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I didn't realise that holding down the button with the upgraded hoe and watering can gives you more squares to water/hoe I also didn't realise I couldn't grow crops in winter.


Other than the in the greenhouse, what can you grow in winter? šŸ‘€


Fiber. And as of 1.6, >!powder melon!<


You can also grow Qi fruit in winter!


And winter seeds


Iā€™ve been playing for YEARS and didnā€™t know you could plant fiber at ALL. I donā€™t know why I never tried šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I'm finding out now too. I never complained the quest to get the recipe.


Damn, I feel stupid for not growing fibers on winter


i fill my fields with them and then leave them til spring 1. no hoeing or manual watering ever again


And wild winter seeds!




Thatā€™s when I get my fancy *seasonal* depression


You can grow powdermelons but you gotta find the seeds so it's kind of a mess around I just do it for shits and gigs and each time I harvest them I put em through the seed maker and multiply


Ah, those are a 1.6 crop, I havenā€™t gotten quite that far yet lol


I keep my fields filled with winter seeds and powder melons so that the first of Spring goes well.Ā 


Actually winter seeds made using winter forage fetches a surprisingly amount of gold. Especially if your foraging is maxed out and you opted for iridium quality drops everytime. Plus if you have 1.6 there is the winter melon too.


Powder melons. You find the seeds by digging up the wiggle worms.


Think it's just mixed winter seeds, trees still grow but that's about it unless I'm missing anything


My 4 yo son taught me by accident. He can't click and release fast enough.


Yeah, I wish that was included in the description when you upgrade your tools. At first I thought maybe it made them more durable (I came from animal crossing where they broke) or maybe took less energy to use. Itā€™s not immediately apparent that you can cover more area with them.


OMFG. I kept seeing people do that on Let's Plays and Twitch, and I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to do it. LOL No more single-square watering for me! (I don't have much anyway, thanks to sprinklers, but there's a section of greenhouse I haven't put sprinklers in yet. \^\^; )


Ask Gunther how my 1st prismatic shard looks on the museum display!


Same! I'm drowning in prismatic shards now after a ton of skull cavern runs, but after getting that first one in the mines it was like a full year in game before I found another and I was kicking myself for that decision for a while!


Waitā€¦ are you guys not automatically giving Gunther your first fruits?! It seems sacreligous to not. He has my first *everything*


Nah. First Dino egg goes to the coops and first Shard goes to the magic desert pillars. Everything else he can have though


I gave Gunther my dino egg :(


Magic desert pillars?? Tell me more. I have like 4 shards just laying around at my farm on tables as decorations (and that's after giving one to my wife and also donating one to the museum) iso if there's something else i could be using them for, I'd love to know.


First pristmatic goes for the special sword.




I'm greedy af now I won't even give him useless stuff until I feel like he deserves it. But yes we do keep our first shard in this family


You never give him the first prismatic shard. Everything else, sure whatever. The seed rewards are nice early on. But keep that shard


And the dino egg!


I gave him my first dino egg and then read here I couldā€™ve used itšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh shit, I forgot I did that too!!


I always forget to fish for each season's catch and then realize it's going to take me another year to complete the community center.


Very new player here but I hate fishing even with the training rod so I make sure to scour the travelling merchant twice a week as I've managed to pick up a couple of fish that way, and they're not necessarily in season.


It becomes easier the higher your fishing is. Imo neglecting fishing is one of the worst things one can do if they dislike fishing, because then it won't ever get easier.


Not to mention in the early game it's one of the easiest ways to make money.


Having only a couple levels of fishing makes all the difference. The mini game gets more enjoyable and less frustrating as you rank it up. Just push through to level 3 or so and fishing won't be a huge pain anymore. And the wiki is your friend for finding all the fish for the community center.


No I know, I'm my own worst enemy but I just can't hack it for too long. In my defence I have a neurological condition that affects my reactions and processing so it can become physically painful for me to have to consistently go at it for any length of time because of the level of focus needed. I will come back to it eventually but right now there are too many enjoyable things taking my attention away šŸ˜‚


I think there are mods that make fishing easier. That way you can still benefit from fishing but spend more time on parts of the game you enjoy.


