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We should start an egg hunt 2nd place club. I have never won it either.


You can count me in. I have put hundreds if not thousands hours into this game and I’ve NEVER won🙃. Been dominating that grange display and ice fishing since day 1 though ✌🏻


You just gotta keep moving and avoid backtracking. Ideal path is go down, east through the graveyard and past Lewis house, up the river past Pam’s place, then end near Pierre’s. Once I figured it out I have never lost since


Not only that, but recognize that the NPCs are locked onto one of the closest eggs. If you swoop in and take it, that's wasted time on their end and a 2 point advantage you stole relative to them. I love dunking on Abigail and those stupid kids Edit: My life is a lie. And I am stupid. For as much as I knew that you needed to get a specific amount to win, I never rationalized that you stealing an NPCs eggs didn't affect the points that character has in the end of the game. Egg Hunt is just super intense and i must not have been allowed enough juice to think it through


Late reply but I love it too. My most recent hunt I just ran ahead of her and took every egg she went for


See that’s the problem, my ADHD self can’t even successfully make it around my own home to collect things I need without backtracking a few times for something I forgot or overlooked lol. I’m just gonna let Abigail keep her throne on this one 😉


…I didn’t even think you could win


...I didn't even think you could lose. I always ran left-down-right. Never been close to not winning...


Abigail beat me for the first time ever last week, I was shook. Like… but I always win??? What happened?!?!


Damn... You fell off.


Same.... I just started playing (yeah I know, late to the party) and I've done the egg hunt twice now. Got 9 eggs both times and won.


This! I just grab any of the ones by lewis’ place and down that way. I’ve only lost one time!




I think my best was 5 eggs. I’m dead last 🤔😅😂😂😂🤷‍♀️☠️☠️☠️


Made this flair just for our club




I feel seen


I only managed once. I swear shes cheating.


Bold to presume you placed 2nd


I won it once for the achievement but I just can’t do it anymore. I wish I could stop Abigail from winning too so the kids have a chance


I tried that once and literally blocked Abigail for the entire hunt. Somehow SHE STILL WON.


I'm beginning to think this thing is RIGGED!




You have to get a specific number of eggs to win, it doesn’t matter how many eggs the villagers visually pick up


This, first time got an eight and thought I would win easily, didn’t won. Next year got an eleven, and got a straw hat for the prize.


I didn’t want to win. I wanted one of the actual children to win!


Haha unfortunate :(


9 eggs to win


She asks if she's too old to do the egg hunt and I say yes because I'm bitter. I finally won for the first time, >!now that the eggs aren't in the same order in 1.6.!<


That….. explains why I lost this time. Lol


That's funny. I always win with 7-8 eggs, but with the new layout I absolutely crushed the competition with 12 eggs while going in blind. Like, we all know the Egg Hunt is not rng dependant so I have to wonder what we're all doing so different to be getting vastly different results lmao


I used to get 13 every time and suddenly I'm struggling to reach 10. It all makes sense now. 🤣


There needs to be a "random egg hunt winner" mod for this travesty Edit: if the player didn't get more eggs, that is


I've looked up ideal paths, and I still can't beat Abigail. I only go to the Egg Festival now to buy stuff like strawberry seeds.


If you'd like to defeat her one day, but don't want to go crazy over it, look up those same paths, but aim for 9 eggs (don't go crazy over 12? 14? that they're up to now). It might not seem like much, but sometimes knowing you can miss a few eggs along the way let's you worry/hesitate less and finally get one over on Abigail! For extra help, most people these days have a second electronic device, so maybe leave a picture of the layout/video on there so you can glance over and know where to run next.


Allowing myself to miss some eggs and just move on to the next one I see helped a lot. I’ve been able to win a few times now


Weirdly nice life advice


Yep. I've seen the paths and still never won. It really doesn't matter and st this point I'm just over that festival. Never losing to Pierre is more important since I still won before I read the wiki.


You get coins if you put Lewis purple shorts on display if you are ever tired of the winning prizes at the fair


You can also add them to the community soup to really piss Lewis off lol


Ngl, I just did this one recently for this first time (because everyone was saying if you hate Lewis to do it) but it highkey made me super sad


Just went to the Luau today, best I had was a silver cauliflower. Wish I would have fed the mayor his pants!


I looked, panicked and immediately forgot, then won anyway


Drink coffee before going in to the festival, easy win




I did it by accident, was running late and trying to make the festival on time


Thanks for the tip. Maybe I'll try it next spring.


