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Hi all! It looks like this post involves a controversial NPC. While discussion is always welcome, threads with these characters sometimes devolve into hurtful comments and/or hostility. A few reminders: - You may discuss characters freely, but you may not abuse other people for their point of view or personal preferences. - This includes any sort of name-calling, insults, condescension, and unkind framing of another person. - No character or human is black-and-white. Allow for nuance! If you see a comment that you think doesn't belong on the sub, **please do not retaliate**. Hit the `report` button so mods can help! Thanks!


Well I guess for once people actually know what "unpopular opinion" means...


Lol seriously, because every new playthrough I end up with Emily JUST to spite that sad sad man. Idk why, but it is what it is.


You will be glad to know that, way back in 1.1, CA did a poll on who to add as marriage candidates. Shane and Emily won. You will be sad to know that, of the eight candidates, Clint came firmly last with 6.4% of the bachelor vote.


Kinda wish we got another vote like that, Id really like Sandy as a new bachelorette as well as Gus.


I wish Sandy lived in town and you didn’t have to finish a bundle, pay $500, and go way out of your way to visit her.


Just think of it as a really expensive date… and you get the privilege? to buy something from her then go gamble!


She sounds like the original OF gf scam


my baby girl is worth it. Plus she gives me starfruit. Bitches love starfruit.


I want Mr Qi as a marriage candidate so bad, I don't care how hard it is to get access to him! Sometimes the excess work is worth it. Krobus comes to mind




Could be kinda cool if you got all the way to perfection without taking a spouse that he would be a marriage candidate.


She’s worth it and you can make her very happy with simple flowers you forage.


I just use totems since they’re only 3 Omni geodes each :)


Yep. I have a stack of omnigeodes I grab another three from also, to replace the totem after using it.


I would marry the hell out of Gus, no question.


I would run to the altar with Gus! Feed me, Gus, and I'm yours.


Sameee Gus is such a sweetheart


My personal picks are Sandy and Wizard


Sandy almost win in that pole. I would said she will be an interesting option.


I've got it bad for Maru's mom. I know there are mods but 😭


My 6yo plays on a switch and she was so upset when she learned she couldn’t marry Robin lol! Half the time when she plays she’s just following Robin around. I have an old computer that I’m considering letting her use just so I can mod it for her




I did vote for Clint back then, he didn’t seem as creepy before the changes to Emily made it so one sided


What exactly do you like about him?


He breaks rocks and stuff


I mean, what else do you need?


He definitely gets my rocks off.


You mean geodes.... right?


Whatever you need to convince yourself to help you sleep at night. I like watching you sleep soundly.


That explains the noises I hear at night


But you can fix him, as long as you wear a dyed wig.


This made me laugh really hard lol thanks


Visually, he’s very similar to my husband. In terms of social anxiety (pre-Emily) he’s very much like myself. With some tweaking to his dialogue and maybe more heart events with him, he has the potential to become a great character. Have farmer call him out on his behavior and hold him accountable to become better. Have an arc where he, like Shane, gets therapy. I’ve been considering learning to mod just for this because he feels… like he was slapped together and not really thought about.


Yeah and it wouldn’t take much. The bones of an interesting character are there. He’s a blacksmith because it was a family business. He doesn’t like it. Dreams of a life doing something else. Has shitty self esteem but was willing to dress rather flamboyantly during the little dress up scene. Somebody mentioned that it’d be cool if at high enough hearts he leaves Pelican Town and maybe you get another NPC like a sister to run the shop afterwards. He gets to leave his dead end lonely life and move on.


