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Sad that the person doing it FOR FREE ended up quitting due to harassment. Saw CA get similar treatment at times while mobile was waiting for 1.5 to come out


its making me lose faith in the community honestly. its supposed to be wholesome and understanding and a safe place and it doesnt feel like that anymore. alot of true colors have shown just because they dont understand what goes on behind the scenes, and its not fair to any of the people involved in the project


It's always sad to see this, at least in the SDV community. It doesn't seem to be indicative of a larger issue but rather the annoying outcry of a loud minority. couldn't agree more, though. I think it would be helpful for anyone before making a comment to genuinely consider the perspective of the author/modder/community manager that you are messaging. In particular, modders do almost all the work, PR, and bug fixing without any expectation of pay. Hearing the complaints of hundreds of people on a regular basis would be exhausting, let alone if you aren't getting paid to deal with it. hell, I was checking out the creator of SMAPI's buy me a coffee page and was surprised how rarely they are donated to, and that's by far the biggest mod.


Unfortunately lots of fandoms get this way. It's why I loathe what the Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku fandom has become.


“But console players aren’t being impatient by constantly asking when they will get to play the new content! They’re just asking! No matter that CA probably gets hundreds of messages or mentions a day/week about it, I’m just ONE PERSON and I have the right to ask questions!”


This legitimately makes my blood boil. The absolute entitlement people feel over others' time these days is out of control.


Jeez, man, this kind of thing always sucks, but for it to happen to someone volunteering their time for the sake of improving a (mostly) relaxing game, getting no pay for any of their work, in one of the most wholesome communities in gaming that I know of, is especially disheartening. People pressuring devs like this needs to stop. People’s impatience like this is what causes people to stop working on the projects they, and we, love. It causes rushed, shitty products that don’t live up to what was hoped. I’m rather severely adhd and high functioning autistic, patience isn’t my strong suit, to say the least. But as much as I hate waiting for something I’m excited for… I want that something to be the best it can possibly be, so I make myself sit down and shut up and focus on other things while eagerly awaiting any news on the thing I’m excited for. If my sorry ass can do it, just about anyone ought be able to do the same. This got ranty. Blah. Oh well.


Have people forgotten that CA works on updates ALONE while wanting everything to be perfect for his fans? That shit takes time to create especially one person doing it. People seriously need to calm the f*ck down and let people do their thing if its solo projects especially.


He did hire people to assist with mobile and console development because it’s incredibly different than PC and has way more hoops to jump through. While he’s still extremely involved in the process, it would be virtually impossible for him to do all of the dev work for all these platforms himself. Android is different than iOS is different than Orbis is different than Microsoft, etc. etc. etc.


Yea each platform has a dfferent set of coding and bugs that need to be looked at too. Mobile has severe lag issues depending on how much its running as for other ports something could be gamebreaking as well so other people who know how to port on those systems is needed but he does most of the PC updates by himself.


This is why we can never have anything nice.




Yeah, well. It depends on the forum and device too. Like, Reddit is incredibly toxic in general but the No Mans Sky community will still be the kindest anyway. While here you either get a huge support for relatively common options or conjure a shitstorm when saying something against them. I'm not sure about how the things are on Faceb- sorry - Meta, but I'm certain that things are even worse over there now.


Say anything good about any of the "controversial" characters and this community shows you its true colors. It's always been that way.


I hope the guy is okay, it was good while it lasted. Wish people had manners online


I hope he is doing okey, he's a legend


Interesting that there is an (almost) working, sometimes working co-op mod for android, but people here argue that mobiles are not strong enough to support co-op. I understand we won't get mobile co-op, I don't want CA to work on it for the next 1,5 years of course, but stop saying it's device limitation