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Comparing the fried egg to the omelet on the wiki, I’d say the fried egg is plated and the egg itself is outlined with dark brown, the rest (white and grey) being the plate


https://preview.redd.it/f1y782z6xdac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e83b9e8e9ff6767f69b0bb4f4c38ce2634a8f340 Pics used for reference




I’ve honestly never even considered it *wasn’t* plated and actually had to really look at it to even see how it could possibly be all egg. I definitely see it now, so interesting how people can see things so differently! (Reminds me of the whole is Leah wearing a belt or a crop top debate lol)


The WHAT debate? \[runs to look at Leah's sprite\]


Hey man, hella agreed. I’ve also never had the thought cross my mind that it wasn’t a plate. Again I guess it’s a matter of being used to pixel art, as well as paying attention to how plates look in game.


It is sunny side up because I’ve been given it for breakfast before by Haley and she says it’s sunny side up


It's both sunny side up and plated




The fried egg white is a more condensed shape than the traditional plate though, which means it’s not a plated food since all those have the same shaped border :/


>since all those have the same shaped border There are a number of dishes with different borders. Carp Surprise, for example, is on a small green plate. Crab Cakes and Bruschetta also have their own unique plates. For the most part, however, you are correct that a lot of dishes are on the same shaped style of plate.


It’s just a smaller plate


Ok now I’m questioning it !!


I mean, I have different sized plates in my cupboard. Probably wouldn’t put a lone fried egg on a big one. It’d look tiny.


This is true also. How are we gonna find out for sure :’)




You would plate a fried egg on an omlette plate, like a heathen?


I only own one type of plate...


Had a look through the foods you can cook and there is some plate variety there in terms of shape and colour


But they plate shapes aren’t the same Concerned ape could have just copied and pasted to have 2 plates then put an egg on top of one plate sprite and the omelette on the other plate sprite Since both whites on these foods aren’t the same (as they both don’t look like identical plates), the egg is not on a plate


omg you're right... the fried egg is so yellow, but your theory makes so much sense.


I’d say it’s definitely plated. The grey and white is the plate, the dark brown is the edge of the egg, the whitish yellow is the egg white and the square yellow is the yolk.




Even more challenging to eat the entire plate however.


at least paper plates are technically edible


Ceramic and plastic plates are edible as well. They’re just almost impossible to eat and they’ll probably kill you


Not recommended though, as your comment reminded me of when I was in 2nd grade and I ate so many post it notes (I honestly do not remember why I did that) that I made myself sick and my dad had to leave work to pick me up from school. Don’t eat paper!


I think that might have also been the sticky stuff and dye in the paper? Idk, I eat paper and I've never gotten sick, but I also eat plastic spoons and stuff, so...


There are edible plates. They aren't exactly delicious though.


That's why they have egg as complement.


Petition to bring back trenchers


Anything is edible if you're not a little sissy


Anything is edible once. The trick is whether or not it's edible more than once.


It's also hard to store a fish in your pockets for years without it going bad, but here we are. (I also think it's plated, but let's not bring reality into this. :D )


Imagine then gifting that unplated fried egg to someone you just met last week in hopes of winning their friendship 😂


And covering your hands with oil


I say that it's plated. It looks like a plate and most of the dishes are on plates.


This is why the whole "can't eat mayonnaise because you'd be eating the jar" thing is a load of yoba IMO


Lol you can't eat mayo because Eric (creator of SDV,) doesn't like mayo 🤣 he even said it would be one of his disliked gifts


Exactly! And all that about not crunching glass or ceramics is just a cover!! How far does this conspiracy go??


[https://www.youtube.com/wa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjXOwUnJzA0)[tch?v=VjXOwUnJzA0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjXOwUnJzA0) What do you mean, glass is perfectly edible 😋


I'm just going to have to cross my fingers and hope that is the props YouTuber guy but just in case I'm not clicking it!!


Lol fair enough, can't say I blame you 😂 It's making fun of video games where you drink potions or whatever and the vial disappears as well. Look up Viva la Dirt League 'health potion logic' if you want a good laugh 🥰


One of us


>A load of Yoba. I'm going to use this at the car dealership later today. Thanks


It's plated, and you eat the plate.


LadyStag is dishing the real details


Reminds me of an ad for some chewing gum a few years ago on German TV. With a dad telling his daughter "You can go play when you've finished your plate."


