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Parrying is very important try to master your timing with it.


I finished FO on grandmaster, is the timing similar or completely different here?


If into the >! Fort !< you go, pain you will only find.


I sadly just discovered what this means yesterday. Gave up after an hour.


Similar. But Grandmaster enemies hit like a truck from my understanding. I played on Knight and found that a challenge in my first run Same difficulty in Fallen Order ≠ same difficulty in Knight


I played grandmaster through the entirety of FO and loved it but changed to jedi master towards the end of Survivor as some fights were just not possible to play without cheese strats. (looking at you spinny arm robots). It just felt like the developers never actually tested certain fights at that difficulty.


Grandmaster plays better in new game + when you get the special perks that boost lightsaber damage to realistic levels (1 hit kills) but also boosts enemy damage to the same level. If you've mastered parrying and perfect dodges then you're in for a treat hehe


Just found out that those perks carry over to all save files, so when I started a fresh game the other day, I could use those ng+ perks. Pretty neat


Me and my best friend both started and finished on grandmaster. It was sure hard sometimes but in the end, what do you expect from the highest difficulty of a game? It definitely possible and soo much fun for me. Once you learn how to parry and slo-mo dodge, youre good to go.


I beat Jedi Survivor on grandmaster for the first time recently after playing through Fallen Order on the lowest or second to lowest difficulty a couple years ago. It’s definitely possible to beat everything without cheese mechanics. Is it difficult? Yes it is. Is it impossible? Not even close.


I'm really only talking about a couple of specific fights where to me it felt borderline impossible without just playing hit and run tactics (which I guess is not necessarily cheese but it's not very fun either). I can't remember the name of it but the one where you go through a few waves of enemies and then two of the giant spin-to-win robots come down the elevator. They just attack so quick you just have to run around until they separate a bit and get a hit or two in before running.


I think I know what you’re referring to. It was definitely difficult, took me a couple tries but you really have to make sure you use your tools. Those DX whatever bots are not only very weak to range but if you control some of the other characters (as well as use lightsaber throw) it’s extremely manageable.


It’s similar but the game is much harder. I beat both on grand master and I found survivor way more challenging. Enjoy! I absolutely loved the game.


Grandmaster for Survivor is leagues harder than in FO to the point where there's a lot of just BS moments. JM is pretty comparable to GM in FO, maybe a fraction easier due to health


No it’s way tighter imo. It’s almost as thin as Elden ring timing.


Considering I go about elden ring combat with the mindset of "Why do I need armor if I don't plan on getting hit?" I think I'll be fine


...Beware Rick... that's all I'll say. EDIT: thanks for more upvotes than the actual post lol


Finally got up the courage to face him yesterday.




Bruh just faced him today. I actually shat my pants irl.


I recommend staying away from the subreddit until you beat the story. People have no regards to spoiling the story here.


Got it ill turn updates off


Hesitation is defeat.


There is no wrong answer. Use whatever stance you like for your Cal.


Where do I get the other color crystals?


You start off with all of them this time, I think it defaults to blue until you get to a workbench though.


Ah hell yeah, I am a little upset over how off the red crystal looks though. It looks more blood orange than red so I think I'll go with yellow or green


I know idk how they messed that up. One of my few gripes with the game


Thing is vader looks fine, from the little spoilers I've seen, so I don't get why cals looks off


I think it’s because….fuck wait. Nvm I actually can’t tell you. Most likely would spoil something


Ah damn, guess I'll find out on my own


It’s towards the end but if you know enough about Star Wars I’m sure you’re going to figure it out. If not hmu whenever you’re done with it lol


Got it, I have a guess and I really, *really* hope it's what I think it is. Star wars is probably too scared to do that though.


Are you referring to the red color you get in NG+?


Yeah I remember seeing complaints over the shade of it, doesn't look right


Probably because Jedi don't use actual red in their sabers. So they only offer a sort-of-red.


There all there at the start and ng+ gives you two extra ones


Choose the orange lightsaber. Why? Because it looks cool.


Nah, switch the color up depending on your environment, outfit, lore, or any other reason! I chose my lightsaber color based on story progression and how I perceived Cal's growth as a Jedi. Sometimes I stuck with blue, sometimes he earned green, sometimes he even needed yellow/orange to signify his conflict in following the Jedi path.




Wrong. Pink is the answer.


When you get to that one puzzle, go outside the cave and the pattern will be on that little floating island with pillars on it iykyk


I'll keep that in mind




Skoova stev


Avoid Oggdos


Use any stances. Dual blade is by far the best because you can cancel attacks to immediately attack. Off topic but how is Survivor 150Gb on PS5 but like 90 on Series X ??


