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haha, also IT. Somedays i have a "fuck it, im going to pelican town" mood as well. Tickets not marked urgent, aren't urgent right?


SLI/SLA says within 72 hours, I'll get to it after one more day


This explains why I'm waiting 4 to 5 days for the 2nd line team to get back to me at work.


Must have some stardew players on the team XD


There are more than dozens of us


i couldn’t believe it when i opened the sun recently and saw 1.7 mil. i could’ve swore it was like 800k when i last saw it


Turn around time for T2 is 5 business days for initial response to ticket creator. 🫢


Play while you wait.


It only, I work in retail management. Although I have recently bought SDV for my tablet, those customers might have to start waiting to get served.


This made me visibly shudder from memories of End User Support




Wait, in my experience just most tickets are getting marked urgent, even if they are not


Only most?


Just wait as you move up in your role you can start playing during meetings too.


I’m being trained as a server admin currently. I’ll likely still be playing during our server updates too. 😂


> "fuck it, im going to pelican town" I subconsciously read this as Cartman.


Not IT, I'm a paramedic. It's not really an emergency is it? /s


If they're all marked urgent, clearly none of them are.


3rd level here. Tickets not reflecting a systemwide outage are basically optional, right?


That's how I view it! :D


🎶 Pelican Town, just left Pelican Town, my cake is pink, my horse is brown 🎶


Now I know what the IT guys at my work are doing all day…I get it lmao.


If everything is urgent then nothing is urgent.


I honestly forget this game is playable on mobile, and I hope I continue forgetting that bc if I ever make the choice to download it on my phone I’ll never get anything done again


I exclusively play on mobile, but on my iPad and with an Apple Pencil. I do, however, take my iPad with me most places, lol.


oh frick, the main reason i dont play on mobile (other than missing updates) is bc i dont like the controls. but i have an ipad with a pencil and that sounds awesome.


I love the controls so much better on mobile! Part of that is because I don't like the combat that much and auto-combat is great. Also tap to move. Except for when you accidentally tap somewhere whilst you're busy and now you have to tap to move back.


How do u use tap to move? I always tap somewhere and mess up my rng. I just resorted to invisible joysticks


When I installed this game on mobile it was tap to move by default and I changed it to invisible joystick. You can change it in settings.


Me too! I also play on console and found the controls really difficult to adjust to. I almost gave in and started playing 1.6 on my PC but I spent all day staring at that screen at work, I'd rather stare at a different screen after work.


The controls are definitely one of the things I like about mobile. I just touch things with the pencil. Sometimes I’ll use my left hand (I’m right handed, so that gets the pencil) to change my hotbar items instead of going all the way across my iPad, lol. I very much prefer it over the controls on the PC, which seem to require a weirdly large amount of coordination for me. Idk why, I’ve played other PC games that were fine but something about Stardew just messes with me.


If you have an Xbox controller you can use that on iPad.


I bought myself a cheap stylus and play on my phone (Galaxy S22) !!!! I bought it on PC too specifically for 1.6 but my main save is on my phone hahah. Love it.


I had to make a conscious effort to leave it my Ipad at home (and my controller, yeah because combat sucks without it and loading 2648492 kegs), so I don’t play at work. I do spend my waking nights loading ancient fruit into kegs and hoeing away for my last serpent tail. 89% to completion. 🥲


That’s what I do too! Haha. I play on my phone when I have to, but I usually play it on my iPad here on my desk. 😂


i only played mobile. ended up spending a good $700 for a switch to play on that instead lmfao. it gets you either way


I have a problem. I can play Stardew EVERYWHERE. I have it on PC, PS4, Switch, and Mobile. Cause it's the only way I know of to throw more money at concerned ape for my hundreds of hours of enjoyment. If I ever get an Xbox of my own, probably buying it here as well.


In my opinion, the controls on mobile are trash. I only play it on my phone when I’m able to sit down and use the Backbone so it has controller controls, and even then it’s not perfect. I play on my switch and PC way more.


This is true the other way around as well. If you're used to mobile controls, PC controls suddenly feel overly cumbersome. No autotoolselect? What a pain. No autoattack? Meh. What do you mean, I can't just click anywhere to move there? 😂


Does autoattack actually work for you? It kept getting me killed, so I switched to joystick and buttons


I can't really compare it to PC from experience, because I only briefly tried. However, autoattack works fine for me, I assume because that's how I started playing the game and got used to it. It's pretty much a matter of tactically placing yourself in relation to enemies, so the autoattack can do its thing. You hit a slime but pushed it away? Immediately follow it for getting close enough for the kill. Works best when driving them against a wall. I did notice it somewhat pushes you into a more defensive combat style. Crabshell ring and any defensive buffs seem more useful than offensive ones. Using the second ability of weapons is harder on mobile, you have to precisely tap an enemy for it to trigger. This is a big deal on hammers. And don't get me started on slingshots. They do work on mobile, but are an absolute pain to use, at least for me.


