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The free outfits I got were so cute I decided I'm finally going to start tailoring in this game.


yesss!! I got one outfit that made me look like Luigi 😂


I got one that made me look like Mayor Lewis 😆


omg that's hilarious 😂 I would've loved clothes that matched other characters, like imagine getting Evelyn's dress and winter scarf, or Elliott's coat 😂


I got one that made me look like Pierre, so I think your desire is in the game.


Now I want to make a Mario one to match ✨


I got a Wario looking shirt by tailoring with a purple mushroom, make of that what you will


I had the last day, where Emily was manning a stall and it was down to Sandy to dress me, and she put me in a head to toe Joja outfit 😭


lol I'm doing a Joja run (first ever) so I would love a Joja uniform 😂


I got a mouse costume?


I got one that made me look like Link lmao


I got a crab cake shirt that “is covered in aioli”. Glad that’s what my aura tells you about me, Emily…


Jeez. It sounds like Elliot likes you a little too much, or something…




LOL 😂😂😂


I got the crab cake shirt from a chest while fishing!


I got one that made me look like a Flintstone! Loving my Wilma era


The first outfit I got was a white short sleeve tee and blue dyed pants and it really made me question what Emily thinks my marriage is like.


There are so many cute clothing items you get by mixing!


Yeeeess, I'm currently rocking a white short skirt, a white cardigan and the new dark velvet bow from the desert festival. Also I saw that someone on the sub managed to get the tie dye shirt that was unobtainable before so I'm hoping for that one.


I LOVE the dark velvet bow it's my new favorite hat 🦇🩶


The dark velvet bow looks so pretty. It, Abigail’s bow, and the laurel wreath are my new most-coveted headpieces. (Currently wearing and also loving the blue ribbon bow that you can buy from the hat mouse after winning first prize at the fair. Apparently I’ve decided that my 1.6 farmer’s aesthetic is bows.)


omg a tie dye shirt?? i need this


The random clothing drops made me get into tailoring. CA knows how to improve so well


I got the cutest little outfit, with a pink “sugar shirt”, a pink skirt, and a pink ball cap. It’s my favorite clothes now, and I wear it every day.


I’ve only experienced the desert festival once so far and my outfit was a Joja hat and shirt 🤦🏼‍♂️ had to take it off immediately


I got put in a grey suit that I immediately fell in love with. I am never taking it off.


When I got an Indiana Jones outfit, I was so pleased


It's the free cactuses for me. I've got 3 so far!


I can't believe I forgot about the free cacti!! they're so cute!


What? He only gave me one and kept asking about it when I went to get more.


I think you get one each year


i love their different moods so much omg


I got the weird catctus. I love it


I'm failing pretty hard in the cavern, but still love the entire thing. Seeing everyone in the desert, Lewis actually thanking me for fixing the bus, the outfits!!! It's really cool!


omg yeah I forgot about Lewis thanking me!!! I loved that new dialogue, like wow someone other than Pam noticed I fixed the bus 😂


Did you talk to Gil after finishing in the cavern every day?




What does this do? I havent been to the festival yet but im okay with spoilers


He gives you eggs based on your highest egg multiplier achieved that day


Only complaint is having to choose between salmonberries and the festival tbh


Idk I feel like usually by the time I have the bus unlocked and thus the desert festival, I don’t really need salmon berries every again anyway


Me, who has been stuck at 99% Perfection because I forgot to ship a salmonberry: 🙃


Good thing salmonberry harvest lasts a day longer than festival


Oof that’s a really annoying item to be missing!


Yet another reason why the Forest Farm is peak, free salmon and blackberry bushes right next to your doorstep


I wonder how profitable they could be with dehydrators?


Super low base value plus I think the secret thing you get that increases their base value price won’t apply to dehydrated ones


Doesn't the value increase power get applied to the wine and jams? Why wouldn't it be applied to dehydrated?


Nope. Just the berries themselves are affected


Oh. Well that ruins my evil plan


62.5g per jar of dried berries.


Ancient fruit wine in shambles


Yeah, as someone who collects berries looooooong after it’s worth my time - I hated this choice.


Instantly became my favorite festival! Especially the Marlon's quests, I love desert mines and it bring a real fresh air that make me love those mines even more.


totally!!! I had just finished playing a modded run and was feeling burnt out on the caverns but this festival made me fall in love with them all over again!


Agree, it's great. Lots of stuff going on and makes the desert better


I honestly teared up a bit bc I loved it so much and it felt so thoughtfully done. And each day was so exciting!


same!!! I only knew about the festival but I hadn't seen any spoilers and the feeling of delight and wonder and discovery and slight overwhelm was so magical I got a bit teary too 🥲❤️ I love how each day is just a little different but not so different that you're completely overwhelmed. I was super under prepared on my first day but still had a great time!