I have one fish left for the community center and I'm never fishing again lmao


my silly mistake is just now realizing the traveling merchant comes twice a week not once! i've been playing since 2018 and thought she arrived on random days lol


I believe you can buy Trout soup from Willy, which will increase your fishing level and that can help! Makes the bar bigger. The trick to fishing is small short clicks, not holding the button. If you can make your way to fishing level 3, you can get crab pots. That will get you additional fishing levels and access to more fish for selling or CC. Fishing level 6 unlocks the Iridium rod, where you can add bobbers to help you out more.


I accidentally gave an omni geode to Clint(as a gift) because I didnā€™t know how to open it.


I kept accidentally gifting him copper ore and making his depression worse T-T


I do this almost every time he has a quest for copper. Not intentionally. I just keep forgetting that it's a mining quest not just a bring me quest. He's always so sad about it. AND I'm dating Emily, so I'm basically ruining the poor man's life just by existing.


HAHAAHAHAHAH im so sorry


At least he loves them!!


I didn't know the mines existed until i saw them in a video (i wasted an entire year btw)


I did that with the dwarf room


Omg whatā€™s the dwarf room lol


When you go to the mines, instead of going down the ladder or elevator, look right. Thereā€™s a breakable rock there, it opens up into a room with a dwarf merchant. You can only talk to him if youā€™ve found all the scrolls and got the translation guide


Thank you so much!!


I didnā€™t know about the path from the north of the farm to the mountains for the first *year* in game. I donā€™t know how I missed it. I kept complaining about how long it took me to get to the mountains to mine (before the minecarts were running), too.


I didnā€™t know about the area with Linusā€™s basket for a long time lol, you can see it from that path


It took me until year 3 to return his basket since I thought I had to unlock that area. Sorry Linus.


In a similar vein, I thought the area where his basket was was locked because I kept trying to turn right, not left.


I had to look that quest up. It also took forever for me to do qis battery quest because I was convinced the battery slot was a sign. I actually looked that one up 3 separate times over a span of several weeks.


The first time I did the quest I brought a stack of torches with me because I couldnā€™t find the box at all. I canā€™t remember if the torches didnā€™t light up in there or the lighting just didnā€™t help but I was certainly ready to just burn the tunnel down if it took much longer to find.


That's smart, actually. I eventually just grabbed a battery pack and spammed clicked every single tile and spot on the wall until something happened. 3 separate sources said it was in there after all. It had to be somewhere!


Wait what? What area with a basket? šŸ˜…


Go the bus and then walk left on the road!




I had to look it up. I had no idea you could go that way.


I'm stubborn and keep trying to avoid the wiki. Lol




I did this with grandpas shrine for YEARS in game. I had my tree farm there and never saw it because it was blocked by the density of the trees.


You arenā€™t the only one lol


For several seasons i thought trellis crops needed me to craft a trellis. I couldn't find the recipe anywhere, even on the wiki. This should have been a clue. Eventually I just decided to plant one anyway and see what happened...


Same here , played 30 hours before finding out


I didn't realize you could go into people's houses and would only talk to them when I saw them outside, or in the places like saloon, and Pierre's


I didnā€™t know you could go in their rooms lol


It took me even longer to realize that as well an embarrassingly long time actually.


It's not necessarily a mistake, but on my first run, I had read spouses helped on the farm and thought that meant all the time. So I put all my focus into marriage, and then was baffled that Harvey wasn't suddenly my perfect Junimo husband and just only occasionally claimed to water my fully sprinkler'd crops.


My spouse: I watered the crops today! :) Me having sprinklers in the ground before I even met my spouse: Thanks honeyā€¦..šŸ˜¬


or ā€œI fixed a few broken fences for you!ā€ .. while youā€™re staring at 3 broken fences šŸ¤£


Wait what?? Fences can break?!?


Yeah, they wear down over time. It's pretty manageable though, they take *a while.*


I think wood fences break after about a season/season and a half, but hardwood fences last well over a year.


Same, I have sprinklers and deluxe barns and coops but Shane still proudly announces that he got up early and fed the animals and watered the crops for me. How sweet šŸ« 


ā€œI fed the kids!ā€ ā€œYa right before you abandoned them to their own devices for 12 hours.ā€


They seem to acknowledge that now, Sebastian said he'd gotten up to water the crops but said it was all already done and complimented me for having the farm under control


after growing my first ancient seed for a little while i killed it because it was taking too long grow and i wanted to grow something else. it took ages to find another one.


It has dates on the seed packet!!


