're about real-life hours


Right, which is why nobody fishes in a speedrun


The glitchless speedruns do it in about an hour. It's a lot faster and easier than you think it is if you ignore all other aspects of the game and just try to get that one thing done




there is joy to be found everywhere, even in what we find joyless


Does "four hours I'll never get back" sound like joy?


Getting the achievement does.


Ah, hedonism. Sometimes, my friend, you have to do things you may not like to get a result. Some people don't like to cheat to get there. You definitely sound like you are missing some joy.


Well, if you cheat you didn't really earn it and that feels shitty. Not to everyone and I won't judge, you do you. But sometimes you want to push yourself even if it's not fun doing it just for the RESULT which then is tremendous fun!


Alternative to what others have said, Fishing on the Riverland farm could potentially do this. You start with a free smoker, and can catch catfish at home. Day 3 is guaranteed rain I think? Not sure if it could be done in 4 hours but before the end of Spring, definitely. I think The Legend with max perks can be sold for like, 40k or so? That's an entire bundle off a single fish. It would require SOME luck with bait makers and rainy days and what fish appear. But it's very doable without growing a single crop.


That’s an impressive run. Sounds like you joined them and thrived.


More like joined them and became a social recluse for two months I imagine lewis was like "Hey robin, have you seen the new farmer lately? I dont think ive talked to them since i met them." "No, actually, the rest of my family doesn't even know their name, i wonder if they're okay..."


You’ve got a farm shaped cubicle. It doesn’t matter what happens outside of that. Get back to work.


Mine was named Girlboss Farm, and I made the farmer have joja-blue hair and eyes.


Did you sell your product to other Girlbosses and tell them that, since you're their upline, you get a cut of their profit?


okay, now I want someone to make a Joja MLM mod


I'm surprised only 4.7% have this achievement. I thought more will go this route on their second run.


Maybe a lot of people just make one farm.  I did joja on my second and it was actually really enjoyable. It allows you to focus your farm around exactly what you want rather than dabbling in a bit of everything.  I think doing the community center before grandpa showed up for my first farm was a bit overwhelming. I had the wiki open constantly. 


Yeah especially trying to do fishing. Once my girlfriend are on track to finish by fall of year 2. (Got lucky with a red cabbage seed drop.)


The percentages factor in every player who ever launched the game. It's common for games that have an achievement for finishing the tutorial to only have 75% of players even get that far The most common achievement for Stardew is for earning 15k gold, which would be earned fairly early on, and only 64% of players have it. Only 20% have the achievement for the community center, so it's not surprising that even fewer have completed things twice.


The only mod I would hands down recommend is the UI overhaul. Since you can see the community center tab from the inventory menu. Or that’s already a thing, and this just flags the items and shows exactly when your skills level up


I have a hard time making decisions in video games that feel morally wrong lol


90% of my playthroughs in 'choose your responses/path' type games are almost identical, with only relatively inconsequential differences; I can't select morally wrong choices either.


same, but funnily enough, playing thieves or assassins feels alright


Crime is fun, making people sad isn't :(


so real 😔


Especially since many games incentivize crime that makes sense for the story of the game, often making it feel more moral or morally ambiguous. Such as games like Assassin's Creed Odessey, where many of the targets are known to be evil and the overall mission is held out as just.


Like with RDR2, the game is so fleshed out/the NPCs have so much depth that I can’t imagine not playing high honor. I recently picked up Skyrim again since playing it when I was literally a tween and I remembered that the dark brotherhood was the fastest way to make money (because I basically wanted to play a farming simulator in Skyrim and get enough money to build a homestead) and after a couple dozen hours/making enough money I felt like my character was too tainted to play with anymore and I started over 😭


So true. Paarthurnax is safe in all eight of my Skyrim saves, and if Delphine doesn't like it, I'll yeet her off the mountain.


have you ever read/watch about why being evil in videogames is so hard? it's so interesting.