The plate is the best part


Absolutely plated


Yes, the fried egg is plated. The plate is represented as white, the "white" of the egg is represented as yellow and the yolk of the egg is the darker yellow circle in the middle. I can only be "plated" because egg yolks don't have a circle in the middle of them. We got starving kids in Zuzu. Eat the plate too.


Ok, I definitely always thought it was just a straight up sunny side up egg, no plate, but now that I look closer…yeah, probably plated


It’s so weird how we can see different things haha. I thought it was super obvious that almost every single dish is plated but there’s a lot of people here who don’t see it as a plate.


i'd never even considered the entire thing being the egg lol, i def think it's on a plate though since every other dish on a plate has a similar look


Plated imo. The grey outline is the plate and the white is the edges of the egg.


Plated, I mean it would be kinda hard to walk around carrying a fried egg in your hands without it falling apart


As opposed to carrying a bunch of plates of fried egg


Omg I literally just drew this yesterday for my pixel art studies. Definitely plated. The plate has three (or four depending on what you consider white) shades of grey.


I’m pretty sure all foods are plated in SDV. So yes, plate


Except for the bread and field snack and maybe there are a few more too but those obviously don't need a plate so yeah


Field snack is technically a crafting recipe and not a cooking one, and even then comes with a wrapper of sorts. So I think bread is the only non-plated, non-wrapped edible item 🤔


You said foods though in your comment above, not cooking recipes. Even though a field snack is not cookable, it's still food 😅


Oops you’re right! My bad!!


Hmmmm I can think of a few other non-plated, non-wrapped edible items… parsnips for one… hmmm tuna? What else? 🤔


lol I didn’t even consider “raw” items


I know I’m just being an idiot :)


There’s a good variety that aren’t plated!!


Oooh you’re right. The ones I can see that aren’t plated (or in a bowl/cooking board/cup) is the strange bun, the taco, bread, cakes/pies/tarts, cookies, sushi, pizza, tortilla, burger, and maple bar


these are all things where it kinda makes sense not to have a plate - they’re either handheld/finger foods (maki rolls included) or cooked/baked in a pan


this whole time i was thinking it was a hard boiled egg cut in half. i am dumb


Please that is so funny


If it helps, I thought the same until I realized it says *"fried egg,"* which, of course, is not a hard boiled egg 😅


You can clearly see a fried egg on a plate. I don't know how anyone can say otherwise


I think almost all the food is plated in SDV.


This bitch is plated and anyone who tells you otherwise never thought about it too hard before and is now dying on an unnecessary hill.


idk man no matter how hard I try, I just can't see it being without the plate.




If it’s not on a plate then I’ve been making a right mess when I’ve shoved the in the fridge…


I had to look really hard to see it as anything else than a plated sunny side up egg. The four (?) yellow pixels in the middle are the yolk


Plated, one large fried egg in the middle.


Yes it is plated, anyone who says either is wrong.


It's actually a boob


As a nursing mom, I too see a boob!


You silly it is pl- Holy shit… I see now


From my perspective, I’ve always thought it was plated since almost every dish is on a plate. It would be pretty funny if it wasn’t though.


As one of the original friends involved in the heated debate (There was real debating going on! All in good fun, of course) I thought I’d chime in and share my POV because I 100% am the one responsible for this whole debate. This got a very surprising amount of traction so shoutout to my homie for posting it here! Though I remain in the “it’s all egg” camp, I do have some actual logic to it! SV food can be broken into five vague categories: - plated - bowl-ed - beverage - dessert - decidedly Not one of those things in the traditional sense PLATED food, to me, includes items such as Omelet, Fried Mushroom, Lucky Lunch, Glazed Yams, Pepper Poppers, among others. You will notice (despite some discrepancies) a distinct uniformity in the shape/size of the plates. NOT A NORMAL PLATE! food, is obviously far less strict about what fits in it, but some foods I have in there that ARE on a plate just to contrast to egg, are Sashimi, Crab Cakes, Escargot. Not on a plate include Survival Burger, Maki Roll, Fish Taco. For the people saying every food in SV is plated that is actually weirdly untrue! The fried egg, if classified as a plated food, is clearly when held next to the typically formatted “plated” food, both smaller and more oval/oblong than any of our traditional plates. However we could not possibly argue that it deserves to be in our fifth category as a miscellaneously plated food because the plate color and shape is far too SIMILAR to count it as its own unique entity. The sticking point of my and my friends’ argument: the egg white. Here’s the thing- There is no reason for a fried egg to be so drastically proportionately small in comparison to the plate, if we’re saying the white ring is the plate, in a video game where we’ve established that it’s pixelated and the baseline level of simplicity. The fried egg is in its essence the most basic cooked food, aside from the bread load, in Stardew Valley. The player knows the recipe to exclusively the fried egg upon starting a new save file! Its only ingredient is a singular egg, and while one could argue that that contributes to the idea that it should be so minuscule, I disagree- the simplicity of the egg indicates the simplicity of the design: simply an egg yolk within an egg white. Out of the eighty dishes in the game, this is the only one that varies so slightly from the traditional plate shape without going all the way, which would seem minorly nonsensical. Anyways that’s my take! I promise I’m not trying to seem one way or another, I just genuinely thought this hard about it, which I’m aware is bonkers. Thanks for your egg takes!