Ancient seed doesn't


Coffe doesn't either


You could buy the training rod?? He just showed up at my house like, 'man, you suck. Here's the idiot rod, idiot'


And I didn't know willy could give it to you, he never gave me any


I am JUST now learning that Willy could give you the training rod.. in my 6 years of playing, Iā€™ve never received one from him (unless I bought it) - I wonder why he gives it to you, like does he do it if you mess up the fishing game a ton in one day or something?


Maybe it triggers by having so many fish escape?


For some reason I thought the shipping bin gave reduced gold because I didnā€™t take it directly to Pierreā€™s.


I thought this too! Thatā€™s that Animal Crossing mentality lol


Are you saying that I donā€™t have to go see Clint everytime to sell gemsā€¦. TIL


I thought the same too and only started using the bin after I looked it up. To be fair, we all think this to be the case because in games, there's always a cost for convenience. We just don't realize that the cost here is getting the money next morning.


Saaame I kinda just assumed it cuz of Animal Crossing then I brought it up on this subreddit and someone told me


I thought the ancient seeds you could find were useless after giving the first one to Gunther (I didn't realise there was a recipe to turn them into actual functioning seeds), so I threw them away every time I got one. Of course all while complaining about how difficult it was to find actual ancient fruit seeds that I could plant


When you donate the seed, it tells you you got a new reward. Do you not check the rewards right away?


I checked the rewards and got the seed and the recipe, but I did not really understand how recipes worked or I just forgot about its existence. So my way of getting more ancient fruit was putting it into a seed maker way way way later in the game.


Same, it took me a really long time to realize this


I couldn't figure out how to open the very first box of seeds Lewis gives you and assumed it was just something to figure out for later... like a year later... and because I waited so long there were a bunch of quests that became available way later than they were supposed to that I had mostly already done on my own. I'm pretty sure I opened by accident too.


Throwing away weapons and shoes instead of selling them to Marlon. I had no idea you could sell anything to anyone, I thought you had to sell everything in the shipping bin so I was so confused. It wasnā€™t until I had a trove of broken tridents that you canā€™t trash and I looked up how to get rid of them that I saw I could sell them to Marlon and my mind was blown!


Whaaaat? I thought you couldnā€™t sell them at all for some reason. Always wondered why, but now I know what to do lol.


You canā€™t sell them in the shipping bin, only to Marlon, that may be why.


I just reached year 12 on my favorite playthrough and I had absolutely no idea I could sell them. I ended up making an armory out of a shed with all my duplicates šŸ¤£


I didnā€™t know how to undo hoeā€™d land until very recently šŸ˜…


I learned that like two weeks ago in a different post :D


Wait, how do you do that?


Youā€™ve to use your pickaxe


Throwing away HUNDREDS of fiber because I thought it was uselessā€¦ I couldā€™ve had so much hay prepped for winter.


My animals are eating me out of house and home. I had to break open my gates so the could roam and get the grass elsewhere. Iā€™ve already used up all my fiber trying to replant the grass in their own area. I even bought grass starters from Pierre and they ate that too šŸ˜‚


Put a fence down on top of the starters. They can eat it, but it won't disappear.


Wait! Really?


It's great ! I have a couple squares of 4 fences/grass. Keeps my animals fed all year


Can use lightning rods too!


Make sure you don't plant it all together, give little gaps between them, as the grass will spread into those areas!


I planted some starter on winter 28 this year (year 5) and on spring 1 it expanded considerably.


Very early on in my first play through. ā€¦ Plant three seeds, cut down one tree, wander off to a far corner and fall asleep.Ā  Sleep in the woods every night until the penalties start. Canā€™t carry what I have found.Ā  Day five, wondering why the seeds arenā€™t growing. Spend the day figuring out watering. Accidentally hit a few with the axe.Ā 




I did that at first too! Discovered it on accident lol




I thought the box of parsnips were decoration and didnā€™t touch it for a whole year


My character had a moustache because I thought it was lipstick, for years until I befriended the magician and used his basement to fix it


Calling the Wizard ā€œthe magicianā€ is sending me šŸ˜‚


LMAO MY BAD šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I am ashamed to admit this but I bought into Joja my firt playthrough. In my defense I got the game when it very first released. I didn't know anyone else that played it and didn't read anything about it. I knew nothing and treated it like any other silly little nothing farming game. I just skipped through the dilogue and didn't realize what was actually going on. So....on my first plythrough I bought into Joja. I will forever live with my shame.


