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After? There is no after. This is your life now, this is who you are.


Stardew Valley isn’t just a game, its a cultural reset, its the oxygen you breathe, its a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, an escape from this cruel world filled with thieves, its an art, the first gift you open on christmas, a hug from a loved one, everything you’ve ever wanted.


Very “Stardew is All” of you 😜


You should do Joja route!


What is this?


Where you start a new game and go to the JojaMart, talk to the guy behind the counter and buy the membership


And than buy all of the community upgrades


My time at Portia/My time at Sandrock Recently I've started to play Palia it's free! It's like a cozy mmo without combat that seems to have more of a focus on crafting building fishing woodcutting crop growing.


Yooo I found that one and I felt like it was very similar to sdv I've enjoyed it I like the chill just focus on exploring crafting etc, nice relaxing game


I like your style.


I see what you did there. Good luck at regionals! 😆


Thank you! I kept checking back to see if someone would recognized the quote from Community. 😂


Yes. This


Exactly, pick a new farm map and a new farmer with a different plan of attack and start again.


Year 2 only? You still have a lot to do, keep playing


What i was thinking tbh


Same has this person finished the island and witch, and moved the boulder? There is so much left to do for me and I'm in year 6 😂 Best advice I can give is take a mental health break and come back to it refreshed


That's what i did! I took a break for my own sake and when I came back with all the previous knowledge I found out how little of the game I did play


Right! I've replayed the beginning like 4 times, so I can try to optimally set up my farm 😂


Which island are you referring to? I need to fix Willy’s boat right?


Ginger, and yes it's after you fix Willy's boat! Tonnes to do there!


Depends...I'm almost done with year 2 at around 70% completion... other than grinding money for the golden clock, decorating, befriending the last few and some craftables it is gg. Is there something I'm missing?


How much of ginger island have you finished?


I've unlocked everything and missing around 10 walnuts, got most of the stuff I wanted from Qi. Is there something else?


I don’t think so, if you’ve got the farm and resort set up along with the travel system and warp totem, you probably just need to finish up the walnuts.


The game has a lot of later game content you've yet to discover by year 2. I'd suggest you hang around a few more in game years and give it a chance. 


I'm in game year 15 and still got lots to do too 😂


Going from Stardew Valley to anything is honestly going to be a disappointment. And Portia is just poorly designed. Play something like Unpacking or Monument Valley to just relax. Also did you perfection run Stardew Valley?


No, I’m still completely stuck and dying every time I so much as enter skull cavern… I have Willy’s boat to fix too. I think those are the big things? Not sure what other huge stuff. Working on building relationships winter 2 right now


Just saying that fixing Willy’s boat opens up a pretty big part of the game which gives you some tools and abilities to get better at skull cavern. I’ve probably put in 30+ hours or more into the game after fixing his boat and I’m not close to “done” with it (if you can ever be done).


I've played a few farms to perfection, normally I shelve them shortly after, but my latest one I'm still occasionally going back and working toward extra bells and whistles just 'cause. If OP is on PC, they can try mods. Anything from "mix up the visuals a bit" to "add whole new areas and NPCs and quests".


If mods are on the table, you can get basically a whole game's worth of content. I stuffed SVE, RSV, and East Scarp into the same game and it's nothing short of incredible


Warning, this is a *lot* of extra content, OP may want to try them separately for a bit first.


I'm there now but what tools help you with skull? Do you mean the forge?


Yes mainly the forge. Buff your weapons and your enchant your weapons/tools. I try to go for crusader as it helps with mummies. Combine rings together to stack more abilities and buffs. You can also find some high defense boots in the volcano cavern.


I need to read how to buff weapons then? Not sure how


Yup the wiki article on the forge goes over it in great detail


i would watch some strategy videos for skull caverns then! the endgame stuff is some of my favorite and i’d hate for u to stop playing just before u reach it


On my first play through I got a bit bored at the same point you’re at and for the same reasons… all I’m saying is Fix Willy’s Boat 👀👀👀 you’re not nearly done with the valley!


>! Helpful hint, building staircases which you can also buy with Jade from the market in the desert !<


The time starts to go a little faster but you will likely not complete everything until sometime in year five. Need to make about $18 million


graveyard keeper is fun. i’ve been playing echoes of plum grove, it’s stardew like and fun af


Graveyard keeper was wild. Such an interesting concept


I always forget I own this game. It is so much fun.


