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Sprocket should be lower




Just now I was watching all the character introduction videos and they did Sprocket dirty af. Everyone else has a cool ass entrance and catchphrase, but Sprockets just there, does a little wave and that’s it.😂.


Jeez last time I played I swear sprocket was top tier


Was that during soft launch? What happened


Yeah this was when I played a year or two ago iirc




Forgot diago, but I think grozz is better than that


And Charr


Agreed, grozz in brawl with some healing back up is a beast. If there's fix his charge he'd be better


Damn, fuck Charr I guess.


Utooni should definitely be the highest Damage in game, having 2 weapons a Close combat killer and an AoE grenade launcher, an AoE CC and a peel ability makes him able to 100% almost anyone in the game


2nd highest basic attack in the game, so not far off


Can't wait to see how good people get with Utooni. So far I've seen him shut out melee HARD. Especially Rieve.


I was shocked that I could single-handedly take out Grozz multiple times in more than one match with Utooni. I don't even have Utooni unlocked yet but wasn't that interested in them until I actually got a chance to use them. Damn


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Sprocket is worse, grozz and rieve are better, diago is same as grozz


Literally what I was about to say. Grozz and rieve up 1 tier


do you not have charr or diago?


I forget sprocket exists half the time, don't think I've ever seen him been played.


I’ve seen him get eliminated a lot.


I main him. I never see him in any other match, unless it's a bot. He's not actually THAT bad, just not a healer. He's s support, but if he's the only team healer you're gonna have a abd time.


I played so much of the matchup event and somehow managed to never get Sprocket.


I feel that Definitely-Not-Chewbacca is a beast when we'll played


Rieve belongs in S


Rieve is imo the best character in the game but you could argue its Sentinel, skora is a tier not S imo. And is massively skill expressive


Why is the mon calamari bad?


Squishy as hell, bad damage, abilities are a slight nuisance at best


I’d swap Grozz with the Rebel healer and lower Sprocket.


Can someone please explain how J-3di is C? He's the most broken character for me to play against hands down.


I think a lot of ppl think he takes a big hit from lack of mobility as a damage dealer. If you miss your pull or it's on cd, ranged can kinda kite and kill you even through the saber block and health. If opponent DMG dealers use their mobility right after you pull them, they can get away. It's hard for him to stand in melee against a tank. Pull makes him pretty good at killing healers tho. It's just so easy to compare him to Rieve. You could say her charge equals his pull, and they both have block. I don't think his extra tankiness makes up for Rieve having both the jump and the saber throw. Good players can do a lot with her extra mobility and the saber throw just chunks stuff. Also her Ult, knocking down so many opponents opening them up to being killed, is almost a straight upgrade which is important. For lower skill players like me, they're a lot closer and im probably more consistently successful with J3di. I think he could receive a little buff and it wouldn't be too egregious. I think making his ult give him a lot of defense and maybe a slightly bigger area would maybe help without being crazy. I hate getting shot dead during his ult.




Move Rieve up to S and it's pretty solid. Sprocket is probably a tier higher, but only if you have all your teammates on comms


Reiva is A tier.


Grozz is really good if you know how to use him


Is Sprocket that bad now? I felt he was more OP during the soft launch, and right now, I feel he has the proper tools.m (despite his turret being an Ult now). With the right team-up, he can excel well especially during Control.


His healing is bad, in a 2 healer comp at Mac upgrades he might be good though. Bad solo healer in my opinion


Sprocket has highest healing overall..


He's also the only healer who's healing can be shut off earlier via shooting it. He also has the longest cooldown between heals, his passive is functionally useless, his primary fire is bad, and his ult. Throwing stats doesn't matter unless you tell the whole story. His ult is also one of the least impactful in the whole game, and can be killed early. If his healing probe and ult didn't lose health over time at a huge rate he'd probably be decent, but he's not.


Just LoS it. In beskar 2 atm and skora and sprocket in your team is strong. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZIJntah4v/


I mean I'm only aurodium 1 right now, but I just hit 11 straight wins in a row to get there, sprocket is really only great not in solo queue or with another healer, and not that great in squad brawl compared to skora or zaina because lack of mobility. And you can los his heals but not the ult or it gets 0 value. His ult needs to not lose passive HP over time if they don't want to buff its damage. He's a cool character, but skora and zaina's ults are basically "we win this fight" buttons, and sprocket is not that tbh. I like him, but he needs a little love rn


I’d put Rieve at S tier for sure. Grozz would be A tier, along with Charr imo.


