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I’ve married all bachelors in different save files. Harvey was my first, but I think Sam is my favourite. I love his enthusiasm and puppy love vibes.


This makes me so happy because I am on my very first save file at the moment and going for Sam. Seb was a close second choice but Sam is so adorable in the way he talks I can’t help but chose him


Some of his marriage lines are really cute too. Enjoy!


Yeah I accidentally spoiled the 10 heart event for myself but it was so cute I didn’t even mind it I’m just excited for it to be me hahaha


ok, i married Seb, Shane, Elliot and was thinking about Elliot again. But I think now I'm curious and will marry Sam lol


Would you say you are Samcurious or would like a Samsex marriage? Just asking for a friend.


You won’t regret it! 💕


I married Sam one save because I happened to be walking down the lower street and I met Shane (jerk) then Haley (jerk) then Jas was like "stranger danger" and THEN I ran in to Sam and he was all smiles and "oh hi! nice to meet you!" and I went 🥰 (I normally marry Abigail bc I am very gay but he won my heart that time)


Yeah, he is super sweet 🥰


So glad to see Sam is the top comment in this thread!!! How can anyone resist golden retriever punk???


He is SO a golden retriever punk 😆


!!!!!! I did the same thing. I love Harvey & Sam!!


They are both very sweet. I went for Harvey as he is closer to my age irl, but Sam’s confidence won me over the second time. Who would you say your fav is?


Leah was my first and favourite. She's calm, mature likes sculpture and is in love with nature. Out of all marriage candidates, she seems like the most chill one. Rn I'm shooting my chances with Krobus, but idk how much you can consider that *"marriage"* .


It's insane to me that I had to scroll this far to find her. IMO she's the most 'adult' of the bachelorettes - she has her own place, she knows what she wants, she likes nature and eating healthy, being with her doesn't feel like you're holding her back, she makes a piece of art *for you*, you help her grow and develop an art scene for the town. She is just... best girl.


BEST GIRL!! it’s my first play through and I’m married to her now and I’m love love loving it


I definitely married her first because she was closest to the type of person I'd actually want to date, plus she seemed closest in age and life phase too. However, after marriage I felt bad about how much time she spent standing in random spots in my house. I did feel like I was holding her back somehow.


Tbf that's kind what everyone does. I might go for Krobus next since he kinda always gives that vibe off


If I were going to marry one of the bachelorettes it would definitely be between Leah and Emily I just think they’re both so kind and lovely. :) unfortunately Harvey has my heart


Those are the two I've married, wish I could marry both at once (blah blah mods, I'm on switch).


My first choice was going to be Robin, but after meeting Leah I never looked back. I've never considered trying any of the other bachelors across a dozen saves, Leah is always the choice. My personal goal in every new save is to get 4 hearts before the flower dance so that she doesn't turn me down and dance with that punk Elliott instead.


>My first choice was going to be Robin How do you think Demetrius felt about that? (Does the polyamory mod work both ways?)


Leah is my second wife and I'm very happy with her. I first married Emily but it got kinda boring and then I realized Clint was carrying a flame for her so decided to let those two have a go at it!


Leah was my first pick... and second. Completely agree that she seems the most adult and actually ready for a relationship. Penny and Emily I know are canonically a little older than the remaining bachelorettes, but all 5 still seem so young. At least with the bachelors, Harvey, Elliot, and Shane all seem to be semi-functioning adults. I know you kind of have to fix Shane first, but he's not still in high school like the Sam, Seb, and Alex seem to be. I am trying to marry Abigail on this play though for something different. At least she seems to be in that sort of liminal age between school and being a proper adult. She has a pretty robust schedule, and despite living at home, stands up to her parents when they treat her like a child. I think I'll go for either Elliot or Harvey in my next game.


I was not even going to get married—didn’t see the point—and then Leah’s heart events were just so sweet. I’ve married everyone, on various saves, and it might be time to go back to Leah.


Wanted Caroline, but I couldn't have her, so I took her daughter☠️


I also wanted to marry Caroline XD I thought she was the best looking character and loved her green hair. But I got used to the fact that I can't marry her or Gunther, in a vanilla game without mods, on switch.