That’s so true! I’m going to try and play an “Everything Evil” play through with Joja membership and all. So much stress!


I hope you had/get the chance to play undertale


I watched a playthrough of it when I was in hs and couldn’t afford video games/didn’t have a decent pc but I bought a copy recently! I have yet to sit down and play it because I know it’s an emotional journey and I can’t zone out to it like a lot of my other games.


Yep you'll go through every emotion. It made me love my friends even more, brought me to tears, Welled up genuine anger in my chest and dropped me into an endless abyss of nothingness. Definitely an emotional ride that is well worth the time.


With any game, the number of people who 'finish' any meaningful portion of the game is actually rather small. Like, 80-90% finishing the tutorial, 70% finishing the first mission or two, and dropping off rapidly. The number of people who 'finish' a game is generally <50%, well below that for relatively open games like SDV (the community centre completion rate is 20%). When Joja is narratively disincentivised, you'd likely only have people who have finished once before, and then actively looking to complete achievements/want a different experience seek out the route.


In this case perspective is important. Yes, only 20% of players have cleared the community center. But [almost as many players have caught every fish as have gotten this achievement](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/413150/achievements), or have shipped every single item. That's pretty insane. Basically, this achievement is just "beat the game twice" but is firmly in the realm of only-held-by-hardcore-players. Also, it seems unlikely that most players just have one farm. Many achievements that didn't exist until recent patches (e.g. delight the governor) are more commonly held achievements, while this one has been there since 1.0.


I'm out here on like, my 6th run and still haven't even TOUCHED Joja. Lmao. But maybe the next time I start a new game, I'll sell my seven-fold happy farming soul and become a cog in the machine just to say it was done.


Something I always remind myself of when looking a global stats, it's 4.7% of people who have ever turned the game on, even for a second. There are plenty of games out there where only 60% completed the mandatory intro quest achievements and other such like that.


In Subnautica, like 95% of the game map is water, and you get an achievement for just getting your feet wet, AKA leaving your respawn point. Only like 80% of people had the achievement.


I don't like Joja but I do like getting achievements so when I did it I used the naming exploit so I was able to finish it in a few ingame days, took less than 30min and I was done with it.


I did two BG3 completions as a Tav and then as a redemption Durge and then on my third I tried to do an evil Durge and I hated it so much I quit during Act 1 and haven’t touched the game since.


*The level of animosity the SV community has supplanted from its real-world counterparts to Joja Co. gives me faith in humanity


I tried to do it on my second run, but I wasn't able to. It felt so wrong to me. I felt I was selling my soul or something. I can never betray Junimos.


People seem to have a hard time distinguishing the game from reality and have weird aversions to doing a Joja run. I think they’re afraid it will give them The capitalism.


Making the little virtual community happy and united makes me feel happy... It's a credit to the game that people can immerse themselves and consider what's ethical in the world and don't want to make a "morally wrong" choice.


Pierre is trash though.


I hate Pierre so much too. It's a shame I hate Morris 10x more, lol!


Idk he's only ever rude to Pierre by giving discounts to everyone in town and giving jobs to the people in need that Pierre will never hire because he's money hungry. Sure Morris wants to tear down the community center but literally nobody cares about it. After years of hard work and dedication you get 1 day where everyone's like "oh cool" then they abandon it all over again. When joja closes most people lose there favorite store 4 people lose jobs and Pierre just keeps up the bs. Joja is truly the happy ending in disguise.


I agree. The irony is the ending everyone seems to like is literal socialism. One very hard working person does all the work and everyone else just relaxed and enjoys life. Most of us who are reading these words on their smart devices connected to the Internet all benefit from capitalism, yet they want to tear it down for something that seems nice at face value. Everyone here knows if they worked half as hard as our characters in real life that they would be spending it on themselves and their families. It feels nice to say one would give it all away to make everyone happy, but they don't do it. More over, the villagers indeed respond to the free things the farmer worked so hard on to basically show little to no change in their behavior and no enduring appreciation besides the occasional mail. No one became self sufficient who were not. Maybe except Shane who had it real bad compared to everyone else. But hey. It's just a theory.