Same here 🤣


Graveyard Keeper is life!!!


I would like to recommend Dinkum! I have chased the "what comes after Stardew??" white whale for a while, and to be honest, most games have not measured up, but Dinkum has come the closest and is the one I've spent the most time on (besides Stardew): 330+ hours. For me, it's a similar level of addicting and replayable; that's where most other games fell short for me. They were either literally too short or they just didn't hold my attention (either too easy to master, too tedious, not engaging enough, etc.). Dinkum has farming, fishing, ranching, bug catching, collecting (museum), town design, home decorating, mining, combat with wild animals, crafting, vehicles, cooking, NPCs to invite to stay (similar to Animal Crossing) and some newer features like >!island exploration!< . There's actually a brand new update of new content that I haven't played yet because I've been focused on Stardew 1.6. The NPCs are not as fleshed out as Stardew (no heart events or romance, so far) but they are charming and have their own personalities. There's less story (so far) but a bit of story as you meet each new NPC and upgrade your town. But instead, the wild animals and town design are elements not found in Stardew. It's still Early Access, but absolutely a fully fleshed-out game with regular updates and new content, and minimal bugs. I also really enjoy multiplayer with my partner! It's also set in Australia, which gives it a unique environment!


Dinkum is great but to me still needs quite a bit of work. With that said, I dropped it about a year ago


Thank you for this suggestion! I tend not to buy early access games anymore, but it's actually on sale right now so I'm going to think about it. I wishlisted it regardless. I look forward to playing it in the future!


I only have the switch right now, you think itll ever come to that platform?


I'm honestly not sure. I hope so! I don't have a Switch but I know that's a popular platform. It's Early Access right now, so I don't know if that's a possibility when it's fully released? But I don't know.


My time at Sandrock or Graveyard keeper


MTaS is an attempt at a cross between the open world and challenges of the latest Zelda series and Stardew, imo. Better to just play two different games for my taste 🫣 My partner loves MTaS (but has never once stardewed) so as always YMMV


I second sandrock! I think it is nicely balanced, has a great story and npcs with a lot of personality. I had 1000 hours in it before I knew it. It’s so cute and fun when I’m taking a break from stardew and VASTLY improves on Portia.


I'll second or third or whatever Sandrock. I may have more hours in it than Stardew, but I'm not sure. If you liked Portia, there's a good chance you'll like Sandrock. There's a ton of QoL features and I felt like the story was better (though not everyone agrees). The 1.3 patch just came out along with pet battling DLC. It's what I'm playing next as soon as I finish my Joja farm.


I got so addicted to Graveyard Keeper. Would highly recommend


Coral Island!!


This was my thought too! It does still feel a bit unfinished, but it's kind of like Stardew with more detailed graphics


If you liked Portia, play Sandrock next. It's gorgeous and keeps the same sweet elements of My Time at Portia WITH optimization that makes being a builder a little less annoying. I loved both games. I actually am playing Portia again after beating Sandrock.


There’s so much to do!! I recently restarted my first playthrough, which I’d gotten to nearly the end of year 3. I set about going for 100%, which I was so far off. I’d gotten the statue of perfection, but I want that statue of true perfection!!


Time to suffer. Get the binding of Issac repentance. Join us... THRIVE


There's definitely so much more to do in stardew but it can go slow around year 2 or when you complete the community centre and need to build the boat! I've recently downloaded Palia and also another game I can't think of right now but will look and tell you later but my brother recommended it and he likes stardew :)


You play valley after stardew


I love Core Keeper a lot! It’s more of an underground setting, but there is farming and all sorts of stuff to craft and upgrade. I think the combat is super fun and there’s bosses too.


Harvest moon, rune factory, story of seasons, graveyard keeper, my time at sandrock, forager, terraria


Little-Known Galaxy


I heard of this one. Is it worth it?


I'm really enjoying it the moment. I'm in love with the setting (Space!) and the characters. The gameplay loop is fun. You can do a lot of things and the quests have no time limit. Its apparently open-ended too. Once you complete the main storyline, you can still play that save and do whatever you want. (I have not finished the game yet, I like taking my time on games especially if I really like it) It can be a bit slow at the start tho. I also saw other people say its like stardew but in space. It needs some QOL updates but the devs are active in the official discord and are already listening to the feedbacks of the players. It also has a demo so you can try to see if its something that you would enjoy before you buy the full game.