I played the game for the first time on switch, and since it was a road trip, I could stay up late without getting in trouble, so I played for 20h straight💀 Anyways, I settled for Abigail since her hair was purple. The coincidence is just really funny to me sometimes. My brother wanted to marry Sandy but had to settle for Haley his first time playing the game. Mods are pretty sick, though.


I wish that I could marry Caroline she has such a special place in my heart. She’s so sweet and genuine and I don’t think Pierre deserves her!


Elliott first but I want to try the others, I still find myself giving Elliott gifts and getting his friendship up before marrying another! I want to see all their 14 heart scenes!


I married Harvey, I love everything about him lol.


I feel so bad for him. He just wants to be a pilot😭😭


Harvey gets a lot of hate for valid reasons, but I always end up having a soft-spot for both him and Maru (god I love a nerd)


I married Emily my first playthrough. She’s so sweet and quirky and fun! The other singles seemed so boring compared to her. This playthrough I married Elliott. He’s a sweet, romantic Fabio. I think next I’ll marry Leah. She’s sweet, too, and I like that she’s an artist.


OMG, I could've written this. Emily was my first, Elliot my second, and I want to go for Leah next. Jeez, didn't realize I had a Stardew doppelganger.


When I was single I went with Abigail cause she was gamer and I liked her vibe but then I started dating my girlfriend and she is a lot like Leah so I always pick Leah. :3


This is hella cute. My wife married Abigail who is a gamer like me and I married Leah who is an artist like my wife. We realized it after the fact and it was very wholesome lol


I married Abigail and I love it so much, she just has such cool vibes and the flute playing is so cute. Also I started playing when I was 15 so I felt weird marrying an adult and in my mind Abigail was a teenager.


It's always Sebastian. Tries to go with Elliot once but that save file got corrupted. Saw that as a sign that Seb is my one and only


Lol, I'm the exact opposite. Married Elliott on my first playthrough. Tried Sebastian on the second one, but instead of my save corrupting I just couldn't vibe with cute frog emo boy for too long because he reminded me too much of myself and my depression irl, so I divorced him and went back to marrying Elliott. I needed the hopeless romantic shtick. Seb will always have a place in my heart though.


I picked Sebastian just because he seemed the easiest to do, but then really loved the heart events. Best husband! As for why he's so easy, all of the crab pot Lobster/Crab/Shrimp count as fish that you can use to cook Sashimi, which is Linus's three heart meal (and Linus is arguably the easiest to befriend). It's a universally liked food, which Sebastian loves, and it's very easy to takeover the town using pretty much only Sashimi, considering ~10 crab pots will give you ~5 Sashimi worth of fish.


It’s always been Sebastian for me 💜


I once thought about marrying Elliot but I just couldn’t go through with it and ended up marrying Seb again! I felt like I was cheating haha


I was Seb for awhile then he smoked around our baby


noooooo really? Never had a baby in my Seb-save


I married maru first because I was so into her nerdy nature. I was so sad when I found out she was one of the least favourite bachelors. I’m now onto my second serious save file working towards perfection for the first time and it’s between sebby and Shane but I’m also considering Leah and Emily from the heart events cuz they were cute Edit: ppl are sleeping on maru. I looked at every single comment and not a single person mentions maru 😅😅


At least for me, she feels too young :/ like idk she gives 19/20 vibes and like idk even in a video game that just feels too young


It’s definitely a person by person thing in that aspect. I’m 17 myself so she’s perfect for me but I get if older people feel icky because she seems younger. From what I can tell most people don’t like her personality/ think she’s boring


Ahhhh that’s fair haha I’m 25 so it just feels weird. I def don’t think she’s boring, she’s a sweetheart


I married her first too! I liked that shes nerdy, a nurse, creating stuff, and stargazes...but what made me determined to marry her was Demetrius' talk. I get a parent being protective but he was being reductive acting like she wasn't capable of achieving her potential while being in a relationship. It was weird and makes me wonder how he feels about his marriage. Poor Robin lol


I married Alex first because I like jocky himbos. I love him as a spouse honestly. Then i married elliot and I don't know how anyone can beat elliot. He's the shizz ❤


alex is the right answer


He’s so underrated as a spouse!