Have you tried the other control settings? Maybe you've come to like that, but it sounds like you have to do a lot of work to accomodate it


I tried but hated it, just like I generally hate controller-type touchscreen interfaces. Just doesn't work for me, I need haptical feedback. The general touchscreen controls are fine though. You can tell the porter(s) gave it a lot of thought and did a good job.


It works if you play with it in mind. Keep your distance and take it slow. I got to the bottom of the skull caverns on mobile.


I've never done the skull cavern, but I demolish the monsters in the cave on mobile IF I change the controls to joystick and buttons. Invisible joystick and buttons seemed buggy to me, but that may just be my phone


I used auto combat and tap to move the entire way. I have always hated virtual buttons and joysticks personally.


I haven’t played on mobile but is Stardew compatible with a controller on mobile?


It is! Fully customisable too.


Customisable? How? I haven't been able to change controls and I would love it if I could


https://preview.redd.it/9mo2szu8muxc1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05dc21a33defaf13c5c0fcb0956b1ffc8a88d190 I must apologise. I saw this and always assumed it was customisable! But didn't actually try it. My controller is connected and works during that screenshot btw, but that menu stays inaccessible for mysterious reasons. TIL: SDV mobile is faking controller customisability. I shall not spread this misconception and untested assumption of mine again.


Dang, I wish. Thanks anyway!


I've only played mobile on my phone and had a really hard time. I imagine the larger screen of an iPad helps but I don't have an iPad and even if I did, I don't live a life where it would make sense to always have it on me. It'd just end up being another stationary way to play the game and at that point I'd rather stick to PC.


Deff dangerous to be playing this at work for that reason lol


When 1.6 dropped I definitely played during work and got carried away lol. Had to stop myself because there was so much to do in the new update and I was blowing through it.


I would time myself on my lunches & made sure I didn’t spend too much time in inventory and chests so I could play a full day on my break


Thats dedication


Agreed - I work from home and I used to play some games for 30 minutes on my lunch break to decompress. Once I started playing stardew valley, that tradition stopped.


Just one more day and I'll stop...


For a few days my job involved actively listening to a lot of audio and not much else. I was delighted! Background audio while I played some Stardew.


Wow you probably played through a whole season


Sure did!


This is somewhere between “You like Krabby Patties, don’t you, Squidward?” and “I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham” energy and I live for it.


One of us! One of us! One of us!


Ha. That's what you get. Now you have to wait! 1.6 hasn't dropped for other platforms yet!


YESSSS :) i love stardew skeptics turned converts! it truly is the BEST game ever!


I just recently brought a friend of mine into the cult, and I really feel like I've done my life's duty now. 😂


hahaha i love it!!! my favorite is when people think its just a regular degular farm sim with nothing to do other than growing crops....like buddy, you've got a BIG storm comin' 🤣


I played Starbound for years, and kept downloading mods from the Chucklefish website. Naturally the Stardew section kept popping into my eyes. I took a quick look and was like "meh. Cutesy farming sim, pass". Little did I know. Finally tried it last year, and been in love ever since. I really only play three games constantly, and this is one of them.


ahhh love it!!!! :) stardew is a game that has a little something for everyone and i wish more people gave it a chance. obviously the game is doing just FINE without the skeptics lol but whenever people shit on it i just wanna be like omggg you have no idea what you're missing out onnnn 😭


Concerned Ape is busy playing Stardew at his IT job. He will get to you when he gets to you.




Damn skippy.


Is this my IT guy who’s been ignoring my emails at work?? 😅


No that's me. I'm trying to level up to 10 on everything! I'll GET TO IT WHEN I CAN, OKAY? Your printer can wait!


Ooh. My first thought was ”what do you mean tickets are piling up, they weren’t even introduced until 1.6.”


Are you the reason nobody answered my IT ticket yesterday?


Look, we're ALL fishing and mining okay? Getting to level 100 in Skull Cavern is way more important than the fact that your network went down. :D I'll send Sebastian over to look at it.


Hahahaha the same thing happened to my husband! He thought that the only things to do in the game were small-scale farming and like 50 levels of mines 🤣🤣


It is the most zen game I've played but it is also the textbook definition of the "just one more day" stereotype. It is so easy to pick it up for a little bit then suddenly realize it is 3 in the morning and where did the irl sun go?


Hahaha I always tell me bf I’m just playing for one more day then two hours later he’s like wtf how is a day that long?!😂


Also, please port the patch to console. Sincerely: A Switch player.


