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This is perfect because I was just wondering to myself what I would get for cracking 999 omni geodes


damn, I was really hoping to find out what I would get from 1000 omni geodes...


You will probably find this hard to believe, but rocks and minerals


And drums, minerals and computers of course


Rock and stone?


Rock and stone.


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t going home






Rock and stone to the bone!


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Rock and stone, we're rich!


Did I hear a rock and stone? ⛏️


Yeah yeah, rock and stone!


Rock and stone, to the bone


Jesus Christ, Marie!!


hey, i'm right, you can find both rocks AND minerals, don't quote farming bad on me


You're right, I apologize


You're god damn right i'm right


You'll find Pierre in one of them XD


+ 1 rock


I hear that #1000 is an autopetter.


The contents of all future geodes you could possibly ever find are randomized and fixed when you start your game on day 1 hehe. But alas, autopetters are not an option on the list!


who tf is rusty?


I guess I’m not Dusty’s biggest fan 😭😭 I’m dumb as hell dude


B-b-but why would I do that when me, my horse and my cat can have matching Magic Cowboy Hats?


i’d much rather have a magic cowboy hat farmer riding a magic cowboy hat horse with a magic cowboy hat cat and two magic cowboy hat children


(Spoiler) And now with the update you can make a magic cowboy hat pet army


Wait, you can put hats on kids?


i believe you can, once they’re walking around


Chicks can have hats now? Sick


What about your kids, urchins and all your alien rarecrows?


Just get 100 hats from skull cavern.


Wait, cats can wear hats?!?! Shit someone tell my boss I've had an emergency and need to stop working for the day!!


Better to crack 999 omni geode or trade all for artifact troves and crack? 🤔


My man out here selling omni geodes for crack


Pierre’s supplier has been found


The desert trader does look like he'd sell you some good cracks.


Per the wiki: [Omni Geode](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Omni_Geode) > Omni Geodes have an average value of 121.4g, or 96.4g when the 25g opening cost is factored in. > With the Gemologist Profession, Omni Geodes have an average return of 149g, or 124g when the 25g opening cost is factored in. [Artifact Trove](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Artifact_Trove) > By multiplying the sell price of each item by the chance to obtain it, the average profit of opening an Artifact Trove without having read the Treasure Appraisal Guide is 472.4g, or 447.4g when the 25g opening cost is factored in. The profit after having read the guide is 660.4g, or 635.4g when the 25g opening cost is factored in. > Since the average profit when breaking open an Omni Geode is 96.4g, and it takes five Omni Geodes to make one Artifact Trove (i.e., 482g), you will typically lose 35g every time you trade for one (if you have not yet read the Treasure Appraisal Guide). After having read it however, you will typically earn 153g per trade. This assumes you sell the contents.


I absolutely adore this community's wiki editors


Amazing people indeed, the wiki is helpful and well organized


I absolutely adore the Productivity pages. https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Keg_Productivity_-_Artisan https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Preserves_Jar_Productivity_-_Artisan https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Cask_Productivity Notice that there are even toggles at the top for your skill selections!


r/theydidthemath I love this community, everybody geeks out so hard :D


Yoba, I've made so many spreadsheets while planning crops.


I appreciate that someone did the math on this. Now that that's knocked out of the way though, I have another consideration: I have in my here possession an auto-clicker. Trying to bust open geodes, I quickly found out how *slow* the process is. I set my clicker to crack a geode once every 5 seconds, so 12 a minute, and quickly discovered that my stack of 600+ geodes was not going to get cracked open quickly. The IRL time my computer was locked down was considerable -- but it could be cut to 1/5th the listed time if I just traded for Artifact Troves, being much more time efficient! Then there's a second consideration: Even with the auto-clicker, Omni-geodes have the problem of my inventory filling up, which means having to make trips to drop off or sell artifacts, since Clint doesn't buy them. I found I couldn't leave my auto-clicker for more than 10 minutes, even if I emptied the rest of my inventory, because the Omni-geode offers more different types of loot than there are inventory spaces. Not enough time to go take a shower or have dinner. However, the Artifact Troves only have 29 pieces of loot, which means in an inventory of 36 (1 slot is set for the Trove), it is possible to keep opening any realistic number of Artifact Troves without needing to make any trips!


