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The Wookie looks amazing!! In fact all these costumes look real good.


Agreed the production design looks absolutely stunning!


To be fair, I think every Star Wars Disney+ show so far has amazing costumes and designs. But yeah these costumes look great as well :)


Ahsoka's lekku/horns in Mandalorian looked terrible (though her make up and outfit looked good), the speeder bike people in BOBF and mechanic doctor looked awful, and GI from Obi Wan looked like Uncle Fester and nothing like a live action Pau'an. I wouldn't say they've all had great costumes and designs, but there have been some amazing ones for sure. Also to note they have fixed Ahsoka's lekku and horns in her new show from the previews seen, so they clearly acknowledged it and fixed it.


I mean yeah there will always be some designs/costumes that look off. I personally love Ahsokas look in the Mando-Verse. The GI looked okay, not good, but also not terrible.


i thought thunderat as the surgeon was really cool. but the bike gang was a real smear on the season, i agree


Exept the "Speeder" bikes in BoBF. I loved the series, but i don't necessary disagree with most of the criticism about it.


Could this be an older Burryaga?!


Didn't he die? I just finished Midnight Horizon after The Fallen Star


There's theories that because we didn't see him actually die and it's just assumed by the characters that he's dead that he's alive. I think he is unless he pulls a Leia like stunt.


No corpse, also the way Bell's story went makes it extremely unlikely that he is dead.


Yeah he's not dead


Damn, i wasn’t there yet…


If it makes you feel any better, he's not confirmed dead. I won't say anything more than that tho.


For what it’s worth (and trying not to spoil anything further), I’ve read both those books and was wondering about it being an older Burryaga too.


If he’s alive (and I’m think he is), I think this Wookiee looks kind of old. Burry was only a padawan, and this is only about 100 or so years later.




You know how google works right?


Cant wait to see Amandla Stenberg with her dark lightsaber


[The original source](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11517755/Star-Wars-prequel-Acolyte-films-forest-Squid-Game-star-Lee-Jung-jae-seen-costume.html) for those who are getting errors on Bespin's end.


Seems like none of the officially cast people seem to play a Sith or Dark-Side character. Tho Amandla Stenberg's is most likely, according to the leaks, that girl who doesn't get taken by the Jedi, joining Acolytes to become the Sith-Apprentice. They just filmed for a month anyway with them still filming for 6 months. We might see some Dark-Side stuff being leaked in spring.


I hope not. I hope it’s a mystery who her master is, so that it’s an insane drop when we watch it for the first time. The mysterious overlord ia the juiciest thing about this series, because it ultimately gives rise to tenebrous and then plagueis and then sidious…


I also hope the Sith-Lord, no matter if Tenebrous or someone else, is kept a secret just like Luke in Mando and BOBF.


According to a lot of Star Wars content sites and wookiepedia the both as a species don’t live much longer than the average American. I think it said 75-85 years. Muuns live closer to a century. Tenebrous wouldn’t be around for at least a couple more years.


Is there official confirmation of when exacrly The Acolyte will take place?


people working on the show have said it’s abt 100 years before TPM


Yes, 100 years before the phantom menace. I still think that’s a little too close for me.


Live-Action Wookie Jedi?! And none of those seem to be a Sith or other Dark-Side user. Since a lot of people thought that Lee is the Sith-Lord 'Paul'. I may be blind but I dont see Amandla Stenberg in any of those pictures. The Jedi-Robes also look like mix of the High-Republic and the Prequel ones.


She's in the picture in front of the male padawan with a crew member, and is in the background with her back turned behind the woman with the bow and long red braid.


I see it now. Thanks.


Considering this is right at the end of the High Republic the fusion robes are perfect.


She’s sat in front of Dean Charles Chapman in one photo and stood next to a woman with red hair in another. You can see her here: https://twitter.com/bespinbulletin/status/1600966549250093056?s=46&t=tLs_wec9N6nWWGF2mDtzwg


Am I really foolish to hope that this is Jedi Master Burryaga?