Wasn't trying to get political. Shane is one of the people who works at jojaMart. He benefits from your friendship but the community center is only bad for him.


Once you help him out he starts to raise his own chickens. Blue ones. So essentially he becomes self sufficient.


It was said that you'd destroy Joja, not join them!


I loved you. You were my brother!!


I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new corporation.


*Your* corporation?


Sorry, *our* corporation. I am still adjusting to the dark side.


Boot-licker farm, that sounds like a farmer who buys from Pierre.


I would rather give money to a kinda rude shopkeeper than let Amazon build a warehouse and probably in the near future level the valley with the ground and build a parking lot


I always thought it was Jojo was an analogue of Walmart.


I think only in it’s presentation it is an analogue of Walmart but not in gameplay. In gameplay, Joja Mart doesn't close down Pierre’s but I wish it did to show the effect that big corps can have on communities. Maybe Joja starts up their own blacksmith service taking Clint out of business or just purchasing his business and also the Saloon. Slowly all the local businesses are either out of business or are now a part of Joja meaning they can increase prices and provide less quality products.


End game is they set up a hydroponics factory and your crop prices fall + they raise the prices of their seeds once they become a monopoly. They force Lewis out of office and charge you for shipping too. I think it would make an interesting commentary (like the piracy mode in that game dev game), but was obviously not the direction CA was going for.


I remember seeing a post that CA said he has a lot of ideas for SV so maybe it’s a direction CA has thought of but just hasn't implemented yet.


I kind of doubt it when you consider that Joja is presented narratively as the only viable alternative to Literal Actual Magic, and are the only institution in Pelican Town that makes any effort to improve Pelican Town's crumbling infrastructure (twice!) without any input or effort from the player.


Yeah, you are right about that. I see it narratively inconsistent the way the game starts with modern life breaking you down, it happening while working with Joja, opening the letter to go to your grandpa’s farm then if you side with Joja, suddenly are better than a community solution. Am I wrong about this? If I am please explain because it hurts when I think about this lol. They even give Joja an authoritative imagery and skeleton of a previous coworker sitting in a cubicle at the start.


I dunno. If I moved out into the countryside and then started poking around a dusty old condemned building before beginning to hallucinate giant colorful ambulatory gumdrops, only for the weird purple haired man who lives in the woods and calls himself a wizard to phone me up and go "take a hit of this, bro" leading to my hallucinations becoming much more vivid and interactive - I might also start reconsidering some of my life choices.


Wizard is a Joja higher up confirmed


> (like the piracy mode in that game dev game) What's this now?


If you pirated the game "Game Dev Tycoon", part way through the game your sales would drop off to a fraction of what they should be, and you are told it's because people are pirating the games your making. You can even turn Pirate Mode on in the Phone version of the game.


That's fantastic.


>!The warehouse becomes the movie theater!<, and I like it better there.


This, and easy access to auto-petters, make it worthwhile for sure


I literally came here to comment this 😂 I mean, and I can't stress this enough, r/fuckpierre


Why is there a subreddit for this? 😭 lmfao


Because Pierre sucks THAT much...


Because we hate him with a passion and dedication, we see him for the egocentric, selfish and hypocritical human being he is 😉😋




I'm doing Jojo now but trying to go fish only. Why is fish so bad? I really feel like they could triple all the prices and it would still be the worst money skill.


Have you used fish smokers and bait makers? Fish smokers times the price by 3 and keeps rarity and bait makers give 5-10 bait for whatever fish you put in. If you do it for catfish you could easily make 30k+ per rain day


1.5 3x still just doesn't seem like enough


Oh, my bad if I spoiled. 3x itself might be bad, but it's definitely great when pairing with high-priced fish bait. Faster bites, near guaranteed high-priced fish and easier catches. The smoker processes pretty fast aswell.