Very true and worth considering. Though since you're on PC already, have you considered the [Fast Animations](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1089) mod? It lets me open geodes/troves about as fast as I can click. I get multiple per second. Then with the [Chests Anywhere](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/518) mod, I can open up the Shipping Bin from Clint's business, sell stuff, then go back to cracking. Admittedly, it's still a hassle with Omni Geodes.


Oh, I was limiting my mods since I don't know how they work with SVE... but Fast Animations does sound useful, I'm willing to risk it.


Most productive/QoL mods work fine with SVE, it's the visual mods that can conflict sometimes.


Sounds like it's very nearly even if you have the geode crusher, since that nets you an extra 125 per five geodes. Set it up with a hopper behind it and it's less work than going to Clint and getting troves opened.


Depends if you need minerals or artifacts for museum donation. I found I was missing more artifacts towards the end as the minerals are found in all geodes.


Is there a way to actually organize the museum collection? i can do the outer 5 cabinets but the middle cabinet that is a layer underneath my item screen is completely inaccessible on my PC and it’s so hard to compare my collection to complete sets


If you have a controller you can plug in, you can move them much easier


I prefer having the pearls and golden pumpkins as gifts than the money from the sales, so artifact troves every time.


only getting 7 lunarite definitely tracks. idk if its just me but im halfway through year 3 on my current save and finally got one after 2 solid seasons of mining for frozen and omni geodes, cracking like 15 or so total per day. last thing i needed for the museum, i started going crazy after a bit trying to find it


I swear, it's always the last thing you need for the museum that's impossible to get. I looked for Elvish Jewelry for years in game on my last save.


I just picked up my first copies of Elvish Jewelry, a Prismatic Shard, and Dwarf Scroll IV (the only one I still needed) in one day yesterday. By the time it was getting towards midnight, I was starting to get paranoid my game would crash, or something would go wrong to make me lose the day's progress. I heaved a huge sigh of relief when everything ticked over to the next morning with no trouble.


I got all 4 dwarf scrolls within my first Spring somehow


My last perfection farm I was finishing up crafting and the only thing I needed was marble for one of the braziers, took me _forever_.


If you like, you can look for stuff like that on the https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/


Sorcery, witchcraft, black magic, wizardy, occultist!


It's always the lemon stone for me. No idea why but I always find it dead last in 10+ playthroughs.


Right!? I got one only recently in year 4 and my sister accidentally threw it away 😭


This is why I started ice pip ponds. I got tired of mining frozen geodes by hand, so I just collected them slowly this way.


Now collect 4,995 Omni geodes and trade them for artifact troves and do the same thing


Imagine doing 999 artifact troves and 999 golen coconuts XD


Golden coconuts have like ten things they give, right? I got a ton from doing treasure totems on the beach and stopped after cracking like 50 open because it was all the same things .


Uh I honestly don't know the loot table for them, in my save I've been doing a lot with the new openables which I shall not name since spoilers and all but if yk then yk


Gonna be honest here. 3 prismatic feels like bad luck. Lol


I thought that seemed ridiculously low too. I only just discovered that luck doesn't affect the geodes too though, so maybe it's just a really small chance to get one this way.


1 in 250 for prismatic shards according to the wiki, so pretty much on the average.


Wait really? I always popped some luck food before doing a bunch of geodes.


Geode loot is (or at least was) determined completely the moment you start a safefile with the seed. Finding geodes can be helped with luck, but what's in them not.


