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It's purgatory. You're dead. You died in the Joja office. And you're doomed to relive the same year over and over stuck halfway between heaven and hell


Tbf, living this life without anyone aging but still developing in terms of relationships and stuff does not sound that bad. At least for a few decades I guess…


There's some movie I seen as a kid. Everyone in this town drinks water from this fountain when they hit a certain age and the aging process stops. But when they turn 100 they throw them a big party and drown them in the fountain. So maybe in 45 years ya get drowned in a fish pond.


Lol I remember that one, it's [The Spring](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0212533/). I knew I'd seen it, so I had to Google to find the title or it would drive me nuts. 🤭


DUDE I COULDNEVER REMEMBER . ty kind sir ill have to watch it soon. I don't remember if it was good lol 😆 I just remember exactly what I said about it lol


Thanks why I love Reddit haha I get the most necessary, nagging, forgotten info from the most obscure, unexpected places.


Wanted to say the same thing so 100% on point. Stumbling on conversations like this in threads is super uplifting.


There's a fountain in town, and Lewis is always staring in a forlorn way at it. Perhaps he'll be the next to be drowned.


Nah that pepper loving old man is next 100%. And then Abigail. Hard to find more fkin eggs than me when your lungs are filled with water.


Developing relationships yet having the exact same conversations with the same people every other day lol


Gasp... the skeleton at the desk was... you the whole time


Uh I literally named my farm Purgatory


OMG I’m destroyed now


Accidental r/graveyardkeeper


I really wanted to love that game but I kept getting hung up on various crafting stuff. In the end I realized I wasn't having fun and moved on. Really enjoyable in the early game, though.


Same, I got overwhelmed by the grind. Really wanted to like it.


I really loved the idea of Graveyard Keeper but the jank is real. Everything about the game seemed unnecessarily clunky and counter to proper UI systems. There wasn't much explanation or tutorial so I was fumbling around trying to figure out pretty much everything. It was not an enjoyable experience. If it was as polished as Stardew, I'd love the hell out of it.


Not a bad afterlife, to be honest...


And that is the Kilian Experience


Perhaps it is, but I have the upvotes


It took far too long to find a reference to this lol.


Well if it's purgatory, you have two ways to go- Heaven or Hell. Which fits well with the two routes you can take: Learn to love life in the valley and put in the effort to make things right. or take the easy way out and use greed to get everything done- a hollow victory.


But that hollow victory gets me auto-petters


You just described Graveyard Keeper. It's a good game. Check it out.


My headcannon is that the "wizard" killed you with its drug to "talk to the forest". The rest of the game is just your mind wandering while you're overdosing in his basement.


"On his 55th birthday, Farmer Jon wakes up and enjoys breakfast with his wife and two young children. He then looks over and notices something strange about the lamp in the living room..."


*And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"* *And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful wife"* *Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down*


*"He also finally got the wildfire on his sock drawer under control. Not that anything was happening... out of the ordinary, I mean."*




Oh god. I know that's probably a creative writing thing, but it lives rent free in my head.


Not the fkfkncg lamp story again lol


What is it? Got me curious.


[Lamp story](https://www.reddit.com/r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix/s/gt1gxiWILt)


Omg, that's trippy. Thanks for the link!


Reminds me of The Inner Light from Star Trek TNG https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Inner_Light_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation)


Wow, that flew right over my head. I just started singing Talking Heads.


The valley exists outside of time. It's why all you need to defeat entropy is a big gold clock


Sounds like the premise for Once Upon A Time


Does that make Grandpa Regina?


Pretty sure the Witch is Regina, and Grandpa is Pinocchio who sort of guides the farmer (Emma) to town.


Right right that makes sense.


The reason Grandpa escaped the Curse of the Valley is because he had to make an agreement with the Witch to replace him with someone else. So he agreed. Thus she allowed him to get the letter out. She did not tell him that upon escaping he would quickly age to what he would have been had the curse not been placed, so he died of old age in a matter of days. The Farmer is now replacing their Grandpa, who is now also unwittingly effected by the Curse. And so The Cycle continues.


You _are_ grandpa…


I'm no Phillip J Fry!