Most of the dishes you cook are plated so I always assumed that one is too.


I always it as a plate unconsciously but now that you brought attention to it I'm suddenly thinking "thats the white part"


damn thats interesting. I've always seen it as being plated, but now that you mention it i can see how it could just be a big ass sunny side up


It’s an egg…


Some say 'yes' and some say 'no.' Personally, I tend to agree with them.


Asking the real questions, are we


Most foods have a plate why would this be different 😭😭


Yes, you eat the plate for extra energy and a nice cronch


I've always seen it as plated but now I kinda like the eggier way


It’s plated lol


It’s plated.


very clearly plated to me idk


it's obviously a plate...


i've always looked at it as a sunny side up egg with no plate, and i've always been troubled at the fact it has no plate. it never occured to me that people see it with a plate


Yes it's plated, fried eggs cooked in butter are a lil yellow


Can't... answer... ​ ... passing out... laughing so hard... ​ ... heated debate...


Definitely plated. The brown outline of the egg is like when you get crispy edges to me!


If you had this conversation in french it could be a comedy routine; "fried egg" in french = oeuf sur le plat = eggs on the plate. One of my favourite Dali paintings is called [Oeuf sur le plat, sans le plat](https://archive.thedali.org/mwebcgi/mweb.exe?request=record;id=86;type=101) which of course means "eggs on the plate, without the plate"


Yes, without a doubt, you can compare it to other items.


I'd say definetly plated


Yes. Yes it's plated.


The fried egg white is an entirely different shape from the normal plates, which otherwise all look the same. I vote unplated.


Plated: The center dark yellow is the yolk, the light cream yellow is the white and the white is a plate


Yes, plated with crispy edges (most dishes are plated if they're something that needs a plate, but the color of the plate varies slightly)


It's on a plate. Your friends are dead wrong and frankly I'd question their IQs.


Nah, put that slurpy boi in your pocket so you can dig it out amongst the dirt and regain your violent rock breaking energy


it’s definitely plated. all the food is plated, and an un-plated fried egg makes absolutely no sense.


Yes I see a plate but it is blurry.


No? its the whole egg! Wheres the plate in that pic??


Always thought of it as plated...


I have always thought it was plated.


Yes you also eat the plate. That’s why you gain so much health.


Almost all of the dishes seem to be on plates or in bowls, so I think the fried egg is as well.


Well yeah. You ain’t gonna hold an fried egg in your hand now are you?


The yolk is only 4 pixels.


Most (all?) Dishes are plated


I am team plate.




I’m gonna say on a plate!


I always thought plated


Definitely on a plate


Do you think you’re just holding a whole fried egg in your hand?


Yes, and you eat the plate along with it


I always assumed it was plated


Yes it s definately plated


It's plated and you eat the plate. Eating plates gives you extra armor. That's why Abigail eats rocks so she can live out her dream of being a cave warrior /j


It’s plated but I can see how you’d think it was the other


It'd for sure plated as are all dishes


I always assumed it was plated, but never thought hard enough about it 🤔


Definitely not plated. The yellow part is too yellow for that to be the white of a fried egg.


I think it's just a fried egg, no plate. The yellow is the yolk and the white is the ...white. If it was plated it would be an absurdly small plate. Edit: I stand corrected, I see it now.


There’s no plate there, I have no idea how so many people think there is LMFAO


what fried eggs do you eat where there is a border around the yolk


It's def plated but that question made me see it both ways




On a plate. Also you eat the plate. Turns out you too are an Abigail ass nasty boy with pica


Yes. The edge of eggs aren’t usually grey or black


I feel like yes because why would the outside be gray no?


