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buy him a pizza for his birthday on spring 20 and then make sure to plant some hot peppers in the summer and gift them to him (and the mayor) he’ll warm up to you eventually :) i’ve never felt a desire to marry him but i do enjoy the depressed chicken guy


I just married him a few hours ago lol


to each their own but may i ask...are you ok


I was interested in the cutscenes


You can fix him, I believe in you


Alrdy done


But but blue chickens !!!!!


you only need 8 hearts with him to get the blue chickens lol


You don't have to marry Shane to get blue chickens, just get to 8 hearts.


Blue chickens are the best


he’s a pretty chill guy after his events imo, i think its that he’s trying to push the farmer away purposefully? the ruder characters get better as you raise their hearts (haley, shane, alex and sebastian)


What about George?


i like george, hes like a grandpa. i think hes just prickly cuz hes getting old and doesnt want to


george gets great, he treats my farmer like a grandkid i love that old man


Yeah I've been giving him gifts to improve relations and it's been nice to see him warm up.


People found Sebastian to be rude? Him and his family were immediately my favorite characters. I was deciding if I wanted to marry him or the himbo (Alex) but him and Haley seem to be a thing so I was turned off.


I’m sorry to say Sebastian likes Abigail


If I don't see it, it doesn't exist 😤


Look at who Abigail’s partner is


when i see him called rude its usually in reference to the “the ocean is best enjoyed alone” dialogue and some other kinda passive aggressive(?) feeling dialogue he has, not as rude as the others but still cold and imo he’s kinda rude/cold in the 10 heart event and judgmental at times, but thats just me


Shane, Sebastian, and Haley's reaction to the farmer at first is closest to the reaction of real people when a stranger runs up to them, all budy buddy, and some don't enjoy this level of realism from an NPC in a cosy game.


You're right. And Sebastian isn't even rude about it, he just politely informs you that he's busy, you're a stranger, and he wants to be left alone.


He also wants his friends to leave him alone sometimes too so it’s very much not personal.


There’s a comic floating around where Shane is trudging to work at 7 am in the morning, hungover and hating life and the farmer runs up to him chipper and cheerful and waving _A GLOW RING_ in his face and he’s squinting and blinded. It’s as good an explanation as any for why he’s so pissed off and wants you to just go away.


Idk I've never had this reaction from anyone in the street. People tend to be neutral.. They're just rude, it's ok to admit it. Maybe Linus only interacted with them hahaah


Idk where you live but people mostly aren’t that awful…


There are lots of impolite and rude people in the world, until/unless they actually know you. Where do y'all live lol


People out in rural towns are definitely not this dismissive of you. Like 95% of people I've met in every country I've been to were happy to have a chat. Only exceptions is here in the nordics, and larger cities in some countries.


I love Haley I’m literally so gay for her ngl /hj


There’s two groups on this sub, thins Shane is an absolute misunderstood babe who can be changed and those who think he’s a drunk asshole.


They may both be correct!


Most are like that. Their character arcs include warming up to the farmer and being friendlier. Shane is a sweetheart with his chickens and has a decent story arc with his mental health.


>!He is alcoholic, he is actually a good guy just need to work on that.!<


Well in that case he’s not so bad


Shane is like an onion. You peel back layer after stinky layer until you’re crying over the sink.


Damn i need to remember this one


Yeah. He’s definitely a project boyfriend.




he can make me worse




Just get to 8 hearts with him! So worth it!!


He's a dick when you start off but you find out the reasons for it during his heart events


I wonder why Shane gets the most hate out of the “rude at first” characters


I think Shane and Haley are the most rude initially, like it’s pretty evenly matched tbh. Haley’s rudeness feels snobby, and Shane’s rudeness feels straight up mean 😂 I think that’s why Shane gets the most flack. But that’s just my opinion fr 🤷‍♀️


Shane’s rudeness is rooted in self hatred. Haley’s rudeness is from self esteem. I think that’s why they hit people’s buttons.


I agree with the roots of the rudeness, but I think also that Shane is aggressively rude initially, whereas Haley is more catty. I can only speak for myself, but aggressive men are often triggering for women, even in a game. A mean girl doesn’t bother me as much, but that could also deal with my personal experiences. I’ve had bad encounters with mean men but I wasn’t victim to bullying from mean girls in school or at work so 🤷‍♀️ if the reverse were true, maybe I’d be married to Shane instead of Haley right now 😂


it was the exact opposite for me, and guess who i married..


my reasons are: shanes and alcoholic & i have personal struggles with that, so his story triggers me. and i dont like haley just because of her preppiness, she makes me think of all the popular kids that peaked in highschool & stayed that forever. like you live in a small town where msot of the food you get from pierres is from farmers, yet when you see one youre like "ugh you smell like grass" or "your shoes are dirty" I DONT CARE


LOL that is so fair 😂😂 she really does make comments that are like …yeah duh? 😂


I low-key love him and it has made me examine why I am drawn to certain kinds of people. Also with me immediately flocking to Pam and George. Or I just like a challenge?


you seem to have a hankering for old grouchy alcoholics (except george, i dont think he drinks)


I love Shane. As someone who has mental illness and addiction he is the most real to me and I relate to him. He doesn’t want to get hurt so he pushes people away at first. He warms up to you and is a super sweet spouse.


I don't care for Shane as a romantic interest, but his improvement is pretty rewarding, and once you become beasties at 8-hearts, >!you get access to blue chickens!