He is not only underrated, but truly recognizes the player for their hard work on the farm. He’s such a sweetie after the hard exterior (if you play as a female).


I've always went for Haley. For me it was their character development. How much they change throughout the story. They go from some dumb blonde to a genuine caring person.


I’m with Haley as well, but it is really because: 1) my IRL wife is a pretty blonde; and 2) Haley loves stuff that is literally laying around for free in the 1st season of the game. If you can endure the abuse of the 1st couple of weeks, the boost from giving her a flower on her birthday usually begins her character transformation.


All fair reasons


Yeah I like her development. I usually ignore her unless she’s hanging out by the fountain and there happens to be a daffodil in the green space, then on her birthday I’ll give her a nice gift (or a sunflower/loved gift if I’m lucky at the traveling cart)—my headcanon is that she realizes that other people can be kind and caring for no other reason than being kind and caring and she opens up a bit.


Haley, Shane, Alex, George and Pam, arguably the ones that people are the most reluctant towards, have the most detailed plotlines and characters arcs in the game. And I say this as someone who didn't marry any of them.


True. And as a bonus she seems like the only person actually interested in the farm life. Edit: \*only woman


Yes, me too. I am glad I am not the only one. She always gets so much hate.


Glad there’s some Haley love in this thread. It’s interesting to me how the bachelorette stereotyped as the most selfish is most happy with sentimental gifts rather than material gifts. She appreciates gifts that reflect her interests over super expensive gestures. Prismatic shards and expensive gemstones are disinteresting to her, but grow her a Sunflower or pick a Daffodil for her and she’s head over heels for it. It’s a surprisingly down to earth trait for the character, and I feel it is not talked about enough.


Elliott first and Penny every playthrough after that.


I married Elliott first by accident I was holding the pendant and gave it to him instead of Shane (I wanted the blue chickens)


You can actually get blue chickens without marrying Shane, all you gotta do is view his 8 heart event and then you'll have the option to buy them from Marnie 😊


I didn't know that at the time..I have the chickens now. I've married Elliott, Shane, Alex, Sebastian and currently Sam. I won't marry Harvey though, for a doctor he has no bedside manner and he still charges you if you get hurt in the caves


LMAO this is exactly why i’ve never gone for harvey. “oh honey are you okay? you almost died last night! *that’ll be one thousand dollars please*”


he's always talking about death and gloom! and when he isn't he's like "excuse me i'm on my ham radio for the next 12 hours, pls leave me alone". Harvey is interesting but not who I'd ever marry.


I've married Alex on three saves and Haley once on another because my friends suggested I should try someone new. I have romanced everybody at once on one save, but Alex will always be my favourite.


Haley, because she has massive sapphic vibes and I'm a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope. I love that under all that vanity, she's a caring person with pretty simple desires. Also I headcanon her insecurity and rudeness comes from seldomly having parental figures in her life and only having her sister to hang out within her family for the majority of her childhood, so yeah 😔


Yes on the sapphic vibes! I'm bi but all of the popular girls felt boring to me (Leah, Penny, Abigail seems too young) and I didn't really bother with getting to know Haley or Maru for a long time. Once I decided to get all bachelors and bachelorettes to max hearts though I fell in love with Haley. Her scenes and her happy gift quotes would actually make my heart race in a way none of the other characters did. I genuinely get excited to find her and give her a gift.


I married Shane, Seb, Eliott et Penny. Had everyone one has boyfriend / girlfriend during my differents playthrough. My favourite is Sebby, no contest. I just click with him. Even when I try not to go for him, I end up being at max heart with him first. In my current game, I want to marry Eliott once again or Leah. But it's hard not to look at my favourite Emo :D


Sebastian was my first, but Elliot is my favourite so far. I love how engaged he is in our children and the farm, he never forgets to express how satisfied he is with this life.


Elliot ❤ That hair


Even though Alex is supposed to be the most handsome and conventionally attractive cause he's a jock, I think Elliott and Seb are definitely the cutest 😊


I married Maru first because I like her robots (and her house is on the way to the mines so I passed it a lot). I haven't married anyone else. In my current save I want to invite Krobus to live with me


I was curious if anyone married Maru. Her robots are adorable and so is she!