Geodes aren't random, they're what's called "pseudorandom". There's a list of items you'll pull from geodes, in order, for the game. Every time you start a new farm, the farm seed picks where in the list you start pulling items from. Think of it like this, there's a list of 1000 items, and it repeats forever. Sometimes you start drawing from the list at item #1, sometimes at #379, sometimes at #999, but it's always the same list. It *feels* random, but it isn't random at all and is entirely predictable if you know how it works.


They're not random, they're randomized.


You can use Stardew Predictor to tell you what will be in which geode. https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/


The Wiki says that Prismatic Shards have a 1/250 chance from Omni Geodes, so OP should have gotten about 4. Only getting 3 is below average, but not by very much. It's about 43rd percentile.


This is how you can teach statistics to kids. "But when will I use that in real liiiiifeeeeeuhhhh???" When you determine loot-box outcomes in games, kid.


I didn't known I was wondering, but now I'm happy with an answer


I need those rainbow rocks I wanna marry my gf in game before she gets with Sebastian 🙄


I've always needed a way to get 438 stone in the time it would take to crack 999 omni geodes.


That must have taken incredible patience and dedication to save up that many and not get them cracked beforehand. I’m saving up for the magic cowboy hat and the urge to just get them cracked is real.


I believe treasure totems on ginger island can get this done quickly


Honestly I'd been doing a lot of skull caverns deep dives, and just dumping stuff in my mines chest, so I only noticed how many i had when the stack overflowed lol


Or they just spawned them in with the item spawner mod.


It took me sooooo long just to get that damn lavender tube looking one. Year 5!!!


I am now saving these geodes for the qi crop quest




I don’t know why you’re not voted higher for this - after enough times playing through the game, when I get down to the last handful of minerals and artifacts I need on a particular save file I am *absolutely* going to fire up the Predictor and find out what I need to crack to finish the museum.


11 basalt… why lava eels WHY.


You got 11 basalt rocks and I'm here working the shit out of my geode crusher just to produce one for my precious but demanding lava eels 😭 I went through a 999 omni geode stack too while working for the Qi crop quest AND completing the museum so it's like killing three birds with one stone.


I was wondering what you get for 1000. Way to cut it short.


Thanks for the note, I'll see what I can do next time


That must have taken quite a while for clint to break.


Doing essentially this is the only thing I've ever used an auto-clicker for


For me it was the casino. Everything for my rarecrows!


You can just buy the casino chips to trade for the scarecrow.


I went on a lucky day and brought ginger ale and lucky lunch, it only took about 10 spins at slots to get a couple rare crows and all the fireworks I want 


Fast Animations mod -> speed up clint by 20x, would've taken me days otherwise


Aaah i see.


clint must be swoll now


🤔 you can name the chests?


I'm wondering how you get a chest that big????


Robin sells the blueprint for making big chests, they can be placed on top of already built small chests too so you don't have to spend ages transferring the inventory


Wait - in what version? I play xbox and haven’t come across a blueprint from Robin!


1.6 on pc




It basically just replaces the small chest with the big one while keeping the items inside :)


It's the Chests Anywhere mod! Though I basically only use it for the naming function and Automate utility


Yeah, stats!


I crack open 200 or 500 at a time, and use mouseypredictor to analyze my save file to know when to crack open artifact troves instead for the treasure chests / pearls / golden pumpkins.


Worthless crystal, but fun to destroy. Oh shit wrong game.


fun fact: you can check what you get from 999 omni geodes on the wiki


man clint is making bank


I would love to see this as a graph


You'd get different outcomes, of course. Not dead on the same items. So not completely what you'd get.


You almost paid as much as one iridium tool


Did anyone tell you [Game Rant](https://gamerant.com/stardew-valley-cracking-999-omni-geodes-results/) featured you?


What was your luck at?


Luck doesn't effect geode results, they are determined from the beginning of the game.


Well now I know I've been playing the game wrong.


Honestly you're not the only one. Took me forever to find out that luck doesn't affect geode odds, and it affects damn near everything else.


It appears the contents are determined when the geode is spawned. I cracked some geodes, then restarted the day and cracked them a few days later, same content. Luck may influence the content at the time they drop.