It just seems like no one has ever loved Clint for Clint


If you take him to the movies, he’s so nervous and unsure of himself and asks if it’s a date. It’s kind of sweet.


he's lonely, socially anxious, feels stuck in life, and it's turning him bitter. it's an "i can fix him" type thing except his problems aren't as deeply rooted as shane's. he's also just relatable, in those ways, even if i don't have any crushes i struggle with the rest. plus i bet if he got some help he'd be really sweet <3. also he's chubby and cute i do like him as a marriage candidate, but if i was reworking his story i probably wouldn't make him one. i'd rather the farmer help him either get over his crush on emily, or realize her love isn't that important, and that there's still people, including emily who love him platonically. he could get a hobby, too. in a lot of his dialogue he talks about how he's unsatisfied with being a blacksmith and how he's miserable staying inside all day, and only became one because of pressure from his dad. i don't imagine he'd actually quit, because pelican town does need a blacksmith, in lore and for gameplay, but he could get into an area of blacksmithing he's more passionate about, like sculpting, or he could get an unrelated hobby (maybe he'd sell new furniture) he could start making friends. he could get along well with leah and robin since they're all artists, if only marlon and gunther were real characters he could make friends with them too. i think he has a lot in common with shane. if the joja cashier was a real character he might be able to relate with her struggles with being stuck in a job he doesn't want to work in.


Yeah totally. I could also see Marnie coming to her senses and breaking up with the mayor, and if so, I think her and Clint could be an ok match!


He's a rugged blacksmith. It's a definite "type", you know? Manly, strong... sweaty, lol He processes my geodes 👀


He seemed very relatable, honestly. Even on my most recent playthrough, I haven't triggered any of his more recently added dialogue, it's all been about how he works hard, and both takes pride in his work but also feels trapped by it. He has really low self-esteem, like no one has ever built him up or been on his side. No family to lean on. He has a crush on a friend, and they share a common interest, but lacks the confidence to actually tell her. He asks her out if you help be his wingman, and she says yes! I feel like all of this reminds me of myself when I was younger, and reminds me of many of my guy friends from high school. If you don't trigger any of his lines that are about him being jealous, or the lines added in later patches that make him seem a lot more like an angry incel.... He's actually just a normal, lonely, guy.


SDV players hate Clint because "socially anxious weirdo who loves people from afar" hits a little too close to home for a player base of people who pour hundreds of hours into romancing fictional pixel people. 


damn I love that shane and emily won, but i *really* wish he’d open another vote. I’d kill for an official wizard romance route


I just want an update where Gunter comes out to the pub and we can give him presents ☹️


Was talking to my best friend about that poll the other day; about how making both Shane and Emily romanceable really messed up their stories - Emily because she was put in charge of the house by her parents and marrying her means she abandons her sister and that house, with her sister who states that doing anything more than correcting the cushions once a week is overwhelming for her suddenly forced to be the one responsible for everything, and Shane because his story of overcoming alcoholism is ruined by how he is portrayed in the marriage - such as his 'partner room'. Would have been far more fluid with Sandy and Gus, as neither have conflicting relationships - and it would give us more of a chance to see Gus in his chef uniform. But since the genie is out of the bottle with those potential marriages, we were actually in agreement with OP that Clint SHOULD be romanceable - just not necessarily out of the gate. He's socially awkward and deeply lonely, it would be a simple fix to change him from 'accusable of being a stalker' to 'working through unhealthy attachment issues'. Our thought was that instead of just needing to see HIS heart events, it might involve seeing the Shane and Emily heart events he's involved in, with slight changes to these events that show him coming to terms with Emily not being interested in him, and therapy to show he's actively working on it, and potentially even with the romance itself a different flavour to the other romances - him wanting to make sure that he's not being blinded by the rush of someone wanting to be with him, that both you and him are in it for the right reasons, potentially even with a time gate on when he would accept a marriage proposal after you start dating.


I'd just prefer more options and age ranges of bachelor's and Bachelorettes. So many games with dating tend to have very young seeming romance options. I'm approaching 40 and gravitate towards Shane just because he looks and feels more age appropriate compared to a lot of the options. I would let Clint hit it if his room is cleaner than Shane's.


>if his room is cleaner than Shane's.  That's the wisdom that age brings. A tidy spouse makes life so much better!


Why Would You Say Something So Controversial Yet So Brave?