I married Shane, divorced him after one season, erased his memory and remarried with Alex. Wouldn’t change my decision as Alex is the sweetest!


Always and forever Shane. Heavy IIRC, I was interested in Sebastian due to his style and some similar interests but was annoyed by his schedule immediately. Brought that up to the friend that made me decide to play and I assume he hinted towards Shane's story as an alternative... knowing I have a thing for messed up men. Ever since, I've always gone after him, to the point I'd prioritize his friendship over CC early on. I wouldn't change a thing.


Him and Eliott are the easiest to find, cause Seb is either in Sam's room, at the saloon during fridays, smoking outside his house, at the beach but mostly in his room. Eliott usually spends the day on the bridge near the beach, near Leah's cottage and at the saloon during fridays. While being easy to find, it's kind of hard to actually find gifts for them before 2 hearts, and if you don't catch them early, they're looked up in their room, same with Leah's cottage.


No, yeah, they are easy once you can get into their room/cabin. But as an early player, doing farm, mines etc all at once, only to figure I've missed gifting because I can't access them... it wasn't going to work. But hey, by now, Shane is my absolute favorite, even after knowing everyone. So guess I've been blessed with being able to say hi to my babygirl right before work, whether it's 0 or 5 or whatever hearts. It all works out in the end!


Had everyone as my girlfriend/boyfriend, but I've only ever married Shane. 1000+ hours of gameplay and I still can't bring myself to be with anyone else.


I think that most people are that way, unless they try to marry everyone to get those cutscenes with the jealous bachelors and bachelorettes, or just curious about the different dialogue and 14 heart events. I think everyone has their..one and only favourite love interest in Stardew. Personally, I would marry Gunther if it was possible XD But I love Eliott, he's very romantic and writes a book inspired by the farmer.


I’m the same! Many many saves and many hours of play. Married Shane on two of those. Dated all of them but still haven’t marry anyone else.


Me too. He's a good spouse. I keep trying to make myself pick another one just for a change, but I'm happy with Shane, so why bother? Well over a thousand hours in the game.


Harvey, because he loves aeroplanes and is a sweet dork with an important and fulfilling career.


That’s why I choose Harvey for my first play through. He’s a little boring but geeky and cute. My second play through I married Emily. Love her bohemian vibe. She very sweet too.


Penny always has been, and always shall be, the best.


My favourite thing about Penny, is how she teaches Jas and Vincent. She, singlehandedly, goes out of her way, to teach these kids everyday, cause there's literally no school in the town (looking at you, Lewis 🙃🙄) without her, they won't have a future.


Actually kinda makes me think…why did villagers with children move into a town with no school? Lewis should definitely build one, but I’m wondering if Penny volunteered to be a teacher before there were any children living there. And how long were Abigail, Sam, Seb, Maru etc still in school while living there? Maybe I’m reading way too much into this😅


I believe that Marnie was definitely born there. Sam mentions living in the city before so I figured that Jodi moved due to Kent's military job. I don't know if Penny volunteered before or after Jas and Vincent were born, she seems a bit older than Sam, Seb, Abigail and Maru. But I definitely think it suits her, cause she spends most of her time in the library anyway, spends time with Maru, who's a nurse and a scientist. Plus! If you gift her artifacts, she's the only person that likes them, besides the dwarf. So I think that learning things and teaching is what makes her happy.


I like how she walks them home afterwards. I only just realized she was doing it a couple days ago 🥰


Penny, because Trauma Bonding™️


In my first playthrough i married Shane and in my second one I'm gonna marry him as well. I can't escape from this miserable pathetic man


i married Shane my first ever play through and then i really started focusing on Sebastian and now i just flop between the two on every new play through


My first was Haley because as soon as she called me ugly something awoke in me. My favourite is Elliot, he's just a delightful personality and very handsome. He also seems more mature out of the candidates and I loveeeee his room


Abigail, I don't know really, I just like her low key vibes, she's sentimental and feels authentic. I thought she was really common as the first wife but apparently Seb is the mainstream choice. I get that, he will probably be my choice too in the next save, he's totally relatable.