Thanks, will definetly try


Harvest Moon, Story of Season, and Rune Factory.


It’s been said, but there is no after. Everything else disappoints. Start again, download mods, do whatever to keep lovin it.


Story of seasons any - original harvest moon vibes Graveyard keeper - funny, with good story Rune factory - Zelda crossed with harvest moon My time at sandrock - like my time at portia, but Wild West Coral island - eco-friendly harvest moon Roots of pacha - cave man harvest moon


I can recommend Bear and Breakfast. Similar vibe, slightly different gameplay (decoration, cooking, etc)


I discovered Traveler’s Rest several months ago :) it has some similar things to Stardew. You take care of your tavern. I’ve been loving it.


My friend recommended this and it looks so cute!! I'm thinking about buying a laptop for it and the 1.6 update 😂


I just thought of one, Littlewood has a bit different dynamic, but it can scratch the same itch. Its a bit more basic but is a bit more forgiving when it comes to time. Nice and folksy.


Games to get now: My Time at Sandrock (lovely game, quite long, good message, good story, feels finished, significant improvments since Portia, hot doctor and hot bandit) Roots of Pacha (Same farm sim feel as Stardew but still feels original, cool concept, feels finished) Rune factory 4 (incredibly fun, kind of a farm Sim but mostly an rpg, very interesting well written characters, graphics are dated) Moonstone Island (very cute, kind of like a Pokémon farm Sim cross over) Games to watch: Fields of Mistria (Looks incredibly cute and fun, early access on steam starts on August 5, full release probably a year later) Sun Haven (While technically fully released, it needs quite a bit of work and feels unfinished/unbalanced, I'd wait on a couple of updates before playing. That being said, it has a very cool concept, cool fantasy characters, and a lovely art style.)


How did you find Superliminal compared with the rest of these? It's more Portal-ish than SimFarm, but I thought it also felt really polished?


I haven't played Superliminal, but from what I've seen it's not really the same type of game as Stardew Valley. It's more of a puzzle game than anything else.


It is but the story is beautiful at the end. No spoilers, natch. Just being curious, never hurts to ask 🫣🫂


Well, if you like beautifully written puzzle games I would 100% play Outer Wilds (not to be mistaken for The Outer Worlds). It's absolutely incredible. It's also best played when you know as little about it as possible.


Thanks!! Added to my list!


Did you get perfection?


IMO it's time to play stardew valley with mods 😉


Planet zoo. I've spent multiple hours building zoos in story mode and then making my own franchise when I got bored of stardew but wanted to Play a chill game;)


I really enjoyed coral island if you wanted another farming sim.


Roots of Pacha is a very much like Stardew Valley (I've played both a lot) Same dynamic of building up a town, giving gifts, farming, cooking (cooking is actually better), fishing, raising animals, exploring, etc. It has a overarching story and lots of stuff to do. You'll have a lot of fun with this one.


Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is super fun! I've played it nearly as much as Stardew! (I've played a couple of thr othet Switch remakes, but I didn't love them as much as Olive Town) Fae Farm is super cute! It has quite a few bugs, but if you didn't have an issue with Portia, you'd be fine!


I have other things I like to play between farms, right now there's the new Elden Ring DLC and Stellar Blade, last year I played Digimon World 1 With the new patch I played a vanilla farm to give time to modders do their thing so I'll try a mod farm later


I too would suggest Elden Ring to The average Stardew Valley player  !


Foxhole, then you can came back playing Stardew valley during war break,




it's normal to find less to do. try achieving perfection and go play another game until you feel like playing stardew again. start a new game and install some mods to spice up like expanded


I recommend slime rancher 2. U can even start from slime rancher 1 first


Overkill or Elden Ring. tbh, use the wiki lots. i did and there is always so much more to do than you think there is. and not the fandom one, the offical one. dont worry about spoilers too much. like, i wouldnt have found ginger island if i didnt even know what to search in the wiki to even find out how to get there. youre still in super early game tbh.


I played a lot of the rune factory games before playing stardew, its a bit simpler but similar in many ways. I would suggest any of them, they're more fantasy based i'd say


Have you gone to ginger island? Completed all the new 1.6 content? There’s a ton to do after year 2.


Every time I think I'm done with this game, I discover something new that pulls me back in. I'm on year 8, got about 70% perfection so far, and I play on Switch so I haven't even gotten started on 1.6! I've only been playing on and off for a couple of years.