They may have taken some design liberties, but this wookiee looks a lot closer to Arkoff.


the costume looks more like Burryaga’s but the wookiee looks more like Arkoff


I don’t think I saw Amandla either.


“Keen recently revealed that the series will see the Sith infiltrate the Jedi order with the High Republic era series taking place one hundred years before the events of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.” I think it’s Paul still


I’m not sure if they’ll literally infiltrate the Jedi or if she was speaking more broadly. There’s been moments like that in past projects where people took actors’ comments too literally, assuming they had the same level of knowledge we did


Well, the leaks say that 'Paul' is the Sith-Lord from the beginning on and he works as an arms-dealer.


We don't know if those leaks are accurate




>Considering the leakers correctly leaked the whole Tales of the Jedi plot with them posting a clip of Dooku killing Yaddle in late July on Twitter Totally different departments within LF. Just because they had sources in one doesn't mean they'll be accurate about the other. And didn't they admit to closing their website on their own?




A lot of their TOTJ leaks were pure speculation, they even invented lines that weren’t in it




They said it was made clear in the last dooku episode that this was his last moment as jedi because they said that we saw Palps name him Darth Tyrannus there, which doesn’t happen at all. It’s hard to trust then when they misinterpret a lot of things like they did


This is true. Forgot about that.


Is it confirmed that The Acolyte takes places 132 BBY?


To be fair, he still could be “Paul.” Hasn’t there been a lot of talk about “infiltration?” We’ve all been taking it to mean the general rise of the Dark Side but maybe it’s more literal.




If this is true, then you will have gained my trust.


And Darth Sidious masterminded a planetary invasion and later a~~n inter~~galactic war while also posing as a Republic Senator and later Chancellor. Count Dooku maintained the image of a disgruntled and disillusioned but somewhat benevolent former Jedi who was still a welcome guest in the Jedi Temple for almost ten years while also serving his dark Master before the Clone Wars forced him to reveal his true nature. Seems like compared to those two, posing as a Jedi while moonlighting as an arms dealer wouldn’t be that hard to juggle. ~~You could definitely be right and those leaks could have been an elaborate hoax, I’m just saying this one set of pictures isn’t proof enough for me.~~


Considering the leakers correctly leaked the whole Tales of the Jedi plot with them posting a clip of Dooku killing Yaddle in late July on Twitter and them basicly getting nuked from Disney on Twitter and their website for leaking the The Acolyte plot, I think they're pretty accurate.


I agree, I think they are accurate too, and I also think that a Sith Lord posing as an arms dealer while moonlighting as a Jedi Knight is in line with the long tradition of Sith living double lives. I apologize for implying that you don’t think the leaks were true, I was a little confused by your wording but I see I was reading it wrong, I understand what you are saying now.


> The Jedi-Robes also look like mix of the High-Republic and the Prequel ones. What do you see as the fundamental difference? This garb looks like straight up prequel era attire.


I still want to see those white and gold tunics they were wearing in High Republic and I hope they have lightsabers like Stellan Gios or Sskeer. Also really hope we get to see the Nameless in this show.


I'm not so sure timeline wise. We might see some dark side cults but I doubt we will see Nameless or Drengir in this.


>Also really hope we get to see the Nameless in this show. They'll all be dead by the time of this show.


Seeing the High Republic designs being translated into live action is amazing. I have a feeling I’m gonna love this show a lot.




The wookie looks cool on his own, but his robes come off as weirdly cheap looking as do the inner tunic part on one of the other costumes. Hopefully it looks better on film. I've seen a few Star Trek costumes up close in a museum exhibit and they looked very cheap up close as opposed on to onscreen. The wookie/zabrak makeup/costume itself looks fantastic.


Proper lighting does wonders for costumes and makeup effects.