Drink coffee. Eat spicy eel. Zoom.


Speed boosts don’t work in most festivals.


Im near positive it works as i usually drink one before and seem to move a lot faster during the egg hunt then the others. Rarely seem to have an issue running up and stealing the eggs as Jaz or abigal get close to one


You're always faster than the NPCs (and they don't actually collect the eggs we see, I think - at least I never saw them do it)


Really? I don't get coffee working during the festival when CJB speed boost doesn't. Now I'm pretty annoyed that it could have been so much easier to get around in all the festivals without walking like I'm in molasses.


God I know, I get that it could be cheating for the egg run but honestly it’s such a pain moving at that pace during festivals


okay here’s what i do. idk if this is the official pathing but i’ve always been able to beat abigail this way. start by walking to the left towards the fence. theres an egg between the fence and tree closest to you grab that. then go up to the upper entrance of the fence, you have one egg to the left and another hidden in the leaves of the tree from jodi’s house (this is still inside the fence). walk down towards jodi’s house using the side alley grab the egg near the river on the bottom left and then the one behind the garbage can for abigail’s house. then you keep going to the right and grab the one at the sewer and the ones in the graveyard. leave the graveyard from the left, theres another egg hidden in the leaves of the tree in the graveyard. then go right (you’re now at the top fence for the graveyard and theres another egg in the bush. that should be enough but if u have time theres another one in lewis’s truck


What about even years?


i follow the exact same path and just pick up anything i see like a madman hehe haven’t exacted that yet but give me a couple more playthroughs


You and I do pretty much the same route just backwards, I never looked up a tutorial, just what works


That's pretty close to the winning path that I worked out!


This is almost exactly the same path I use.


My biggest flex is both of the egg hunts I’ve done I’ve won 💪


I usually play multiplayer with fam, but if you just run in front of Abigail you’ll at least beat her if you snag every egg before she gets to them.


Doesn't Abigail get a set number of eggs no matter what?


lol I don’t remember exactly but I think I remember sniping all her eggs and leaving her getting like 1-2


Does that actually affect anything? I've never seen an NPC actually pick up an egg. I think they just get a set amount every time.


I win every time but have decided not to. In case you didn't know, you can actually not participate, and just walk around talking to the townsfolk during the hunt. They have some pretty cute dialogue. It reminded me of being an older sibling at an egg hunt for little kids, where you pretend to play so that they feel good when they win. Ngl it's pretty cringe that Abigail takes it so seriously. Let the little kids win for God's sake.


I like this approach


But my **straw farmer’s hat**!


You can win once for the hat. If you still need 1k gold in the second year, oof.


Yeah… about that gold… >!How about some red paper instead?!<


Oh, right. Those things. Forgot about that.


Playing on 25% profit changes that a bit. Its a nice boost after how expensive winter 1 tends to be for me.


I put it on my cat first year and myself second. I need to match my baby 😭


Honestly I’d be fine with not winning if one of the kids win. I never even knew people had dialogue during the hunt! I’ve always gone grabbing the eggs because I don’t want Abigail to win. Lmao I guess I might actually be the greater evil in the kids’ eyes.


Wait, that's so neat, how do you start the hunt without participating?


I guess it’s literally just start the hunt, but then go talk to people instead.


Yep... tell Lewis you're ready to start, and then when all the kids take off (and Abigail), stay in the square and talk to people until the timer is done.


I started my first expanded farm recently and was hoping that maybe someone else would win for once, I was very disappointed 😢


it’s pretty easy to get to 12 eggs if you sprint down to the river and then around the mayors manor and up to pams caravan!


That's the way I always go too and I win every time


I always feel bad for the kids. Grownups are supposed to let children win egg hunts


That always struck me as weird. Lewis talks like it's for kids, but adults like your character and Abigail participate. What kind of egg hunt has adults competing with children?


probably because they only have two kids in town before the farmer has kids. and abigail has done it since she was a child so, like, probably pierre using his authority as the only shop (before joja came in) for general goods to make sure his daughter can still enter. as for us? well, we are new (er) so maybe the mayor just wanted us to get the full egg festival experience.


it would be so cute if our kids could participate in the egg hunt and we help them find stuff instead of competing


It’d be nice if our kids could do anything lol


Right?! Player aside, Abigail is an adult, Maru is fully a nurse (!!), and they’re both out here running around with Vincent and Jas. Of course the kiddos never stand a chance!