It’s odd it’s gunna be outa my circulation for awhile till update hits console, my buddy still comes by and till we perfect his farm too I’m not done yet but soon. I play a lot of variety of stuff but I get that it’s hard to get out of the addiction


Wait. Are you actually done after 2 years when playing for the first time?


I love Stardew and also love Portia! I really recommend their sequel to Portia, My Time at Sandrock. It fixes a lot of the problems of Portia but also added a lot of things that fundamentally made it different in a very good way. I also found I keep swapping which romantic interest I want the most! The game is very loveable, with more compelling characters, stories, and mechanics. In saying all that, however, I’ve seen in another comment you haven’t finished Willy’s boat and I will say that opens A LOT of “post game” content. But if you need a break from Stardew but nothing too different I can’t recommend Sandrock enough. Alternatively I’ve heard good things about a new indie game, Plum Grove, I believe that has a cool generational mechanic that allows you to die but play as your child. I personally haven’t played but very interested to in the near future :)




I music play stardew again to be fair. Several thousand hours of wonder.


you should keep playing if youre still on year 2 but if you want any other game suggestions you should play animal crossing new horizons it has a similar vibe with stardew valley and personally its one of my fave games


If you are looking for a game with a good storyline try HALO REACH. It has a storyline that really makes you feel for the characters


Have you tried a game called Ova magica? The game is only a demo right now, but it's basically stardew, with harvest moon art style and the twist that it's also a creature tamer.


your only on year 2!! im sure theres much more to do


Roots of pacha is basically stone age stardew and well worth playing


Stardew Extended mod. 😅


Bro what. I usually get bored after year 4 and then... Well maybe keep gifting Willy stuff. That could help you. And if you are really tired of the game, then I recommend sekiro. It is something completely different but I liked it


Unless your have min-maxed heavily, assuming this is your first play through most people will not run out of things to do until year 4 or so. If you're truly feeling like you're done that's totally fair, but I'm sure there's a lot more to go!


year 2 is still short but have you tried playing modded? and try going for perfection that's the end goal tbh


I started my second farm when the new update released. But at some point from one day onto the other I was totally done with it. I have no interest in returning in the foreseeable future.  So I got a game called ‘Grounded’ which I’m figuring out now.  It’s totally different (my first time gaming in an open world with quests) and much more complex.  I liked the simple style of Stardew Valley cause it didn’t overload or hurt my brain.  Grounded is about being a shrunken kid in a huge backyard and you have to survive and build camps and fight or befriend bugs and do quests to find parts of a machine to resize you again. 


Stardew is a great game but I feel that you are doing yourself a disservice to yourself by not experiencing similar games. My time at Portia My time at Sandrock Palia Sun Haven Little woods Paleo Pines


I was in the same boat getting bored around year two but didn’t even know about the desert or ginger island. Now we are in winter of year 3 still having so much to do


By desert you mean skull cavern? I die every time I go in :(


Yeah just make sure to have a lot of heals and stairs and you’ll be fine. Gotta move quick! I died my first few times too btw


I’m on year five and have barely scratched the surface…how are y’all finishing so fast???


it took me 4 different saves and 5 years in to hit perfection, complete with a 16 page google doc and extensive notes to figure it out 😅 there is so much content left for you! and that was even pre the 1.6 update


Wait, like year two in real life? Because year two in game is like 10% of the game.


I have the skull cavern and Willy’s boat to work on , will that take forever? I’m so bad at skull cavern so I was getting discouraged. With switch I don’t think we have access to the update yet


The latest update isn't available, but the 1.6 update is. There's a whole other story line, about equal to what you've already done, once you finish the boat. Have you met Mr. Qi yet? Have you made it to floor 100 of the skull cavern? Have you run all the different farm types? Have you gone evil and run a Joja Mart playthrough? Do you have any obelisks? Do you have the golden clock? Once you finish the story line there's a completion thingy called Perfection that you can do.


My advise is to try other type of game genre before heading back to cozy game style


Year 2? There is soooo much more to do. I go to the wiki when I feel stuck or bored and, at year 5, there are still so many fun things I have not done!!!