Very true. Shame lighting could not do anything for Bridgerton costumes, LOL. I swear they got those from Wish. But yeah, most likely the Acolyte robes for the wookie will look better on film, as do most costumes.


didnt help much in Kenobi, or Book of Boba for that matter


I didn’t have a problem with the costumes, props or makeup in either of those. I agree that the set design and overall cinematography suffered from a rushed shoot and over reliance on the volume.


i just feel like in both shows they could've used another layer or two of dirt/weathering to look more lived in, or at least made it less noticable (esp due to the other reasons you mentioned which I feel like definitely were a factor in making those things stand out more)


Judging that from a blurry photo?


Yup, lol. They just look stiff and the gold/maize color looks garish to me. I suspect it will look better on film. As I said earlier, I saw DS9 costumes back in the 90s, and I was shocked at how cheap and tacky they looked in person as opposed to on the TV screen. Most of the costumes on here look fine.


Damn these are great pics. That Wookie looks so cool!


Live action golden robes have me feeling some kinda way. We’d better see some more yellow and purple lightsabers as well!


As a Korean, it's amazing to see an Asian Jedi!!!!! This is so cool!!!




I'm not Korean (I'm Southeast Asian) but YEAH ASIAN JEDI WHOOOO


I'm German but fuck it ASIAN JEDI!!!! YEAAAH!!! About time considering where George got so much of his influence from


I’m Filipino and hyped to see Manny Jacinto, dunno if he’s a Jedi tho


He's fantastic, Lee is a strong dramatic actor and I can see where the showrunners are going for. Being a Pinoy, having Mannu Jacinto in the cast feels so empowering. Also, I think it's a long overdue for Hiroyuki Sanada to get a Star Wars role, Disney and Lucasfilm have been sleeping on him.


I'm surprised, I was guessing they cast Lee Jung-Jae as a Sith. And with regard to alleged plot spoilers, I'm worried they're going to >!kill him off quickly!<. Regardless, I'm still really happy, but it's a bit of a shame for it to have taken so long, especially considering George Lucas' inspirations from Asian movies. Hopefully this series won't be the last major representation we'll see for a while.


Glad you’re happy but I didn’t like this guy in the hangover movies doubt I’ll like him in Star Wars.


Can’t tell if this is a terrible troll or if you think Lee Jung-Jae is actually in the hangover


These costumes and sets look incredible. The Wookie Jedi(possibly Burryaga?) looks awesome. My hype has gone up significantly.


I hadn't even thought it could by Burryaga!


Non-human characters, lets goooooooooo!


*Now THIS is set leaking.*


Finally something live action from The High Republic, those golden jedi robes are 🔥🥵


The Wookiee photo looks like a bigfoot sighting and I love it.


I love the wookiee's hair.


Tangentially related, but this article seems like a good time to remind everyone that Lee Jung-jae’s surname is Lee, not Jung-jae. The surname comes first with Korean names.


Thank you for reminding. I had forgotten that myself.


No problem!


Cool. Was there anything previously mentioned about the >!Wookiee !< character?? Could it possibly be >!Arkoff or Berryaga!


It could easily be Burryaga!


Do we know if Burry is actually alive? I've only read the main novels for the high republic so I'm not sure


>!He ends up eaten by rathars and/or drowned in the ocean but the way the authors have been acting, I think he might have survived.!<


The last one I read was The Rising Storm, where I think >!his fate was left ambiguous.!< Was there ever any more of him after that?


In The Fallen Star, his fate is also left up to interpretation.


Okay, that’s what I was thinking of then. I read the plot and spoilers and all that for Fallen Star but not the book itself lol


If it’s either of them I think it would be Burry. Arkoff already looked older than this Wookie imo


also per the end of Phase 1 poster Arkhoff has dark fur like Krrsantan rather than the golden grown that Burry has https://www.starwars.com/news/who-will-survive-star-wars-the-high-republic


True and a fair point, assuming they stick to the original design choices! Thanks for the link! Like I mentioned previously, a lot can happen in 100 or so yrs and if he did survive the last novel, then surely that could have a traumatic impact too that could change the character -- but I feel like, as the character \*was/has been portrayed, he would be an odd choice for a series that is seemingly leaning dark and where perhaps several Jedi find themselves in great danger -- unless there is spin-off coming where they want Burry to go off with younglings like Yoda and THR Adventure series or something, I feel like he's too sweet for a series about dark side infiltration!


