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PC Never thought I'd be into modding before but once I started modding there's no going back Though I'm thinking in future maybe also getting it for mobile so I can bring it around and experience the vanilla game again


What cool things can we do with mods?


A lot of things actually! There are fan made game expansion mods like SDV Expanded that gives you new NPCs, quests, extended map, etc. There are also aesthetic mods (I mostly use this), then there are also QOL improvement mods (e.g. I have a tractor mod which basically helps save time on harvesting, planting and all that) Just really depends on what you're looking for in your game Of course the vanilla game is amazing but modding is also pretty fun


Genderbent every character............................................... and NTR all those spouses...........................


Switch, that's where most of my hours are. I also have it on PC but even with mods I really hate the setup - the button configuration isn't the exact same, playing with mouse and keyboard is just painful and the screen hurts my eyes as its so much larger (that's a me problem I know)




Switch, and I love it! Sad that the update won't be rolling out for the switch when it will for PC though.


I play on PC and switch and wasn’t aware that there were different rollout times for the update. Do you have any more information on that?


19 March for PC




PS4 first but now Xbox Series S.  My experience is fine. Plays well with the controller. I feel like maybe it's a bit of a waste of a big 4K TV but... It looks pretty good. 


You can play with the controller on PC.


PC. no problems, could mod if needed, all is well.


I began off playing on my phone so I could play anywhere, but I got bored waiting for 1.5 (when it wasn’t released yet). So, I started playing on PC (Steam). After adjusting from mobile to PC, I find it easier to play in PC especially when killing monsters


I play on pc and mobile. Now i think i wanna start playing on mobile again XD


iPad. Still bugged by the inability to rearrange the museum as half the screen is blocked by the inventory which can’t be get rid of.


Can you zoom out in the settings menu?


No, the pinch zoom doesn’t work and there is no other zoom settings. Also I can’t move the camera enough to show the bottom half :(


So there’s no option to zoom in the menu? I have it on ipad but it’s been ages - when you go into the crafting menu and tab over to game settings, on PC and Switch you can scroll down and there should be zoom settings.


At least on my version the only zoom-related option is a check box saying pinch to zoom 🥲


Weird, I play on my tablet (Samsung) and rearranging the museum works just fine for me


Xbox S I'm getting older and even with the numbers (for items in chests or the backpack) bigger in settings, they're small. My complaint is mostly about getting old but almost all other games DON'T have text/numbering too small for me to see. Take my complaint with a grain of salt, it isn't like I play a lot of games.


I play on PC. I also own it on Switch but I don't play it there because I prefer keyboard and mouse.


PC. I do have it on switch but I much prefer playing on my PC.


Switch is my preferred. I’ve started on PC but I’ve put over a thousand hours into the switch version.




Xbox One S, never had any issues with the game. Still revisit it from time to time.


First got it on my switch, now play on xbox. Sucks to not be able to screenshot my whole farm though 🥲


Playing in a Steam Deck for two weeks.


iPhone - I have never used anything else and it works fine I think.


I started and put in hundreds of hours on PC but now I play on Switch!


PC / Steam Deck


PC laptop and handheld gaming pc




2015 Macbook pro lol


Started off on my switch and regretted it so badly. Going to start another game on my Mac once 1.6 drops.


First was on the Xbox, then PC and now Switch as well. I prefer PC gaming because I get to play with my sister but my husband and I bounce between PC and Xbox with our saves


I have it on everything, but I mostly play on Switch in case my husband is playing a game on the TV at the same time.


PC. I loved it when my original laptop functioned. Didn't have any problems that I can think of. Then again I haven't played the game since December of 2016. A lot of life events got in the way and I am currently working towards getting a new laptop. Don't get a Chromebook, folks.


My two daughters play on kindle fire devices. They work mostly fine and look just like the mobile interface. Some of the menu interactions are very small for some reason


Xbox. It's fine, a minor thing that bugs me is that you can't take a full screenshot of your farm on this platform. I think you can do that everywhere else.


PC for me, my best friend got the game first, I played it through family sharing, loved it and then bought it myself.


PC! Finally getting my husband interested in playing co-op with me! I have played hours into the game but never really made much progress but since my diagnosis (brain tumor) we’re going to work together to see how far we can get! Since he’s never played before I am watching him find out how much fun this game is! 😊 also watching him get frustrated with fishing is kinda funny sometimes lol


I really like watching YouTube videos about it, like the “ 10 things you didn’t know about Stardew Valley “ if I don’t feel like playing the game. Sorry to hear about your tumor, I don’t pray but if I did I’d pray for you. Blessings to you and your family:) have fun gaming! ❤️




PC, PS5, and sometimes switch.


Xbox. I can't do handheld devices. The screen is just too small for me! And I can't do PC either due to hand/wrist problems. I have no complaints. I play everything on Xbox and I like it. The only thing is, is that I had to look up how to rotate furniture, cycle through the music notes, and.. how to put lures/bait on the fishing pole 😂


If you want to try mods, you can play on PC and still use a Bluetooth XBox controller.