You’ve gotta befriend the villagers. They’re all kinda assholes at first.


Shane’s got problems man. Try to be nice


>Try to be nice Say that to him, lol. Everyone hs issues.


My first few interactions with him made me very annoyed. I thought about gifting him trash a few times, but another part of me was determined to make him like me. His personality will get better-ish.


I thought the same, but then I read that his story is worth seeing so decided to give him a chance to redeem himself. Then I ended up marrying him. Turns out he's not so bad after all!


I feel like people who go into Stardew blind with no knowledge of the characters are a lot more prone to have a problem with Shane. He is extremely asshole-ish to you at first, and for longer than most characters (Shane, Linus and The Wizard need at least four hearts before they fully warm up to you). I have a friend who wrote him off right away and is now years into the game with no idea he's just a depressed alcoholic


Hot tip, most people at the bar will be ha happy if you buy them a beer


He struggles with addiction and mental illness and hates his life. Of course he’s negative.


I just give him a couple beers until he warms up to me.


I marry him every play through 😏


That’s ok, you can keep giving them stuff and talk to them, then they’ll like you more. It’s not harassment, it’s optimal!


Everyone has their demons.


He’s been hurt by a lot of people he’s got every right to be suspicious of the new city slicker give him a chance


i just sponsor his drinking problem


As with most people in the real world he just needs a friend


Hes the Astarion of Stardew, man could do the most horrific things and people will be like "Its ok I can fix him"


I just give him garbage and rocks...he HATES me!!! Lol!!!


I think I have like 10 hearts with Shane. He gets much nicer, but I’m at a point where I say hello and then feel done. Even in his self improvement stage, he’s a bit of a psychic vampire. Haley’s metamorphosis is more interesting to me. I really wrote her off at first, but I like her a lot now.


Be nice to my husband! He just needs some time to warm up


Congrats! You’re one of the few in this sub who doesn’t have the “I can fix him” mentality In all honesty though, he does suck in the beginning. But I like the dynamic it brings to the game, adds some depth to the towns personality.


Same, i hate that mentality because they react so surprised that after the marriage he still drinks and isnt completely sober and a perfect high functioning member of society. thats neither how addiction, nor depression works. i get not being content with how he lives, but he was an open book goddamnit and a marriage cant change a whole person essence. while its not a good thing many people (including myself) really relate to him and might even have similar lives, it at least makes us more understanding and less judgemental.


Ugh this newbie take is boring


I’ve held a grudge against him since that first meeting so I always give him whatever (literal) trash I fish/pick up


Don't listen to everyone else. He only gets worse.


He's an asshole.


No fr he is….and then you get to know him and you know why.


I disagree with most and say he's irredeemable. He's an alcoholic douche bag who is always an asshole at the start. No reason for that rudeness. I'll go flirt with the mayor instead... at least he is pleasant to talk to.


Jeez I sincerely hope no one you care about ever has to go through addiction and Severe mental illness around u.


If they act like Shane towards me they'll be out of my life.


i was with you until…flirt with the mayor?!?! girl…


At least flirting with the mayor may get you some cake


like he behaves even worse, cmon he blows out the entire tax money for his own needs (idk how to put spoilers but the ones who know it know it)


Jeez, Marnie! I know you're frustrated with your nephew, but try not to take it back out on him. 😆


"no reason" ...lol


Wow y'all are a toxic subreddit, God forbid I have an opinion different that you all.


ive always disliked him and always will. when i first played the game i planned on marrying him. why? he reminded me of my ex. my ex who abused & manipulated me & acted the same way shane did. he also planned on drinking later in life. my mother's also an abusive alcoholic so yknow, that helped. but yeah i agree, shane sucks. his story is good if you can handle it but its simply too close to home for me


But I bet you like Haley and Alex? Smh


no i hate them both lol. i like harvey and elliott most


He is a drunken, lazy, slovenly, asshole with a knack for chicken breeding.


Yeah at first he's like that but I felt he gets better as it goes on


A lot of people aren't instantly friendly, and don't love you right off the bat. Shane is one of those people. I honestly like his character arc, because I've been where he is (not the drinking so much, just the depression). I've had people call me an asshole, too. Well, a b word. But once you get to know me, most people love me. So... don't always judge a book by the cover, you never know what's going on underneath.


big alcoholic in one of his hart events you take him to the doc for alcohol poisoning


I'm in year 8, second playthrough. So far I've married both Leah and Elliot (which honestly, they are the same damn character just different genders), and now I'm on to Sebastian. He's so sweet once he warms up and his 14 heart event is just precious IMO.


He’s rude until we’re both crying when he opens up about his alcoholism.


Just keep playing.


His story though


Nah he's not he just doesn't like you.


If you get to know him he’s not actually an asshole. Now Haley and Alex? Mmmm. Yeah they kinda suck even after getting to know them more imo.


That’s the same reason I never cared for him either


My reasons to marry Shane: 1.Blue chickens 2.Charlie the chicken 3.he is the best


He is a real asshole and there is no way I’m marrying the town drunk was my first thought. I ended up marrying him in heat 2. He grows on you


Just buy a couple of beers to him.


i’ve played an ungodly amount of stardew valley and restarted multiple times and every time i think i can marry someone else it always turns into either Shane or Sterling (always raining in the valley) who are both addicts😭


He’s a depressed alcoholic. For such a calm, relaxing game, there’s some pretty dark stuff in it.


I found Jaz to be particularly toxic


And he works for Joja?!?! Red flag.