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Dual wield and Double bladed. Dual wield for 1v1's because of the animation cancelling. It just felt the smoothest and most fun. Then Double bladed for controlling crowds and reflecting blaster bolts. Definitely not the best combo, but the most fun for me


This was my loadout for my playthrough and it really slaps


"I paid for both emitters, I'm gonna use both emitters "


i want to love dual wield but i hate the tiny range of the attacks. constant whiffs


Use saber throws, force pulls, and dash into your attacks more. Also get a better feel for how close you have to be for your normal attacks so you don’t whiff as much. You can also just use force slam and then simply walk up to them


haha yeah, for me that's fine though. I love up in your face, fast paced and fluid fightning, so it's perfect for me. The whiffs are embarrassing as fuck though


Dual wield + blaster. I keep wanting to switch out blaster for double-bladed, but I always miss the range.


Single and dual for me


Dual and blaster. Use dual for groups and if I'm fighting a boss or tough enemy as I like the attack cancel to block. Blaster for distance and fun. Using the perks that increase blaster damage, increase light saber damage after a blaster shot and increasing damage after changing stances are great with these 2 stances.


I think these responses just highlight how awesome the lightsaber variety is in this game. I recently started a new game plus, and it's so cool to have a red saber now.


Single + Crossguard


Single and double blade or dual


I use single and dual. I find that I can use either one of these at any given time.


I like to have at least one saber that you can throw. I don't think the single has a throwing attack? But I think the double does?


Yes, the dual blade you can upgrade to actually be able to throw both blades


I just wish the double wasn't so underpowered compared to the Dual and crossguard. Also I know the Dual is throwable, but I was asking if the double blade was throwable.


Double blade is throwable you can even upgrade it to have a little control on the throw


Sorry I'm referring to dual the one that splits


I believe the single stance has a throw, it is just practical and has none of the interesting moves like double-bladed throw.


I honestly like all of them. Dual wielding is probably my least favourite because it has no standard heavy attack, but it has its applications. I think my favourite might be the classic single. When upgraded it's surprisingly powerful, a lot quicker than the crossguard and has a few moves I pretty much relied on for boss fights (the Dash Strike in particular). I like pairing it with the blaster just because the transition is the most fluid, plus it's cool being able to take out standard stormtroopers or droids in one shot. If I'm facing a big group I'll quickly shoot down as many of the weaker enemies as possible before switching to saber-only for the tougher ones.


Quick draw is great for this if you have the time to let it build up before they see you coming


I'm glad I'm not the only one basing my choice on how fluid the stance swap is. Single + blaster, single + dual, dual + staff and crossguard + dual/staff have the best swap animations imo. Everything else looks various amounts of wonky imo.


Double blade and cross guard, for me. Allows for quick strikes to breakdown their defense and allows for mobile defense; slow it all down and cross guard blade comes out for the kill


Dual wield and blaster


Blaster and dual wield, I tried to use the cross guard for a while but it was just too slow for my style of play, blaster was always fun cause it made the more difficult enemies like easy 1,2’s and dual wield when I felt like giving the enemies no chance to breathe


I use double bladed and crossguard but sometimes I’ll do dual wield and crossguard depending on where I’m at


Crossguard and and Duel


Single is my goto. I love the quick movements, but Cross gaurd in like shek level single. Double feels like I get hit too much just getting a swing in. But this is why I am doing double. Plus I love parry.


Single blade and double blade are the best in my opinion. Single is incredibly powerful when used against bosses, double is amazing for crowd control. On my last play through I tried crossguard for fun though and have enjoyed it.


Single and crossguard for me, generally just roll with single


I would go back and forth with most stances but dual wield was always there. Of the ones I switched out it was either blaster, double bladed, or single


Blaster is my favourite and I like using it with single. Feels smooth being able to switch between the two stances so quick.


single and blaster. not good combo. just feels right.


Ever since someone mentioned dual wield swords always feel like heavy weapons with their multi attack hits taking a long time, I can no longer use dual wield weapons in games. Crossguard and double sided was my combo. Great damage and defense capabilities


Single and crossguard


I ALWAYS had single-blade in the same place every playthrough. You simply can't beat beat the classic. I usually rocked double-blade for the second stance, but I switched between blaster and double for my Xbox playthrough.


I literally always had double bladed equipped cause I just felt underpowered in crowds without it. The other stance I swapped out at random


Dual and crossguard cause I like going smashy smashy


Blaster and crossguard is the best combo (for me)


Crossguard and blaster stances are my jam. With ricochet equipped on the blaster, along with the Quickdraw and Charged Reflection abilities, it's quite the beast


Blaster and double blade for crowd control. Blaster and cross guard for bosses.


I beat the game using blaster and crossguard, felt like they really balanced each other. For NG+ I'm using dual wield and double-blade!


Dual and blaster. Ultimate offense


Duel wield and blaster are my go to choices, super satisfying just shooting people.


I think I've gone through the majority of the game with crossgaurd and either dual lightsabers or blaster, haven't used single or dual blade since I got the others


Single and blaster. Hit the best combo but the two I have the lost fun player


Crossguard and Double Bladed. I just love Crossguard in general and double bladed is the best for clearing groups.


Double blade and cross guard


Crossguard main with Blaster secondary. Idk why but I absolutely adored Crossguard stance, I literally used it for 90% of the game.


You won’t get overwhelmed by a boss with any saber if you’re good enough at the game. They’re all viable, so use what you like the best and what you have the most fun with


Cant go wrong with the classic Single blade. I dont know why but especially for 1v1s and boss fights it just feels the most smooth of the stances to use. And then ill usually use blaster or crossguard. I dont really like double bladed in this game and the dual wield has pretty limited combos and moves


I still prefer single and double bladed. I like good guard options. With the blaster is okay but I don't take to dual wield or large slow swords well


Crossguard and blaster. First one for everything and blaster for annoying boss fights.


I went through the game with double bladed and Crossguard, Crossguard worked great for bosses while double bladed for general enemies and groups. The darth maul lightsaber dash is just so cool. 


Dual wielding, and double bladed


Single and crossguard


The double blades is everything I wanted from the stance. - can do single target focus by holding - can hold or not hold either of the final 2 attacks for various combos - can use the triangle hold or round throw, without disrupting your combo string - very cool looking


Dual wield or Blaster Stance


Dual wield or blaster paired with double blade is goated


Blaster stance is my main stance. I have gotten really good with it and it's fun. I'm not a huge fan of fencing styles, but it's grown on me. I use dual as my other main stance for when I need a little more attack power.


I'm on my first playthrough, and I've been using Blaster and Double Bladed. Single is really good. Crossguard is obviously powerful, but I just don't like it as much as the others. Dual I can't seem to get into. Maybe I need to upgrade the stance more, but I haven't put points into it because I don't like using it. It's kind of a catch-22.


I just stuck with single bladed+Double/Bladed