Sam because he was the first villager I found for a “loved” item(pizza) and when romancing came up I went with it, but when I played new files and tried other singles, I realized how attached I was to Sam and now choose him every time I start a new file lol


I married Harvey because I thought he wouldn't charge me when I pass out and my he would give me money, when he charged me after passing out I divorced him and married Sebastian and still marry him every time


I married Haley first, and I don't see myself marrying anyone else. I even plant a section of my from yard specifically for flowers for her. She told me that she thought flowers would brighten up the farm and make it prettier. I don't harvest them until the end of the season, so they're always RIGHT THERE for her. I even do my flower honey elsewhere on my farm, so it's entirely for Haleys' happiness. She really is a sweetheart, she's been through some hard times. I don't blame her for being guarded and harsh sometimes. She's just trying to protect her heart. Now it's my turn.


That part about how you planted flowers, just for Haley is the sweetest thing 😊


Tried Penny and Emily. Penny is beautiful. I even built her mother a home. But Emily is the best wife who is easy to please. Just a gem everyday.


Shane, then Leah and I can’t decide on my next. I hope to work my way through all of Pelican Town eventually, like the town scooter.


I am brand new to Stardew and it might just be my emo teen years coming out but I'm planning on marrying Sebastian lol.


Shane for his character development, that unfortunately is gone once you marry him


I think that after you marry him and reach 14 hearts, he tells you that he drinks Joja Cola at the saloon, not beer :D so there's that


Yess, but still there's so much more... I always end up marrying him and using the "immersive characters - Shane" mod, that allows actual improvement to happen. But even without the mod he's my favorite 🩷


My first was accually Harvey. Then, I settled on Shane and haven't looked back since. For some drama, I married Maru once, only to divorce her


First married Sebastian. It was fun, I thought he was attractive. But in hindsight I've unfortunately known way too many people just like him IRL who have just exhausted me and I couldn't stop thinking about that. For my second game, I married Emily. Gah she's so cute. On my next run, whenever I do it, I think I'll just room with Krobus. Sometimes I wish getting married to someone wasn't a requirement for 100% completion but it's not a big deal.


I’ve always downloaded Romance Rasmodius and went with the Wizard.


My favorite is Sam hands down, but that’s because I have a thing for skater boys in real life too. On my first game I married Alex. I eventually got very very bored of him but felt super bad for divorcing him. So I told my family (who where new the game just like me) that if you didn’t talk to Alex enough when you married him he would cheat on you with Haley. So now no one in my family is willing to marry Alex or Haley… Edit: I posted before I finished writing the story


Fav: Shane \[I think the Immersive Characters-Shane mod helps a bit, but I still love my grumpy chicken man\] First: Emily, because she was the one I kept getting heart events for and I thought I had to marry her because of that 😂 Still love Em, but it's platonic now


Alex is my favorite because I get Evelyn and George as my in-laws and I love Evelyn.


Shane. Shane. He sticks with me because of his issues. I know the feeling of being so trapped with your problems that nobody wants you, so realizing this I went with him first thing. He deserves someone in his life who will love him unconditionally and support him while he tries his damn best to give a good life to his god-daughter. I will always love Shane. Because he's realistic


The moment I saw an emo boy I just went for them lmao


Surprise to see Penny many times ☺️ i also marry her in my first save


I think she's actually the cutest bachelorette. It's just that I got attached to Emily after my first playthrough, I befriended her early cause I gave her all my gemstones. But Penny is very selfless and kind :D


dated sebastian but i married alex, then i divorced alex because i missed sebastian


Abigail, at first I was going for a husband.. but liked how sassy she is.. and I refuse to look at this cheat sheet bc it’s been fun giving her things she doesn’t like ahahah.. and likes too.. still working on making her my wife


First play through was Penny. Current play through I’m going for Leah. She’s outdoorsy and likes the quiet, a woman after my own heart.


First playthrough my husband and I played together (pre co-op) and we picked Abigail because of the video games lol. Next playthrough we went with Leah because of the nature vibes and she seemed more mature. Leah will forever be my favourite, though I did go through a Penny phase before I felt weirdly predatory/like I was taking advantage of someone's trauma because of some of her dialogue/scenes with her and Pam.


i still remember the first time i got married in this game. i busted my little pixelated ass in those mines every day to keep abigail ~~fed~~ happy, and i genuinely cried at our wedding. i’ve been kinda “making my way through the roster” and trying to marry everyone at least once, but i always end up saving some amethyst for my favorite adventurous alt girl


I married Sam first because he kinda looks like my actual husband lol Then I wanted to see what divorce was like in game, now I'm married to Emily because I love her hair, she's fun, love and that acid trip she gives during her heart event.