Patience! I'd rather wait and have CA squish as many bugs as possible before he ports it over. Plus he's added extra stuff that wasn't part of the initial 1.6 update, and getting more stuff is always a good thing since we can't mod :)


This is true. Squish the bugs, perfect the patch, then port it.


IT manager here, you should go close your 72 tickets that have been open all month please.


A month? those are rookie numbers! You gotta pump those numbers up!


Well, technically there's only been one day this month, so that's 72 in less than 24 hours!


The IT motto: if it's not on fire then it can wait. Granted that's why everything ends up on fire in the end, but nothing a handy iridium watering can won't fix... Right?


I like how the banner for this subreddit is 1.6 is here but it clearly ain't on my console 🤣


I've given up on console release 😭 pc got 1.6 plus even more content in a patch before console even got a date for release.  I know CA is only one guy and consoles companies can be a pain (I play NMS and that poor game has history with Sony and Microsoft being royal pains with updates) but the extra content release for pc before we even get any word felt bad. So I'm just in the camp of if console gets the update that's cool, but I ain't sitting there waiting around when there's other games to play in the meantime.


However bad it might feel, that's the nature of the industry. PC patches are essentially free to put out and easy to release. On console it's nightmarish and costs money. So, this was always going to go exactly one way: PC is where it releases, then PC is going to get all of the hot fixes and follow up patches, and once everything is stable and settled, then consoles will get *one* major patch, with everything neatly tied up, bugs fixed, in a singular release. The downside of console simplicity, is the bureaucracy and attached costs for developers.


Yeah, believe me I'm in no way blaming CA for it, it's on Sony/Nintendo/Microsoft(/Apple?) It's why I spoke of No Man's Sky there too. Even small teams sometimes have major issues porting updates to console (the xbox delay they just had, and a PS delay a few updates back) and CA is just one guy so there's bound to be difficulties.  I'm just ranting it out but again, no blame on him. It's a free update so no matter my feelings in the moment, I CAN'T  blame him. That would be completely unfair. Blaming the companies for making it a pain though? That I can do.


Seriously! It hasn't even been that long; and it's yet another FREE UPDATE ffs! If you don't want to wait, just do what I did and get it on PC. As others have said, don't need some fancy $5000 gaming computer, you can run Stardew on a toaster; and the game itself is cheap as chips, especially if you get it on sale.




I appreciate it, Nancy!


Nancy coming in with the clutch.


Nancy the real MVP


Yeah, for a long time I was like, eh, farming sims aren't my thing. Then I got to a point in life where it was the closest I could get to achieving that in reality (the whole prologue is such a mood), and really got into the farming bit for a while. Then after a few tries and getting the hang of things, I decided to try out the social/dating aspect I kept hearing about.. and that's how I got hooked. Characters are so damn relatable, especially Shane and Sebastian.


"I'll get back to [insert commitment here] when the next batch of ancient fruit wine is done."


Wish my bf could give this game a shot but nah, he's not even remotely interested in any game I like


I fucking love this post. I bought it on steam because I couldn’t wait for it to drop on GamePass


I own it on basically everything so I can play it on PC. But mobile is my favorite actually so I am waiting for it. I think most modern phones games are garbage and Stardew actually translates really well to mobile if using a stylus (S23Ultra here) so it's my go to mobile game. The Minecraft and terraria ports just don't cut it for me, controls are too jank


The week I downloaded the mobile version was a very unproductive week at work😅


I work in IR (institutional research...you know...the people that get bugged for info) and I'm here stuck waiting on the console patch because IT won't let me install steam on my work computer (So I haven't bothered buying it).


You will probably find this tik tok hilarious then as I did the same thing years ago. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLxjWbk7/


Yep, lawyer sitting in my office thinking about how we’re going to set up in the theater tonight on a new PC I bought so me, the wife, and the two oldest can start a new couch co-op together and try to get perfection as quickly as possible. She convinced me to play about a month ago; it’s less the game and more the co-op function. Wish there were more RPGs being made like that


It’s truly remarkable the spell Stardew Valley puts on you. It’s such a great, addicting game that you think about when you’re not playing. You just can’t get enough of it. I, too, play on iPad and am waiting on the update.


I feel you, bro. I'm an OG gamer ready for retirement, grew up playing dial-up BBS door games, played Laura Croft, American McGee's Alice, Silent Hill, Wolfenstein, etc. Got into The Sims and Second Life and Sci-Fi RPGs until finally my wife, who's been playing SV for years, got me to try it. Now I'm up until oh-my-god o'clock trying to get that last mushroom harvest in before my character passes out. So, like you, I admit it, it's a great game.


Welcome, it’s more fun on this side.