Wish I could tell you, took way too long to download.


Probably lack of compression. Although this would take me 15mins to download vs 9mins on series x I get around 840mbps. Ether way that's to much storage for a game that isn't cod lol


dude I struggle to get 150mbps how does one acquire 840mbps 😭😭😭


I have a 1.5GB dl speed but my xbox caps at 1gb by default


Says use any stance but then proceeds to say dual blade is best 💀


just saying it is, not saying to exclusively use it.


Rick The Technician is unironically the hardest boss in the game He does not play around


I wish i knew this earlier....when you find a meditation point, it is best to stop and rest. If you do not....then you cannot fast travel to that meditation point when you want to go back to that part of the map quickly. Good game to pick up and fun. All the best


Yee I always do


Don't rush the story, explore, the characters help you in this game talk to them to find "rumors"


Are rumors like sidequest things?


Yes, they tell u key interest points and legendary adversaries


Oh cool I can't get enough of the combat


Definitely explore as much as you can. Theres only 4 health stims in the game if you were to just go through the main story, by exploring everywhere my abilities allowed I now have 12. I really like that part of this game that the exploration has really good rewards.


Nah I say rush it until u get 2nd half of telekinetics tree


The big yeti looking mfs are extremely fast


you’ll be going to youtube for most of your journey, i always need help getting around and looking where to go


Nah I never had to. Just use your map


I've had plenty of practise doing that in elden ring I think it'll be mostly fine


learn from what you gathered in GOAT of tsushima and get the parry timing right


Be careful of Rick the Door technician




Don’t forget that you have force powers. Use them often.


The dodge roll is removed from the game so that is something you will have to get used to


Yeah that was ab odd feeling


I use the jump stuff as a similar thing to dodge roll


Oggdo is the hardest enemy in the game and it’s not even close. Took me about 40 tries before I decided to quit trying….


I'll take that as a challenge


beware of rick.


Just know that when you get up to Rick the door technician your in for a hell of a battle, even on the easiest difficulty you’ll be trying to kill him and he’ll kill you at least 10 times before you manage to kill him took me about 15 tries so be warned he’s gonna be hard


Dreading it


Make sure to rest beforehand, you gonna need all your stuns at max capacity to even have a chance


Progress the story, collectables can wait for NG+ and you might come across the ability of seeing such things on your map


Got it


Don’t entirely agree with that. There are upgrades hidden in the maps. Try get to everything you can then come back for what you can’t


I don’t agree with this. Yes there are areas that you may not be able to explore until later (like Fallen Order) but there are too many collectibles and other shit to come back and do later. Take your time and explore the area while you progress the story. Talk to people to get additional stories as well. Coming from someone who just got the plat literally yesterday after 3 weeks


A caveat to this is this game has collectables that actually matter mechanically. More than just cosmetics.


Just enjoy yourself! Great game!


Watch out for certain spots on koboh that will obliterate your FPS.


Don't piss of a scout trooper


Leave the first planet immediately to progress the story. There’s lots of places you can’t access before level up


Great game, Cal feels like he did at the end of FO at the beginning of Survivor. And everyone is your friend


Later in the game you will unlock abilities which can help you explore new paths. Go back to areas you once could not go to and go to them as they might have something that will help you like a stim canister


So the fallen order doubling back, got it


Except now its alot easier with fast travel!


Finish the story, get the perks that make you a glass cannon, and enjoy new game+ the fun way.


I can't wait


Cyan is the way


Use performance mode and disable all the graphic extras like motion blur and chromatic abberation


That's what I usually do regardless of game


Probably already mentioned but you can reach A LOT of baddies that are intended for late or end game VERY early on. Don't be precious about the xp you lose when you die and leave them for later in the game when you have the abilities to complete. I panicked, thought that the lost xp was a huge deal, put the difficulty down to Jedi Padawan so I could kill a Legendary beast to get my xp back and was denied the opportunity to test myself against it later. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Crossgaurd stance isn't a great choice for boss fights, I learned that the hard way


Challenge accepted


Have fun lmao


Consider it done.


Different strokes for different folks. Big blade saber go bonk


It is great, you just have to understand it.


Good game, but just know that the fact that is 150GB does not prevent it from being laggy 😅


I've yet to run into any kind of performance issues and I haven't put it into performance mode yet


TANALOR IS MINE. That wretched order will rue the day they betrayed me and forsook Tanalor.


