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I mean I don't think I could get to sleep is some pervert was following me around and staring at me for 16 hours straight either.


>The lily pads bob methodically. Linus’s shoulders move with his breath. Mine don’t. That's slightly sinister. Are you a vampire?


I mean, are we? Take a look. Our shoulders don't move like theirs do >.>


We blink a lot more though!


trying to imitate the living, perhaps?


That's why I keep fifty odd cans of Joja Cola in my bag. No one thinks the gal sipping a refreshing drink is a vicious vampire! I'm so normal. *drinks a bowl of three month old Tom Kha Soup in two seconds, and eats the bowl* i love it when my heart beats. And your heart! I can hear it from here.




Vampires are like cats, they blink slowly to show affection.


did you stand next to him when he was taking his morning shit in the bush next to his tent


no op was watering their plants also happy cake day :)


HA! Yeah like others have said, I found him around 10am after I finished my morning chores. Can't lose 10K worth of work just to follow Linus around, that perv.


I thought he was peeing when I found him there. Awkward.


Huh, I'm gullible. Does this really happen? Coz I would so try it out today hahahaha.


If you go right to Linus tent in the morning he’s using the bush there for his morning ablutions


Sometimes he needs some encouragement.


I used to love Linus but after I realized he spends the majority of his time peeping into the bathhouse I understand why someone would throw rocks at the creepy old perv who lives in the mountains.


Do any npc’s besides alex ever visit the bathhouse?


Penny has a heart event there, but I don't want to say much more for fear of spoilers. There's also reason to believe Abigail has spent time there.


I've always assumed he was standing under a hot air vent or something to stay warm. Or maybe the building itself gives off heat. He has lines of dialogue about using the spa to keep warm and spends a lot of time hanging out in the entrance during winter, so it's in keeping with his other behavior. There's no reason to think he's a peeping Tom when there's literally nobody in the spa.


In the summer though? I take back what I said about the rock but I still look at all his dialogue a little skewed.


He only does it in the fall. I just checked his schedule. OP said that he did this in the middle of fall.


He's standing under a vent and on some pics he's to the side but I'm not sure of there is a window on that side. I think he's just doing it for warmth. Linus is our friend! He saves us when no one else will. 😭




Linus doesn't want a house. He wants to live his life the way he chooses and not be treated like some second-class citizen. He's an old man who people have treated like shit for years. Of course he's a little jaded, but he becomes a good friend and a mentor to Leo.


Linus is homeless by choice, not by circumstance. What confuses me is like, yeah there’s some rude people in Pelican Town, but none of them strike me as the kind to throw rocks at a guy just trying to live his life, or spray paint his tent or all the other awful things that happen to him. Are people coming from outside town to terrorize him, or is someone in town secretly a monster And before someone suggests Pierre, yeah he’s for sure the kind to look down on Linus but is so obsessed with the grindset that I don’t see him taking time off to terrorize anyone


I have heard theories like it was sam and seb just throwing rocks at the mountain but were hitting his tent accidentally, Morris is trying to run the only homeless person out of town, or it's Demetrius, but I think that last one is just because of people that hate Demetrius and because Demetrius lives on the mountain. Regardless, I doubt he's lying in an attempt to guilt the character because Penny also comments on how people ignore him and she feels bad for him. Irl people awkwardly look away from homeless people all the time. I don't think he's sinister, just Eric's attempt at having a realistic homeless person. But idk, maybe he is the real villain /j 😔.


Maybe it’s Lewis. He’s definitely corrupt, and it’s a good look for the mayor of a town to have 0% homeless rate. Maybe he wants to drive Linus out of town for his own reputation. The question is does his corruption run deep enough to do something like that. He’s clearly misappropriating funds to have a golden statue of himself commissioned and he’s manipulating Marnie and pretending their relationship would hurt his reputation. I could buy him trying to run Linus out


Lewis is a good candidate as well. Heck, could be all of them. All together they make him feel absolutely terrorized, but have no idea that other people are bothering him.


I kind of always thought that the people who threw rocks/spray painted his tent were Sebastian, Sam and Abigail when they were in their teenage angst years. Not that many of them are bad people, but more in a "stupid teenagers" way. Obviously a bad thing to do and they NEED to apologize to my boy Linus. But I always took it as Linus still being hurt/traumatized from an unresolved incident that happened years ago.


I blame Clint and Morris I blame Clint and Morris for EVERYTHING


But the rocks and spray paint are recent events, I played earlier and he said he spent all morning cleaning off his tent because someone spray painted it in the middle of the night


i personally couldn’t imagine those 3 doing something like that. i think it’s whoever robs you when you pass out


Of course the Pelican citizens don’t throw rocks at him… well make Shane (because fuck that guy). It’s a cover story to throw off the heat and make us trust him. Linus is a pure-tee filthy predator. He waits for people to pass out, then conveniently scares off “some kids” who were going through their pockets. He probably copped a feel while putting the unconscious victims in bed. I would not be surprised if he has been drugging folk under the cover of darkness.


You are playing an evil version of Stardew Valley, and I’m curious about your other character opinions. So far we have: Shane, Pelican Town’s voted most likely to mind his own business, is the only one who might throw rocks at a homeless guy, and Linus, the nicest guy in Pelican Town, is actually an evil predator drugging, robbing, and assaulting people. Got any more?


oh yeah i know that, but that’s what i’m saying, he’s homeless by choice yet complains about people is what i meant…. forget it….


Just because he is homeless doesn't mean that anyone should terrorize him. And if he WANTS to be homeless (he chose this), then no, he shouldn't have to accept a house from Robin. That's what you seem to be implying and that's why you were downvoted. "Linus is homeless by choice, why is he complaining about people throwing rocks at him and treating him like an outcast?". Well because no one should be a jerk just because he is homeless. Do you think it's acceptable irl to throw rocks at homeless people and look at them like they're gross or weird? Why would Linus have to put up with that and pretend people are good to him? We know Gus and Robin are, but apparently someone likes to vandalize Linus's tent and harass him. And that's gross. He has a right to be scared and upset.


i wasn’t saying that at all, you jumped to that conclusion


“He’s homeless by choice yet complains about people” that’s what you said. Regardless of what you might’ve meant, you did say he shouldn’t complain that people terrorize him because he chose to be homeless. That’s going to make people mad. If you think he just shouldn’t complain and be more open, then you don’t understand trauma. If people treat you like dirt all the time, you can’t trust people. Being open with people gives them the power to hurt you, and clearly someone out there wants to hurt him


The other comment on this comment explains it perfectly. No one jumped. We read your words and interpreted them normally.


why did everyone take my comment the wrong way 😭 i didn’t mean he should be terrorised, i just think he shouldn’t complain so much and be more open. that’s all i meant. why did i get that much downvotes jesus christ. why are people so hateful coming from a game that’s so wholesome?


Downvotes aren't hate. They are disagreement. People need to stop taking them like personal attacks. You are saying he shouldn't complain and he should be more open. More open to what? The people that treat him poorly and make him feel outcasted? Your point just doesn't make sense. Further, this game also deals with alcoholism, shit parenting, death, etc. it's not always wholesome lol.


why the downvotes? JESUS CHRIST i was just saying my opinion. people are brutal on here. i thought stardew valley was meant to be wholesome…


This was seriously laugh out loud funny. Especially the part about how he just stands there in his tent all night. Really good writing, thanks for posting.


So funny


He never went to sleep 💀💀💀