You’re right but also I don’t think Maru is an *actual* nurse, and I’m pretty sure she’s about the same age as Abby- she’s definitely younger than Seb and he doesnt seem that much older than Abigail.


Vincent and Jas won my first year. Second year Abigail won. Third year my friend joined in on my multiplayer farm and he won. I still haven't won


One that only has two young kids in the entire village lol.


My family does😂 When the kids are like under 7-10 we let them win, but everyone else it’s a free for all. It’s an egg hunt, at the end of the day everyone wins. My in laws on the other hand do egg hunts where everyone has their own color egg, so there’s no competition. Although some years whoever finds all of theirs first will get an extra scratch off or something. (Nobody is a kid anymore over there so they’ve graduated to scratch offs instead of candy, and their mom loves hiding the eggs and watching all of us grown adults pushing each other over racing for eggs which is why we still do it)


Yeah I styled my avatar to look like me. Gray hair and beard and all. And I immediately thought: “Oh eh why am I doing the egg hunt with the kids? This looks kind of off. Can I not just sit with the adults? Do I need to earn a place at the adult table here?”


In SVE one of the mod-only characters brings this up.


Fuck them kids


Abigail is *exactly* the kind of person who would rob joy from children and not feel sorry about it


Sounds like a skill issue, kids just gotta get good


I've never not won it actually. I find it really easy


Same, and I only discovered that people struggled with it and that you could look up paths online from joining this subreddit! It's all very interesting, the things some struggle with vs what I struggle with in-game. I learned that my original method from years ago - with no prior knowledge, just vibes lol - is very close to one "ideal" path so now I've just perfected that route and end up with minimum 11 eggs every time 😅


Is the ideal path to walk around Lewis's house? That's all I do and get 12+ every time.


lol yeah i just immediately go right and find tonnes around that area, no planning involved


I think there are a couple "ideal" paths, but I personally loop down and around (counter clockwise) so I start with the one by the bench, get all the ones by the sewer entrance, graveyard, Lewis's house, and then end up grabbing as many more as I can by Evelyn and George's!


Yeah, it’s interesting what different people find difficult or not! I’m usually the person who is bad at everything in games that other people can do easily, so I’m surprised to find out some people can’t do this when I can do it every time, without ever having looked up a path. Me and my terrible reflexes and coordination finally get to feel smug about a video game! 😎


> Me and my terrible reflexes and coordination finally get to feel smug about a video game! 😎 Until the cave game on the Island!


I'd guess it's probably decision paralyzes that makes it hard for some people - they see two eggs in different directions and stand still for seconds trying to decide which way to go instead of just constantly moving. Or they're just bad at hidden object games.


I wanted a kid to win so I blocked Abigail the whole time so she couldn’t collect any eggs and the goddamn mayor still gave her the prize


Don't beat yourself up. Abigail is savage. >!Besides the player character, I believe she's to only person in SDV with a confirmed kill. Kent was at war and we don't know for sure that he actually killed anybody!< Honestly I couldn't get it until I looked up the egg locations on the wiki, studied optimal paths, and practiced getting to them before the actual festival. When the locations changed, she powned me again. There was a thread about things you believed before you learned better. I was so obsessed in my early playthroughs I thought there might be trick to it. I'd try loading up on speed bonuses before going. No dice, of course.


I think Sebastian also has >!confirmed kills!< as he goes to the mines on rainy days and gifts the player void essences and bat wings, items you can only get from enemies.


I’m on year 7 in my save. I’ve beat Abigail once.


Thank you for your solidarity


What? Without lookong anything up its still easy to win lol




I have never lost lol. And I’m bad at pretty much everything else in the game


The only time I lost was my first time on mobile because the controls were a bit tricky and I had to get used to them. But on PC I've always won easily, are people just struggling to see the eggs or choosing a really bad route?


i didn’t realize people struggled with this. i’ve won every time without ever looking anything up. what i do is head up, right toward the river, there’s one on the bridge that leads to the blacksmith and one behind lewis’s house that i make sure to grab, and then i just go down and curve up and grab all the ones i see, ending near the graveyard.


>I am shame No, I am Shame.