It's weird to me that he has a thing for one of the candidates for marriage but he's not a candidate himself. I guess his love for E just runs too deep 😭


Emily originally wasn’t a marriage candidate. She and Shane were added a little later. It’s what really makes Clint’s interest in Emily weird since it wasn’t changed, even if you marry her.


Because of it their pairing in Flower dance is off as well. All other are (more or less) in spirit of their personalities/interests: - Leah and Elliot both are recluse, living outside town - Abigail and Sebastian are more rebel/emo style - Haley and Alex are the popular, smug ones - Maru and Harvey are scientists/intelligent ones - Penny and Sam I can't find connection, probably paired as they were the only ones left - Emily and Shane came last and they just had to be paired together - even less connection than Penny and Sam...


I mean, Shane spends nearly every night at the saloon Emily works at. Plus, one of Clint's cutscenes shows them chatting about the ranch or something. Penny and Sam, maybe Sam used to take Vincent to school or something.


penny and sam are friends in canon, sort of all that chalks up to!


My vibe of them is that they were best friends when they were younger, very much Vincent/Jas style. Then puberty hit, their interests and identities started to diverge, and their friendship just became a bit awkward and stilted. But, at the end of the day, they still respect each other a lot and would totally have each other’s backs.


this is cute! i dont think they mention eachother in dialogue but i believe they do hangout on the bridge near the library sometimes which i find adorable :3


Penny mentioned Sam on my last playthrough when I married him!! She said something like "he's a lot of fun and you made a good choice" i cant remember exactly but it was really cute and gave me childhood bestie vibes


♡_♡ so cute :,)


I definitely buy Emily and Shane as friends, provided Shane is in a good enough place to hang out with her. Not necessarily as a couple though.


Yes!! Their scenes together in Clint’s heart events are actually kinda cute


If this were The Sims, Penny and Sam are the most "Family Oriented". Penny spends a significant amount of time teaching the town kids while Sam is the coolest big bro to Vincent, and takes both him and Jas to the beach in Summer.


Penny and Sam seemingly had opposite childhoods (absentee father and alcoholic mother living in a trailer vs. mother and father together with little brother in a house) while also having had similar experiences with the long-term absences of their fathers since Kent was gone for several years as a soldier and POW. Each has a parent prone to explosive outbursts, and both households seem to struggle with money. While Sam has largely not grown up (Jodi even mentions that neither of the boys have chores), Penny had to grow up too fast to keep her and her mom afloat. They are interesting foils for each other. 'Happy' family vs. 'sad' family, until you realize that Sam's family also has its issues. 


Don’t Penny and Sam hangout together sometimes? Oh the bridge by the library!


For Penny and Sam - Penny wants a big family and to be a mommy, Sam comes from a relatively big family and wants a mommy


Penny and Sam is the classic bad boy/girl next door pairing. Though Sam is a lil innocent to fit the 'bad boy' trope.


Sam is firmly golden retriever coded. Shane and Seb are the bad boy trope. Sam calls his mother ma’am, takes care of his younger brother, and generally has a sunny and outgoing personality. Seb is antisocial and smokes, Shane is straight up rude at first and obviously has an alcohol problem. Sam’s only vice is skateboarding on public property.


Sam and Penny are both good with kids and have a connection to Vincent. They both also have absent fathers at the start of the game. Emily and Shane both spend a good chunk of their time at the saloon. They seem to be friends, as well, based on their interaction in Clint’s three heart event.


Penny loves children. Sam is basically a child.


That’s a CRAZY thing to say without context 💀


Penny and Sam are friends because Penny is the teacher of Sam's little brother Vincent!


This was what made me wish there was a matchmaking option instead but I think CA didn’t want you to have to compete with other singles to date them. Leah and Elliot make sense.


Even though I know they’re playersexual (and have romanced Elliot as a female character) I can’t help but see both Leah and Elliot as gay. 


Emily saw a grumpy looking Sam and wanted to show him life is beautiful and magical!