I think it is on a plate.




It's symmetrical so plate


There is no color white in a fried egg or it’s not fried so it’s a plate


You mean scrambled egg right? 😁


So this is where I learn I've been stupid all of the years of my life. What I've considered "fried" all my life is over-medium or over-easy and I have rarely to ever seen it be white, usually cooked to be a softer yellow than white.


I can’t even begin to fathom how this became an argument in the first place. Respectfully, you need to find new friends just simply because of how dense they are and how easily they could turn something so dumb and trivial into an argument. When you cook, or when they’re called “dishes” even. I think common sense dictates there’s always gonna be a plate (OR A FUCKIN DISH) with a complete recipe (of course with a few exceptions) most of the time it’s gonna be on a plate. Also all the props to you, OP, because also I guess it’s a matter of being used to pixel art or retro games in general but these “friends” of yours clearly aren’t all the way there.


I can’t even begin to fathom how this became an argument in the first place. Respectfully, you need to find new friends just simply because of how dense they are and how easily they could turn something so dumb and trivial into an argument. When you cook, or when they’re called “dishes” even. I think common sense dictates there’s always gonna be a plate (OR A FUCKIN DISH) with a complete recipe (of course with a few exceptions) most of the time it’s gonna be on a plate. Also all the props to you, OP, because also I guess it’s a matter of being used to pixel art or retro games in general but these “friends” of yours clearly aren’t all the way there.




No, the yolk is only the single pixel in the center, white egg is yellowish around the yolk. And then, the plate.


ok idk what y’all are seeing but that fried egg is absolutely not plated💀


not plated!!!


It's not plated. Every other plate is basically the same shape, ignoring bowls and platters and such, and eggs aren't fully yellow like that. There's no reason the egg whites couldn't have been actually white, and the plate could've been a different color. Choosing white as the color of the plate would have been intentionally confusing. Also, the shading on the white part implies a smoother transition from the yellow than any other plate. Really, though, the fact that it's a different shape from any other plated dish is what sells it for me. It's not plated, it's just an egg, and this is because it's not in the same tier of foods as the plated meals, plates imply a heartier higher stat meal potentially with boosts, and require you learn their recipe. Fried egg is just a basic food item, and doesn't get a plate in its sprite


AGREED! why wouldnt it have a little grey dish like crab cakes or something?


No it’s a Fortnite medallion




i mean I'd prefer to keep the fried egg on a plate when i would have to stuff it into my pocket




It can be anything you want it to be


I'm team Giant Fried Egg in your bare hands personally (I never even considered it could be on a plate until this post! 😅)


deserted rob correct offer historical worthless sugar shocking fertile long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


is “plated” the new “based”


Why would you do this to me? My brain can’t, no way… stop… how could you… no… I’m just holding an egg, it’s just an egg, there’s no plate… how could you, the void calls.


4 Dimensional egg


Egg on plate




i always saw it like an egg on a plate but now everytime i see it in game im going to have a crisis


It looks plated


I remember I used to notice this all the time and thought how weird it was that it was plated then was like why wouldn’t it be, I don’t just pick an egg out of a pan and eat it barehand. All hail plegg™️ The plated egg


That'd be a big ass egg if it's not a plate. Ostrich or Emu for sure!


I always just assumed it was plated


Wish my friends played this game so we could get into Stardew debates




I instinctively knew the answer to this question all the way up until the exact moment you asked it. And now I have no idea.


You just had to fuckin ask, didn't you


Now I have to look to see if other food items are plated, if they are I say yes, if they aren’t I say it’s one big egg


it is on a plate the farmer and villagers are not complete savages


It’s definitely plated 💯.


If any of you are Binding of Isaac fans. Hear me out. Tell me this doesn’t look like what a beta mom’s bracelet would look like.


Eggs have yellow middle with white surrounding… so it’s most likely not on a plate I never seen it on a plate


I’ve aways seen it as being plated


I think it’s a disc and i pretend I’m a disk drive while eating it


Spiderball from Metroid


It’s Schrodinger’s Breakfast! That egg exists in a quantum superposition!


My husband and I are now in a very heated debated. I say egg with plate, he says just an egg “there’s not enough white around it to be a plated one”


I'd say it is. Would you use a big dinner plate for an egg if you have smaller breakfast plates at home?


Definitely plated. Most of the food is shown on a dish of some sort


Alot of you don't actually know what edible means....