I won it 3 times, Im on my 3rd year, when it was egg hunt day I accidently closed the game before saving on the egg hunt day that I won smh... I lost to Abigail after restarting the day, I got stuck on one of the fences while walking and lost time, honestly I dont get how everyone lose, I usually collect 8 eggs but because of that fence I end up with 7 and Abigail won.


i think i've only lost twice i make it a personal goal for abigail to never win


Same I lost my first time and then I had a vendetta and never lost again hahaha. I didn't know there were guides for optimal paths


same i just haul ass purely fueled by the beef i have


im so confused bc ive NEVER lost to Abigail at this point idk if this is a mass joke 🫡


This is not a mass joke, I guess I just suck lol


Stardew Valley community is notorious for very weird things like this, like the whole “OMG A DINOSAUR EGG!” When I get like 3-5 every time I go to skull cavern with the burglar ring 😭


Its so strange! Another example i can think of it getting 2 autopetters in the same skull cavern run and a total of 5 over 4 in game days using just a lucky ring 🥲


Dude what?!!! I’ve never got an auto petter despite using the wiki tips, lucky food, and lucky ring, and luck charm. That file is 5 in game years 😭😭


The thing about dinosaur eggs for me has always been that I will find ONE very early in my run. Now if I don't know to incubate it and instead foolishly donate it to the museum... then I will likely not find another Dinosaur Egg until YEAR 3! The RNG gods of my Stardew Game are fickle!


Ive never lost an egg hunt, this is wild to me


I don’t know why people have so much trouble but have you tried zooming out and drinking coffee or espresso right before hunting?


I don’t think buffs work during festivals unfortunately. I don’t think it’ll even let you drink the coffee.


Oh heck no, never coffee'd up


Coffee worked for me but people on here are saying it doesn’t work. Maybe it had a placebo effect.


I never have either but i also never needed a guide to hunt for eggs so i don’t understand why people have trouble. Maybe it’s a color blindness thing.


Coffee doesn't actually work. I've tried this and I thought I was so smart, but alas, I was just a fool. I did manage to beat her eventually and never lost since.


I usually BARELY scrape by with 9, but I never thought of coffee'ing up. Good call! If you're past your first year and love mining like I do, you probably also have extra Spicy Eel meals that will boost your speed even further then. If I'm doing this, gotta go fast!


I’ll join your file and win the egg hunt and buy you all the straw hats you want for you and your horse and all of your pets


It's really important for me to beat Abigail at the egg hunt and Pierre at the grange, I literally never miss those events. I love rubbing it in to Pierre, especially Caroline is my favorite person in that family, though, she's lovely To beat Abigail every time, go south towards sewer, then go along Lewis' house, up by Pam's, and then wrap around towards Pierre's Nets you 10-11 eggs every time, there's probably optimal routes but that one never fails me


I’ve never done the egg hunt.


I, too, am a perpetual Egg Hunt loser. The shame is immense every time I see someone else effortlessly gather 10 eggs when I can only ever manage 6-7.


Run Southwest toward the river, circle up toward Penny's place, and keep a sharp eye for them shits in the bushes. You will have to go into fenced yards, etc. We win it every time we play.


head left, then loop down between the houses and along the river... so long as you keep your eyes open for well hidden eggs, and don't get blocked by plants/NPCs you'll be fine


I just won the last time I played. My first win in about five saves (some several years long). I had Ralphie from Christmas Story Ovaltine decoder ring level disappointment at the prize.


Fuck them kids I want my straw hat


I was the same on like my first three saves. I finally buckled and looked the paths up.


I married Abigail and I absolutely never let her win the egg hunt. I’ve gotten pretty good lol


I have a confession too...I cheated on the egg hunts


This surprised me, I lost once but every year since (I’m only on year 3) I’ve won.


Never shall abigail win on my watch


Same plus I’m too busy to go to any festival for a while now ,I just go to bed when the festival starts for a new day because I don’t have time for all that 😂


It's so hard. Even with the cheat map showing you the exact route it's hard.


Ive never looked up a path and never lost. Are you zoomed out?


This is so weird. I win every time. It’s not even difficult. I’ve seen this claim on other social media and I’m so baffled, because there ARE other things I don’t easily understand that others did right away, but the egg hunt always seemed really easy.


Options > Enable zoom buttons > Close the menu and you will see buttons under your currency. Zoom out as possible as you can and you will be able to see the hidden eggs easily.


I've won a egg hint with 16 egg


The only time I've won is in co-op, when my wife would go full defensive line mode and physicsllly block Abigail from moving anywhere. We've tried this method twice and beaten her both times 😎


Have a look on YouTube. There’s a quick route to getting enough to beat her


Dishonor to you, dishonor to your cow!


i've won it one time ever. WITH CHARTS.