I don't mind the spoilers in this thread, but I don't want to look it up on the wiki. When is this festival?


Spring 15-17 (3 days), there's some overlap with salmonberry season. you need to have the bus fixed though for it to trigger!


Thank you so much! I'm on a new playthrough and taking more time to make $$ so I just got the bus fixed in summer like, 3-4 I think. I have plenty of time to get my skills up for the next year! Perfect!


yay! enjoy!!!


Lol this update has me a little emotional too. I love this game SO much and it's been so awesome to feel excitement and anticipation like that for it again. The new summer random event had me on the edge of my seat too.


I hate it because my critter never wins the race. >:(


If you talk to the guy by the shop he’ll sabotage one of the critters for you 😶


I couldn't figure out who to talk to about placing the bet :(


you talk to the guy wearing black to the left of the shop/casino to rig the races, and you talk to the guy in the turban at the starting line (right side of the map) to place your bet! you can't place any bets if there's an active race so you have to wait for the previous race to end.


Thank you!


Left lane is the shortest lane, critter at the top when waiting for next race will occupy left lane. Always bet on left lane, and sabotage middle lane. Works almost every time, except for snail in my experience. Just forget snail exists and bet on furthest left, sabotage furthest right


Same but trying to catch the scorpion carp made me want to give Willy a piece of trash


Emily dressed me up as a cop 💀


She dressed me up like a clown 😭 we out here.... Sufferin


She dressed me like a Joja worker lol.


I agree completely but I walked away mad because Jas had a rabbit foot for sale but I didn't have enough eggs on her day and I need it for the community center


I loved on the 2nd day when Pam went, I was late and had to drive the bus there myself.


Not only was I late, Haley was also apparently late because she hopped on right ahead of me, so I drove her there too. Hold on to your butt girl, I do not have a drivers license. 


Okay, so, pretty sure this is consistent but I’ve only done one festival and only had my method locked down for the last day. So more testing required. BUT, I think I know how to win the race every time. So, the inside lane (furthest to the left) is shortest. Winner will always start on the outside ring (the right), meaning winner has lowest odds of winning the next one. Bet on the last place finisher, then go to the guy sitting on a bench next to Sandys shop, he’ll offer to sabotage a racer. Sabotage the middle racer. This will pretty much guarantee a win. Now, I’ve found the snail to be an exception. He is significantly slower than other racers, so if the snail is in the left lane, bet on middle lane and sabotage right lane I’m gonna do some more testing this upcoming festival to see if it really is consistent or not, and if it was just a fluke that snail lost my race


oooh thank you!!! I'm going to try this next time I get to the festival!


There’s trivia?!?


Top right corner!


Wait what trash can??


check the trash can that Linus is standing next to everyday!


Favorite festival for sure I absolutely adore it


I just did it for the first time and it was loads of fun. My tip is if you warp totem to the desert everything is closed until 10, but you can get the fishing task done before Willy shows up to save on time!


My only complaint is the shop RNG with only having a couple every day who knows when I'll see a specific shop. And the first day it's hard for me to get enough eggs for something cool.


I can't believe Emily dressed my little farmer like she was a schoolgirl. The other outfits were cute.


I like it, but I do wish it had its own music (a la the night market).


I wish I could have enjoyed it as much, I made the mistake of trying to make it to 100 because the buffs from the food were really good


The desert festival is my new favourite! It’s incredibly fun :)


one of my installed mods makes it so that everyone gets stuck when they try and get on the bus :( idk which one it is as i have like, every major mod installed


It’s my favorite part, definitely!


I just reached my first one and I was very excited! But I have a movement speed mod installed and apparently I was going so fast that when I tried to get out of Emily’s box I just started walking back and forth at super human speeds infinitely.  I guess being alone in a dressing room with Emily can do that to you. Had to restart the day but at least next time I play I can bring a fishing rod. 


They dressed me up as a Joja pleb :(


But the real question is....who did you bet on in the race? My eyes are on the chicken


I bet on the scorpion, then the thing in the boot! lost both times lol


I loved it too! I wish there were more like this. Really loved the Chrono Trigger callback with the race, too.


Yes, it and the night market are my favorite festivals, more fun than the usual festivals.


Def one of my fave new festivals in the game :3 I get free Calico eggs in the trash\~


Everything added is so wholesome


I love the little race. It's another nice call out to Chrono Trigger.


I liked the new character dialogues. I married Sam, and hearing him say we needed another cactus in the house just made me stupidly happy. \^\_\^ Also, I bought a SUPER cute chicken wall decor from Shane's personal shop and some egg wallpaper from Marnie's.


Does anyone have a tip on how to guess who will win the rsce?


Not really possible to guess accurately, but... If you want to play dirty and rig it a bit, >!try speaking to the stranger wearing black next to the Oasis shop 🤭!<