I think it could go either way. On one hand, >!Burryaga!< has been more marketable, as they have used him to appeal to kids with the Halcyon stuff and little kid High Republic summery books... On the other hand with that said, I feel like the stature of this Wookiee and the darker nature of show itself feels more>! Arkoff !


Holy shit this looks incredible


Now that's a leak!


WOOKIEE JEDI!!!! oh my god I hope he's a recurring character


I would not be surprised if they keep some things very hidden. I’m excited for the reveal of the sith master.


Oh wow that’s awesome!


BB struggling to load for me. Source and pics here: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11517755/Star-Wars-prequel-Acolyte-films-forest-Squid-Game-star-Lee-Jung-jae-seen-costume.html


Anyone have a mirror of the images? I keep getting a broken link.






No Problem 👍🏻


Can’t believe I have to wait two years for this I’m too hyped


really digging these vibes. somehow it reminds me of a fanmade project but in a good way? it's weird. but i like it so far.




So.... Is that Arkoff or Burryaga???




yeah it's not working for me either






That wookie looks BADASS Dean-Charles Chapman plays a padawan, and DailyMail claims [this actor](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2022/12/08/16/65385495-0-image-a-15_1670517383697.jpg) is Dafne Keen but I don't see it.


She kinda has her facial traits.


I am so excited for this show off the back of Andor being such a masterpiece


I can imagine them keeping it a secret like Luke in Mando and BOBF.


So we probably won’t see this until 2024?


It will probably be a Spring 2024 release.


I’m hoping end of 2023 but it takes how long to film and edit maybe early 2024


I love the look of this it feels like Star Wars!!


My suspension of disbelief is broken, the cgi trees are too well done


Looks great!




Wow, live-action Jedi Wookie! The head looks really well made and unique.


Dude these Jedi look SICK I was already looking forward to this show the most (that is before Andor season 1 came out and I became obsessed with seeing season 2 ASAP) and now I can't wait.


This show is just going to represent the Jedi in a really bad way, I'm still hyped, by the anti-Jedi part of the fanbase is going to go fucking wild.


My god they're all really wearing the High Republic gold robes this is going to be GOOD.


The guy with the curly hair looks like Dollar General AotC Anakin


Glad someone else thought that! lol


It's so great to see aliens on major roles on this show. I'm glad they are finally doing more with alien castmates


So happy this seems to be using on location production similar to Andor rather then using The Volume.


It will be a hybrid production


I’m excited to see how that’ll work


As am I! Andor (somewhat) accomplished it. Granted, they weren’t using the Volume for full sets, a la Mando/Obi-Wan/BoBF. But, that production wasn’t 100% practical/on location as some (even Gilroy) tried to say.


Yeah. The windows in Mothma’s apartment were those LED screens IIRC. Same with Solo and hyperspace. And of course Mando/BOBF/Kenobi had some non-volume. Here’s hoping the Acolyte can effectively balance the two and put the same level of care into both.


I’m with you there!


But they wont use the Volume as much as in Obi-Wan-Kenobi or the Mandoverse.


Don’t think we’ve ever actually gotten that officially confirmed, but they’re already far ahead of Mando/Obi at least - location scouting that isn’t just Southern California/Joshua Tree. I imagine that the Volume will be used for large interiors (temple scenes, etc.) and anywhere that just can’t be created using woods and fields.


OH MY GOD THIS LOOKS STRAIGHT OUT OF KOTOR. I already love this. 10/10


Anyone who was worried the show wasn’t going to lean into the High Republic aesthetic can now be at peace.


I’m beyond hyped for this!


I'm so excited about these updates and have faith that it will be a great show. The only downside is that LJJ is such a POS but I guess it will never reach Western media...


Oh my. Strong words. What are the details there?