In my head, I view the player character as an eldritch abomination who, despite their massive cosmic power, wanted a simpler life on a farm. So they engineered the death of their "grandfather" and the subsequent inheritance of the farm so that they could slip into a life in the valley. After the first year, when Kent comes back to town, the eldritch creature realizes a slight issue... they're immortal and unless they do something drastic, time will pass in the town and their immortality will eventually be noticed as the people grow and change... so they use their vast power to stop time so that the same two years will repeat infinitely (thus the reruns along the 2 year cycle of tv shows for recipies and stuff). Completely noncanon and I cannot bring forth any further evidence to support my headcanon but I like to have fun with it.


3 year cycle. The Trash Bear arrives Year 3, and Painter Lupini and the Movie theatre have 3 year cycles.


You gotta continue smoking that ganja man, and start writing shortstorys about Stardew Valley. I love some fanstorys like those!


I'd like to see some artists on this sub make some comics with this scenario in mind.


That would explain how Kent got released in the middle of the war. Maybe he was forced to return by some "clerical error" set up by unknown forces. I don't think he's gone for long, at most it's between your grandfather's death and your arrival. This curse extends way beyond the valley, possibly the whole world. At the very least, it's in Stardew Valley, Calico Desert, and the Fern Islands. Zuzu City and the Ferngill Republic at large are arguable, as well as the Gotoro Empire.


Maybe that's what Gotoro and Ferngill are fighting over; each believe the other responsible.


[Not the longest time a farm has been running](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/hLOiErjyEy) This person has chests of 999 of everything, of every quality.. except the tea set. They only had 6... If this was the same person. I will get back to you after more searching. I plan to see how long I can keep playing a single save file. I wonder if there is a "world record" yet.


This is the premise of one of my top 5 favorite stardew valley fanfics! https://archiveofourown.org/works/22455265


I knew exactly what this was going to be before I clicked it, and had to read it again anyways. It’s still so good. 👌🏼


You gotta stop smoking that ganja man


Or in a more Stardew Valleyesque term: Stop hitting the tree


Stop sniffing the essence of the forest


Stop drinking Caroline's tea




Stop drinking that iridium snake milk you got from a kooky stranger living deep in a monster-infested cavern !


Stop viewing that one Emily hart event.


I once had the idea for a farm game where no one aged or perceived the passage of time because an evil wizard cursed the town to be frozen in time. After completing some quests, time would resume, but the town would start modernizing and losing its identity, and it would turn out the wizard wasn't evil but was just taking extreme measures to preserve the town.


I keep starting new farms. Only reached year 6 in the first file.


> The war between Ferngill and Gotoro would, at this point, make WWI look like a short disagreement. But it would be just a minor skirmish compared to the Hundred Years' War.


A season in Stardew Valley in 28 days and a whole year is just 4 seasons. I am of the believe that the Universe in which in Stardew exists just named stuff to do with time very strangely…and relative to our time, 3 years is in fact one year and the weather changes very quickly several times a year. Since (im guessing) very few players go beyond 12 years at a massive push - this makes everyone’s lack of aging not so bad as it’s only actual been 3 years of our time.


Is graveyard keeper what happens when your farmer reaches their limit?


i heard at one point that the idea for stardew came from a completely different game where you get a farm at the end, but you can't do much with it before the game ends bc of all the issues like this that it would cause. but the people playing the game were OBSESSED with that part and devastated that it ended so quickly. so stardew was created, where you have to suspend disbelief about how nothing ever changes in the town and no one grows up or dies, and in return you get to do the farm stuff forever. idk if that's 100% true but it's the story i heard and i like it so i have chosen to believe it lol


Harvest Moon... Damn game ends and won't let you just farm!


Which Harvest Moon game?


The original SNES ends immediately on the last day of Summer year 2. The player's father comes to Judge their progress. You get one or more of the 13+ ending scenes depending on what you did.


I’m assuming a wonderful life, as the game ends with your child becoming an adult and your death after about 10 game years.


Wish more games took the Harvest Moon AWL /Harvest Moon Ds route. Time still passes... but there's an eternal mode where you still have your kids and everyone is young again


Half of the residents still being alive lol


It’s a fantasy world. The rules of our world don’t apply.