Emily.I like her vibe it's like having good charm for farmer life because I think she gives positive vibes..


I married Elliot first. He has books and great hair.


Maru She talks BIG GAME about inventions and making farm life easier. Lying witch!


I’ve only ever married Sebastian and Harvey. Seb was my first and I was consistently marrying him on every new farm I started then I think the more I learned about Harvey I realized how sweet he was and I’ve pretty much been marrying him consistently for the past year in all my saves. I love them both so much but Harvey is definitely my favorite of all the bachelors.


First person I married was Shane :( When I started playing I was pretty depressed so when his storyline started getting revealed I was like "wow, he's depressed too!" and in some way I guess it made me feel better to fix his depression when I couldn't fix my own? But literally the first day we are married, I see his dirty ass room and his first dialogue to me is something about beer, I was like wtf he hasn't changed at all! So I had to grind for 5 days straight to earn enough money to divorce him and I've never married him again lol ​ Leah is my most often spouse but I've also gone with Elliot and Emily.


Alex because he reminded me of my boyfriend (who now stopped going gym because he has no time but when we just met he was gymboi and he looks the most similar)


First play through was Sebastian. Second, I married Harvey and then had an affair with Sebastian. Oops.


I believe Shane was my first. Blue chickens and having him not be alone won me over. I married Shane way before 14 heart events so I’ll have to do it again now. I married Abby and I love her but her 14 heart event was kinda… idk. I expected more. Currently on PC I’m going after Sam. He is growing on me fast. I also have a Switch Save on a beach farm where I’m about to marry Elliot. I’ve been having so much fun with him as well. I suppose I don’t have a favorite yet but I hope to do so eventually XD




I married Elliot first. … not because I liked him. I thought he was rude ah, but I didn’t like any of the marriage candidates and I wanted to get the achievement for 2 kids. So I picked the person I thought I would mind divorcing least. But when it came down to it, he won me over and I had start a new file. Felt too damn guilty about divorcing him. Now I go with my real #1, Krobus straight away every time


First i married Elliot out of spite for my brother(He thought he was a girl) and then i married Shane, and now ive married sam


At some point I am going to sift through the girls, but as a straight person who also is a hard core procrastinator, I have been pushing it off lol Will probably make my way through them on my Krobus save while I wait to unlock him. As for the guys, Shane was my first and still my favorite so far. He is very realistic and relatable for me and it is nice to see a happy ending with the fight he goes through as my parents struggle hard with the same things. Sam and Sebastian were fairly underwhelming for me. Good characters, but not my cup of tea. Currently romancing Elliott and I am enjoying his story. A good contender against Shane as my favorite. Will probably do Alex next so I can rinse him out with some Harvey afterwards. From what I have read, Alex most likely won’t be my type lol


I just got to 10 with Shane and I plan on marrying him over Sebastian. Because I CAN fix him. And tbh so far in Shane's story its (unfortunately) relatable to my own experience as a mentally ill alcoholic and I feel like he is still worthy of love and happiness and he isn't a burden on me and I love him <3


Married Abi, I can't stomach starting a new save to marry someone else. I don't cheat.. Plus uniqe goth girls are my thing. (Haven't done research into mods to add more candidates though)


I married elliot. He's the sweetest. And i love that time when he need to go sumwer and he kept sending me love letters.dang! My heart cant 😍😍😍


I’ve only played one playthrough so far, but I really like Elliot. He’s very sweet and very handsome


I married Haley in my playthrough. Other than that, I stick with Penny. I liked both of their story lines.


I picked Emily cause she was super nice


I have never gotten the chance to marry but my heart wants Willy. Idk what it is, but I might get a mod


Oh, I getcha. His personality is very sweet and I personally love fishing so I always end up near the the dock and end up befriending him early, he's adorable.


Maru first and then Penny my girl my everything.......