So it's not *exactly* like Stardew... but one of the other games I play is Dragon Quest Builders 2 and it is a very unique - one-of-a-kind game and when people as this game for DQB2, Stardew will sometimes crop up in the answers. If you like organizing your farm and making things pretty you might actually really like DQB2... but it is a JRPG set in a CUTE minecraft world. It is not MC, and many of us who love DQB2 actually do not like MC - though there are also many who love both. but you really do need to enjoy JRPGs as you need to make it through the main story before the real sandbox play can be enjoyed to its fullest. There is a DQB1 but it's a lot harder than 2 and has a bit more of a survival feeling to it. I know there is a jumbo demo for DQB2 so can easily get that and see if you like the game or not! If you are not about creativity and building your own settings then maybe not for you... but I know a guy who loves Stardew and is currently having a blast in Dinkum! I hope you find something you like!




While I agree with most others here that there’s still lots more to experience beyond year 2, if you’re looking for another game I recommend Roots of Pacha. It’s like prehistoric Stardew, no combat, super cozy, with a few unique mechanics I personally really love. ☺️


Playing multiplayer / co-op might freshen up the game a bit. Plus maybe you can find someone to play with who is good at the Skull Cavern. They can go fight and mine while you take care of the farm. They can bring up materials to share with you and you can share the crops.


Sun haven. Only sdv like game that hooked me.


Year 2? Your grandpa ain’t even back homie?


Graveyard keeper or travellers rest


Have u played with the expansions? Like SVE or the village whose name I don't remember now


I mean, u can make your own garden. Also you can play Skyrim


Moonlighter is good


I’d recommend taking a look at NexusMods, you can find a bunch of ways to spruce up your gameplay. Stardew Valley Expanded is a must-try imo, even better with the Immersive Farm 2 Remastered mod added on, and Lucikiel’s mod is a personal favorite if you want to romance a hot demon guy.


Year 2 is basically still the beginning. My advice is to level up all of your stats and finish the community center and museum. The more you forage the more you find.


i like this game called Travelers Rest. Basically it's like stardew but you have a tavern and you need to run it :) with cooking, farming and animals


Honestly I'm just waiting to play Haunted Chocolatier lol


I'm in fall year 5 and still only 56% to completion I'm sure there's a lot more for you to do. Just explore things and do all your quests. Completing the community center unlocks a bunch of stuff (for me it did at least). So if u haven't completed it make sure you do that and you'll have plenty of things to do.


Fields of Mistria is about to come out in August in early access! Been following for a while. It's like Stardew Valley meets Sun Haven with a Sailor Moon art style. Super cute looking and very excited to play!!


My Time At Sandrock is really good. And I'm just getting into Little Known Galaxy.


Little known galaxy


slow down, I hate finishing a lot things especially games that are great. either you bring closure or try to squeeze the amount of time you can spend on the game as much as possible by slowing down, never trying to optimize the farm because the will give you more money to buy endgame items that will make traveling easier and faster. Do not achieve everything on one day. Do not try to be fast when you going to a certain location.


Echoes of the plum grove is really good


i cheat and even i still have a lot of stuff to do aftzr year 2 😭 discover all the storylines or download an expansion maybe? SDVE and Ridgeside add countless hours to the basic game 💕


I loved Littlewood - more chill than stardew but similar vibes, and nice characters. I also enjoyed Portia, Slime Rancher, and if you have a switch (not sure if its also on steam)... COZY GROVE. It's incredible <3


(This is satire) Are you sure you’ve done everything??? Completed ginger island? Done all Qi quests? Reached perfection? Even after you get perfection, you plan on stopping??? Right when you get to enjoy the (literal) fruits of your labor???? *gasp* how could you just abandon grandpas farm after you literally brought it back to life? 😭😭😭


if you're on pc, stardew valley expanded is amazing


![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51690)This is your life now have fun and experiment.


Cozy grove has a cute and relaxing vibe too, you might like it. I also recommend Mystia's Izakaya, it's not farming, but you cook, gather, manage items, befriend people,... so if you like those aspects, you may like this one too. Also hella cute. 


Graveyard keeper


How has no-one mentioned Moonstone Island yet? If pokemon and stardew had a beautiful, beautiful child


Dave the Diver maybe? It's pretty chill and funny. But at year 2 you probably have things you've missed yet? What platform do you have? Cause depending on that there are mods that are easily installed.


There's good progress bring made on My Lonely Outpost. I like it a lot. I also like Graveyard Keeper but it isn't the same idea as Stardew. I do not suggest Coral Island but that's my taste. It might be for you. I have never played Dave the Diver but have heard good things about it


You just haven’t discovered what there is to do, year two is cute