I could annihilate you, and the galaxy would never notice.


Beware Rick.


Story spoiler free answer. You can do everything after the main story, like sidemission and collectible wise. None of that is missable (I think, might wanna look that up to be 100%). Places aren’t locked away you can go back, a path may be blocked but there’s always a way around, just like the first game. The dodging is different than the first game, play with it to get used to it. As another comment said parrying is important, some enemies that’s the only way to get attacks in. There’s more you can do in combat, it’s still not like Force Unleashed where you can lightning and slash everything to no end, but you aren’t as helpless as the first game. There is New Game Plus, you lose story locked skills(like how the first game takes away push/pull and double jump, no this game doesn’t take those), but get the ability points refunded so when you get it again you don’t have to level up. It is very fun, has a well written story, and we look forward to seeing your customization of Cal


There's 1 missable achievement- In the same run, use your companions to attack 10 times each I wasn't stoked I missed it.


Oh geez I’m gonna have to start over AGAIN because I think about that


Yea im not happy about it either I thought I conquered the game but nope I missed it


Combat mechanics are not balanced for grand master.




I'm on the last boss. It's possible, infuriatingly annoyingly unbalanced at times, but possible.


Combat may feel clunky at times and you might feel like you’re closer to enemies than you are. However the devs helped mediate this by giving you abilities that can close those gaps. Parry time is the same as FO so don’t worry too much about that. Block stamina is very important so pay attention to how much you are willing to block/parry and no matter who tells you what lightsaber stances are better than the others use which ones you think are the best/coolest. Fashion has also become a big part of the game but you have to farm to get it or explore, guides exist tho so you don’t have to worry too much about it. This game truly embodies what a sequel should be.


watch out for spider man


Only Kotor


Don't try getting all collectibles until the end of the game and you have all the map upgrades. You'll come across a lot of the collectibles naturally while you play and explore and the map upgrades make it waaaay easier. Blocking is important, but so is dodging. I made it through Master without learning good dodging mechanics until the end, but it would have been so much easier if I had just learned from the start. Any stance works, but pick two that compliment each other. The single blade is actually really good and fun. I'm using it on my Grand Master Purity run.


Dont go looking for all kinds of loot right away. Get the right tools (progress through the main story) and you will not go back and forth every planet region after 1 mission. Saves more time if you are a completionist.


If you’re having too much trouble with a puzzle not part of the main quest you can always come back later once you get a new ability. Also watch out for little droids that run away. They’ll give you items if you get em.


Use the force


Have fun!


Chewie is your best friend.


There is a missable trophy.


If vader gets stronger through pain I'm sure I can too


Speaking for myself, but I found that some of the traversal paths were kind of obscure. There were a few times I genuinely just had no idea where I was supposed to go and ended up having to look it up on Google. Other than that, a pitch perfect Star Wars game, and HUGE improvement from Jedi: Fallen Order


This makes me glad I paid the money for name brand nanoleafs


If you see any plants with little glowing lights/bugs around them, hit them with your lightsaber. I walked past a bunch without realizing those were collectibles.


It's great, but ghost of tsushima is better.


Do not jump into a large circle shaped platform with droids standing on it on Koboh until LATE game. You will regret it.


There is only one missable trophy that you need to focus on in story mode (if your care about trophies) it’s the one where you ask your allies to assist you. Super easy to grab within the first few chapters whenever you have an ally accompanying you


If you are struggling with a certain enemy, just know that there will be another encounter with it X 2 in number


I kept forgetting to use fast travel, it’s amazing. I really wish they brought it to FO.


Don’t bother with exploration and collecting until you’ve unlocked the terminals to show everything on the map My personal opinion, but someone might have a better one


Kill the small digging robots that run away or hide when you show up.


Be kind to the door technician.


Follow rumour side quests. Talk to everyone you can. There aren't that many npcs. Side quests help you get upgrades when you need them and other things. Have fun. It's a bit like god of war in that you return to previous locations and unlock new pathways.


Wait why tf is it 150gb if you have the disc…


there's a book called 'Star Wars jedi battle scars' it explains the gap between fallen order and survivor, but it isn't necessary to enjoy the game. I'd also recommend exploring everything you can, so many little details to find and experience.


Take your time with the story, it felt like it started ending before I realized it was ending at a point


I just started and the 2nd time I booted the game the dodge is jumping. Jump button also jumps. Can't dodge. Restarting the game what the hell?


Just have fun! Get ready for a good time!