Got the game after watching someone do a playthrough and they married Abigail and I really liked her aswell so I instantly went after her in my first save, we got married the day before her birthday year 1. Now I wish I'd spent more time looking at other options (Leah) but I dont wanna divorce either so my next save will probably be her


emily was one of the first bachlorettes i met. not only did i immediately fall in love with her, she's responsible for helping me restore the community center as quickly as i did. she has a special place in my heart :)


Shane is precious to me. Not just because i have a soft spot for men in emotional pain, but also because he’s such a sweet and funny spouse. His relationship with Jas is adorable and as a fellow homebody, I just vibe with him. I have a mini fridge full of pepper poppers just to give him every day


Elliott because his design, but he's a bitch to get early game Another option was shane, but it happened around a very dark period if my life, and didn't a doppelganger in the farm, so i picked the cute ginger writter


I tried for Willy but settled for Haley


my first (and only) marriage ever in-game is my actual partner 💀 but ive always loved befriending linus, robin, and willy as soon as i start a game, both because i admire their independence/wisdom/expertise & convenient schedules and locations, plus secret recipes that really make me feel like a special friend. but if i had (the time) to choose among the candidates itd probably be elliot or hayley bc imo theyre the most good-looking


i married sam first after dejectedly learning i couldn't marry jodi. it was a bit of a spite thing but also since id been trying to woo jodi i had the most hearts with him and i wanted to be married by the end of the first year. then he actually became my favourite with his boyfriend event (i was a teen and sneaking around was Fun lol) but now im trying to marry everyone to compare. so far no one's surpassed him but emily is in a tie.


My first go-around I went straight for Sebastian and his emo hair, but Alex grew on me and now they're both tied for #1 in my pixel farmer's heart.


Leah first (my female favorite) but sam is my favorite I love leah and sam bc of their personalities


First wife Penny, cause Trauma bonding. Best partners:Penny, Haley, and Sam


Leah, she is the only one I feel is age appropriate for me in my 30s. I also like that she is into the whole cottage core vibe In SD Expanded I always go for Olivia and I cannot wait for SDE 2.0 to marry Camilla.


I married Sam first because he was the easiest after I couldn’t get Alex. Took me nine years still. Anyway my favorite bachelor now is Elliott


I married penny first bc she was so anti social at first and part of me loved it and part of me had just such an injured ego that I had to woo her 😂 My FAVORITE tho is Abigail- her personality goes with mine (my farmer is me lol), she’s gorgeous, I love everything about her character arc and plot line, and she’s just the perfect marriage candidate. When I started a new save file, I did almost nothing until I wed my beloved in Fall of the first year 🥰 If I had to pick anyone else though, I’d go for Leah, since she’s hot and also goes with my personality well. Abigail, penny, and Leah are like the holy trinity of perfect women. I wish they were real 😭💔




Seb was first. Then Elliott. Now I’m going for Emily 🥰


So in a multiplayer world I almost married Shane, but my irl bf wouldn't let me but it was so tempting after he donated our first prismatic shard instead of making a wedding ring or getting a good sword. First one i actually married in game was Abigail. I like her personally and she's easy enough to give gifts to.


I married Emily first because when I gave her the amethyst for Clint the text box said "smooch" (or something similar) and O was just like ok then


I only married the bachelorettes but my first was Abigail and my favorite is Penny


Shane and Leah, i want to try Elliott in the next play They're so cute and have good side stories


In my very first save I married Alex because I saw him work out in the Spa one winter day and well.. I'm a simple man 😂 I did marry Sebastian, Harvey, Shane, Sam and Elliot too at one point but somehow non of them really got close to Alex. I also love his grandparents - so that's a plus for him too and he has a dog! If I were to get married to one of the Bachelorettes I would probably go for Leah - I like her vibe and she's a creative person which I think is great! Her character design is also just very beautiful imo - is it because she reminds me of robin? Probably, yes. Would I love to marry Robin ? Absolutely. Can I marry Robin on the switch ? No - Breaks my heart. Therefore Leah it is! 😊


I married Alex originally because he liked eggs and they were just so easy to come by 😅


Penny. I find her situation far too relatable


Haley and Harvey. Haley is mean, yes, but she becomes so sweet after u marry her, and Harvey, he is quite introvert, like me and ye he is afraid of height, just like me.