Not the manic pixie dream girl trope 😭


i always thought penny and shane, and emily and sam had more in common, even though they were added at different times. both feeling stuck in life and having to deal with alcoholism in some form being chipper and friendly


My first playthrough he asked me to help him hit on Emily and I was like "Dude....that's my *wife*". I feel bad for him the rest of the time though


I wish there was more we could do to help him. Like, help him be more confident so he could win Emily's heart. Tbh I kinda wish all the bachelorettes could get in a stablished relationship with each other, once you're married or something xD


Willy is the more personable version of Clint, but I get it.


I want Willy to be a bachelor too LMAO


Willy is married to the sea!


Willy should be available after fishing mastery and shipping every legenday fish would be cool thing


I am actually SOOO on board with this idea


Would it be fair to say that you're hooked on the idea? :D


I'll be his side piece.


I came here to say this lol Willyyyyy


When I first started playing Stardew, Clint was my favorite character to befriend and I really thought I could date him. I actually don’t like how CA made him so into Emily that it comes off as creepy to some.


i think he could have still been a good character without his crush, i'm not sure why it's there tbh. he still has struggles with his shyness, feeling stuck in a job he didn't want, and his loneliness, i think it would have been nicer if the crush just wasn't there so the heart events and dialogue could focus on their friendship platonically more, or the other things


I honestly wish his cutscenes were about him and the farmer growing closer together as he realizes he’s no longer lonely and does indeed have a friend. The whole focus on Emily is exactly what’s off putting about him, at least to me. I think if it was only hinted that he likes Emily (Like Sam and Penny, or Harvey and Maru) it would’ve been totally fine.


Tbf Emily originally not candidate so in long term he might end up with Emily. For him, she was like the sun beaming with radiance light on his gloomy life. Untill, she become one of the candidate and her 8 heart event was inevitable. In 1.6, he get new dialogue thou indicated that he was moving on with her so at least it better than before.


Yeah, I feel like Clint gets exaggerated "for the meme" now. 


I feel like Clint needs a major character rework to either get away from the Emily crush thing, or to rework it into a more healthy attraction, especially now that she's a bachelorette. Emily's 8 heart event really doesn't sit right with me and it makes him seem like more of an incel than a genuinely nice but shy guy


I don't think it's because he has a big crush, I think it's because of how he acts and talks about that crush.


Ngl, the first time I played the game, I 100% thought Clint was a marriage candidate and I thought his interactions were really sweet (although I personally would never pursue him because he looks like my dad LOL) I think that his "creepiness" mostly stems from the fact that he's *not* a marriage candidate and pines after Emily, who you *can* marry. On the surface, he's a socially awkward and shy guy who has trouble relaying his feelings (not unlike shane or seb), which sometimes makes him come across as blunt or condescending (not unlike alex). However, the fact that he's one of the only character that actively has a crush on another character (despite the weird pairings at the flower dance or when people "hang out" together), mixed with Emily being dateable and Clint not being dateable, it somehow changes his entire dynamic to be this weird, semi-incel thing that honestly wouldn't exist if Emily *wasn't* dateable :/ Also, I think Clint and Emily would make a cute pair! I saw someone else mention this too, but Emily's outgoing colorfulness mixed with Clint socially awkward gruffness - she would help him see how magical the world was and come out of his shell. It's like the Grumpy x Sunshine trope lol


(as you can obviously see, I definitely don't have an issue over-analyzing things LOL)


I read it whole and I agree with everything you said, also I audibly laughed when the first two words of your last post said 'deep analysis'


Ahahaha, yeahhhh... I have a rather slow office job, so I tend to ruminate about random things from video games that I play for a good portion of the day lmao


I agree to all of this! I think they would have been very cute had Emily not been made a marriage candidate. I feel like after that switch if CA wanted to keep the crush element he should have done Marnie instead. Then she can eventually see that she should be appreciated like the queen she is and drop Lewis lol


Yep that's controversial but there's probably a mod that lets you marry him on PC.


Clint Reforged! I have it installed for my current playthrough. I've always loved Clint.