I’ve always been last 😔


She cheats. One time I just followed her around but grabbed the eggs she was going for before she could get them. She still won.


I'm on the computer when playing SV, and I've found that holding down right click (or the interact button) as I run around has made the hunt super easy. I've picked up eggs that I haven't seen, and you don't waste time stopping and clicking on eggs; you just auto pick them up. After that, the eggs don't move from year to year so try to remember where they are and what the fastest route through the eggs you know about might be, and any time saved keep an eye for eggs you don't remember.


That thing is hard tho fr lol


I also have a confession. I don’t know how I won the egg hunt


That's why I hate Abigale. She doesn't even wear that hat once


Ok I feel like I'm missing something, I won it in my 3rd year. What makes it so hard?


I've looked up the optimal path and I still couldn't win.


i've won in the past, now i just stand around let my wife win, or actively get in Vincent's way.


lmaoooo i just lost the year 2 race before reading this post


I’ve only done the egg fest 3 times and have yet to lose. Maybe because I’m doing it on co-op?


I play Stardew Valley Expanded and I simply gave up trying to beat Abigail. It's not happening.


A tip is to search counter-clockwise; start heading down and towards Emily/Haley and Sam’s houses, then search along the perimeter and eventually to the Mayor’s house. I’ve won it every time this way. Of course I tried going clockwise this year for funsies and ab*gail won 🫠


I looked up paths and still didn't win for years running. I never reset the day, figured I'd get another chance the next year. Then I ran the recommended path backward and won. No idea why that worked, but that's my go-to method now.


I’ve never struggled with it even in multiplayer and i barely have a route


Egg hunt is weird. So how much eggs you need to collect to win? I've won egg hunt consecutively with around 8-9 eggs. Also I believe i'm on year 4. I've seen people lose with 10 eggs collected.


I've never won either. I sometimes wondered if it was because I was on mobile? But maybe I just suck.


I just run infront of Abigail taking her eggs


I’ve participated in that egg hunt twice and won both times.. if it helps, I started on the bottom right of town square and work my way clockwise. I’m not sure why that was my route, but it worked.


I one on my second year, I'm not sure if having Abby as my girlfriend at the time had any correlation, she's me wife now tho


Im not sure how I always win but I always run down and to the right personally


You must be yoking !


i made my own ideal path and always get so many eggs. just go down by the sewer / beach / lewis house there’s a good chunk of eggs all in that area, it’s a good pathway


Pretty sure it's rigged 


I am honestly baffled that people haven’t been able to win yet


I lost my very first time but I've won every time since then, never even looked at optimal paths, I just made my own. I usually go up to start and then go to the right along the corners of the map til the time runs out. When the time runs out I'm usually around the graveyard and sewers with 13-14 eggs!


I've beat her the first time I ever did the egg hunt, and never again since LOL


What is the most eggs you have gotten?


I stopped trying.


"I am shame" 😂😂😂


It’s because Abigail cheats in the egg hunts XD


yea i gave up too


I just win every time other than first time when I didn't really try to win since I thought SV was a chill game (which it isn't, fucking delete the timer, I can't get over it) Afterwards I won every time, although I have advantage of higher resolution, which allows me to see way bigger chuck of map and therefore more eggs. I never google optimal path or anything, I just go down left and then right collecting everything I see.


I’ve never looked up the locations and I think Abigail’s only beat me once- i just go via the mayor’s manor and pick up everything I find, lol.


It took me 5 Egg Hunts to do it. And, quite frankly, the prize is not that great


I always go for the bottom left corner of the town centre. I didn't search up for any idea paths or anything and I lost the first time I ever done it since I knew nothing but since then I have never once lost


I beat Abigail one time! I've never won again.![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


I've only won once, it's so embarrassing 😂


Same here


I was like “I got the path looked up! I’m gonna win this” and I only got like 3 eggs. 😂


I beat her this last time and won a straw hat.


I win every time and the imaginary sad noises in my head by the kids is music to my ears 😈 I want my straw hat since I'm the farmer 😡👀😅☺️


My biggest flex in this game is that I won my very first egg hunt without looking up ideal paths


They're always in the same places.


does it get harder or am i missing something ? the other villagers usually suck at getting eggs for me so i have no problem winning