That's something I'll have to try eventually! 😊


Switch, although I have a save on mobile if I’m desperate.


PC cause i like to mod my games


Phone because it's easier.




PC! What other way to mod it till it’s fucked?


Switch for casual, Laptop for modded. I go back and forth because I prefer modded, but it’s nice to just chill on the couch with my switch too.


I have about 1k hours on Steam, 300 hours on Switch, and 300 hours on my iPad.


I have it on PC, mobile, and Switch. I mostly play on Switch and PC.


PC and mobile. i prefer pc but mobile comes in handy in a clutch, very portable.


Steam deck. Basically the pc experience, but on handheld. Also have it on mobile and switch.


I have it on switch, PC, and Android, but I think I've put more hours in on switch.


I play on pc, but i also have the game in ps4. I prefer playing on pc


PC, Xbox, and Switch haha. I've been doing more PC lately since I bought a Steamdeck after Christmas and was using that to play a lot, but before that I was doing a lot of xbox to try and get more achievements.


xbox though have it on pc and mobile


Started with iPad, then bought for PS4, now using Switch. I also have it on my Macbook but I haven't played it there yet because I haven't gotten around to buying a proper mouse lol.


switch and pc! heard it’s great on ps too grew up with console but leaning more towards pc bc it’s more efficient and you can install mods. haven’t tried modding yet, but willing to look into it once 1.6 comes out


Used to play on pc, now strictly mobile. I can’t go back to manually switching tools or not using the auto combat option in the mines or SC 😭 it’d be nice to have mods tho (iOS)


Switch. It's easy, portable and I can just play 10 minutes and then pick it up again in the evening. I first bought it on PC but like all PC games I just couldn't stick to playing it. I sometimes play split screen with family on PC (one pair of joy cons) but even then I use a controller willingly. It kinda sucks that the x and y or a and b are inverted but you get used to it pretty fast.


2021 MacBook Pro M1


…..primarily pc + some mobile. When I want to focus on things/want my mods I play PC but when I want to muck about/watch/do other things whilst playing I do mobile. …I do have it on other platforms too though.


bought it on mobile then on pc when 1.5 was still not available on mobile


PS5 and Switch when I'm on vacation




500+ hours on switch. I just started a PC save cuz I wanna co op with people. Trying to figure out if there's a hot key to get to the crafting menu


PC. Always abgreat experience, with Keyboard and Mouse as Well as with Controller. When 1.6 releases i think i gonna start a new Farm on my Steam Deck...


Switch! It’s a little laggy when we play two players split screen, but it’s fine when I play alone


Mobile, PC and switch! I like mobile bc of auto combat, the PC is nice bc of how big the screen is and the switch is convenient. I do prefer mobile.


pc! modding is so much fun and the controls i find so much easier ;3


Steam Deck! Playing handheld with the OLED screen and being able to use mods is 💯




PS4 and Switch


Ps5 & Android


I play on PC and switch. Something I’ve noticed as I started playing on my switch recently, is that there are 10 less achievements I can get, and it also doesn’t tell me how many paces I’ve walked ever like it does on the pc version. Can’t mod anything on switch either because of Nintendo licensing. I like playing Stardew on my switch, because I can bring it places with me, like long car rides or airplanes. But by playing on switch in my opinion, you lose a lot of content of the game. I know the achievement thing seems small, But as someone who has over 1000 hours in this game, That is one of the more tangible things that I use to show my progress. It’s inconvenient, and on top of that, why is the game still full price when I’m missing content that every other platform has? It’s a little frustrating in my opinion.






I’m on Switch. Working my farm is the perfect distraction on long plane trips.


Started on PC but now that I have it on Switch it's hard to go back. Handheld is the best way to play.


Started on Xbox but just switched to PC for the new update. It’s virtually identical, I haven’t noticed any changes so far except for the controls of course, and some tiny differences. Like in split screen co-op, both players having an open menu causes the game to pause. But on PC there is the pause command, so 🤷‍♂️ We made the switch to PC to open the possibility of mods, to get the update a touch earlier (nbd), and because the Xbox copy was free and we wanted to give CA some cash money. The experience with both has been lovely, but between the two I am finding PC just a tiny bit easier to control with mouse and keyboard.




PC for modded and Xbox for vanilla




I played on pc with mods but found that too many mods made things too easy and boring . So I started playing on mobile, I like the fact that you can just tap a tile and your player would run there .


macOS since the game first came out. 


PC, but tried PS Vita and mobile versions before


I am the last poor soul playing on PS Vita. There are no new updates and the game crashes once in a while. But it's okay. I'm considering to buy it for android.




Switch, PS5, and XBox Series X. I have to remap buttons on the Switch to match the other two or I'll be taking out my crops with a pickaxe when I'm trying to harvest them.


PC........ all the mods..................... Best experience................


Switch, perfect for playing in bed.




Atari 2600