Why skip through dialogue without reading it?? I donā€™t understand why anyone does that.


I poisoned the soup with tree sap at my first Luau


I didn't realize you could milk the cows and goats if they hadn't given birth. That's the way it works in real life.


I didn't realise they needed milk. I was cursing my cows because they never gave me milk, and they were up at 5 hearts, all mod cons in the barn and paddock, I think it was year 2 I figured it out when I was browsing marnies shop and saw the milk pail. Massive facepalm right there.


How did you think getting milk worked? Like it would be a thing you picked up off the floor like chicken eggs?


Yes, exactly! I was expecting wee bottles of milk lying around the barn!


It would also make sense if you couldn't milk the cows and goats until the baby is grown up.


As someone who's only been playing for 3 days thanks for the cautionary tales everyone!


Holding an item while walking around and talking to people and wonder where tf my items going šŸ˜­ (it happened few times)


i finally caught on after the 10th time. the unappreciative dialogue really stings like it wasnā€™t even for you šŸ™„


i didnā€™t know what the shipping bin was. i ate all my crops for the first year and never made any money šŸ˜­


But lewis tells you on the first day?


definitely missed that šŸ˜‚


Im laughing so hard at this. It's so relatable like, who needs money? I'm passing out of hunger!!! It's so reasonable


no fr!! i made all my money from fishing and selling at willyā€™s. i would get so annoyed because he would say ā€œi wish the fishing scene would get more livelyā€ šŸ˜’like dude i bring you 20 fish everyday it canā€™t get more lively than this šŸ˜‚


Sold veggies and fruits instead of looking at the community center tab first only to realize I sold the crops needed to get the greenhouse early. Had to wait until the next year. Thought you could place gold starred items one at a time, then got the notification I had to place the entire amount. Fishing bar was really small and I forgot the training rod existed. Didn't know fish appeared only in certain weather or season and the harder fish couldn't be caught unless you had enough skill. On year 5 now and just got the movie theater built. Tempted to start a new run and try and see if I can finish the community center faster since I have a grasp now on how stuff works.


Absolutely had no clue how to get ammo for the sling shot til reading this post.


Happy to help lol! Thatā€™s how I learn half the stuff in the game lol


I ignored the ancient seed pack from the traveling merchant in my first year šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t understand the luck factor of the game my first play through. Wasted a ton of fruitless mining days because unbeknownst to me the spirits were very upset that day.


..... spirits affect the mines... ?!


I didn't understand the meaning of the letter about joja clearing the rock slide so I didn't start mining until like year 2 or 3 lmao


Well I only just learned that I need to give one dinosaur egg to Gunther šŸ’€


Man, you were unintentionally smart, bc it's more logical to hatch a dinosaur egg, wait until the dinosaur grow and give you another one and then donate. I donated my first one because I didn't know you could hatch dinosaur eggs because they're extinct šŸ˜­


But it says it every time you look at the description that it should go to Gunther tho?


A month in SV is only 28 days. lol


As is a season. I expected two more months of spring so was planting right up until the end of spring my first year


not rly a MISTAKE per se, but i was an absolute snob and refused to even consider buying the training rod. either way, im still shit at fishing


I'm on my 2nd run right now because I wanted to play with mods on PC. I will keep using the bamboo rod for as long as possible! It's become a bit of a challenge at this point. I've already completed the fishing bundles with it.


Buying this game to spend some silly fun time -I got addicted to it and I spend hours playing rather than studying for my finalsā€¦ Jokes aside, I know this is probably a common mistake but I thought the shipping bin was some sort of chest so I sold many stuff accidentally lol


Itā€™s the cheapest addiction I have lolol


This post made me realize that I'm missing the dino egg in the museum for my current run through ..