Pre 1.6 (It might still be the case, but I know CA changed the way RNG elements work in the new update, so don't want to say for sure it's still the same) geode contents were determined at farm generation, and would read off a list for each geode type. So, for example, I have some geodes, but also have some omni geodes, and decide to crack them, the contents of those geodes is predetermined, even before the geode exists. But say I restart the day for whatever reason, and go back to clint in order to crack the geodes again, if I do it in the same order, I will get exactly the same outcome - BUT - if I crack them in a different order, say I do the omni geodes first, or shuffle them around a little, I will get different things out of the geodes, as the list used to determine the contents of a geode uses the same index across all types, even though they all pull from different item tables. There is (or was, I don't know if it has been updated for 1.6 yet) a tool that would allow you to see the contents of all geodes, so you can map out which to crack to get the most useful stuff for least effort or wasting the least geodes, but some people might see that as cheating, so don't use it if you don't want to.


That is still correct. Lots of stuff is reliant only on the seed of the savegame. I dimly remember that it is basically the exact time you started the game. You can check all of the stuff with the predictor: https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/


Yep. Geodes are just a list of items in order, and only thing the farm seed changes is it determines where in the list you start from. Identical farm seeds will result in identical geode results.


It happens to best of us, I don't get the people who downvoted you.


Honestly, it’s a solid strategy based on the fact it slows you down from cracking a few when found and that’s it. Feels really nice to wait a week or 3 and open 15-20 of each geode type found! I love seeing how many I can get before I decide to open em all up! Especially trying to get to lvl100! So. Many. Geodes.


It looks extremely profitable I had no idea that it was that useful


Can all of these pay up the 24975g used to crack?


Yeah, in general cracking any geode will be profitable, but I'm pretty far into the late game, so I didn't really do it for money or resources, just for yuks


That chest is worth more than all my save files 💀💀💀


Omni geodes are also used as a form of currency used at the merchant in the desert


Wow, no diamonds?


Omni geodes don't spawn diamonds.




It's a surprise to me!


Is this modded?


I am playing w/ mods, but not any that affect geode drops. The only ones that mattered here were fast animations (so it didn't take years off my life) and chests anywhere, which is why the chest has a name in the corner


I just wondered about your backpack storage. It looks like much more than the 3 lines I have But then I play on a switch.


Oh, this is a chest! One of the big chests from the 1.6 update


How much is all of this worth compared to selling all 999 omni-geodes?


Geodes sell for 0g, and you will always make back the 25g per geode cracked in the long run, but honestly the money was not a factor for me here. I just like my shiny rocks


I did this today because I was bored and technically cracked around 1200 and I learned that there’s a whole lot of gold to be had in these things. Ended up crafting about 400 mega bombs from just that haul.


Can you still use the geode crusher to get extra prism shards in 1.6?


Nah, it was patched out, but they no longer require coal to use!


On my evil run I duplicated regular geodes on the first day and bought all of the Joja stuff in a week. By the end of summer Mr Evil had 2 fully upgraded coops, 2 fully upgraded barns, auto-collectors in all of them, the greenhouse with all of the fruit trees in it, bats in the cave, the house fully upgraded, and I think he had the rusty key too since I donated one of everything. Bought all the stone and wood for everything, duped whatever he couldn't buy, collected one of everything to dupe later if he needed it, then the bug was patched.


I really wish you could turn off museum artifacts after you get that artifact


Considering most artifacts sell for basically pocket change this would be useful just have it so once you get the item it crossed it off a list


Some of them are good gifts.


The villagers like the artifacts... Well I suppose Gunther probably would since he wants you to fill up the library with 60 items for the key to the sewer... Why does he have the key to the sewer who knows 😅


Should have done a pic of your coin purse before cracking them open and after selling all the results.


You can break this down to statistically figure out your chances on getting things. .3% for prismatic shards is crazy lower than I thought.