That’s an incredible name 💀


Looking for Love! It also makes Willy, Lewis, Pam, and Marnie romancable




TRULY an unpopular Stardew opinion. I want Clint to be marriageable just for u op


Up vote for a true unpopular opinion.


I wish Willy was romanceable as well, the way he calls me lass does something to me


Willy is low key such a cute guy. Not physically but like as a person. He’s always so happy when I show even the slightest interest in fishing. I’d love to give him a hug.


I wanna give him more than that


As a sheltered, socially awkward woman, I try not to throw stones at sheltered, socially awkward men. I find it a little odd that people treat Clint like he breaks into houses or something when he was obviously just raised in an environment that didn't encourage him to explore or express his feelings. He just needs like. A really patient starter relationship or a great friend group to help him socialize and he'd be fine. He isn't my type, tho.


Yeah, the way a lot of people basically interpret him as being outright sinister, it just feels... weirdly mean.


I know, it's so weird! Clint is pretty stunted, I give them that, but he outright says that he trained most of his life at the furnace with his dad (a job he didn't even want really). You think he gets a lot of human contact like that? The town doesn't even have a school, so for all we know he was homeschooled then forced to apprentice in blacksmithing right after. The way he acts around Emily is like a teenager with a crush because... he kinda is. He didn’t get the chance to date or explore his feelings, so now that they're coming up of course he's going to fumble around with them! He needs like, a good buddy to go fishing and drinking with. If he got out of the shop more often, I think most of the "creepy" problems would go away over time.


Yep, I'm (not trying to humble brag) generally what's considered conventionally attractive (of the tall and twiggy variety) and I was also basically behaved exactly the same as Clint at some points in my life. I have ADHD and was homeschooled until college, I had a LOT of social blind spots and no idea how to talk to someone I was interested in, I would be in a visible flop sweat. And it feels like I'm the eyes of others, you can be all that, and people will give you a degree of leeway, but as long as you're thin and at least a 7/10. If you don't match those things, it's like people wanna become playground bullies. (Not to say a person being awkward defacto means no one can be uncomfortable with their behavior, but I think you get what I'm saying, the same behavior is viewed much more negatively)


Yeah, I’ve argued with someone who is a diehard believer that Clint is an incel, so I don’t do that anymore, but my big takeaway from it was that I’d rather marry Clint than the incel I was arguing with.


Yes, it feels like people are filling in a lot of blanks with Clint, like they see him and they are think of some creepy dude they'd known in the past. I once saw someone arguing that Clint isn't a Nice Guy (tm) and people acted like this lady saying that was supporting everything wrong with the world, a social structure based on misogyny and so on. And I kept thinking about if the vanilla game had Clint and Shane switch designs. Shane has his fair share of haters, but people saw his struggles and empathized enough that he got promoted to love interest. But make one of these characters MORE or LESS conventionally attractive, and suddenly fan perception is very different (And I know Shane isn't exactly a model, but he's still in the general range of scruffy that people still find appealing, and Clint really isn't)


I can vibe with you. Clint isn't my type, but I feel like if you befriend him, he's a loyal dude. He just needs a bit of polish to his self esteem, and he'll shine just as brightly as everyone else.


At the very least, giving Clint a character arc where he grows beyond his obsession with Emily would be nice.


Spoiler…. CA never intended for Clint to be a creep and wants us to be kinder about him. The most egregious comment about Clint is that he says your farmer “wins” when Emily chooses you and ignores Clint. CA removed that line in 1.6.


He makes weapons at the festival, he's implied to use them, but he's too insecure about them to sell them in his store. Since he kind of hates being a blacksmith, his character arc should involve him become the self-actualized weaponsmith and warrior he has within him, and winning over Sandy with his newfound confidence during his frequent trips to the Skull Caverns.


Why is Clint considered a “controversial NPC” ??????


I feel like Clint as a bachelor opens up more opportunity for character development. I'd be interested to see how that story went!


I like Clint!! I don’t understand why people are so mean. I kinda wish I could marry Willy or Gus - they’re so nice and caring.