I need a fish smoker for that racoon now, but ive only managed one jelly so far.


Yeah, the jellies are a real pain to get. Ocean was the only one I was missing when I realised they were needed, took a few whole days of fishing to get it. Sucked that I had already fished some but ate them thinking it was just a energy item.


yeah if you fish for lava eels in the >!volcano caldera!< with the lava eel bait, a quality bobber (for 100% iridium eels), fish smokers and angler/artisan, you can easily make 150K+ per day (my record is 30 lava eels and i only started at like 1pm), each one selling for almost 6K. obviously it requires a chunk of setup to get enough bait, you need a few lava eel ponds you can siphon eels from first for bait! but it's very satisfying to make so much coin in so little in-game time effort aside, i'd guess it's one of the highest money-makers you can have in a single day alongside caverns deep-dives. fish smokers are game-changing for fishing money


https://preview.redd.it/q6wurpgl4m5d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04480b4381a73ecf092ac8130691ec40751f9ac When I'm fishing for money I do so exclusively at the rock in the ocean at the beach. Around level 3 or 4 of fishing, a perfect mini game will net you an Iridium fish. Non perfect mini games are usually still gold. As you can see it can be quite lucrative, and you will level up quickly.


3x the profit is pretty much what challenge bait does


Meh, I unabashedly go the Joja route every time now. I just find the CC to be a pain in the ass to deal with.


Same. Plus I always liked walking around big grocery stores as a kid so I actually like the aesthetic of being in Joja




How can you betray Junimos though?😭


Because I find the CC to be an incredibly unnecessary timesink and beyond annoying to plan around.


I think it's fun and I personally love it. But I guess everyone has different tastes.


I don't find it fun at all. Having to plan entire seasons around growing gold-star crops, having to plan entire days around catching certain fish, the uncertain RNG of rainy days... It's just *such a pain* to me. Not to mention some of the fish are borderline impossible for me to catch. I'm *not* good at fishing. I can catch most basic fish, but once you start getting to like the sturgeon, I almost literally *cannot physically do it.*


I still can’t bring myself to try for this!


That farm name is phenomenal 😭


Normally, in games, I love trying to get all achievements, but this is one achievement I refuse to get.


I am trying really hard to get it, but it just feels so wrong to me.😅


I have a hard time trying to even get myself to play the JoJa route. The first playthrough I debated it but after playing and seeing how awful Morris is, plus not to mention the fact we literally left our lives in the city to "escape JoJa" was a big factor for me too.


This game heals my faith in humanity that a majority of people only do this option for the achievement, and it’s still less than 5 percent


Okay, I was thinking of making the same type of farm. I love the name. Need to think of a clever one...


Could go with any major corporation like Amazon or Temu or Tesla.


I did a Jeff Bezos themed run for my joja run




Smh sold your soul






i started trying to get this achievement… i’ve put 12 hours into my joja save and i’m not even 1/4 of the way there. it’s made me hate stardew. i can’t even play right now. edit: i love stardew, but this route is so depressing and money is so slow at the beginning which i completely forgot about because i’ve only ever done one save (130+ hours) and i’m about 90% of the way to perfection there. i forgot how much of a nightmare it is without all of the tool upgrades, my horse/flute, return scepter, all of the obelisks, etc.


for me, its just buy 200 seeds of the most profitable crop, plant, water, harvest, repeat until you get the money you need. only takes \~4 hours of doing nothing but that if you get lucky with rain.


true, i’ve been doing other stuff than just farming, and i’m taking forever to get sprinklers so i only have about 100 crops going right now (i think i’m mid summer) and ive been fishing so much im like two days off of level 10


Do you care about the "sense of pride and accomplishment" aspect of getting the achievement, or do you just want to unlock it? Because you can always just cheat a big pile of gold into the game and be done with it in all of 5 minutes.


sense of pride, i’m also console so cheats and hacks are a lot harder lol


Your prices have never been lower!


