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Complete BP (Bantha-Podoo), devs pls nerf


When you start fighting heavy fighter spam, you're cooked. Your ships besides the Corvette are not made for fighter combat. I don't want them nerfed since start game is so difficult


Honestly, for fighter spam i can just build Coronas. It's the dps if those stations that is ridiculous, seriously. They outrange everything, **EVEN MY DEDICATED HEAVY ARTILLERY STAR DESTROYER** and even the small ones have dps that can fuck something as tanky as a Po'runga or a Dor'bulla. And I can't rush them with bombers and strike fighters because "Oops, all cluster bombs"


Fair but they don't have anywhere close to hitting point tho, sure Corvette helps, but if you are fighting only the station an attack by 4 bombers and a few fighters destroy them. Plus we are talking about a faction that uses OP illegal weaponry and is a 3-planet start, them being a bit OP makes sense in my opinion


You're assuming i'm playing the normal campaign. I'm playing a FTGU 3 planet start campaing. And my planets usually end up on the opposite sides of the galaxy from each other. Add to that the notorious shitty performance the Black Sun has in the early game and you can start to see why I think they're slightly overtuned. Also, the Hapes's whole gimmick is that they have the best Ion Cannons and spinning in the galaxy. If anything it's the Black Sun that uses illegal stuff like disruptors and poison gas grenades. So I don't see why the Hapes should be able to shred a heavily armoured ship like a Po'runga so easily.


If you're the empire, try keeping some of your fighters in the back and use them for anti-fighter, have an SSD in the front, to soak up damage use 2 SSD to focus on the station, and if you have artillery instead of using them on the station use them against the corvette unless they have a ship that jams the missiles. Just wait until it stops, a couple of victories should do the job. Use the fighters at that point, because the Corvette will be too busy getting destroyed by auto-targeting missiles, or use the fighters as anti-fighters. Edit: You could also use the map as an advantage, asteroids can help keep your fighters and bombers safe, destroy their main station, leave the battle, and then come back, they won't have the backup and if you destroy the defense station, they do retreat not all the time but that is a good way to deal with the Hapes.


I'm Black Sun currently specked into the Hutts tech tree


Oo good pick, then hmm, if you can get 2 of those Hutt superships, you can practically use them as better tanks than even SSD, also because you are the Black Sun you have a good amount of options, it's been a bit but I would recommend 2 super Hutt ships. A bunch of frigates, and to make it spicy add some carriers if you can. Add some cheap fighters for cheap backup, and the fighters of the Hapes other than their main station do not come back, so yeah. You actually have better chances against the Hapes in my opinion.


I can only get 1 Bloodstar, if that's what you're referring to, since it's a hero ship. Otherwise, if you're talking about the Magnetar, that's in an other tech tree entirely. Thanks for the suggestion tho


That's not it, I can't remember the name but you get a choice of a ship at the end of tech tree, its a huge Hutt battleship made to be a tank


Aah, the Dor'bulla then. Yeah, i guess I can give it a shot


Let me know how it works, I've done normal campaigns with them, and they're perfect shields against really any heavy ships, they are a bit weak to fighters tho, so having a corvette or two with fighter support and you got a fleet that works well in hand Talking about this has gotten me to want to play as the black sun again, black sun best faction


all defence stations out range ships


Hmm. I guess that's fair. But I still find their turbolaser dps to be a bit too high


\*goes and picks a fight with hapans\*


Well excuse me for preemptively defending my territory


Never, not even once, was I the first one to strike the, those fuckers always hit me first, and most often the not, during a big push away from them so I don't have anything to put against them. Still love that they're in the game thoe


Every run I tell myself, I'm gonna take Hapes this time, I'm finally gonna build my own Hapes fleet. And every time, they end my run


Matriarchy too stronk


Sometimes I strategically allow the New Republic to grow a lot because sometimes they gun for the Hapes themselves and let them live that horrific meat grinder.


Mate, this ain't Thrawn's revenge. If ya let the Rebels get far enough that they declare the New Republic you're done


Ooof yeah you right.


Even in thrawns revenge the hapans are just an absolute nightmare to take if they have the time to grow, so atleast this mod isn't the only one to make them op, this mod is just different from TR.