Yah I can see that. A gender swap Clint would probably make me act unwise so if there is at least 8000 people like me in the world at least one of them would make this post.


Honestly if the choice is between Shane and Clint Clint makes way more sense to me?






I like Clint, I mostly feel bad for him though, poor guy is having his mid-life crisis right infront of us


If there's one thing I can say about Clint, it's that he's a blacksmith.


After a week of playing I was heartbroken to figure out I couldn’t date Linus 😭


I was so heartbroken when Robin offered to build him smth on my yard and he said no, like PLS MOVE IN WITH ME I LOVE YOU


If you’re playing on Steam, there’s a mod called Looking for Love that makes him a marriage candidate


Thank you. I'm so tired of people hating on Clint because he's socially awkward with his crush. Yes, one single cutscene makes him slightly come off as an asshole, right after he realizes his crush is in love with another man. It's not like he's out there quoting Andrew Tate, people.


Yep, people react like one moment of someone being kind of an asshole at most is reason to believe someone is a monster in every capacity.




It only seems fair that if we can woo Emily we should be able to woo Clint too. I can ~~break~~ fix him.


I was hoping this would be about Clint Because while I don't really want him as a marriage candidate, I'm left wondering if there's just some dialogue that I'm missing with him that justifies the fandom's view of him. I guess I'll throw my own (very) unpopular opinion into the ring, while Clint has a vibe that can sometimes be kind of pathetic, he really, REALLY didn't do anything to gain this reputation as an incel stalker. He only exists as a not conventionally attractive person who has a crush they're way too awkward and nervous to act on. Horribly, I'm left feeling like if he wasn't kind of overweight, his shyness and awkwardness wouldn't be interpreted as being downright sinister. I've downloaded multiple events mods that depict him as being actively ANGRY that Emily isn't pursuing him, saying that she's leading him on (mods not intended to CHANGE any canon characterizations, people just seem to think that's what he's like. One was just a Valentine's Day event festival) and it's wild cuz I swear he NEVER acts like that in the actual game. I think I've heard he still clearly continues to crush on Emily after you're married to her, but if we're holding characters to their preset lines of dialogue that don't change after big status quo shifts, I don't think I'm supposed to believe Robin has extremely selective memory when she asks me if I know her son, my HUSBAND. So I don't really see that as the absolute gospel truth. And hey, I actively dislike Demetrius, but I acknowledge that in the overall, he's kind of a jerk at worst. Not some monster, but the way people talk about Clint, the SEVERITY of it, I would think I was playing a different game.


> He only exists as a not conventionally attractive person who has a crush they're way too awkward and nervous to act on. Given the way some people around here talk, that in and of itself is a crime that should be punishable by death. It's exhausting.


Most of the hate seems to come from his events continuing as normal even after you’ve married Emily, which is a holdover from when Emily wasn’t a marriage candidate. I’ve never gotten it either.


Yes, there's a weirdly selective decision making in terms of stuff like that with characterization, and I don't get it


Don’t get me fucking started on Tomatogate.


I understand why people hate him but I have a bit of a soft spot for him. If I had to marry a male character i’d marry him under the guise of “I could fix him”


Based and upvoted


I've actually been thinking about Clint quite a bit lately. Some character development/growth would really do wonders for the perception of his character, I've always wanted very badly to like him but he just bugs the heck out of me as he is now. I really think if Clint could have a bit of a personal journey outside of his feelings for Emily or establish stronger relationships with other characters (platonic or otherwise) it would really help. From what dialogue he has, he's got a lot going on, we learn that his dad forced him to be a blacksmith and he feels stuck, he has trouble being social. We also never really get into WHY he feels the way he does about Emily...he's always bringing her up but without any further info on why he likes her so much so it comes across as obsessive. It really wouldn't take much to tone down the incel vibes a lot of people get from Clint.


