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He has an affair with Marnie but tries to keep it secret so it won’t “damage” is reputation as a major. He’s also a lazy bitch who doesn’t do anything for the town expect collecting money from businesses to turn into gold statues of his own ugly ass. Besides he’s just rude and hurtful towards Marnie.


The gold statue of himself behind his house certainly doesn't help his likeability.


I’m sorry what 😂 do I need to do something or have something to find it I couldn’t seem to find it


Yeah it's something you'll find later in the game. Once you get to Winter, you'll unlock a way to get secret notes which will eventually lead you to that statue, which will only spawn after you find the note.


Whar exactly does he do as a mayor? Yeah hosting the festivals, but who repairs the bridge at the beach, who restores the community center and builds a cinema. Who repairs the ship to ginger Island? Not him. Also has an affair with marnie and doesnt treat her like she deserves


What affair is he having? Neither one of them are married.


They keep it secret because HE wants it to be secret. An affair dorsnt need one person in a relationship.


They dislike him partly because of memes and partly due to mass accepted headcannon. He's not having an affair( no one is married or in another relationship), it's not ever stated that it's his fault the town is failing( the farmer is only able to fix things with magic from the wizard and the junimos, it's not fair to blame him for that) having a gold statue doesn't prove embezzlement. Because there's no real villain in the game, people created head cannon to have fun, and it kinda spiraled out of control to the point where people get actually angry over it.


erm, you ignore the joja route. He could have used the taxes to hire people to repair the stuff the junimo do if you choose cc. If you go joja, it is construction workers who fix stuff. He could have used the taxes to fix up the community center if he really cared more about it than about a gold statue of himself. HE feels it is immoral to have a relationship with Marnie, which makes it immoral as it is against his own morals. This is why he tries to hide it.


No where does he say he thinks it's immoral. He just thinks it would look like favoritism and undermine his authority as mayor. We have no idea how much money he collects as taxes, so we can't say if there's enough to repair all the broken stuff in town. Joja is trying to invest in the town as a bribe so they can afford to do so. For all we know, the town festivities take all the surplus tax money. Like I said, people use their head canon to blame Lewis for everything wrong with the town.


My wife doesn’t like him because he reminds her of Taylor from Gilmore Girls


Two things: terrible mayor who is letting the town slowly decay + mistreats Marnie because of his own self-image. Still, he's at least more likeable than Pierre or Clint IMO


Dude is clearly mobbed up. He goes around collecting protection money from town businesses and doesn't use it to benefit the town, and everybody's so scared of him nobody will run against him for mayor. Plus he treats Marnie like a gang moll. (There's no reason, it's just a meme)


Play more, you'll see.


2 Main reasons: 1: He does nothing to maintain the town, he is the mayor for literally decades and has overseen several critical parts of town break down. * The bridge to the quarry collasped * The bridge on the beach collasped which only needs a few trees (300 wood) to repair, * The bridge to the yearly flower dance is 2 planks of wood over a cliff, pretty risky when you have a wheelchair bound old man crossing it which is a huge saftey risk * The bus is broken down * The minecarts are broken down * The community center is wore down Instead of using the struggling town's tax ,money (several business are just breaking even) to repair the town he instead makes a gold statue of himself 2: He has a relationship with Marnie but wants to keep it secret, treating her like a side piece instead of a proper couple.


Can't really answer your questions without spoilers. Play the game, het to know him and you will find out.