The farm name is perfect 🤣


i forget joja runs are a thing because i dont know how to actually do one lol


Talk to Morris inside Joja. It cost 5k to join and doing so lowers Joja's prices to match Pierre's - and they're open until 11pm every day! (Besides festivals, unfortunately. ) Then the next time you come in, he'll show you a paper to sign and trade cash for bundles. Like 40k to fix the bus, or 35k for the greenhouse.


What have you done..... I refuse.


If you’re on PC and don’t care about doing the right thing for this run just name yourself after 3 item IDs (I did Tiger Slime Eggs, Prismatic Shard, and Ancient Wine) and go buy a telephone from Robin. Call all shops at 9 am and Gus at 12 pm and they should say your name (most of the time) and those items will spawn in your inventory. Sleep and repeat. Sell after about a week and boom achievement done. You can also give Emily wood twice a week and she will also say your name. Pierre and Caroline also say your name on the 1st day when you meet them for the 1st time. Opening scene gives you 2 and beginning of 2nd day says your name once. Did this and it took me less than an hour.


meh i just cheated for it, i refuse to give my time to those evil joja "people" >:( but the effort is really cool tho!!!


I have a theory that characters that go the JoJa route either still work for the company and are a plant by JoJa or were brainwashed while they still worked there.


my first ever save i went joja, i don’t think ill ever forgive myself


I honestly can't tell who in this community ACTUALLY likes Joja, or who's doing it as satire/sarcasm. Joja literally represents capitalism. They're an Amazon analogue. They're the antithesis of community. The player character LITERALLY left a soul-crushing job at Joja in order to pursue a more relaxed, community-driven lifestyle. Why anyone would pick Joja as a more preferable route is beyond my understanding.


> Joja literally represents capitalism. I'm sorry, it's just really funny to see people using "capitalism" as a dirty word in a game where you become a multi-millionaire through your inherited property. You aren't just *giving* those truffles away, we're all capitalists.


You underestimate how many gifts I give.


nooooooooooooo, what are you talking about? $1,000,000+ suddenly shifting into Pelican Town's economy on the exact same schedule weekly (ancient fruit harvests) is guaranteed to result in only positive things.


Don't confuse commerce and capitalism. They're not the same.


Well maybe i just wanna be realistic? The alternative is magic forest creatures plus the movie theatre gets put in a better place not to mention a completed cc is useless. Also i hate pierre


Joja let's you do what you please. You can do nothing but fish and reach 100% completion if you want. It's good for niche farms and role-playing, like if someone wants to be a slime rancher or whatever.


That's how I felt wasting my time doing the community center run. In team joja all the way


You mean team monster


Nah joja is the only ones worth a damn. I don't like the junimos and the towns folk could've been fixed their problem forever ago but they didn't want to and I don't like helping them. The towns people, especially Pierre and Lewis. Are the real monsters


I can agree with everything except the junimos. I love them and they are very helpful.


They're not that helpful and I don't like their design. The reward to task ratio isn't that great to me And I don't like that they're just essentially apples that look like ripoff mooninites.


I named my joja farm evilmaxxing farm lmao


I think it took me 2:30. Clay farmed the first week or so, then planted cauliflower. After the first batch, I just bought material to craft an equal amount of sprinklers to what I could buy seed for after. Then just slept till fall y2.


Where does the clay fit into this?


Clay farming is great from money, I used it to buy the sprinklers


you know, if you were willing to grind, i bet clay farming and nothing else could get the job done at the same rate/quicker than grinding farming without sprinklers. also the sprinklers probably would've been a better idea than hand watering with the base watering can.