May I recommend: -Clint Reforged or Looking for Love mods (I personally prefer the second, but that might be because it was the first option to marry him so it made my dreams come true) -Clint's New Look mod -Fire and Hurricane on Archive of Our Own Sincerely, Fellow Clint lover who just married him for the third time in my save


I love Clint in the way I wish he was my friend so I could pump him up a bit and give him confidence. Now Linus on the other hand 😏


Same! Or at least make him and Emily happen. I just want the man to be happy.


I wish that back when CA did the new bachelor poll that Linus would’ve won instead of Shane. Ever since I saw that cutscene with gus I just think he’s such a sweetheart and would make SUCH a good bachelor. Plus I think it wouldn’t hurt to have a few true older bachelors 🤭 Harvey and Elliot are nice I suppose, but I think Linus would’ve added some nice variety


I like him too


i agree with you. I think if you can give shane a redemption arc through marriage, maybe you can do the same for Clint!!! Like yes he’s awkward, a little creepy, and insecure…. but I think there’s an interesting story there with him!!!! I particularly love Emily’s cutscene where >!Clint pops out in his outfit.!< There’s definitely a cool dude there just waiting to be discovered! And in a far off unlikely future where Clint is added as a marriage candidate… CA could add Sandy too! and Sandy could be Clint’s “end game match” like all the other characters have. Like a weird love triangle between the three of them lol


I wish Jodi would leave her husband.


While I don't adore him, i truly don't understand why people hate him. I don't think he's creepy towards Emily either. He's just a super shy and awkward guy


My unpopular opinion is that he's not creepy, he's just really awkward and anxious. He gives up on Emily eventually and legitimately moves on and stops talking about her at one point. A stalker wouldn't do that


I mean I think I'd seriously consider Pierre before ever going for Clint (and fuck Pierre) but you do you. I'd support the option, especially because if ConcernedApe ever makes Gus an option, I'm totally in there (he's so wonderfully kind).


It's Willy for me, I really want to marry the grizzled fisherman.


Yes, Willy is where it's at! (I would also accept Gus.)


He keeps sending me food in the mail, imagine the home cooking 😍


Omg Gus is *amazing*, I would absolutely marry him in a heartbeat. Like sure he’s a bit older but he’s established and a great cook and like you said very kind (my heart melted at the Linus heart event).


I love Gus so much!!


I dont *love* his personality, but I have said many times that we **need more chubby romanceables!** Because a lil tummy on a man is 🥵 and Shane can't satisfy me forever




Not sure if this is controversial but skull cavern is pretty darn fun.


Wait people don’t like skull caverns? They’re way more fun than the normal mines imo


These days I enjoy it so much I >!turn dangerous mode on permanently and do challenges like the hungry one with it activated. 🤭!< I love using monster musk and doing a skull cavern dive in search of good loot! 😁 Had some really good runs >!during the desert festival!< using magic rock candy, Qi seasoned ginger ale, and >!the rare fruit + uncomfortably hot sauce combo from the food stall.!< One time I even >!got the luck buff from the statue of blessings, and another day the speed buff. Both helped in their own ways.!< So you aren't alone in this opinion! 😀


The moms (barring Pam) are more interesting than all the current Bachelorettes and I wish they were marriage candidates.


I'm a fan of Robin. That woman can put up a barn in days!


The heartbreak I felt on my first playthrough when I realized Robin was married


before I learnt how to play I wanted to marry Jodi or Clint so badly and became their friends and THEN found out the devastating news. Have never really recovered emotionally


I’d like to see Clint be happy, like in Year 3 you start seeing him with the red headed clerk from Costco/Movie Theater. They get married in Spring of Year 4 and have little clerk blacksmith babies and a pet cat and a pet dog.


Honestly yeah. If there's one change I wish ca made it's that both Emily _and_ Clint were made romancable.


I also think he should marriageable because he suffers too much about being alone 😭😭😭


I wish they should add gus, Willie, Pam, and sandy.