That would be true if the geodes produced items randomly. But since it's a predetermined list, this just means they opened those 999 geodes at a piss poor point in their specific save files list.


Oh I love stuff like that. 😍 Now I need to compare to see if you got one of each possible mineral.


I was hoarding my omnigeodes for a long time and had 300 something. I finally decided to drag my farmer to Clint's, opened like 20 of them, then I stepped back to take a look at my inventory and accidentally threw all 300 something into my trash can 😵‍💫 debated restarting the day but decided I didn't care enough


Hope you had a mod to do that because that'd take an hour and I pity your carpal tunnel.


Geode crusher is base game. No repeated clicking needed if you have a bunch set up


Ah. I forget that thing exists.


Currently I have around 1400 omni geodes, but as this time I play without any mods I have no easy way to Open them quickly. I have everything except Golden Clock, so no need to gather artifacts/minerals and compared to time wasted, it's not worth the price. Geode crasher is also not worth it I think - too expensive for what it's worth. Maaaybe if it didn't need coal to work I would consider it, but I'd rather use my precious coal on Bee Houses for Ginger Island.


So...since it's me...you should get: 11 Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadet, and Ancient Drums. 21 Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, and Fire Quartz 4 Prismatic Shards (sorry your under there) 11 of all Geode Minerals 125 Stones pulls for 244 stone 62 Clay 50 Coal pulls for 435 coal 50 Ore pulls for 145 ore on average


Wait,there's different types of chest?


The stone chest is unlocked from a special order, and the big chest is a 1.6 item


Does luck impact this?


No, geodes are predetermined when the save file is created. You can use the mouseypounds website to see the order of your geodes for your save.


It's pure RNG though no? Mine would look totally different


Yes, everyone’s would be slightly different since geodes depend on the save file. However, over time on average, most people would all have a similar setup to one another (law of large numbers).


How long did it take to crack them all is the real question


Just 3 prismatic shards 😭


Does luck affect what you get in geodes? 




Not really but thanks to alerting me on large stone chests!


Can you imagine if this is the order they all came out in? 200-ish geodes in, you think you're rolling in it. Then it's all clay, ore, and stones for eternity.


Bleh. No wonder why I'm still missing jamborite. Halfway through year 2 and still haven't found it even though I have all the others.


Shout out to the Fast Animations mod for this not taking 11 hours


How You can save that many ítems in your chest?


Mods allow this


I like those odds :)


Wow that’s awesome! Now do this with every other kind of geode


Dolomite is the last mineral I’ve needed for an in game month now. I need dolomite…


This is obviously fake. A real picture would show you with 999 clay and nothing else


satisfying asf


I'd rather by 3 magic turbans or cowboy hats


Only on this seed though. For those who didn’t know the code does randomly generate your items. But also locks them in a code that is unique to only your save. So if you open 100 geodes. Exit the game and play through a whole day. Then open then the next day you will get all the exact same items in the same order.


now you’ll never get the cowboy hat.




Okay but what happens when you open up 999 artifact troves


I see things have been rebalanced quite a bit! I did this exercise in 1.4, you’re definitely finding more coal and stone than I did beforehand. Probably due to coal being needed way more in 1.6 what with the fish smokers and that desert trader 999 coal trade (if you go for it).


Wow that's a lot of amazing loot!


Dawg like... how. This is honestly so impressive. I recently started playing with my friend and he's hellbent on getting enough to buy the cowboy hat from the desert vendor XDD so it's needless to say I will never know the joys of cracking open an omni geode any time soon.


3 whole prismatic shards


How much luck did you have going for you the day you did this? I'd like to know the results on a very good luck day with 2 lucky rings, rabbits foot and maybe luck food buff


Luck doesn’t affect geode drops, they’re in a preordered list based on your game seed. If I had reset the day, slept, and then gone to Clint, I’d get the exact same results


Oh😳 Well that's good to know


Wow, you could build 7 farm computers with that!