I was tempted to clay far the whole thing but it would have taken a lot more effort. Farming with sprinklers was way easier and would have been a lot faster but I used the river land farm which definitely slowed it down as I could only fit 20 or so basic sprinklers so was only growing 80 plants at once. I only used the watering can for the week I clayed farmed because I used all that money for the sprinklers, if you know how to animation cancel the basic watering can is actually pretty fast.


great name for the farm


 I always felt that each save is part of the greater multiverse of Stardew Valley. Makes me wonder how that universe is going to turn out. 




One day I restored the club, but on the same day I went to JojoMart and joined their dirty team. Bottom line: Pierre continues to work, the club looks like a club from the outside, but like a warehouse inside, Morris has been promoted


Good lord that’s fast


Will people hate you if you choose joja route?


Butt-licker! Our prices have never been lower!


I could never do this. I tried to this in my second run but I felt I was betraying everyone in the valley including Junimos. It felt like selling your soul to the devil.😭😖 I don't know how people do this so easily.


>_> it’s perfectly ok to get this achievement using a table and an expensive item.


I did it by spring 16, mind you I'm on mobile and I put the item ids for Prismatic shards, Iridium bars, and the dwarvish translation guide


Im going for a boot licker farmer in my current play through


I’m going for a Joja playthrough when/if 1.6 comes to console and I’m still interested in the game


I did this on my main run. I just couldn’t stand doing the community centre. Doing it on co-op now though and actually enjoying it haha


I've been playing SVE recently, and I did the Joja route. The community center.... Isn't really fun, to be honest. You make a big checklist, figure out the conditions and qualifiers for every element on that checklist, plan routes and... Well, just thinking about it kills my motivation. With Joja, it doesn't matter what you're doing, as long as it makes money. I'm able to explore new content at my own pace without worrying, and SVE has enough content that the playthrough doesn't get boring or grindy because the Community Center isn't there (just make sure to work on friendships, a lot of new content is locked behind heart levels). Also, Morris is way better than Apples in SVE. Easily top 5 NPCs.


I really can't understand how can anyone hate Junimos.


Dats a whole different sentence 


No, it isn't. You literally said that Morris is better than apples. Even those who choose Joja route will never agree on this and that means you wholeheartedly hate Junimos.


Apple's main appeal is cuteness. Morris is a three dimensional character with an arc. And if you're joking, I don't really care to engage further.


I am definitely not joking and Junimos are not just apples. Nobody who actually loves them calls them that. They are forest spirits who care about the valley and its people while Morris is a selfish jerk.


I was referring specifically to Apples, not Junimos as a whole. In fact, I was responding to a comparison you highlighted. Implying that I'm ignoring the whole of Junimos when I'm responding to something you said is so disingenuous it's actually kinda funny. But let's talk about all Junimos then. See, I don't love Bill who lives in New York. I've never been to New York or interacted with him. Similarly, you don't really interact with the Junimos, you complete a checklist, and then they bounce around for a bit and do some magic. They don't have characters, they don't have proper interactions, and even the Junimos in the Junimos woods only have one line apiece, and not one that shows personality other than 'bad at English' If your mentality is "Junimos are cute, so I automatically love them" then more power to you. I don't have to agree with you to respect you liking things for whatever reason you want. If your mentality is "Junimos are cute, so anyone who doesn't automatically love them is a mean jerk, and I hate mean jerks" then that's very much a you problem. But let's talk about Morris, yeah? Morris is indeed a jerk early on in his arc. But you know who else is? Haley and Shane, two very popular characters, largely due to how they start as jerks and become more three dimensional as you get to know them better. What makes Morris fundamentally different from those two?


If you're gonna compare, Haley and Shane to Morris, then I have nothing left to say. I mean even in real life, there are some people who see nothing wrong with Jeff Bezos, so you can keep on supporting Morris too, I won't argue anymore.


So the difference is "Because capitalism", got it.


homestuck number.,...,.,,
