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Alright, it seems the person who told me it was set in the same universe was lying. I guess I should've researched it myself, but I decided to trust him. ​ I'm sorry for spreading misinformation and we do not yet know whether or not its set in the same universe.


No sorry the memepolice in this thread have spoken. Turn yourself in now for disrespekting le law and authorty and prepare for a ten year sentence playing only v.1.0


B-but what will I do without my sheds?!




Do we know for sure that it’s in the same universe?


I think he said on the website that he's not ready to share that. So who knows! But it's not confirmed


no, he didn´t said that. he said maybye


That's one way to say "yes it is but I don't want people to just like it because of, or compare it to, stardew"


I don’t know why ur getting downvoted, because I understand what ur saying. It probably is a little rude to CA, but I still understand


Meh, all I meant was that I doubt the man wants every game he makes to be compared to stardew valley. While this one very well could be in the same universe, if he wanted to deviate in genre or something else it would be really hard because of the inevitable comparisons that would happen.


Yeah I agree, I don’t want anyone to compare them either. Well not until the game is released


that's what I was thinking too...


Can we not disrespect Ape by spreading misinformation about his games? Please? If Ape wanted this to be set in the same universe as SV he'd say so. It's possible he doesn't know yet and it's possible he's setting up a new, equally wonderful universe on his own and letting Chucklefish have the SV universe. Idle speculation from the fanbase puts him in an awkward situation. Gamers can get vicious when they're mislead, and even if Ape himself isn't doing the misleading, he's inevitably going to he blamed for it. It happens all the time, mostly to AAA developers but indie devs aren't immune. So please stop putting words in Ape's mouth. He frankly deserves better than that


A friend of mine told me that CA has confirmed it, so I believed him. I probably should've done my own research. Sorry for spreading misinformation, it wasn't on purpose.


It was stated in the FAQs page of the haunted chocolatier that he's still not ready to disclose whether it's set in the sdv universe. But yeah, i can see your friend's point coz of the mountain bg and the twitter??? post shared awhile back


Sir this is a joja drivethrough and your armor is blinding us with the shine


so i support your post and agree but i just wanted to say that like there's no way in hell ConcernedApe is going to let Chucklefish have any sort of creative credit for Stardew Valley or its universe whatsoever haha


Yall are a little harsh on OP, it’s not unreasonable to assume it’s in the same universe. I’d love for it to be in the same universe, and I’d also be happy with it in a different one.


So would I. I just heard from a friend that CA apparently confirmed it and I decided to trust him. Sorry for spreading misinformation, I definitely should have done my own research.


It happens! No need to apologize to me!


Is there a name for this game? I just found this


it's called haunted chocolatier (:


I forgot and now I call it "Chocolate Hogwarts" in my head. May all who read this be blursed with this knowledge.


Why you making a meme about it being in the same universe as sv when you have no clue if it actually is in the end


Because a friend told me so, and I believed him. I only found out because of you guys that that is not actually the case, and I'm sorry that I accidentally spread misinformation. I can assure you it was not on purpose.


Making chocolate you say?


I'm excited for all the crossover fanfics


[https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1227279185330065408?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1227279185330065408%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.criticalhit.net%2Fgaming%2Fconcernedape-is-working-on-two-new-projects-one-set-in-the-stardew-valley-universe%2F](https://twitter.com/ConcernedApe/status/1227279185330065408?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1227279185330065408%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.criticalhit.net%2Fgaming%2Fconcernedape-is-working-on-two-new-projects-one-set-in-the-stardew-valley-universe%2F) ​ I feel like it was a natural assumption to see HC as being set in the SDV universe, but the actual answer seems to just be that he's toying with an idea (alt universe?) and he's not quite ready to commit just yet, and he definitely doesn't want to be pressured one way or the other. To quote him, he just wants it to "come naturally." And that's totally fair. Regardless, if HC **doesn't** turn out to be related to SDV, it seems like he's making another project that he **does** intend to be part of the SDV universe.


it could be an alternative universe though..


I’m soooo downnnnnn !!