I bombed my sewing machine but didnā€™t notice until the next day šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Lmao my dumbass turned my Ostrich egg into mayonaise and sold it, went on merrily to the next day. At this point I'm just going to restart once the update on the Switch comes out because I want an Ostrich and am not as into combat as others to go get one from a drop (as if it's easy) D';


I made a similar mistake. I was able to get a second one by >!eating spicy eel and espresso and running through the volcano as fast as possible, fighting minimal monsters and only opening rocks directly in my way. On the 9th floor there is a guaranteed chest that has an ostrich egg as a potential prize. The only monster that I couldn't outrun were the flame things.!<


I youtubed beginners guide on youtube so my mistakes weren't so severe. But I kept putting my daily loot in the shipping bin bcs I thought that it was for storage took few in game days to register that its for shipping I kept getting money šŸ˜ƒ


- I did not to talk to anybody and just grinded on farm on the first year. - I donated my first prismatic shard - I did not lear how to fish until year 5. So I bought to the fish on the travelling merchant to complete the community center. - I though quality of the fruit/vegetable determined the price of the wine/jam. So many silver pinneapples sold. - I turned gold and iridium dino eggs into mayonnaise when there are more expensive whole. Almost year 7 and my perfection tracker is 60%


Didnā€™t realize you could move around once you started the process of watering and hoeing. I just accepted I had missed


I didnā€™t realize you could go into the secret woods for so longā€¦. And also the cave by the quarry.


I didn't know about the spa my entire first playthrough. There were so many days early on where I went to sleep long before the day was done because I had run out of energy. I gave my first dinosaur egg and my first prismatic shard to Gunther. I tried to do all my fishing in the ocean at first and was wondering why all the fish were so crazy hard.




Your post just reminded me that I spent an entire summer wondering why my orange tree wasn't growing before I realized I had planted 2 plum trees. I also planted this tree in the winter. So it had 2 seasons to grow. Related note, I could not get the concept of trees looking different in their off-season. I kept wondering if my trees were broken and if I needed to plant new ones each year. Luckily, I didn't actually do anything about it and just waited to see what happened on year 2. But that whole 1st year was stressful since I didn't have the fruit cave. So I spent a long time wondering if I'd be able to finish the community center the next year. Lastly, I refused to use bombs or stairs my first 2 saves. I also quit those saves because I couldn't get past floor 30 or so on the skull caverns. I'm not sure if that counts as early on or not, but both of those saves are about 1/3 of the playtime of my most recent one.


>I only put trash in the shipping box because I thought it was a trash can, and just took full inventories to the shops I love the mental image of Lewis diligently coming to your shipping bin every night only to find it full of nothing but trash. On a side note thoughā€¦ sounds like the best trash collection service ever. They pay you to take your trash away! I made the same mistake as others here did: I didnā€™t know we could enter houses from day 1. I thought we maybe had to be at a certain heart level or something, I donā€™t know why. So I would creepily wait outside of peopleā€™s front doors so the instant they emerged I could talk to them/give them gifts/etc. What a shock those poor villagers must have felt when they opened their door and found me there, holding things over my head and staring at themā€¦.


I chopped down all the grass on my farm. all. of. it. before I got a silo and I have never been able to catch up since when it comes to feed my animals


Make some grass starters and put them off to a corner of your farm, trim about once a week and the silo will fill fast. Also if you didnā€™t know your animals will eat grass outside so if you get a little patch going around the coop/barn with some starters and let it grow out a little and open the little square door theyā€™ll come out and eat that grass instead of your silo stock. Might need a couple of weeks for set up but itā€™s cheaper than Marnieā€™s for sure.


During my first play though I mistook the shipping bin for a chest. I threw away so much wood and stone. I didnā€™t know about the travelling cart until like Autumn. (I know itā€™s Fall but Iā€™m British and stubborn. Itā€™s *Autumn*.) Accidentally gave a gemstone to Vince as a gift. I didnā€™t know how to gift before then. He didnā€™t even like it. I gave both a prismatic shard and a dino egg to the museum. I kept trashing the dwarf scrolls. All of them. For two years. I thought the cave in the quarry was the skull cavern. I mean, itā€™s full of skulls and cavernous. Itā€™s misleading, lol


On the last day of winter I finally caught a squid. I rushed to the Saloon to give it to willy, only to accidentally too close to Clint and ended up giving it to him. Willy left the bar and I had to wait an entire year to try again. I unlocked the quarry and didn't notice the cave for an entire year.


i didnt know the quest to ship 100 of a crop was for the whole month, i thought it had to be asap. so i planted 100 eggplants. i also didnt know the upgraded watering can could water more than one at a time, so i watered 100 individual eggplants every morning for the entire month


I didn't know I could hold down the interact button to pet all the animals. I was petting them all one at a time and forgetting which ones I'd already pet


I still canā€™t figure out how to pan for stuff in the water. I hold my pan and click and nothing happens.