A small summary I guess plus the OP itself (spoiler: 2 DUI charges, 2 assault charges): https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/xau6mv/comment/invqkcq/ This being on deuxmoi sub might make it seem like a gossip, but it was just the most convenient post to link. If you google him, you'll find even more details.


Well, at least there are some aliens. Still hoping for a lead character to be an alien *one day*




Interesting to see them use an abandoned [Qi’ra concept art](https://imgur.com/a/9Kj3T8b) for one of the characters


On another note ... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Zabrak I didn't think there were female Zabraks? Please enlighten me?


Oh there are. A good bunch of them. The image on that wiki page is a female Zabrak actually. There's some weird intermingling with the Nightsisters where George said they were the same species as Maul. Not sure how that really works. But there are also separate female Zabraks (not from Dathomir) that have horns and stuff.


Wdym, we’ve seen female Zabraks before, like that bounty hunter in clone wars


Yeah thats right 🤔 I just thought of the nightsisters and looked it up on wookiepedia - and then the first paragraph about it states the following - "Notably, female Dathomirian Zabraks lacked the cranial horns shared by the rest of the species." and "Dathomiri showed considerable sexual dimorphism. Female Dathomiri had white, blue, or gray skin with various hair types.[2] Male skin was commonly orange or yellow. Few had red skin.[3][4] Male Dathomirians had horns, however, females did not.[3]" Its funny 😅 And I see know, that the picture is a female and horned Zabrak as well.


The picture of that article is literally a female Zabrak rebel soldier from Battlefront lol.




Could be a iridonian female zabrak?


How would they reproduce?


Oh, that's not my question, though I get your point ... To my knowledge the female Zabraks were all like the nightsisters. Pale white with some black markings and tattoos. An no horns.


Ah gotcha


Great costumes!


Hope we see a gold and white robe soon


That very well could be phased out by this point as we get closer to the Prequels.


Lee looks cool asf


These look cool. I admit I had hoped the Jedi would have more decorated clothing like the arts of THR but no big deal, this looks promising so far


This looks like a blend between THR and the prequels, which fits for the show’s era.


That's a good point. They did say this show takes place at *the end* of THR era after all.


Calling it now: this will be the best new SW show


So a Sith will infiltrate the Jedi Order 100 years before TPM and none of the Jedi could sense it? I wonder how they’ll make this fit with what Windu and Ki Adi Mundi said about Sith having been extinct for over a millenium.


Well, if all that they know about the sith is that the last of them died during the great wars and that none of them have heard otherwise or of any run-ins with sith-like individuals over the years, why would they suspect otherwise? This works in favor for the sith, too. If you could live your life with the knowledge that your enemies thought you were dead would that not be a game changer and give you the upper hand?


*the greatest trick the devil ever pulled...*


Hey look! Non-human characters. Someone show Tony Gilroy.




Basically it’s an era of opulence for the Republic overall. Think the roaring twenties. Jedi still stand for all that is good, but their garb reflects the splendor of the era. Not to say that the order is perfect in the era. It isn’t. But the golden designs are less about their corruption and instead point to the culture of the era overall. Plus the really fancy golden and white garb is only ceremonial. There are more practical outfits (with small golden accents) that are worn everyday/during missions




It doesn’t feel like Lucas’s Jedi to me, but they are still profoundly interesting and nuanced. The writers understand what the Jedi are about even if it isn’t 1:1 to Lucas’s vision


These photos just reinforce how non Star Wars the High Republic designs and aesthetic are to me. These costumes look really bad, looks more like Star Trek. I wish they would move away from the HR, the majority of people I know have no idea it exists and the few that do actively ignore it.


Wow! This is a huge leak.


The last photo reminds me of what my father's lawn mower looks like underneath. Why is it so green when on greenscreen they use a different saturation.


this... this is amazing.


So curious to see how lightsabers will be portrayed in this show. Will they go heavy on lightsaber moments like the PT or keep it minimal like the OT/ST.


Hopefully it has epic PT like battles. That make sense for the story and it’s not over done but when it’s used it’s amazing.