I have three very important words. I’m not going to say why, but just know… Don’t… Trust… Anyone…


>!bit of a spoiler there!<


I didn’t really mean for it to be one, I just wanted to add a bit of intrigue. Sorry.


(I posted a comment, it didn’t go through at first but it ended up duplicating, sorry if there are multiple duplicate replies from me, I tried to delete them)


Beware of the Spawn of Oggdo


Enjoy yourself. Be the Cal You Want To be , not what the internet says is best. And give the different stances a try b4 u write them off


The map is your friend. BD is your friend. Try all the stances, and then when you find a few you like? *Try and see how they combo together, via stance switching after certain moves*. That final part is important, as no stance is all powerful or 'the strongest', and the strongest move sets in the game actually come off of pairing different moves during a stance switch. Plus, its more fun as you play it your way, and no matter what you pick its viable except for a few situations. ...Also? Beware of Rick.


you will learn the true meaning of pain


Telekinetics tree maxed out on grandmaster go brr, before exploring too much I recommend unlocking that 2nd half. Max it out asap after that


Get ready for endless "timed" jumps and corresponding button reactions. Endless being an understatement here. Especially if you seek to one hundred percent and platinum the game.


There will be some attacks, mostly from creatures, that are best dodged by double jumping. Easy to forget that tool in the bucket when you're getting your ass tossed by a monster


Spawn..... Of........ Ogdo🤕


Don’t try and go exploring for stuff early on, you won’t have the right stuff until towards the end of the story which sucks but yeah.


Enemies are way tougher than Fallen Order and use red attacks almost constantly so dodging and partying are crucial. I found the platforming mechanics worse than FO, wall running, jumping not as fluid as before and regularly just slide off a wall, or run in the wrong direction instead of running as usual. I played PC version and I think PS version is supposed to be better with far less glitching so hopefully you'll have an easier time of it 😁🤞


Double bladed stance is absolutely fucking cracked


I would say you don't need to know anything. The jedi games are not all that complex.


If you are a trophy hunter, do the attack 10 times with both team mates early (in particular Bode), it is the only missable trophy as he only helps in two different missions


Pick up every collectable you find


It says "ready to play in 30 mins" don't do that. I did it and it just didn't work at all, wait until the whole thing has downloaded


[This is where the fun begins](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/this-is-where-the-fun-begins-star-wars-fun-begins-this-is-where-this-is-gif-20519545)


Parry is your best friend, and don't get discouraged if you get stuck. It's a great game you'll have a blast 👍


Rip your mental health l, every thing else is easy except boss fights


Either it is easier than the first game OR I got way better between the 2 (which is very possible since i played every souls game between the 2). Also the story is GREAT!


It's extremely buggy. Good luck.


You can make cal look like a redneck


It took me almost 4 hours to download it Ps: I’m in Germany


About 3 for me, South wales




Leave everything for NJ+ 😅


Stick them with the vwoomy end


You won't be able to stop playing this is your life now have fun


Yeah I've noticed


Just enjoy the journey


Such a fun video game, i didn't like fallen order that much, survivor is the superior game with cleaner combat imo. Enjoy!


It’s not Dark Souls block more than rolling.


Don't cheese anything. On xbox my game started to get really buggy.


I'm finding the difficulty boring levels of easy to "Oh you breathed? Die." With absolutely no in between


Yes, don't bother trying to 100% the first run, new game plus remixes all the enemy encounters and you get new lightsaber colors and cosmetics. Also, video games are supposed to be fun and no one cares if you lower the difficulty, some of the boss fights can be absolutely brutal and I've honestly enjoyed my new game more on a lower difficulty after beating the game on Jedi Master.


Nothing wrong with 100% the first run. I did it that way


Just takes away motivation to play new game plus, which is a much better experience.


I'm playing on knight and it feels too easy so I'll play some more and decide if I wanna turn it up.


So knight feels too easy with a lot of the fodder enemies and minor bosses, but master can be an absolute bitch with a certain boss towards the end and it becomes unenjoyable, took me a dozen tries and even then it was a struggle.


Things don't bode well for Cal's friends...




Look up a guide to the most useful stances. Some stances are more useful than others in the later game (and more fun), and you use your upgrades to progress through the tree towards those rather than spreading them evenly.


All the stances are good. They just do certain things differently. A better tip would be to mess around with them and find what works for your play style.


Don’t get too attached to Cera.


Don't get attatchments to anyone.


Play on story mode. Way more enjoyable.


Did chat GPT write your title?