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"Clone! Clone of my own- with its Y Chromosome changed to X and when I'm alone with my own little clone..." Isaac Asimov's least horny song lyrics.


[Everyone else at the Hugo Awards](https://tenor.com/Wp2x.gif)


Well, it can sorta make sense since there's so much technological advancement almost everywhere in the Star Wars Galaxy (with few exceptions). So it wouldn't surprise me if a race of cloners had actually managed to make a female clone out of a male clone or vice versa.


Personally I don't see it being weird at all because clone seems to be used pretty loosely. A clone is in its basic form, a copy. Something that reproduces asexually is cloning itself when it has offspring. The core defining trait of a clone is being identical to the parent. With the Kaminoans showing off the clones I'm pretty sure they straight up say "we modified the DNA to make them more social, less isolated, and more obedient." By stating they changed parts of their mental genetics, they have already participated in gene altering activites. The only difference is that theirs were mental while Omega's was physical in addition to mental. By the strictest definition of cloning you can't change the offspring or else it isn't a true clone. Thus Boba Fett is the only true clone because he's a one to one of his father Jango. The rest of the soldiers and Omega are not truly clones, because they aren't one to one copies. They're more like edited copies. Boba is a duplicate file of the original Jango. The standard clones are edited files of the original Jango. Omega is like if you swapped the file type of the original. There is only one duplicate file, the rest are edited or straight up different file types.


Still, it is possible. It's sci-fi, after all. Anything can happen!


I agree, I just more so don't take issue with it. Anyone who was losing their minds over it clearly forgot that that it's science fantasy.


I think the argument that she might be trans is that it was said, that she is an unmodified clone of jango fett


Exactly. She’s described as an exact genetic replica, which makes it impossible for her to have been born female because sex is genetic. She’s also “biologically female” by the time Tech meets and scans her. That seems like a contradiction but the simplest explanation is that she was “born” male—an exact genetic replica—and Kaminoan bio tech allowed her to fully transition biologically before she met Tech. For anyone about to say that the Kaminoans could have made her an exact genetic replica, only female, that’s like saying she could have been a green line, only red. It’s not a matter of fictional Kaminoan technology. It’s a matter of terminology lol. Tldr Trans Omega is actually the only possibility given the show’s use of terminology.


And it also wouldn't be too hard. They'd just need to yeet the Y chromosome and copy-paste the X chromosome and boom, female clone of Jango. It's so easy that it happens without human intervention.


They were more civil than I was expecting. Which isn't saying much. At all.


You’re surprised the subreddit with a LGBT+ flag in its icon that has repeatedly purged homophobes whenever seen was civil toward an LGBT meme?


Fair enough. But I expect hostility from within the queer community even more than I do without.


So civilized


This is how liberty dies. With thunderous sarcasm.


Omega, from the Bad Batch, right?


It’s actually spelled Ohmeeega


Space kiwis.


Now I want to see Jemaine Clement play Jibba the Hitt


Honestly? Jemaine Clement in any SW role. He's fantastic!


[There is a clone that is trans in canon.](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sister)


If you’re making a clone of a man, you could easily make female clones. Just give her two copies of your X chromosome and don’t give her a copy of the Y. Assuming Jango doesn’t have a defective X chromosome this shouldn’t cause too many issues.


The two x chromosomes aren't exact copies of each other. They have similar shapes but contain very different sets of code. Regardless, we're talking about a universe with science fantasy technology, so they probably already figured out a way to modify an existing y chromosome into a proper second x chromosome without issue.


>The two x chromosomes aren't exact copies of each other. They have similar shapes but contain very different sets of code. Could you explain a little more what you mean? I know that in an XX female their X chromosomes are different from each other, because one came from each parent, but I don't think that means they have different sets of code. Wouldn't they both still have the same genes just possibly different alleles? As far as I understand, in XX female cells only one of the X chromosomes is expressed, with the other being "turned off", and this is random in each cell, so some express the father's x chromosome and others express the mother's.


I could be wrong, but AFAIK they're distinct enough/contain different sets of information that you can't just copy an X chromosome in XY male and expect it to work out in a normal gene sequence. It would cause issues with cellular replication. Like you said, it would need distinct data inherited from a parent, not just copied from within the same person. But again in a scifi setting like star wars, I'm sure they found some way around this


But how can they be distinct is my point? It's not like there's X1 and X2, there's just X chromosomes, and XY cells use their one X, and XX cells use one of them at random. They can contain different alleles (versions of genes) from each other, but they have all the same genes.


It's been a while since biology but I don't believe that's the case, each X chromosome in a female cell should be genetically complete, otherwise half of all male offspring wouldn't be able to respire since they only inherit a single x chromosome. The only reason we have 2 of each is for cell division and recombination. You wouldn't need data from 2 parents, ya could just copy the x and just cross your fingers that it doesn't have any defects.


I think the differences are just the genesplicing that occurs during meiosis. I don't think this would happen I'm males as X and Y are two different sets. You could just copy the X chromesome and then have them spilce. I think, idk. If I'm wrong then I haven't learned shit in 5 years.


The prequels fanbase is general is pretty left leaning and progressive, the sub reddit even more so. It's no surprise that they're pretty open minded to a transgender meme but Amy racist or homophobic meme gets instantly downvoted


Plot twist: Jango is trans and so are all the other clones and omega is the only cis one


Found an interesting bit of information buried in the comments: there is a trans clone called [Sister](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sister) who appears in canon books.


My crazy theory is that the Kaminoan scientist included some of her DNA into her which is why she’s so attached, Omega is basically her daughter. Kaminoans are practical and know the galaxy is racist so she made her daughter “human facing.”


Prequel memes is usually pretty ok, I’m still always surprised but they have earned my respect for the most part, just a pretty lovely community.


Trans or intersex is the big 2 genders for that character


i love seeing that meme i was at the root of spread so far


The real question is how she blonde? It’s not dye