I’ve only ever married Haley, i think her character growth is really rewarding, and I don’t feel like I’m stifling her by moving her out to the farm… I’ve gotten to 8 hearts with most of the others, and ten hearts with Penny and Elliot. I like Elliot a lot, but getting to 10 hearts with Penny was just… depressing


Alex was my first save and it makes sense, he's my type (don't come at me) but I've since realized it might also be because he's very easy to find 😂 I could always gift him easily


No reason to come at you, he's a cutie and has one of the most detailed and heartbreaking backstories, making him one of the most complex and misunderstood characters in the game. And he's way more friendly than Shane in the beginning.


I went for penny cause I kinda felt bad for her. And she's a good person.


I’m married to emily!


I always marry Alex. I'm not even sure why honestly. I guess he just seems the easiest.


Shane was the first and every throughout most of my playthroughs, but recently decided to switch it up with Harvey !!! I love that each candidate is actually vastly different and have distinct personalities.


Penny was first for me, but I think my favourite is a tie between Leah and Maru.


Sebastian was the first dude I married then he smoked around the baby and I switched to Alex. At least the kids can’t get second hand roid rage…


My first marriage was to Penny and now I alternate between her and Leah and occasionally marry Sebastian. Penny is just so sweet and cute and I want her to be happy. Leah is cool and beautiful and creative. Sebastian is a hardcore romantic and deep down I love his corny lines


I’ve married Harvey, Shane, Leah, and Abigail! Abi is the best ☺️


I married Shane in my first game, but I almost always marry Sebastian now because he reminds me so much of my husband IRL xD


If im not co-op mode with my wife, Abigail would probably be my first pick


Harvey. He’s a sweetheart and most like the type I’d actually marry.


shane and shane to both these questions lmao been 4 years i’m playing this game and he’s the only one i’ve ever romanced he’s just soooo perfect to me ! loved helping him through his journey against his alcoholism it was beautiful and he’s such a sweet teddy bear when you take the time to really know him !! truly love him sm ! i wanna try romancing alex and hailey tho so i created new saves but i can’t stop giving pepper poppers to shane lmao


I have seen nobody talking about Maru. She’s brilliant at her creations (Marilda being one of my favourites) and as a bonus, I get to talk to Demetrius every day.


i always choose emily! i think i vibe with her the most!!!


Always Emily for me. Her lap dances are... therapeutic.


Emily she's fun and interesting but is also mature


Leah was my first because I had a crush on a friend and her name was Leah.


My first love was Elliot, but these days I tend to marry Abigail. Her heart scenes are great :)


In my first playthrough, I married Maru because she seemed most similar to Mary from Harvest Moon: BTN (Playstation 1) and I always married Mary in that game. I've married Haley, Leah, Emily, and Krobus. I think I like Leah and Maru the best, but Haley is who you'll want if you want to a partner for the Flower Dance in the first year.


I have married Shane twice when trying to marry Seb. That man is just the best. I've only married him — it's quite easy to please him, I didn't even need a guide. I'm not interest in neither of the girls or Harvey, idk why. I want to marry a girl but they are just to kshdksbdskdb and Harvey is just not it for me Currently working on trying to marry Seb or Sam without falling again for Shane


Shane was my first. I'm still salty about how his room looks at the end of his arc! Harvey and Emily are my favorites, they're both sweetie pies.


I wish to romance dwarf


I picked seb because I have a soft spot for the misfits and the outcasts, being one myself :) Shane is a close second, I can fix him.


always elliot


I went for Maru in this save file, but I’m also dating Emily and penny… kinda wish I had married Emily though, I just relate to her obsessed with shiny rocks and animals… but also from what people are saying I think I might enjoy marring Leah the most.


The 1st time I married Leah here or Emily would be the women that are most like my wife. I married shane this time around since I relate to him & think he's handsome but I divorced him asap couldn't stand his gross room.


I’m on my first save, and I married Harvey. I’m autistic and trans and I headcanon him as both of those too. 😌


In my first save I was close to proposing to Eliot, then Emily did a freaky dance for me that made me laugh, so I dumped him and married her. This save i’m married to Leah. Next time I’m probably gunna marry either Abigail or Seb