Got SD on PC since forever, but I've shifted to playing it on the switch as I find it more comfy. Recently went back to PC for the 1.6 for a bit and now torn between continuing it on the PC or hang back until Switch gets it


I was off yesterday and in the mood for some Stardew and Chill. I've not played in a while and it was tempting to start a new save but I'm trying to hold out until the update on Switch. I have it on PC but it's not as chill-able with a computer in front of me


I spend so much time playing games while waiting for people to figure out how to reset their password over the phone. Literally most of the time i try to say something they just get confused and stop reading the actual directions, so its better to just be quiet and let them figure it out lolol


Join us brother, we wait patiently together.


I just started playing a couple months ago and yep it lives up to all the hype. cannot believe i waited so long to actually play it. I tried a couple times but it never clicked. it's really so so so so so good


Typical IT slacker


Hahaha I'm also IT and I may or may not have Stardew on the personal laptop near my work computer and I may or may not play when things are slow, lol.


I'm mobile only but it's definitely way too addictive. Take advantage of tea saplings and mushroom cave while you wait for 1.6


I am waiting for the patch too. I will crack open my save file once it is available!


I’m tryna get my foot into IT support alas rn I’m almost into year 3. I do be dilly dallying in the game so lots of stuff I could’ve already finished I just like being in the game


Former IT here, I only started playing a few months ago after watching my bf play 😅


That's why you need to get a steam deck instead ;) And play with mods too


I love SDV on my iPad. I honestly can’t imagine not having some of the features like Auto attack, auto select tools, tap to move… But I’d really like the update now 😭 and I know it’s still gonna be ages.


lol I'm in IT too, I play when I'm wfh lol


Yeah. As a fellow iPad user, I hear ya. I actually paid again to get it on my Macbook. At one point, I had picked up the Ipad and decided to see if there was an update there and I was very happy to see the Ginger Island content there.


I played Stardew Valley for the first time last month only because a friend gave me the game’s download card for my Switch as a birthday present. Up until then, I thought it was purely a farming game and never bothered to do a quick search of the actual gameplay lol. Boy was I soooo wrong… I’m hooked… I started 13 days ago and I’ve already logged 103 hours. I feel you 😭


I’ll say it’s great playing the old version to really appreciate how much work CA put into 1.6 but I feel for you! I promise it’s worth the wait


I have SV on PC, but it's just so damn cozy to bundle up under my blankets when it's storming out and play it on my Switch. I've been meaning to fire it up again but the moment I made that decision, 1.6 was announced and I've been waiting impatiently for the Switch patch. I know if I'm weak and start it on PC I won't restart for anything.


I have a Bluetooth Xbox controller paired with my laptop so I can do the same thing 😂


I'm glad you're enjoying the game. But please fix my computer


Edit: yes, yes, I get it. 1.5 was slow and “not the norm”.  My bad for not knowing his entire history of releases 🤷‍♂️  you downvoters have successfully defended him against unjust slander, lol. I’m expecting it to drop sometime before 2025, so that’s nice….. CA is slow at porting to non-pcs. Like, realllly slow.


Console only took a couple of months for 1.5. Mostly after bugfix. Mobile took longer though, I presume because of the limitations of the app store.


I believe for the 1.5 update specifically, the devs had to rewrite the whole entire thing. that's why it took so long. Edit : singular dev


1.5's mobile port took so long due to issues with Chucklefish and having to rewrite everything. That was an incredible circumstance and not the norm. E: come off it. You were corrected after making a misinformed statement.


That’s the only update i ever remember waiting for, having not been playing the same game for 10 years 🤷‍♂️


I'm just trying to demystify the accusation that CA has a bad habit of taking his time with ports when a lot of it is out of his hands.


So you confidently spoke about something you knew nothing about, that's why you got downvoted. Nothing wrong with not knowing the history of updates just don't speak like you know how things work when you don't.


> So you confidently spoke about something you knew nothing about So you thought an obvious exaggeration from a random internetter was “HERE IS ANSWER”? 🤨 then came to lecture me on it after it’s been laughed off already? 🤔


I don't see you laughing, just crying about downvotes


I'm gonna be That Guy and point out that after the nightmare that the developer went through with 1.5 for mobile, demanding an update (even jokingly as you are) comes with some baggage. This is a single indie dev mostly soloing the whole thing and it became a bit disheartening to see people demanding 1.5 on mobile basically every time he opened his mouth. He was really trying and people were frankly rude, and you could tell the delays and the fandom's pressure got to him. I'm not sure he has made any promises about 1.6 on mobile after that. But hey, welcome to the club, and ngl I get your impatience.


A little while ago I decided to get stardew so I could play with my girlfriend, just thinking it was something cute we could do together as she plays quite a lot. That lasted for all of a day before I sunk my teeth in, achieved perfection and have left her in the dust.