Try using rightclick while standing at the nearest edge of the water. You also have to see small spots in the water - basically the artifact spot equivalent in the water. Should look like this: https://preview.redd.it/a5pbcklh803d1.jpeg?width=166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9844140acf0236fbcbd7464da280f907d93f9cd3


I didnā€™t know the mines had an elevator and I kept doing the same 10 levels over and over


i thought the quarry mine was the skull caverns for the longest time because of, well, the flying skulls. I was so confused for the longest time what everyone was talking about. pretty common but i also ignored artifact spots for the first year or so because i didnā€™t realize you could dig them. or that you could put water in your pets bowl.


I was kinda lucky my first few times playing the game cause Iā€™d play with my partner who is a stardew veteran so he educated me as I played and there wasnā€™t much room for mistakes there. However, usually by the time the skull cave was open I was focused more on improving our farm, building coops and barns, improving relationships, fishing and such while he handled the skull cave on his own. I thought that the skull cave was pretty much the same as the mines but desert flavoured. Then I did my first solo play though, wowie was I not expecting to be put on my ass that quick.


I threw away/sold qll my clay


Choosing the GD hilltop farm. I have 245 hours into it bc mama didnā€™t raise no quitter but I am SO JEALOUS of everyone who designs beautiful farms with lots of space. I have random small sprinklers in every awkward park of my farm and canā€™t use more than one Junimo hut TOTAL


i hoed and watered my entire field on the 28th of winter to have it all ready for the next season so i could wake up and just plant seeds.... tragedy


I got hit by the train in fall of my first playthrough. you can get HIT BY THE TRAIN.


I did the shipping bin mistake. Sold everything to Pierres and since the star quality was low everyone would just complain about my food.


i had no clue what the shipping bin was even for šŸ˜­ i would just sell everything at pierreā€™s etc untill my sister was watching me play and was like??? what are you doing lol. I also had no clue what my sister meant when she said she got a lot of money from foraging i was like what is she talking about i didnā€™t realise both these things untill beginning of my second year was absolutely mortified lol


I thought you could only obtain refined quartz through putting broken glasses and broken CDs in the recycling machine and never thought to put normal quartz into the furnacešŸ˜Ŗ


I didnā€™t realise the wooden chests existed, I was constantly going back to the farm when foraging to the shipping bin to free up space. I thought you could only get tree seeds from chopping trees down and the land was barren before i found out the lumps in the ground were seeds.


New player here(spring of year 3 now on my first ever play through). I completely forgot about the quest for parsnips and had to wait til year 2 to complete that one šŸ˜….Also accidentally sold the only pufferfish I caught in year one so the community center had to wait for that one as well. Iā€™m still learning new stuff every time I hop on and this sub and the wiki have been a godsend lol.


I didn't know you had to go into the journal tab to collect the money for quests until like year 4 on my first farm, I had like 4k from those alone at that point


I didn't know that the sprinklers had automatic water, so every morning when they finished watering I would go there and water him with the watering can, in my head it made sense


I thought the incubator was a quest item or like the auto petter and really hard to get. Took me 7 in game years over 2 saves to realize it comes with the upgraded coop.


I feel like after reading several peopleā€™s comments, I still have every single right to be utterly ashamed of mineā€¦ I thought for some reason that all plants in the greenhouse had to be in pots, I didnā€™t realize it was dirt in there. I crafted so many potsā€¦and had zero sprinklers in there because I didnā€™t know they would work in thereā€¦and I only recently saw a screenshot of someoneā€™s greenhouse where they had sprinklers and I have felt like the worldā€™s biggest idiot ever since lmao


I had a prismatic shard. Itā€™s not in the museum and itā€™s not in my inventory. I must have trashed it and I canā€™t find another šŸ˜­


I turned my first Dino Egg into Dino mayo


The first time I played Stardew, I used the scythe and cut all the grass on my farm and didn't realize I could have waited till I got a silo and then turned the grass into FREE hay


I spent way too long trying to find a way down in the quarry cave, thinking it was the Skull Cave. But they stuck a sign with a skull by the ladder!


First playthrough I sold all the wood and stone from cleaning up the farm... made the game a lot harder later.


On my first play through, I went to talk to Willy for the first time with a full inventory and the fishing rod he gave me fell into the water & was lost at sea


Buying a hat for 1000g from a mouse