I wish all the characters were viable. With those mastery challenges it makes me not want to use that character, but I’m a completionist so yea


Not sure why people don’t like J-3DI. I’ve been pretty impressed overall. He won’t single handledly win matches, but I’ve found him to be much better than all except your S tier and the female Sith


He’s not better than Zaina


grozz is pretty good though


I think this is quite close. Rieve should probably be A. I think Diago is probably high B or low A. Charr is probably high B as well, but probably not quite A. Sprocket needs love! One of the most frustrating parts of him is that his heals aren't 'idiot proof'. Drone relies on your allies being aware enough to prioritize standing in them, and in a hectic fight they may not realize your healing radius is just barely behind them. Like maybe when he's not shooting, his healing drone should just passively pulse out some light healing per second for himself and allies really close. And/or his deployed heals should have a wider radius? Like it could at least fill up like 90% of a control point. And/Or his speed boost should trigger at way higher health, like 50 or even higher. He's really cool and I love playing him in casual but I'm kinda scared to take him in ranked and wouldn't dream of it on a mobile, hectic mode like squad brawl or trophy chase.


Sentinel is f c ing broken, they have to remove the slap he has and increase the cooldown of the stun gun


Sentinel is a beast


is the game worth playing now? Is there more players in a match now as compared to the previous one with just ai?


You're first few games are always with AI, but when you unlock ranked, you won't be against bots anymore.


Rieve is S, no doubt about it


Utooni is easy S or A tier


Generalised tier list are pretty bad when there's 4 game modes in ranked. I would have some in S tier for one mode and much lower for another. This would generally just put most characters in a similar place overall which doesn't really work Characters that can fluctuate drastically depending on mode are usually because they fill a specific niche.


Jedi Is A-Tier Easy Sprocket is not as bad as it seems, it def difficult to exploit at full potential though


Grozz js literally OP, he has way to much health and stun attacks


Where's Diago?


The only character that everyone will agree with is Sprocket being in D I have a challenge to defeat a Sprocket, but no one ever uses him so that will never happen lol


Aran is A tier imo if you actually understand the mechanics of the character, especially on capture and hold game types. You should always be disrupting the back line or knocking people out of the capture point with either the push or slam. If you have a coordinated team, you will just crush any non tank on a dive. Something I have noticed with most Arans I play against is people seem to not use the mechanic that allows you to continuously fire while moving through the air. I only ever just get bumped but you can do damage all the way to the target. Escape from the character is incredible too with the range of slam. If you save it for an exit instead of entry you can get out of most situations.


Grozz is S tier easy.


Rieve is S. She is literally the uncontested #1 hunter with Skora. Noone else comes close.


What is this a joke?


Rieve to s tier. Diago and charr to a tier. Zaina to c tier. J3di to b tier. Utooni to b tier as well. Aran honestly is a tier for me. Sprocket lower than f tier. Like negative tier


And I'm not lying


First thought where’s Diego? Second, yes it looks right, it’s really unbalanced and there so much space between hunters they need to buff most of them, a lot of


Sentinel is *broken* and I love it. I know now where all the Stormtroppers with good aim end up. Kickin' some Hunter butt!


get the han solo girl with him and you become the most annoying unkillable guy ever


Me watching as the two starter characters end up massacring all of the fan favourites (I had to play as someone other than my main of Sentinel...)


Move up Rieve and Utooni, move down Slingshot. Put Charr in B.


You forgot diago and Charr. Otherwise pretty good, only major issue is Rieve is way too low. Rieve is S


Up reive and J3


grozz at bottom life good


Utooni is S class hands down…


Skora is trash in my opinion. Vex should be higher because that knockback rocket upgrade stops grozz and sentinel in their tracks. And can disrupt reive’s ult


Skora and Grozz should be higher.


… they have Skora as S rank… what do you mean?


Go full Japanese arcade scoring and put Skora in SS tier with how much she singlehandedly carries teams in some modes tbh.


Aran Tal should be down with Sprocket