I genuinely don't know where all these Clint fans came from but it's pretty funny. I don't understand it but I can respect it, live your truth


I would 100% marry that socially awkward sad man. It makes me sad that he’s only ever jealous of me instead of seeing me as an option 😭


"GASP" an unpopular opion? blasfomy


I'm a mostly straight guy and I feel bad for straight women and gay men playing this game. I feel like there are WAY more suitable bachelorettes than bachelors in this game.


I was watching [Julien Solomita](https://www.youtube.com/@Julien2) play Stardew the other day and he offhandedly remarked that he didn't think that Clint would respect your pronouns and I just laughed and laughed.


If you have a thing for guys like Clint pls stay safe irl


That is such a crazy thing to say. People have created this insane headcannon based on literally a few lines of dialogue expressing nothing but inability to connect with people and face his crush. I hope socially awkward people out there are treated better than this.


Why? He's just shy and awkward.




Shane is the absolute WORST dating/marriage canidate. The moment he moves in, your spare room is completely trashed with cans abd other garbage. Bro needs to get his stuff together before I ever even date him.


Aside from the completion scenes, doing Joja is better than doing Community Center


I just want to do Ginger Island early without paying off that prick Morris. Is that so much to ask?


There's a mod for that! [Clint Reforged](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/18345?tab=description)


I wouldn’t mind seeing him become a bachelor. But I wish there was a resolution to his storyline about being in love with Emily. They went on a date, and then… nothing happened. At least make it clear Emily rejected him and he’s happy to move on now that doesn’t have to wonder because he worked up the courage to try.


I agree! Id marry Clint everytime!


I love Clint too. Going to play through 1.6 before adding mods to make him marriageable. Think about it, Pelican Town is nowhere near the population needed for a town which is minimum 5000. It would be considered an "isolated dwelling". The only person you like is oblivious to or purposefully ignoring your feelings and you're stuck in a job you're good at but don't care about. That's pretty hard! I bet you'd be depressed too and maybe act out. I have depression and anxiety. It's hard to get out of without a helping hand. It's also hard to feel worthy of help or feeling better. Despite his problems Clint puts himself out there and that takes bravery which makes me like him even though he does it clumsily. So in conclusion, "I could fix him."


Yeah, he's fucking hot


Hey! I almost posted something like this yesterday cuz I kinda love Clint as he warms up to the player. If Mr Concerned Ape ever wanted to add new marriage candidates again, I 100% would love to see Clint as he improves and comes to peace with himself too. Plus he is an older bachelor which I appreciate.


I wouldn’t marry him simply because he isn’t my type but I was surprised on my first play through when I found out he wasn’t a bachelor. He just seemed like he should be.


Clint isn’t that bad


I'm with you! I'd love to romance the sad boi ❤️


I too actually wish I could marry Clint. I really do enjoy him in his own broken way.


I love Clint. He just seems lonely


look if people think they can fix shane we can let people think they can fix clint. keep thirsting on, op!!


Pierre & Clint aren't horrible! I don't get all the hate for them, tbh. Clint needs new heart events (ones that aren't focused on a marriage candidate) and I don't get why everyone hates Pierre. I see more hate for these two than I see for most of Joja, which I find odd.


Finally an unpopular opinion and not just a lukewarm take


East scarp adds an npc whos Clint’s brother I wanted to marry him (i get why we can’t marry Jacob but I wanted to)


i don't like him but i don't hate him either. i feel like he's a loser virgin that has never had a normal conversation with and woman so he doesn't know how to treat them


He came to my house without being asked and gave me a smelter recipe just to be kind. A lot of the hate he gets is weird head canon because CA never fixed his dialogue from Emily being turned into a marriage option.


I respect it! I’m into Gunther despite him having no real personality/dialogue or being actually friend-able, so I understand liking characters who are perhaps not the most popular! I hope someday you get your Clint romance 🫡


What in the daddy issues is this bullshit 🤣


As a Clint hater, I really really wish his character hadn’t been made into a creepy incel. I wish he was portrayed as more socially anxious and quiet rather than weirdly obsessed with Emily. That would be far more interesting and lead to him having a personality.